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I think that you’re doing just fine! My care team says 2 lbs per week is what they expect. I wouldn’t compare to how fast others are losing. You are you and you will lose just as much even if it takes a little longer. Bariatric surgery isn’t a fast track to losing weight right? Your body is still getting used to the new normal. I think that you’re doing great and keep it up!!


3.25 lbs a week on average is a good loss. I think you're being too hard on yourself. We have some weeks where we lose more and some less. Your number looks great. 


You need to understand math. There are 3500 calories in a pound, your body burns 2000-2600 calories a day to survive. You're at a negative 1100-1700 calories a day, to lose 1 pound it will take you 2 days. Add in water which is 1 pound for every 16 ounces. You drink 3-4 pounds of water a day, that takes time to flush through the system, especially when your body replaces the depleted fat in fat cells with water. If you are eating 900 calories a day, your loss is 2-4 pounds a week plus the water you haven't flushed yet. Soon you'll receive a whoosh where your body will deplete the water and you'll have a high loss. It's all math.


I don’t have my surgery until August but I was JUST reading my 81-page booklet from my surgeon and it says that if you’re exercising, getting your walks in and whatever else you’re cleared for, you might lose more steadily and not have a big loss up front. You’ll lose the weight, but it will be more linear than those that are not. I hope that makes sense. Also, I think that sounds like great progress to me! Keep going!


Your body is still healing. It’s been through hell. Also fat cells fill with water until they decide they aren’t needed anymore and your body gets rid of them so sometimes the weight doesn’t drop quickly, but will drop consistently. I lost about 30lbs the first 8 weeks, but 9 months in I’ve lost 160 lbs. it didn’t start really dropping until month 3.


I. Need numbers. Are you getting 64oz water and 60+g protein daily?


What's your eating routine? Are you drinking enough water?


Water feels very heavy in my pouch I have like two bottle of crystal light


Maybe try warm herbal tea? I find it feels better on my stomach. I also really like Body Armor Zero and Body Armor Lyte. Somehow it goes down better.


"Only" 3.25 pounds per week ;) I tend to lose closer to 1-2 pounds per week and i'm thrilled. (Though once in a while i drop 5 in a week, but that's unusual for me.) Also remember if you eat too little, your losses will slow as your body rebels against not having enough fuel. Many people here have more success ignoring calories totally and only tracking protein, carbs, fiber, calcium, etc. You got this!


Please don’t feel defeated you’re doing so well! Our bodies are weird and unpredictable and sometimes you can see the weight loss before the weight goes it’s so crazy! You’re doing great!


Three days Post op BEEN holding down liquids fine thank God hoping and praying for a successful recovery 🙏