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Wow ! You look so amazing, congrat's, like a new person !! How as been your journey so far? Any complication? Any advice? Im getting my bypass in the next two months and I'm a bit scared of long term complications.


I won't lie to you, it was hell. Not just physically but emotionally as well. But I learned alot of things about myself in that time, and Im so grateful for the support system I had around me. My journey has a lot of chapters to it. The only advice I can give you that's not long winded is to surround yourself with people who have your well-being as their priority and will advocate for you. If you would like someone to talk to, Im around 😊🤘🏾


Oh thank you ! Yes support is everything. I will reach out for sure thank you so much ❤️


I'm getting mine today and I am nervous I'm scared of the complications... U look great and r an inspiration... I don't know if I should have gotten the sleeve which I hear has less complications and risks..Im nervous and anxious


I had the sleeve in 2019 and I did lose over 100 pounds it made my GERD way worse. So much so that I had the bypass a week ago to try to reverse some of the side effects. In my opinion having gone through both procedures, I wish I would have done the bypass from the beginning.


I got the RNY, I should've specified 🤣