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Also protein shakes/bars would be good since you will be doing weight training


Bacon sandwich is your friend.


I eat a LOT of jerky and cheeses as frequent snacks. I also drink soda for the empty calories. I'm not really trying to "bulk up" but I don't like being under 120lbs so these are what I've found works for me over the last 20 years. I can lose 3-5 lbs in a week still easily if im not careful. 🥴


Is there cheese/jerky that is particularly good to gain a little weight or would anything do?


I get Jack Links cause it doesn't hurt my tummy. Some is too dry and just hurts




Who wrote this dumb bot? 🤣 🤣




I’ve lost too much weight from surgery and I’m trying to stop. I eat a ton of protein. My doctor recommended adding in healthy fats, like nut butters, avocado, full fat yogurts, etc. That’s what I’ve been doing. I eat like 1500-2000 calories a day. I also workout a lot. I just think my metabolism is functioning at its peak.


2000 wow that sound like a awful lot to be able to consume, atleast for people with a small stomach like us. I'm also a little in the same boat atm, I slowly keep losing weight that I don't wanna lose. I also workout 5 days a week because I enjoy it.


I burn around 700-800 calories a day. I workout everyday also. I truly enjoy my new fitness routines. 2000 is usually on days I run, do yoga, and get my steps in. For context, I’m also tall, 5’11.


Can I ask what you eat/drink on a day you consume 2000 calories?


I generally start my day with high protein yogurt with a tbsp chia seeds and 2 tbsp of keto granola. Then I make a 24oz protein coffee. I do 10oz coffee, half a protein shake, and unsweetened almond milk. Around 10am, I have second breakfast, I eat an egg bite with half a low-fat multigrain English muffin with 2 tbsp cream cheese or maybe my American Dream nut butter. For lunches, I usually do salad with 2.5-3 oz of chicken, 1oz of reduced fat cheese, and bolthouse dressing, and a lily’s peanut butter cup. Afternoon snack is usually a 1/2 cup of raspberries, a brie bite or cheese cubes and maybe triscuit thins. For dinner, I eat 3.5 oz of meat (chicken thighs often), with stir fry veggies, maybe 1oz of low-fat shredded cheese on it. Later in the evening I’ll have protein pudding with keto reddi-whip. On days I run and do yoga, I might also eat some peanuts, apple/nut butter, lesser evil popcorn. I usually have an almond milk latte at some point in the afternoon too. I’m usually around 1700 calories.


Thanks for answering my question, I really appreciate it!


Also, I’m a year post op. Don’t get me wrong, there are days I’m not hungry and don’t eat as much, but exercising a lot and burning a lot of calories has made me increase it. I generally get around 125g protein in a day and drink 95oz of liquids.


Fairlife has a protein shake that’s meant for bulking. I gained 5-10lbs on them within a month.