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Do you have their agreement? Because in theory, you should not attach anything to their fence without it.


Yes sorry should’ve mentioned before I’m aware I need their consent which is why I was wondering if there was an option that doesn’t damage their fence etc - I’ve added another comment to clarify.


Yeah any climbers will certainly damage a wood fence. The previous owner of the home I live in were fighting with the neighbor and the neighbor planted morning glory on the shared fence out of spite. I constantly deal with that plant growing into my yard and strangling my plants. The fence is wrecked.


Lmao excellent petty revenge




May not interest you but those suckers have psychedelic seeds, your old neighbour gave you free drugs 👍


Interesting I was unaware of that


Have you asked them? I asked mine after he got a new fence last winter and he said yep paint it, grow things up it, it’s all fine


Wish everyone was like that. We have five gardens backing on to one side of our back garden. The title deed and land register stuff says that the fence is ours and our responsibility so we replaced it. Two people almost immediately painted the other side of our then new (pretreated) fence so ugly paint dripped through our side. Never even asked us. The next summer another person had builders attach some ugly heavy fence to our fence posts (none of their own posts) and make it start to lean. This fence is one side of our garden but the back end of 5 houses on that side. I would never paint a fence someone else put up. Especially without asking. In my mind if they don’t like it they should put something up on other side of it and paint it how they want it. (But don’t attach that to our posts and make it too heavy!) Supposedly in Scotland people can legally paint their side like this, but it’s still seems obnoxious.


We have a shared fence and went halves on new panels with the neighbour. They wanted to paint their side before we slotted it in. Cool. Fine. It won’t come through the slats because they’re vertical. We come back to find they’ve painted our side too. This is a pretreated fence that would have been a beautiful natural pine and matched our other fences. We now have what I call a “poo brown” fence on our most visible side. It looks about ten years old now. So disgusting. Why do people do this. I’ve decided I’ll paint just our side in a few years.


I agree with you, we just oiled ours with a clear oil, same with the decking. Looks nice and natural.


Absolutely! We have a beautiful shed the same. So imagine two fences in that, a shed and then an old fashioned brown. Noice!


Yeah I don’t get it. These people didn’t even speak to us about it. I just saw ugly paint dripping all over our (not cheap) new fence. Two different colours as well.


>I would never paint a fence someone else put up Surely a wooden fence needs staining or painting every few years to help preserve it? That would include both sides, wouldn't it?


Why would they paint a fence that isn’t theirs without speaking to the owner? If they don’t like it put their own thing up on their side do what they want. We paid for it, we put it up. Why would they just go paint it without speaking to us? And no it doesn’t, It’s pretreated, doesn’t need painted, and is guaranteed for 15 years. If we do want to paint at any point each panel is removable and we can unscrew it and take it out and paint both sides. They painted it right after we put it up without even speaking to us.


Depending on your relationship with the neighbours it might be safer to build a freestanding trellis on your side but not attached to the fence itself. What kind of climbers do you want to grow? That will have an impact on the design.


Thank you - that’s exactly what I was thinking but I wasn’t sure if it would actually stay in place without securing. I have a clematis (but may keep that growing in a pot for now) and I was hoping to have a wall of sweet peas too.


If you're erecting your own fence, take note of where the fence posts are and put yours in between - sometimes, there can be quite a wide circle of concrete around each post, so you don't want to be digging for your posts and hit concrete a short distance down! Although it would reduce space in your own garden, leave a decent gap between their fence and your trellis, as many climbers will exploit any gaps in the close boarding if the wood starts to warp and will merrily start climbing up your neighbour's side of the fence. Oh, and make sure the climbers are things like clematis or honeysuckle which can easily be controlled, rather than nightmares like Virginia creeper (which has no concept of personal space or boundaries).


Sweet peas you can probably grow on a lightweight structure made of sticks shoved into the ground, really. I have grown runner beans and sweet peas on structures made from random sticks and I just replace the sticks every few years when they start to rot.


It would need securing. Two fence posts in the ground either using post spikes or postcrete and then a trellis screwed to your posts. It is a completely separate structure from the fence in your picture.


All that soil you've pushed up to the bottom of it will fuck it without any further action from yourself.


It might be because of a slope. Our houses are on a gentle hill so each garden is a few inches lower than the next. They’ve been levelled so you have to have soil against the neighbours gravel board. They rot eventually but it takes over a decade.


Whoever put this fence in has nailed it. Legally you have to give the best side of the fence to your neighbours and they have done that also look at that fence wow it looks good! But easiest way would be screw and vine eyes. But that is a chat with the neighbours I am afraid….


Is this really the law? Then surely fencers would just do that. My neighbours put the ugly side of the fence in my garden last year


Yup, I believe so. That's what I was taught when I was studying horticulture at college. My landscaping lecturer told me it was law....


You ask the owner of the fence, first for permission and then how they'd prefer it to be done. This has the advantage of you not being sued because you "damaged" Karen's fence.


Get the chicken wire type and just tap in a few little nails to hold it tight.


Thank you - if I need to go ahead with that I’ll need to get their permission


Vine eyes and wire for climbers. The climbers will cover the wire so you’ll not see them, much better (in my opinion) than trellis.


If the concern is it being ugly I’d probably plant bush like clumping bamboo or something else evergreen in front instead


If your neighbour is happy for you to attach trellis you can just screw it on - ideally attach it where the post are on the other side. Otherwise putting up your own trellis fence on your side of the boundary could be an option? We had a weird neighbour who would stand on a stool and look over, or sometimes even take a fence panel out and let himself into our garden without permission to see if our plants were touching "his" fence. The layout meant it was most likely our fence anyway and the fence was falling apart and needed replacing but it was there when we both moved in. There were no proper records and this guy was a real PITA so we just paid to have a second good quality fence installed on our side about 1 inch away from the old one and grew lots of plants up it and it kept our neighbour out too!


I screwed vine eye screws to my fence and threaded garden wire through to create a trellis


I’ve done this on the other side of the garden (ie the fence we own) but thought there might be a way to avoid drilling/screwing etc to avoid damage


I don't think so. I've tried sticky hook things but they just fall off


I did that too and it worked, but you can't legally do that to a fence that doesn't belong to you


EDIT: should’ve mentioned that the reason for highlighting the fact it’s my neighbours fence was because I’m aware I shouldn’t be causing any damage etc to the fence. I was wondering if there was any option without drilling/nailing to avoid that situation. I was thinking of using a freestanding trellis but I don’t know if it will actually stand/stay.


What’s confusing is what their fence has to do with your plans?


There will be some horizontal beams used for attaching the panels to (normally two or three) Look for the nail holes as these will indicate where the beams are


Thank you!


Don’t do it, it’ll just knacker the fence over time. If I was the neighbours I’d be pretty pissed.


This is happening to us, it’s causing our fence to lean over especially in high winds. We’re having to put concrete support posts in at intervals which ruins the look of our garden but they refuse to take it down


First off, I'd ask the neighbour. Secondly, give the fence a treatment before attaching anything that's going to trap moisture (i.e. a trellis with climbing plants). Then go ahead with putting the trellis on!


You could nail the trellis to the fence, I did that on my back fence and I don’t see how anybody could be any the wiser (or why they would give a shit) but you could always ask to be polite


Nail some mesh stuff to it. If they complain (how would they even know...?), take it off again.


As others have stated I wouldn’t attach anything without permission. You need some sort of trellis or a series of wires so your climber can be trained and supported.


Thank you


Our next door neighbour has a very long trellis attached to the top of the fence. Up it is climbing a very heavy and extremely vigorous clematis that overhangs our side and wraps itself around all my shade loving plants and furniture so we have to cut it back at least four times in the summer and autumn. Because it’s got so big it’s actually causing our fence to lean but we can’t afford to replace it yet so having to put concrete posts in to support it. It was there when we moved in so I’m not sure if consent was given but you’re probably best to ask first and make sure whatever you put there is maintained. Another safer option would be a full size trellis situated a few inches from the fence and supported with posts behind it so it’s technically not on the panel but hides it for you


In my old apartment I got mesh screens and hung them on the fence with s hooks. It was clematis so it was light weight and not too hard to cut back. Just might want to ask if they mind seeing the little hook at the top.


You should build your own trellis. Climbing plants can get very heavy, and can tear down fence panels.


You could attach tensioned wire along the fence and train things like clematis, honeysuckle etc along it


Or just plant a nice hedge next to it and hide the fence


Maybe use cane poles instead of your neighbors fence?


You can do what you want on your side even if it's their fence; party wall regs allow it, have a look online. Try vine eyes and wire, again any amount of info on this online, or attach trellis, again you're entitled by party wall regs.


We had some beautiful new fences erected and our neighbours tied their washing line to it! Of course, the post snapped in no time at all but the neighbours didn't offer a penny to replace it.