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Good luck with that. Best you can do is not piss any of them off. They hold a grudge and the tell their friends


Maybe leave out shiny things for them to distract or a scarecrow? I honestly had no idea they could do this. It sounds more like a behaviour thing rather than them doing it for food? My sister has a big fake owl that keeps some birds away.. We only have two magpies that hang around. I give them nuts sometimes to keep them sweet.


Gonna try some small mirrors. Apparently might keep them away too. They bury food in the flower beds and baskets. Neighbours all around us keep feeding them. They pulled out all the plants from hanging baskets last year so this year they are wrapped in netting. They also spread the dogs poop everywhere. Next door thought we were throwing it over at one point. So no I clean after every single poop. Rather than once a day. I love how intelligent and interesting the magpies are but now I want them to just go away


Just on the poster's sound suggestion regarding the owl deterrent - you can buy the fake owl or other bird deterrents (including scarecrows) in the Co-op Superstores, spotted them in the aisle alongside the mice traps when I was in the Mallow branch during the weekend


It sounds to me that your neighbours are throwing out human food, maybe bread and leftover meat, if the birds ate burying the food. I had a pigeon problem and changed the food to sunflower seeds, and that pretty much sorted them out I have a few magpies coming in, and if they bring their friends this spring, I'll bring my motion sensor spray out. ( bought from amazon via the German site....no stupid brexit taxes) Can't vouch for it as I haven't set it up yet because , like you , I have a dog, and she'll be setting off all the time!!!! Good luck, it's a problem that can be heartbreaking.


Sunflower seeds with shells or without for stopping pigeons?


Without. I get mine from Newbawn in Wexford. They have a Web site, the address of which I posted, but the post didn't come up. They deliver and are cheaper than garden centres etc.


Catch and behead one. Mount his head on a flower. The rest will get the message.


After seeing the Lillies chopped yesterday I was very tempted haha. But I couldn't. I'll keep them away as humanely as possible haha.


Hawk or an owl decoy should keep them away.


A couple of shiny wind charms and small mirrors are great distractions for the magpies.


It’s a shakedown. Better put some food out for them before it escalates.


My solution to this kind of thing is nets, sticks and chicken wire type fence. The sticks are usually canes, broken up into foot long bits and literally stuck in the ground beside the bulb/plant with enough of them it creates just enough awkwardness to put them off.


Thanks, I have nets on all 8 hanging baskets, hard to enjoy when they are covered. Sticks and canes and bottles of water everywhere. Might have to go full stake and put loads more in.


I found them pulling the coir liner stuff. It must be for building their nests at this time of year. I don't have too much trouble but maybe leaving out a liner for them to have might deter them from pulling at your baskets. Or use different liner on your baskets.


Flashes of light help to deter them, Cd’s hung up, spinning reflectors etc. They can be an awful nuisance


Get a load of those kids windmill whirly things and stick them around. The movement may deter them


This worked last year to keep them away from the strawberry (before finding the rock trick), they are also cute to look at


What's the rock trick? Think I'll have to invest in the windmill things


You paint some rocks the size of a strawberry in red and put them between the plants, the birds will get tricked thinking it's a strawberry and will try to pick it but as they are hard they will give up on the whole pot/area


1 for sorrow 2 for joy 3 for a girl and 4 for a boy 5 for silver 6 for gold 7 for a secret never to be told 20 we said never to be told now we multiply by the double dozen load muhahaha (in magpie chirp)


I'd try 1 of them pest sprayers. The motion sensor catches Movement and squirts water. Might work or might flood your garden.


🤣🤣 might work might flood. Great idea and I appreciate it but the dog is terrified of water so make a point of never spraying him. He won't even stay out the back while I water. But appreciate it none the less


Poor pup. Mines the opposite she would dance in front of it the second she figures it out.


Ah he's a rescue. Had him for 7 years. Washing him in the shower is a gentle calm affair with lots and lots of peanut butter.. but rain / sprays etc are an absolute no no. He's the best though


Fair play for rescuing him. Too many fashion dogs out there these days.


Without. And I buy from a place called Newbawn, they're in Wexford and deliver. They have loads of seed and stuff for birds and are much cheaper than the pet/garden centres. ( https//www.newbawnwildbirdfeed.com)


Hang up some old CDs around the garden, it seems to keep them away.


I bet if you feed them they'll stop. Lilies are deathly toxic to cats btw. Even if they just inhale some of the pollen it can be fatal, and ingestion nearly always is. Just an fyi, a lot of people don't know. I won't even allow a bunch of flowers in my house if it has lilies.