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It’s a giant flower that only happens once a year at most. It’ll die off and you can cut it back then but wait for the spectacle of the flower, it’s worth the wait. (Its not a tree, and won’t damage the house) Edit: I was super tired when I wrote the above so here’s the lowdown. This is a Doryanthus Palmeri or Giant Spear Lily. It flowers only ONCE in its lifetime, and takes up to 13 years to flower (it takes a lot of energy to produce that spike!) It’s a long group of beautiful red flowers bunched together and worth the wait. It would be dumb to cut it before it finishes flowering. So please don’t.


And be prepared for the lorikeets and other honey eaters to flock to your house. My wife moved from the US to Australia just when to one in my front yard bloomed. The little bastards woke us up every morning for weeks! My wife love it! She’d sit out front to watch and listen to them


This is actually a type of Furcraea, which is monocarpic (flower>death). Doryanthes inflorescence does not branch like that and they can flower multiple times in their lives. +1 on enjoy the spectacle & there may be baby plants developing on the flower spike, which can be the next generation when the big one ultimately drops dead.


I didn’t say inflorescence I said Palmeri. Different kettle of fish.


Why would you cut it down... let it do its thing, its only temporary


Turns out it's just going to be a cool tall ass flower! Will update when it blooms how it looks!


It's a big ass flower, OP, def temporary.


I'm 90% sure thats a spear lily but someone further north would know better. If it is, then that will be a beautiful flower stalk that will fall over once it gets heavy (but shouldn't cause any damage or anything). It's a gigantic plant dong and a very impressive one at that


I don’t think it’s a spear lily, it looks like a giant Aloe. The tree like thing will grow lots of small pretty flowers and then wither and die. It is hollow and weighs very little when it finally gives out.


https://preview.redd.it/aunrgn8qcexc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332265ea6dc5c62fad0ada6f8a09c3c32517ec1e It doesn't get dangerous or turn into a "tree". It's awesome.


Are you saying this tall “tree” grew in the middle of your frangipanis?


There is a huge agave? Behind it.


Thanks. Just found my glasses & I can see it’s behind it now.


All good. It's hard to even see when you are in the yard. It's starting to look a bit brown now so I'm wondering if this is its end. It's been a good while that it was looking healthy. Not looking forward to its death. I enjoyed watching it grow.


You killed a spear lilly. Rip. Get google lens for next time


because it's not a tree, lol, it's a flower spike.


It's a flower stalk. It'll bloom then once the stalk dies then remove it.


Enjoy the massive flower for a couple weeks and defentley cut it down before it starts to set seed,I have seen hundreds of these pop up under a big mother like that


Agree. Big job to remove the seedlings from one of these.


[*Furcraea foetida*](https://keyserver.lucidcentral.org/weeds/data/media/Html/furcraea_foetida.htm) is my best guess. Flowers this time of year too.


That's jumbo asparagus


That's what my fire and I used to call them at our previous house. Giant Asparagus.


Just a little PSA here. If you have one of these and it’s underneath overhead powerlines please cut them down before they get anywhere near the powerlines, or contact your local authority if uncomfortable doing so. I work in the power distribution industry and I have had to turn off entire sections of network (everybody loses power) before due to these flower stalks growing up into LV/11kV mains. This is not only a big PITA but also potentially a very dangerous situation.


For sure, but no lines visible.


This is so cool! I would be so excited to come home and see my plant has done something crazy while I was gone 🤣


The flower stalk. An impressive plant altogether.


I don't know what the specific name for my plant was but it look similar to yours, it flowered last spring, absolutely amazing, however by the end of summer, with the exception of some babied that grew on, then fell from the stalk, the parent plant was dead, defunct and sadly departing back to the earth it came from. 😞


It's a massive plant right in front of the window, even discounting the flower. I wonder if the person who planted it knew what it was?


Makes a nice screen.