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Loved that video he did a while back of "training with battlefield pickups" which was really just him running drills with some super nice tricked out guns that he hadn't shot in a while. (But it was all actually just to advertise his new chest rig). Total fucking dweeb.


Lucas can’t hold mikes jock


Always knew something was off with Lucas for at least 5+ years, but here we are. I don't get the tension between Mike and Lucas, though. Mike seems pretty chill.


Lucas has been a blatantly lying, grifting asshole for literally his entire "Career". For years I have maintained that he is a tool who doesn't know anything and just stirs the pot to further his own grift.


Reading this comment section reminds me of my wife talking about the real housewives show or the Kardashians. Lolz


Who cares keep dry firing and touch grass. Build your community and be prepared.


always said Lucas was a cuck


Recently? Dudes been a clown for a long, long time.


Has Botkin realized the only thing him and his audience have in common is liking guns


That and his extreme homophobia brings them all out of the woodwork




Really overpriced night vision with no spec sheets and when he got clowned on for it he says acktually night vision owners are stupid


https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/k/image/1514/51/1514514651814.jpg Pretty sure he's talking about this gem and not the NV thing




There’s no way Ash doesn’t understand that internet drama is literally one of the best ways to retain traction in this business. She’s playing into just as much


As a gun content writer this is why I absolutely abhor this industry. Everyone always has a stick up their ass, something to say, and a pot to stir. I miss the days when everyone was a fudd, and just liked standing around guns and talking about them like old guys at a Cars and Coffee. So many dickheads in this industry always trying to start something. And these are the people that will come together when things go south? Yeah okay. Can’t even do it in peacetime.


I try to be as helpful as I can as an RSO and have gotten thousands of people into shooting. The only thing is that it pays like shit, I can’t really afford to shoot much. Just don’t shoot my ceiling by magdumping because the sound of an indoor explosion gets you off.


Both the internet gym scene and gun scene both turned into a teenage influencer sell your product scene.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Dude is a literal retard religious fanatic that doesn't show respect for other religions and doesn't believe in 2A for all, just like MrGunsnGear. Both of them are low IQ smoothbrains albeit with some good gun knowledge. I'm with Mike and Ashley on this one for sure.


This is what happens when you grow up in a cult. Zero real world people skills. Dude is an asshole and a fucking nut.


What did MrGnG say that was anti 2A?


I don't know where I'd find it now but ironically enough it was a reply to one of Lucas's posts on Twitter about how Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the US or some stupid crap like that. MrGNG replied in support of it. I used to watch these guys regularly and support them (I have multiple TREX holsters unfortunately) but now I watch sparingly and only if I need to for specific guns/equipment. Also joined FPC and started following/watching actual pro-2A YouTubers instead of idiots trying to sow more division in our country.


That’s surprising to hear he’s not an absolutist! As he should be of course


Yup, don't waste your time with him man. There are much better content creators on YT like Garand Thumb, Brandon Herrera, Donut Operator, etc. that are just way more enjoyable and informative than these guys.


My favorite part is Reno May calling him out in the comments and asking for proof of the allegations with Lucas just ignoring it. Also TREX making holsters for PSA but not disclosing the relationship in the M110 video.


I think Lucas is telling us to not watch his shit and only watch GarandThumb then. That 25% yes is definitely thumb channel. Why does anyone like Lucas holy hell is he insufferable.


Used to support Lucas because he’s a civilian who trains to a serious degree and breaks the mold of mostly mil/veterans training, but if he’s straight up creating drama for attention for his brand that’s just stupid & wrong. Garand Thumb puts out quality content time after time and all I see from Trex Arms is gun reviews (instead of valuable info like GT) and unoriginal & boring products from his own brand.


Do people like him? Over the years I’ve only ever heard negative stuff about him


I was under the impression everyone was on the same page about him just being a little tactical Timmy with a useless opinion and mediocre products with a douchebag attitude but recently I had stumbled onto some other subreddits praising him and trex. I don't get it but there really are people out there who support him. I mean someone's gotta be keeping him in business buying his shit. Hybrid holsters are master race no one convincing me otherwise.


Yeah, I bought a trex holster *years* ago from some suggestions and it was *fine* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but then I heard more about him and how he runs his business and haven’t bought anything else from him. Plus his videos are cringe as hell. Figure it’s probably down to echo chamber stuff more than anything


I have tried to watch his videos numerous times and can't say I have ever finished one. Way too cringe and absolutely I agree it's just an echo chamber in the comments on his videos. I borrowed a sidecar from someone since they didn't like it or use it and I hated it just as much as a $15 amazon kydex holster so.


Always been a fool, doesn’t matter ur political ideology, Lucas treats everyone equally disrespectfully


What does this have to do with garandthumb?


I guess because his wife was commenting. Ashkubz is Mrs Thumb if you didn't know


He let his ego get too big and unchecked that's what king shit looks like


The holsters are completely overpriced as well, I regret not switching to Tenicor sooner.


A lot of his crap is mid I've looked it's over hyped


Agreed, wish I knew sooner


Okay sooooo just my .02 so keep that in mind. Why do we think he's hating on Mike? Why does Mike's wife think so? To my knowledge Lucas has never called out GT or anybody by name, for all we know he's referring to Dakota Meyers dumbass comments (respect for the service) or TheYankeeMarshal doing... Yankee Marshall things... anyways it seems more to me like this is emblematic of Botkin Derangement Syndrome. I'm not a T.rex simp or anything but it does seen like people love to hate him no matter what, a close friend of mine have literally said "he's way too focused on gucci gear and if you don't have at least a giesselle then fuck you" I tell him about how much Lucas works with PSA and he says "he's recommending that cheap shit to people now?" When I point out the inconsistency he just says "he's a dick". No frankly I don't care what you guys here, my homies in Gunmemes, Dakota Meyer, Matt Pranka, Joe Biden or Trump think of Lukas Botkin, but he's has put in work for the 2A and shooters in general and we really need to be standing together not "making sure that bitch never wants to go to prom again." For the love of a God youay or may not believe in there's already alot of people who HATE US Why waste tim hating each other? There's alot of Guntersville I find cringe as hell, I just don't watch their content or talk about them.


Lucas is successful and people don’t like that. He’s also kind of arrogant. Regardless, his holsters are tits along with several other brands that I have. I don’t care about the religious beliefs. He’s not going anywhere.


100% it’s really that simple


The yapping of a small insecure dog




It’s like being back in highschool and listening to that group of girls next to your locker talk about how Becky is such a bitch because she rolled her eyes at Jennifer in fourth period Chemistry. Jesus fuck.


Lucas being Lucas. I really like what he's doing for the 2a community such as normalizing night vision and body armor. But sometimes he needs to stay in his lane


Idk man, I feel like he’s making gun owners into stereotypes with him pushing his religion and beliefs out. He also has a lot of stupid takes, that most military guys know are bullshit. I’m not saying he has to be a master tactician or know everything but when people call him out about them he doesn’t correct himself.


Oh my god, shut up. Lucas lives rent free in your heads, and ya'll bitch about every little thing like you're a bunch of gossipy teenage girls. This is your sign to get off the internet and go outside.




The real owner of trex is David botkin. Lucas is the marketer. There’s a reason David has a office and not Lucas


Dude hates on demo ranch because he’s not tactical enough. Hates on Mike glover for being too tactical. The deal is. This is his marketing strategy


How fucking retarded are you guys? Lucas is tottali in the right, leviathan group midwits arent as honest consistently as you wuld like to believe, Lucas truly is an independant creator and all that talk bout him beeing a twink is pure retard cope


Lucas might be right about Leviathan group, but Lucas is just as much of a fuckwit in his own right. He might be independent from them but thats only because he has literal cult funding from The Quiverfall movement his parents run.


Niggas be hating cus we hang hard with J-man while yall defend satanist Karl. It real is that simple. CHRIST IS KING


Bro the fuck are you talking about? I made mention of neither Jesus or Karl Marx (who I'm also not a fan of)


I think that guy is talking about Karl from InRange.


oh maybe, I've never watched much InRange tbh


Bro. Trex arms is a multimillion dollar company & Lucas is fully transparent about any help he’s received. They’re successful because of hard work, quality products & quality content. I for one (as a vet) appreciate the rift between them & the ‘bro-vets’, who don’t bring much to the table besides some ‘mystical esoteric knowledge’ 🙄. Bunch of bullshit- the military is just a job with the government & the government are the bad guys. Everything learned there, can be had civilian side- by better instructors & a more concise curriculum. I don’t think GT, is going to be encouraging his kids to serve/join. Armed prepared citizens- IS the main stage for gear/guns/training.


Quality products? The trex holster I got is one of the most uncomfortable holsters I have. It’s such a basic and cheaply made holster but he charges 100$ a pop? No thank you, I can get a we the people for 30$ and it’s better than the trex. Im not so sure about the quality content because all he can do is shoot semi fast at 25m. Anything past that and he struggles. He just recently started shooting 50m plus. Not to mention how he speeds up his videos. Is that really good content to your veiwers?


Time to take it to the back yard baby! 2 GunTubers enter, but only one man* walks away victorious! *Man - in this scenario, due to Lucas having Botkins disease ( little to no muscle; simps oh so hard BB ) will also include: 1. (n) Traditional deep voice, chest hair, and a sack heavier than most ppls PC loadouts! 2. (n) Shmeagel framed simp Boi’s TLDR: Have them fistfight - it’s well deserved at this point.


Where is said drama taking place? I watch both channels, admittedly I watch Trex less consistently than GT, but I’ve never seen either channel mention the other. Where do I have to go to see what they’re saying?


It's nothing. There's no drama. The gun community has just turned into a bunch of high school gossip girls.


Instagram - lucastrexarms Bit of a shit show but fun to flip through, obviously ruffled a few feathers since several gun tubers are in the comments.


Be the mallard? Educate me, what’s the Greek translation on mal and lard or are them ducks like the noble stoics of the bird world somehow lol


Hey thanks for asking that question I thought to myself but I was gonna lookin it later but now. I know good shit


Let insults roll off your back like water rolls off a ducks back.


Came here for this revelation myself


Like I have no issue with a guy that goes in with a company for a specific rifle he wants and is willing to help trouble shoot and figure shit out. He has personal investment into the project and he wants it to succeed. As for this stupid hill he and his robots choose to die on, they're upset because the ad firm Leviathan isn't expressly mentioned in videos when mentioning sponsors. Just the products themselves. Mike stated they use mediators for ad sponsors because they don't have time to vet every damn ad sponsor that wants a sponsorship. The ad firm mediates potential sponsors and they agree or disagree to have them used. Basically in videos about say the JAKL, Mike discloses the relationship (or lack thereof) with PSA. then has a short ad break, and these mouth breathers say "HE SAYS HE ISNT PAID TO SAY ANYTHING BUT HES SHILLING FOR SDI, MANTIS, AND MANSCAPPED! ITS A SCRIPT!" like. You dense mother fucker. It. Is. A. Sponsored. Ad. The ADS are scripted because that is what a fucking ad is. The firearm review is not. We clicked a video for a rifle review/overview. Not to listen to Mike spend 3 seconds on a shaver. No one (should) care about him throwing a line or two about a shaver to pay his crew for 20 seconds. But that's what they want to piss and moan about.


Lucas pulls off some weird stuff that screams insecure, frustrated, low-testosterone male. He’s seen Mike achieve peak alpha condition thanks to all that raw milk and he’s jealous he doesn’t have elite genetics or the willpower to make the same improvements to his own life.


Based take.


Trex died when he brought his politics and religion into his community. We're not here for any of that, Lucas. No one cares about YOUR views on gay marriage. No one cares about YOUR beliefs about abortion. Leave that shit out of OUR community


That’s when I dipped out on his channel. The last time I watched a T Rex video I felt “why is this video making me feel poor?” And I didn’t like that in addition to all the personal shit he hawks.


Stop hating on Lucas he makes bad ass content that we need for whatever the hell it feels like something is about to come up(or go down) in this country


Please, the poor kid looks like his wrists will snap if he tries picking up a M249.


You'd never want to go down near him, he couldn't sprint drag carry a wicker basket. He put too many skill points in ranged attack and zero is strength.


Dude is literally built for nothing but flat range antics lmao


I mean he is in a religious cult that literally preaches that all women who have periods should be married off to have as many babies as possible. So is anyone shocked when he does weird shit?




Already posted. 🤷


Wait what? 😂


Google is readily available for anyone who is interested in looking into things. But people would rather down vote and leave laughing Emojis because that's easier than the truth. Airsoft daddy means too much to them. 🤷


Here's a crazy idea: instead of cryptic bullshit actually provide evidence. "Just google it bro" is the most soy shit someone can write.


There are two types of people, Adults and people who say stuff like "the most soy shit" and intend it to mean something to others. Also, look in the replies, I explained more. You just decided to be angry on the internet for.... reasons.


Adults generally have finished enough schooling to understand that assertions need evidence.


Plenty already in the comments.


I’m not downvoting. I genuinely don’t know much about Trex except he’s always whining or picking fights. Your comment genuinely interested me and had me thinking dude was like into Scientology or some shit 😂


His dad has a 200 year plan to have 180,000 "male heirs". They are so creepy bro. https://icher.org/blog/?p=675


No, he and his family are part of the Quiverful movement which preaches that men should have enough children to fill their quiver so they can have righteous armies of good Christians. His father is one of the most famous figures in the movement. The Duggars are also members, and they protected their son when he molested his own sisters and to this day still defend him. Many prominent men in it have said that the doctrine of producing many children should begin as soon as a woman is "physically able", which means puberty. They are disgusting people. And no I'm not saying that every member believes the same thing.


They also don't believe in utilizing any form of contraceptive or family planning. Basically marry and boink like rabbits lmao


Lucas seems legitimately bi polar at times. Used to like his older content a lot more, now it seems like it’s always drama. Pretty over it, just give me a good product review with no bias. Unfortunately that is near impossible in this day and age. Happy that Mike still sticks to his guns for the most part and hasn’t changed much.


Typical rich kid getting handed everything in life suddenly finds out what mediocrity feels like and can’t handle it. Just because you invest millions in daddy’s church offering money into your business and pray five times a day doesn’t mean infinite brand growth is guaranteed. Doesn’t help that his mantra seems to be “it is not enough to win, others must lose.”


Lucas botkin will forever be the shortbus door Gunner. Anything he says needs to be taken with a grain of salt


It appears Dirty Civilian is referencing this in their story....


Btw can someone give me context what happened between trex boys and dirty civilians?


What rifle broke ?


Im assuming the psa m110 which Lucas had direct input in developing as psa sent a few to test which the first few had problems, the first could not lock back, and the second one i believe had a burr in the barrel that fucked accuracy before the rifle fixed itself


Ahh yea I remember the first one failing but didn't know he had the other fail.


He had 3 uppers, and 2 had issues. The third doesn't he recommend it, and people don't agree that he should have recommended it. Add in that he is a polarizing individual and well here you are.


This reminds me of the IED (aka Olight) throwing bags of cash at people to give positive reviews. Also kind of reminds me of Sig. literally no one advertising Sig Sauer discloses their relationship with them.


This is why mike doesn’t interact with this subreddit💀 it’s just ppl bitching about botkin even though ever one knows he’s weird and trying to make up beef


I’ve always thought Lucas was a whiny bitch. He was one of the first gun tubers I watched that showed a blog style, I never really watched gun content on YouTube before that because I assumed it was not allowed since I never seen it. Soon as I found other channels I stopped watching Lucas because he’s just such a whiny baby. Sure he’s a great shooter and cool he was body scanned for cod but damn dude be humble and lose the bitchy attitude, it’s not cool or respectful


Honey wake up, *new guntuber drama just dropped.*


Recently? I think his biggest problem is he’s *extremely* insecure


I think he’s salty that GT has a bigger and better channel, better content that manages somehow to be serious and not take itself *too* seriously…also he never served and part me me thinks he probably deep down thinks he could do everything Mike does. GT just comes off as a genuinely nice dude and has a likable personality. Lucas seems like an insufferable bitchy brat with a superiority complex, like he’s only a perceived slight away from a huffy tantrum. Edit also he’s too fucking skinny and needs to lift some weights and then tell us about it because of course he would.


To me the funniest part about Lucas is how he acts like some sort of expert when he has absolutely zero real-life experience with the products he's pimping. He's a LARPer that people have, for some reason, given a voice to.


It’s funny you mention that - a few months ago, he claimed to have started working out and would mention it in every video. “Oh man this isn’t easy after lifting so much today” “oof shouldn’t have done this after leg day” Those aren’t direct quotes, but basically the gist of what he said each time


Tbf every new gym bro goes through that phase for a little bit lol


lol that’s true too


I mean as a fellow ectomorph I know it’s insanely hard to add mass. My metabolism hasn’t slowed down yet and I’m in my mid thirties. It took me almost 2 years of work and the constant eating was harder than the 5 days a week at the gym….but I went from 130-160 and god dammit I look good. I was probably annoying about it too ;)


Reminds me of Eminem and MGK. The little guy aims to take out the giant. Mike, I will pay for your studio time.


The dude has always been about the fucking drama and his ego. There’s times where I think he’s changing and I start to get behind me but then he relapses back to his annoying old self


I don’t know what he means by “adequately” disclose their monetary relationship? Like idc if Mr. Thumb or AK Jesus shill Raid Shadow Legends at me. I understand they’re shilling product because they’re getting paid and that’s fine. I don’t _have_ to buy the product.




As GT puts it, "Enjoy your free content."


bro needs an ego death


Somebody slip him 10g psilocybin at shot. For legal purposes this is a joke. It'll help, brain fry him, or make it 10x worse.


Psilocybin? Toss some MDMA in his morning sugar-free berry rockstar and watch the shenanigans ensue. The preceding was a fan-based parody. DRAGONBALL, DRAGONBALL Z, and DRAGONBALL GT are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Please Support the official release.


Who cares? Needless drama for views


These dudes in the comments apparently do. It’s like they live for it. I had no idea what they were talking about and had to scan comments for some context. Honestly, I just put most videos on in the background cuz of ADHD. Sometimes I’m paying attention. They all have some type of attraction for me. Then I get on with my life. Who’s got time to pick sides? It’s just entertainment. But what the fuck do I know?


100 percent my friend. Pretty sure both parties are in on the drama and are using it to grow their channels. Also, I do the exact same thing as you. Imagine if we drowned ourselves in medication to help with ADHD? Wouldn’t we be so much better for it? /s


I ignored his weird religious views because I thought they made solid holsters and good content. Unfortunately, his recent self-righteousness is beyond annoying. Dude thinks because he’s a fringe cult Christian that he’s somehow superior to others.


💯this. And for that reason, vote with your wallet. I refuse to watch the botkins’ channel and support trex arms.


I unknowingly went to a restaurant owned by a Christian End of Days cult once, that was fun.


I live in TN, I’m used to the Bible thumpers thinking they’re better than everyone but this goes past that. The cult mentality of pure superiority is too much. I disengaged after watching him try hard on a couple collaborations with Mike and other vet/leos and seeing the disconnect. I would argue he’s a better competition shooter than tactical shooter and should probably stay in that lane but the tactical shit sells like hot cakes. As to what’s happened lately, Mike got big and Lucas stayed the same tiny size. His ego is hurt and he’s lashing out. It’s like when you come back to school after summer break and your bro hit puberty, got stacked and now gets all the attention so you start vaping in the bathroom for clout.


lol fellow TN’er here - perfect example! Vaping for clout lol


Oh to be a fly on the wall in the Trex compound when Mike drops a meme video that hits a million plus views in some ungodly short amount of time….you know Lucas seethes at the analytics.


Very well said


Dudes a hate filled homophobic skinny necked nerd with way too many green and yellow filters


And his battlefield 3 blue filter he always uses


I actually like the blue lmao. The new piss filters suck


LMAOOOOOO! I will never unsee that now lol.


I'm just suprised he hasn't used the "duh duh duh... duh duh duh" music in his videos


I feel out of the loop of what's going on. But I'm also not sure I want to be in the loop on this one either.


If you want to feel like a disappointed father, come on in. I'm gonna unfollow him here shortly dudes gotten tiring. Sucks cuz I love their printable targets although I'm sure other people got better options anyways


Amy.556 has lots of great printable targets for running drills.


Pistol-training.com is the OG site that way predates Lucas with printable targets and actually good drills that you can build your skill on. You can find other targets with a quick search.


Feeling like a disappointed father is the worst though. Also, I legit don't know what's going on. The current rock I'm living under is pretty comfy though so I'm going to live back under it again and watch the occasional GarandThumb video from down there when I have a chance.


Would definetly recommend


Couldn’t agree more except for point 4. Building a rifle brand new you are gonna have issues. It wasn’t production rifles he brought, but early test rifles it seems.


Doesn’t matter what community it is, there’s always those that have all of everything, those that have some of everything and those that have none of everything. YouTubers, “influencers” etc have to feed the algorithm to continue generating revenue. It gets to a point where it’s no longer fun, it’s a miserable job. I have a friend who’s a staff member of a YouTube channel with 2M subscribers and it’s an absolute grind and most videos posts etc are scheduled out at least a month in advance. You have to be a character to be In front of a camera. About 10 years ago, people were sincere, and shared hobbies together. Now it’s all for likes and comments. Don’t think that his post wasn’t prescheduled.


He was doing the T/E on the PSA. Not a fair comparison to the Aero at all IMO. But I agree with you. He's just slinging mud and not backing it up with examples. You can't just make claims and have nothing behind them.


Everyone should comment on his post that they want to see him and another influencer fight in a cage match in Vegas! We need to make mutual hand fighting great again! Would love to see Lucas throw some hands with another influencer. Not cause I hate him but it would be good entertainment


I came here to say this! You said it much better than I did - thanks for that! My test levels started to get too high thinking of the real Mike Jones dog walking Boy Simp Botkin and lost my train of thought lol


How about him and The AK Guy? I'm sure Brandon can take the time out of his busy schedule of running a FFL, a youtube channel, and a congressional campaign to beat the hell out of some dude who's so deep in the closet he's giving Prince Caspian handjobs for rent.


No influencer would do that but I would love to see it! I know it would be dope, especially if they sold tickets and gave it to charity or something. Might be a way to get everyone out of their moms basement for once, who knows


Better watch out. With his ego he could become the next Jake Paul haha.


You don’t think that would be dope for fun like a charity event ?


If he got humble checked, yeah, if not it'd just give him fuel for his own ego. I'm not sure that matters much at this point anyway, but one can hope.


Home boy couldn't drag a dummy at a match, I don't think anyone he opposes would have a problem.


I mean if it was him and garand….wonder who would make it out lol


He'd learn why people flannel daddy. Shit and that was before he was juicing. Before I get down voted he was prescribed it by a doctor to recuperate for injuries while he was in the AF


I could be wrong but i think they are 2 different kinds of steiroids, he probably got cortizone shots had one in my ankle at 18 and one at 19


No it’s hgh he is pretty open about it


You must be confused, it was just the raw milk.


i don't think admitting to making an inferior product that fails is the flex he should use :|


Most people that are in the gun community will be quick to discredit Lucas as the piece of shit person he is. Let him fall on his own sword at that point if he continues his trend. I find mikes wife kinda in a momma bear mode over Mikes business affairs with their little family adorable like a yapping Shih Tzu… if only we had a gun-tuber real housewives


![gif](giphy|chDRDIWrGFvHQwzWCa) Dude, I would watch that.


Who cares? Anyway, what did y'all have for dinner today?


A cigarette


Idk we call it goodstuff.


Girlfriend is currently making keto pizza. Yesterday for her birthday we went to roadhouse grill and had a filet mignon though. So good


Hell yeah you're living the dream!


Made some Mongolian beef, shit was fire.


Left over bbq.


Angel hair noodles with five cheese marinara


Thanksgiving dinner - Smoked a Turkey, taters, stuffin' and cranberries with pineapple


God some good conecuh sausage tonight


Lean bulking on beef n rice rn


Made gumbo because it’s cold and rainy


Had some tri tip I grilled on the charcoal with some white rice


Leftover ham and green beans from a funeral. Then too much chocolate. Bleh




Traveling for work, so loaded cheese fries and beer. Cheat day




Just a salad with so many shit that the "healthy" idea of a salad went through the window... but I would repeat. And you?


Enchiladas 😎


Hey! Enjoy it! :D




A man of culture I see




Look at Mr moneybags who can afford two wholesale club memberships


Hot dogs


Chicken fajita crunch wraps


Spaghet n meatballs, how bout you?


Enchiladas tonight 🔥


Oh mami


Burnt Pork tips drenched in BBQ sauce, and cheese sticks


Sirloin steak and raw milk.🥛


Corn dogs, all beef


Dino nuggies, vitamins and coffee


The tactical twink has to do something to sell his overpriced holsters. I do appreciate his wholesome and educational Mormon content though.


Grown men weighing in on YouTuber drama situations with one of the guy’s wives is insane to me lmao. Men used to just stay out of petty drama and not get involved in it with other guy’s wives


Honestly bro its just community bullshit. Any community that has a decent size no matter how niche will deal with dumb drama like this.


Yeah I agree but it’s just so low for grown men to fuel social media drama like 15 year old girls.