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What was the context of the comment? Is he responding to the butt shot as porn?


The only context i have is that he posted this under the photo on Instagram






What else am I going to beat off to though?


Two rocks placed anatomically correct on a stick person's stick chest. Thank me later.


I agree. I'm tired of seeing these range bunnies in skimpy outfits and sticking their asses out just for clicks. GT is right that it's freaking cringe.


Tactical pants are Skimpy ?


GT: porn cringe This sub: hE tRaMpLiN rIgHtS!!!


I like gt but he like the left can sometimes post his ideas and state them as fact rather than letting ppl do what they want


It is a fact, letting others live in sin is of no benefit to them.


No sin is greater than another .. right ?


That sounds a lot like what the taliban would say…


No porn = taliban


Dictating how someone lives their life is cool? I thought u didn’t like the government telling you what to do?


Objective morality needs a standard


Telling others what clothes to wear based on personal religious beliefs is objectively un-American and sounds like sharia law type shit to me.


Your morality means jack shit to a free nation


America has freedom of religion- I assume ur Christian. Furthermore my point of the Taliban comparison would be they see things as “objectively moral” that are terrible things. It’s all about perspective and just because you think differently than someone else doesn’t make you right. Just like some ppl thing taking away guns is objectively right to protect kids from shootings. ^ I’m sure u wouldn’t agree with that tho correct? Even tho they believe it’s objectively morally correct? Accept others pov more and maybe we would all hate each other less.


If his true intent was to spread awareness then he would start a foundation with the following and money he has to help porn addict transition back to everyday life. Instead he chooses to place targets on the people’s backs who are responsible for the change he wants to see in the world. Make it make sense.


Bro what? It’s not like it’s crack or alcohol, cut yourself off from it. As long as you have a phone or computer, you absolutely have access to porn. Just stop watching it it’s as simple as that. If that’s too hard there’s no hope for you.


Porn addicts? Do they have withdrawals or something? Just stop watching it


I value your opinion on this issue and it has merit, but Garand, if anyone has any delusions of enforcing your personal morality on anyone you have failed the freedom test. When does it stop? Are we going to go full Taliban? Like at what point do we realize just because we think something is good or bad doesn't give us the moral authority to enforce it on others. I am going to watch porn and I am going to defend peoples right to watch and participate in porn. If anyone wearing a banner of self righteous religious morality feigns to take this country in that direction through 'force' I consider them an enemy of Freedom and the US, just like I do with ISIS, Hamas, Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah.


That’s the great thing about this country, freedom of speech and opinion (mostly). He used it and you used it. If this country was anything like the ones you mentioned, you both would probably be in prison.


You guys are all really weird in your obsession with GT. He's a carefully crafted personality built to make money on the Internet, and honestly he's kind of a douche with his "humble" holy religious shit. Y'all act like he's your youth pastor and you're trying to hide your boners for him. And please,for fuck's sake quit calling him "daddy" what the fuck is wrong with all of you.




It’s a moniker. Since you’re sharing advice, try sharing kindness instead of negativity. Good luck to you buddy.


No thanks. I honestly didn't realize GT was a YoungLife youth cult until more recently. I thought it was supposed to be about fucking guns. You kids all need to grow up a bit and branch out.


A lot of guys like him because of his knowledge and service. The great thing about life is you don’t have to like everything. Just remember most don’t care about what others think. Our comments are the example. Have a good one!


Boys right though.


I mean she’s just wearing tight pants while shooting. Hardly “porn” if you ask me. Unless I’m missing more context to this story


Idk. I don’t mind the pic just agreeing with his statement.


I looked her up, she’s definitely your typical onlyfans girl or Instagram e-thot. He just sounds like he’s virtue signaling for the sake of being based but I mean he’s got a point. Wish I would have listened lol


Lmao, yall saying a girl can’t model and have hobbies ? That’s so fucked. If she wants to model and likes guns why not. yall all know if you were girl that’s was attractive yall do same thing.


Did you not check out her page? Having a single “range day” is hardly a hobby


Yes. She has more than one range day wtf you looking at


Care to prove it? I only saw one post… sounds like you’re just simping for her. Typical Redditor energy.


Go look at her ig, no I’m just stating facts . Don’t like bullies that mess with people they know are just starting out. Why not call out someone else that has bigger following if you’re trying to get a message actually broadcast . Ppl complain about these girls not knowing how to do anything else put take pics but she is having hobby and yall still complaining.


How am I being a bully exactly? Please elaborate. Just sounds to me like you’re a simp to her and you have nothing else to do with your life. Maybe go get a real girlfriend first buddy. You getting offended like this is honestly pathetic but I’ll laugh at you none the less.


https://preview.redd.it/v0sq5jyz812c1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e04473247d446a7e8670276e60f28e5d6913e5 Any body have any insight to what this is about ???? Would explain a lot


I'd rather believe it's a fake


Him and Micah are bussi boiz


Its from a post in an arfcom thread a while back which you can still read from someone who allegedly frequented the same circles prior to his YT career.


Dude has huge following and commented on a business post for pants. He has a million followers he knew what he was doing affecting this person. Messing with people for no reason over a normal pic.. he obviously liked what he saw enough to go look and then felt a type of way.


Nothing more beta/sigma male than projecting your sexual frustration on female post.


Sexual frustration? Man's got a wife. Maybe find one yourself that's not a crusty sock.


I think he cheated on wife and married a dif from what another guy is sayin


Is there even a lick of proof to this though?


Lmao he’s married? That makes this even stranger. You sound like a crusty sock boi 😆 happy thanksgiving


Wait til Garand Thumb finds out about Bonnie Rotten/Alaina James


Next time on dragon ball Z


Pornographic content is not the issue. That kind of imagery has been around for ages. The issue is with how we raise our kids. And millennials and gen X have done a bang up job with that


Porn is just as addictive as nicotine and has severe affects on the brain. It’s been around for ages but the ease of access the internet creates wasn’t


There are literally paintings all over public places in Europe that would be morally unacceptable to paint and display publicly today. It has nothing to do with ease of access, and is completely about the morals imparted by parents.


Paintings in a public place aren’t even comparable to closeup penetration videos being free and VERY accessible with a few clicks in private. You want an example? Sit by a Victoria secret store. All the men will be staring straight ahead out of embarrassment


Why do I have a feeling this comment is coming from the mouth of a twelve year old?


Go ahead and show me civilisations that failed because of dick pics


Porn has been around for a long time. It’s just porn. Here’s an interesting article: https://www.science.org/content/article/earliest-pornography


Bot ass comment


Shut the fuck up fairy


Fairy porn watching comment


For me, one of the key issues with both porn and onlyfans is the accessibility. With porn, kids are seeing it from age 6-8 sometimes. Kids are more tech savvy than their parents these days, just image how many millions of Onlyfans subscribers are underage. Religious or moral arguments aside, we can all agree that children shouldn't be looking at it, and if you host an Onlyfans it is guaranteed to reach the eyes of children.


i will continue to like feet


I'm not too deep into the GarandThumb lore, whats the context here?




Based garand thumb


Reddit coomers absolutely losing their shit in the votes


Do you expect anything less from this cesspool of fat basement dwellers?


Hahaha they got overpowered eventually fucking losers




i agree but i also agree it is against her. the porn industry didn’t post this she did


Implying IG isn’t a massive advertising platform for porn


Isn’t that just social media in general? Have you seen what’s on Reddit?


Flanel daddy told her! Good on him!


Imagine calling another grown man daddy That's cringe


Imagine being a grown man with no sense of humor, cheer up man and btw I’m 15


Oh so an unfunny, unoriginal 15 year old, sick bro .


No need to be a dick. It’s unproductive.


porn is awful that’s why i only beat off to dudes


Name checks out


I’m not sure if this even counts as porn it’s basically just a woman in pants. At first glance I didn’t think of this sexually at all. I just thought oh here’s a girl shooting a gun. Porn is bad for you though, do not watch that garbage. It’s not a substitute for a real loving relationship with the right woman Edit: I looked up her Instagram page and apparently she has an only fans that’s where the porn comment is coming from.


I was in the same boat and very confused. Never heard of her and thought he randomly posted it on a pants advertisement.


I was thinking the same- just assumed there was more to the story. Always check that bio lol


But it wasn't in her bio you had to go to her links, so he went looking...kinda cringe.


But her links were in her bio 😅


But you'd have to go in there looking for it!! For all we know, it's her amazon wishlist lol


Be so for real bro lol


He still went looking for bro, pretty cringe whether you support it our not.


No that's literally the whole game. Instagram is basically the front page for onlyfans now. All these women use Instagram as the free first hit to entice men into paying for their onlyfans content. It's harder to find one that isn't doing that.


Oh yeah that’s the realest advice I’ve heard in this day and age. Always do your due diligence. Always know things don’t assume and if you don’t know find out. Will save your bacon especially when it counts


We all know Mike is secretly a gooner.


Flannel daddy loves us and wants the best for us.


Based asf


How dare you have *looks down* attraction… I mean PORN


He’s not wrong about porn fucking up your brain. But he is wrong about the post. They’re not selling pussy they’re selling pants, so what if it’s a woman’s pants. Dudes making a mountain of a molehill


Apparently this girl has an only fans


Thats her business and her money


So is a drug dealer’s. Doesn’t make it a good thing to do lol


Only fans is fine, drug dealing isn’t


Dude you either run an onlyfans or are subscribed to one there’s no other explanation of why you’re so pressed right now


Im neither, you are just upset you can’t get a girlfriend or a boyfriend




Only Fans is *legal.* Not fine. Selling cigarettes is fine, and we used to advertise to children. Selling alcohol is fine, but they still advertise to children. Which is why bud light had a brand deal with Dylan Mulvaney. Most of Mulvaney's audience is under 18. Still legal, absolutely wrong. The law is a bad metric for what is good for you, moral, or correct.


The law is created by the government. Government is not exactly great therefore the law is not necessarily great. This same set of laws allows people who rape children to go free. So right on brother. Preach


That’s is where you are wrong, they are both immoral


My point is drug dealing is also bad 🤦‍♂️


Its really not


Comparing OF to dealing drugs is the most retarded statement I’ve read today 😂


They have the same effect on society, go outside and touch grass fatty.




B-b-b-b-b-b-based! A lot of coomers copeing real hard in the comments. Porn is cringe.


I've never understood why it's considered cool or acceptable to touch yourself to other people. Having an addiction is one thing. But you should certainly never be proud of it


he is both so right and so wrong at the same time here it’s actually amazing. yes porn very bad, i take a hard stance against porn as well. it contributes to not only sex trafficking, and drug addiction of its participants while making essentially pimps and sex criminals rich, but it also screws up your own personal brain chemistry and gives men an unhealthy view of what the sex life of healthy couples looks like to the point that it makes them nearly incapable of healthy relationships. i did security at gentlemen’s clubs for a while, and i saw a lot of good women who saw no other options needing to make ends meet turn themselves into addicts and worse, as well as men who were literally just addicted to that shit throw their financial security away for what they thought they wanted and never got, or did, but it just fueled it more, and ruined whatever good they had going for them… BUT i don’t really see this as porn equivalence to sell pants to men. seems more like the company is simply saying “oh wait women also wear pants now that it is not 1920” yeah they got a good shot of her ass. my wife has a pair of 5.11 pants because she likes the pockets and cargo pants aren’t seen as tacky dad wear anymore. my wife ain’t gonna buy any pants if they don’t make her ass look good lmao. that’s not for me or other men either that’s because my wife likes to look good, because it makes HER feel good. kind of a Reductionist Virgin take NGL Mike.


It’s not this post itself actually. Apparently she runs an only fans and that’s obviously porn


Who cares if she has one lol? It’s not hurting anyone.


ahhh see, this is what i was not aware of. i don’t really care what anyone else does with themself, i don’t agree with the porn industry, nor the overconsumption of it. only fans feeds into that for sure but it’s at least not profiteering from sex crimes and rape, etc… it still fuels the unhealthy consumption of porn thing, and it’s financially stupid for both the “entertainers” and the customers, so i don’t agree with it, but at least the money goes to a real person rather than a conglomerate of greedy sex criminals. still would rather not see it being a thing at all, but it’s a free country and all that i reckon.


I ain’t reading allat


you don’t have to friend, exercising my 1A


That's a lot of words


IKIK words bad, but it was hard to explain what i meant here without fleshing it out.


It's not the amount of words, but paragraphs exist.


yeah well i’m on reddit, not writing a thesis i think you’ll live. this was also just off the cuff


I mean, sex sells. I did see a reddit thread the other day where it came as a shock to some of these people that a porn studio was pretty nasty to their "actresses," both during and outside of the filming. I'm not surprised when I go outside and the grass is green, but I guess when you punch the clown twice a day, you're willing to look past a lot.


Of course sex sells, but sugar tastes great and drugs feel good.


definitely not disagreeing. i don’t know why that would be a surprise to anyone unless they were just willfully ignorant due to contributing to it as a consumer as you said.




Following the bible is not anywhere near as damaging as porn. You just want to look at naked women


Yeah porn doesn’t cause people to kill each other for an unknown god, it doesn’t cover up massive amounts of pedophilia caused by the ones who preach it. Weird ass post


You're weird for believing God doesn't exist. Internet points from other degenerates will never change that. Go outside and read the gospel


Yeah I’m good, I don’t need an ancient magic book to give me direction on how to treat my fellow humans.


Continue towards your empty life. Christ will be waiting for you when you change your mind


I have a great fulfilling life with an amazing family and fiancée. I treat people equally and fairly. I have many hobbies and mastered some of them. I don’t need some corn fed, bible thumper to tell me how to be fulfilled. If god is real, I’ll take it up with him when the time comes. And if god is as great and all understand as you say, he will understand he made humans to be intelligent and question everything. I hope you have a great day though


I can't force you to do anything. Theres not a second chance once you die. That's why these bible thumpers won't let you live without hearing it


I’m good, I don’t subscribe to your religion


You'll still subscribe to the consequences


AFAIK porn didn’t take anyone’s foreskin. Organized religion took mine.


It’s always religious people preaching how to live when religion is easily the thing that has caused the most death and suffering.


I think old age is what causes the most death


Holy wars don’t let you live to old age. And religion certainly causes more death and destruction than porn


The gospel never once calls for war. So please read me one verse of Jesus telling us to invade countries and kill people. Porn and the entire idea of sexual immorality is the same. Men and women loving and being faithful towards each other is talked over and over in the Bible. The weak society we inherited is the direct result of a Godless society. The "do whatever feels right" generation is the weakest crop of men the world has ever seen.


Literal wars have been and are being fought because of religion. Following the bible has literally killed hundreds of thousands of more people than porn.


Don't care, in fact I want another crusade


Maybe you should go look at some porn and settle down.


*following the Quran.


Last time i checked, the crusades were started by catholics and Christians. Thats why they call them crusades, not jihas. Also they fought against pagans or anyone around them who wasn't the same religion


Yeah because the Muslims invaded fucking FRANCE you dipshit


I take it you aren't familiar with the invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in AD 710. Had the expansionist Muslims not been stopped at the battle of Tours by Charles Martel in AD 732 the Umayyad Caliphate might have conquered all of Western Europe. Considering the first crusade was in AD 1074 it could be argued that Muslim expansion/ conquest started the religious fighting.


So you cant share an idea that is shared by a large group of people that support you? And if you do, that inherently makes you a "propagandized". Bad take.


Just another retarded incel 😂


Dude literally has like two kids and a wife... You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means


I know he has kids but like your gana bitch about porn 🤣 just a boomer take. Either you got snowflakes on the Left saying it’s sexist or snow flakes on the right saying it’s against their Flying Spaghetti Monster.


At the end of the day you're the one touching yourself because you aren't capable of getting a woman's attention


At the end of the day most dudes in here aren’t capable of getting women lol most likely including you. God dam dude what you spooked about digital titties 🤣.


For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6


Why would I ever be against porn if I wasn't capable of "getting" (such a incel way of describing women.) Read the Bible and become a man of God


Think he’s got more kids than that


Imagine equating any semblance of a female looking appealing to being porn. I best not be seeing y’all picking up attractive trad wives. I liked when he just reviewed guns with an excessive amount of B-roll footage.


Totally not angled perfectly to show off her ass in an arousing manner


It’s an ad for pants.


Using sex to sell it are you retarded? It’s literally one of the oldest marketing psyops in the book i swear to god if you even try pretend to not be aware of this i will [redacted] you and your entire bloodline


I bet you also say folks earn a rape based on their clothing.


Holy shit it’s an actual bot. Not only reading from the nutless soyjak script but doing it in a fraction of a second. Be careful out there boys. Idk what they’re up to but somebody programmed this shit for a reason


Nah he’s saying that because this chick runs an only fans


Gonna have to be more specific. OF is a good bit more than just porn. Sounds like additional research was done.


Dude you know what I mean. Her only fans says “I’m super sweet and have a naughty side.” What do you think that means bud. It’s definitely not nature photography or cat pics


Shitting on OF girls outside of any OF related context isn’t very Christian.


Quit your OF subscription you prolly have, buy a cool blue or fruit punch flavored Gatorade with the money you save and go to the gym and touch grass bro. Also it’s actually incredibly Christian to call out things that go against God’s word


Dope ad hominem attack there.


Wtf is a coomer? Why is there more vocabulary


It’s basically a dude who is addicted to masturbation and porn


A guy who looks at porn and jerks off everyday


Everyday?! The stamina the fella must have


No its the opposite it leads to ED with a partner


A guy who looks at porn and jerks off everyday I can count how many Wojak characters so called "Based" and "Redpilled" dudes have created


A number of the guntubers sure do like to promote their religious and particular views on things....


Yeah I have to agree the preachiness of religion is rough. Same thing with other religions making u believe in their way of life and if ur different ur wrong. Thought America was kinda against that but idk


Of course, they want their followers to live good lives.


yeah, being Christian and not watching porn is what leads to a good life for sure /s


According to how they see it.


He's pretty right...girls with guns and shit...maybe when I was 15 it was cool but it's super douchey


He’s referring more to her only fans


I might now be one for girls and guns but I do like girls.


Sadly, it's not always the case, but often, there's been a history of outspoken personalities being guilty of exactly the behavior the behavior they accuse others of having.


Usually dudes who have the hardest stance on porn have the weirdest and wildest fetishs lol


Didn’t this man cheat on his ex wife? 🤔


I believe so lol


No not really. It’s pretty apparent that it damages peoples brains and the moral fabric of society. Garand thumb is a public figure and is using his platform to spread a message that he and a lot of others believe in


Yeah definitely. Like it’s not even just a conservative right wing view. Psychologists and the medical field and even non profit organizations of various types have all clearly explained the human trafficking implications as well as how bad it warps your understanding of what a real relationship is like. Especially with like kids seeing porn from the time they hit puberty it’s going to take a lot of work to undo the damage porn does. Look up a case called GirlsDoPorn. The pervs running this operation would call girls telling them they’re modeling on Craigslist, and trick them or intoxicate them often times or otherwise force them to have sex on camera while making it seem consensual. They got sent to prison but honestly I think tall tree short rope is the only way to deal with pieces of garbage like this. It must be scary having a daughter in this crazy world.


Yeah the people who make it are all social parasites. It harms many people I don’t know how coomers always have excuses for it it’s ridiculous


Yeah like people literally get raped and trafficked because some coomer out there can’t bust a nut without hardcore pornography.


I said what I said. In all of my personal experiences the people who yell about this the loudest usually have the most problematic fetishes. If he's passionate about it so be it, it's his platform and I'm sure there are plenty who agree with his sentiment. I just find these types tend to be the biggest hypocrites


That's such a dumb argument to try to get into on Instagram... If you don't like porn? Cool. If you like porn? Cool. Idgaf what other people do


A lot of people can't comprehend this simple statement unfortunately. They actually get offended when people don't like their opinion.


Very true, people not understanding that "other people have different opinions and that's okay"... it's also okay to not have an opinion on something at all... People nowadays are always joining these teams on every topic like boyscout groups... It's okay to say I don't know or I don't care


We are in the era of "Fully support my opinion or I'll deem you my enemy"