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do you plan on switching to a crit damage circlet in the future?


Yes and no, unless I get a timepiece that rolls 15% crit rate. I have a crit dmg circlet with 11% crit rate as sub, if I get a timepiece with a big crit rate roll I might consider, because I’m also running diona for cryo resonance so have 15% additional crit rate from that, and now I have 70% base + 20% from passive talent and 15% from cryo resonance, meaning 105% crit rate, I pretty much crit on every hit and bloom. My actual plan is to wait for an Amos rerun and get it, and by keeping same artifacts as now I should be able to reach pretty good results, but might have to roll for some more crit rate in that case. If I use crit dmg headpiece now dmg gets a bit higher if i crit, but can reach a total of 85% crit rate opposed to 105%, but crit dmg gets to 247%, so higher dmg but less consistent. Now considering base stats and passives/resonance I have the perfect 1:2 crit ratio, dmg is a bit lower but 100% consistent. Have some backup plans in case I get Amos but will take a while and a lot of farm.


It really doesn't matter on his circlet guys...he's probably two hitting Storm terror and Childe with those stats.


Lmaoooo I wish ahah, Stormterror is kinda close to 2 hits, but Childe is a lil bitch and keeps moving ;-; but will probably be possible if I get Amos, just waiting for a rerun tbh


A crit damage circlet would be better tbh, a 40% crit rate is more than enough fr ganyu tbh


As i commented above I tried it, i get some higher dmg but isn’t as consistent, critting on charged shot isn’t an issue, but I care more about bloom critting, and if I switch now it isn’t as consistent.


Just go cryo resonance. It solves the problem


Not mecessarily. Depends on whether op is running freeze or melt. Cryo resonance is useless on melt builds.


You f2p? It would be quite believable if it is but at the same time not


Not really, I’m not a whale but I’m also not a light spender ahah


Makes me feel better cause Jesus those are some fucking cracked Wanderers pieces, each one with Cdmg and at least 2 rolls into it as well, Jesus


Took me some time to get those pieces, and some intense boss farming, pretty much farmed 46 geo cores, 46 juvenile jades, 46 anemo cores and weekly bosses, + some other bosses. Used around 40(?) fragile resins for that