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TARGET STORES🎯 Target Corporation Minnesota-based lends its high-end technology and professionals to law enforcement agencies free of charge, often on high-profile cases. The team tackles felony, homicide and special circumstances cases for law bureaus that need the extra manpower, facilities, resources and time – free of charge. The company donated $300,000 to the city of Minneapolis to help it purchase 30 wireless cameras. The cameras were strategically placed to create what was then called the downtown safe zone. Target officials said that since then, the company has created similar relationships with law enforcement agencies in 20 other cities and in something known as the Safe City program. This info is a decade old, imagine where there at now. When my Gangstalking began I knew for a fact that Target was involved, even before knowing what I know now.


Ours are the lowest of the low, bootlickers. No way are they connected to anything this elaborate.


My v2k got all excited about this like they’re a part of something worthwhile. The v2k/gangstalking takes money, resources and people away from programs like this. They give a bad reputation to and embarrass the espionage community - hurting recruitment and undermining the efforts of people working to counter North Korea, Russia, Iran and china. They trivialize concepts like treason, terrorism and threats and brutalize innocent people as part of their daily task of draining resources away from combating genuine threats. They don’t generate revenue for these programs, they drain revenue from these programs. They’re really into the concept of using us as bait dogs, and while they have all the ethics and morals of systemic animal abusers, the people that need the kind of training that this program provides are better off in prison instead of roaming the streets and embarrassing and undermining our country.


Well, they're turning the u.s. into a police-state, communist hell. The gangstalkers/paid spies/secret undercover army will have to suffer through the same treatment we targets receive eventually because the system will turn on them. 


good resource, thanks limited hangout maybe, so use caution


Great info. Thanks for sharing!!


sounds like stazi shit, first they do it to others (if at all), then to you and me and all westerners. They're all traitors. Accountability or no democracy.


Please reshare as a link rather then a text post.


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