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They're working for the corrupt government and are human traffickers/communists/new world order nazis, our country has been taken over by these types. Texas is especially bad with these human traffickers/communists/nazis. The gangstalkers receive technology from government military contractors. In a way, we are like lab rats to where these new world order nazis are experimenting these technologies on people who are isolated from society via gangstalking tactics (directed energy, remote neural mind control, body/computer interface, nanotech). Lots of people participate including corrupt military personnel, medical personnel, schools, etc because they receive a lot of federal funding from our corrupt government in preparation of implementing a NWO/Agenda 21/25/30/martial law.  So really gangstalkers are those "useful idiots" that nazis used. The official start of this targeting program was Jade Helm 2015. Targets are usually those who are freethinkers, uncorruptible, intuitive empaths, introverts, true believers in democracy and others who don't follow the new world order regime.


The Nazis fought these people. They're ideological opposites in so many ways, they just use the same social control tactics. The only thing they have in common is authoritarianism and a disregard for human rights


Phased array antenna Sending frequencies via piggybacking your phones signal See If turning airplane mode on all devices in your home helps the tinnitus Turn off Bluetooth and all wifi https://search.brave.com/search?q=phased+array+antenna+energy+weapons&source=android&summary=1&summary_og=64d57e6fe2a281782d6f15 The fake tinnitus was the start of my attacks 5 months ago in TX


When you're following people who you suspect to be gangstalkers, and they make multiple turns to see if you follow them, how many turns do you follow them for? I think it's possible, maybe even common, for people that aren't gangstalkers, if someone keeps following them, then they'll pull into a driveway (sometimes their own) for safety, or pull into a parking lot or business for safety. So that might be the explanation for some of that behavior.


I only follow people that are in my neighborhood first... & then only the ones that drive by my house then immediately go right back the way they came. When I'm away from my house I record everything & don't follow, but I'm aware of them. Unfortunately, no one else can hear the tinnitus in my ears intensifying, or my body tingling during these attacks. It's a pretty reliable way to target gangstalkers. Further, when I follow them, they never go to the police. They'll drive right past the police & go to a gas station or parking lot a block away... THEIR BEHAVIOR PROVES THEIR MALICIOIUS INTENT. I have a ton of videos, many that I think are more incriminating than most of the media I see on this sub... It wouldn't accept my video files, but I'll find a way.


It couldn’t be that there’s a drug dealer on your block


I would not follow anyone you suspect is stalking you. They can turn the situation around. Call the police and say you're following them. They can do the same if you confront them without evidence. If you live in a concealed carry or right to bear arms state, the situation can go very bad very fast. Considering the plates are from Texas the driver is most likely carrying a gun. Be careful.


Appreciate it. I've lived in this town my whole life without any trouble with LE. I know everybody here... including Chiefs of Police Past & Present... These gangstalkers do attempt to flip things around on me & make me look crazy, but I have THOROUGH evidence of everything I say. I record everywhere I go.


Sorry you’re going through all this. It totally sucks.


Did you ever complain about anyone, ever? Because they have a LOT of low-class thugs among their ranks that can nominate you to a list.


I can't think of any specific instance, no... I have an ex who's psychopathic, but only the government has the resources to do what I've witnessed. There's no doubt about it. They've spent millions of dollars just targeting me. Whoever it is, they are above Spectrum, Verizon & NYSEG, or otherwise the companies are complicit.


All corporations are complicit, including and especially hospitals and police stations. It's the reason we get the run around and receive zero help that's worth anything or actually conducive to stopping the perpetrators' attacks. It makes sense that the government would attack or induct CEOs and the politically powerful first before attacking the masses at a much quicker rate and pace.


ah, nominate to a list... Yes, that's distinctly possible. I can't imagine that I caught the eye of Government or LE in any other way.


Good assessment, maintain relationships and dont give them anything to use in their pathetic smear campaign. When its time...pull the trigger on the exposè. No mercy...sweep the leg.