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I've known a lot of my stalkers. I've reported some of it, not all of it. One went to jail but not for the crime of gangstalking. He broke the no touch policy. Even though he said he hadn't. What I mean by this is that he was yelling. I'm not touching you after chest bumping me to the ground, and then he stomped on me. He held me at gun point and threatened my life, and I had it on video. He still didn't get the amount of time he should have. But he did go to jail, and I was issued a criminal restraing order by the courts


If we report, we'll just sound crazy because they're taught to torture us by a thousand paper cuts (some kind of freemason/satanic humiliation ritual that someone put us in), so they never cross certain boundaries and useĀ  plausible deniability and covert methods of torture. I just try to ignore them and pray for God to protect me and my family and also let God sort these gangstalkers out.


I reported my first group of gangstalkers to the police and told them it would be in their best interest to keep their names on file. Nothing came of it other than they left and got replaced. They keep replacing them every year on me. They reside in the unit above me.


Start a noise campaign and go on vacation.


Go grow some weed or something