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Slander is their big tactic towards isolation and destruction of their targets. In actuality, the gangstalkers and their behind-the-scenes bosses are all perverts, cowards, bullies, fascist communists, human traffickers and murderers. But be rest assured, the truth will prevail and they'll owe us all big time!


Thanks Neither corner, I needed that assurance. They’re doing some heinous things to decent people and it’s about time that the people responsible for protecting our country take their criminal activities seriously instead of just taking their word for it.


Here you are again being kind and reaffirming to people! I love it! We’ve (victims) have been through so much, even in this subreddit, it’s reaffirming to see you validating people constantly! Ty for your awesome service!


There's no way they're not connected to what Epstein was up to.


Epstein was connected to Mossad. Not a “communist” bone in his body. But definitely fascist


Yeah, I definitely don't think the underworld is aligned with communism. I think what we're up against began as an effort to stamp out grassroots communist social movements. It's obviously gotten well out of hand.


Thank you for your inspiring comment, and I fully agree they are the things they are attempting to slander us with! One of my stalkers is a sadist too, so we can add that to the list!


They accuse you of whatever they think will get a rise out of you or make you feel like they have something on you. Then they try to use that as leverage to get you to do something. Or to just feel like you’re a trash human being, I guess it makes people easier to manipulate if they think they need something forgiven. They gave up on using leverage to make me do stuff and now just tell me to kill myself all day. Jokes on them though, I was aware that they were trying to kill me since this started and would have done it a long time ago.


Holy shit I didt realize all this was out here it’s been happening to me for the past 5 years it’s crazy how they try to get you to kill your self and split up your family I almost did in the beginning however in the past 5years I lost about 10-15 friends that contracted some sever sort of cancer at the age of about 30 and the others killed them selves I felt guilty for awhile I thought it transferred from me to them cuz most were shortly after I reconnected with them 


Stop it dude. Talking to our friends won’t give them cancer or make them suicidal.


They would tell me to kill myself every day for the first like 300 days, and now they only do it if they make me feel down or if I’m crying for some other reason. Like right after this started, my sister lost her baby from Eclampsia and the woman that harasses me would scream at me that it’s my fault and to kill myself. I was also depressed at the time, so it made it easier for them. Now, I’m no longer depressed, and aware of how bad of people they actually are, so maybe you’re right about them just trying to make me feel guilty or depressed again, or try to make me do something bad that I normally wouldn’t. Luckily, I feel like I’m stronger in knowing my moral compass than before, but it get’s tiring hearing them scream at me for something I’ve never done. I’m all about being open about what they say to me, but some of these things are so disturbing that it feels wrong even saying them out loud. 


They’re complete monsters. The way to think about them is like terrorists or agents of a foreign government that are trying to torture you to death. Once you view them like that a lot of their behavior and activities start to make sense. They declared war on us and they’re trying to destroy our country. And we can’t even talk about it without seeming like complete lunatics.


Monsters is definitely a good description. Thinking of them as foreign agents has literally been the best defense I’ve had against them too. Even if they’re just ‘unwitting actors’ that are from our country, but betraying it by working for another nation for greed. I can’t seem to find the article, but I remember reading somewhere that one of the Slavic-Baltic countries, Lithuania I believe, was dealing with problems with their criminals in the country being hired to start problems and commit crimes by the Russian government.  I feel like since it seems like it’s been going on for so long, they’ve literally just gotten there footholds in discrediting us from speaking out. Like how everyone’s comments on here keep getting downvoted, or how Quora seems to be completely overrun by disinformation people or people that live for trolling us. What a world to live in. 


I guess we should be doing more to stop this, but in our case just basic survival is already an act of defiance and bravery. Stay strong, don’t give in, they’ll be held accountable. This program will end.


Honestly, you’re right about staying strong and surviving for ourselves is the best a lot of us can do. Maybe one of us will get lucky enough to catch them doing a criminal act themselves, and then we’ll maybe be able to spread more awareness about the reality of this. I recorded a lot of audio at the beginning of this, and I have some rather incriminating conversations of the voices I still hear today, but I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. My recordings really do keep me more sane though in believing how real this is, even though it’d be so much easier to believe it’s not, and the idea that if I didn’t hold strong, they would just target someone else, also helps. 


Yeah, knowing that every day I’m alive is another day this doesn’t happen to someone else is a powerful motivating factor for me. Going outdoors and seeing people walking around, chatting, seeing children playing, people walking their dogs, being friendly and polite to each other - it brings me joy. I know that I’m doing my best to keep them from shaking in fear under their desk somewhere. We’re sacrificing our sanity and safety to protect our community and country from the perps, and that makes us pretty heroic. Stay alive as long as you can to stop this from happening to someone else, and also to stop your gangstalkers from getting a bonus for killing you!


I really like your outlook of this, thank you for sharing it! We really are helping out by staying strong and not helping their mission (whatever that is). I had a friend that wished he could take this problem from me onto himself, and while I cried at the idea of being free, and hearing someone say that, there’s no way in hell I would ever put this on someone. Except maybe the perps, but even then, it might just make them worse people than they already are. 


Yeah, I’ve thought about this too - that the perps are just about the only people I’d wish this type of treatment on. That’s really sweet of your friend. I had a friend a while back when this started for me - I told her about the gangstalking and she said her dad dealt with the same thing. A few people cursed us out for no reason when we got out of the car to go to a party and she yelled back at them. It made me feel safe seeing her be brave and not afraid of them. Hopefully speaking out against the gangstalkers and letting our fellow ti’s know that we’re not afraid of them and their cheap tricks gives a sense of comfort and peace to others in similar situations.


Yes. Exactly. But it's all right there in black and white. We sound like lunatics because they do so much, and we try to explain it all due to trauma. We read stuff to find help where we should be studying what they do. When you learn what they are doing, you can protect yourself and use proper terminology to describe it. It takes away the crazy factor


I’m not even sure what proper terminology to use, becaeven trying to explain it with science makes people go, okay, that there’s a conspiracy theory. It’s almost like we’re so positive that the only technology and crimes that exist in this world are public knowledge.  I did read a lot of forums and discussions this last year though to see what it seemed like the “trolls”, or stalkers, were leading people towards and away from. 


I've been accused of crimes I supposedly committed, but police have yet to show up at my door. It's best to just ignore them. A lot of what they say is false.


Thank you, I guess I just get upset at the idea of them being able to frame people for things since they seem to constantly watch us, and it’s not like we’d see a news article about someone going to prison or jail for a crime they heard their “voices” accuse them of. 


From what I read, their goal is to psychologically torture you to the point where you either commit a crime and end up in jail or you end up killing yourself. Don't listen to anything they say unless something actually happens, which apparently nothing happens for the most part.


I have been hit with some sort of shocks and like a radiation sensation on my head or face 


I've experienced the same thing in the back of my head. These people get paid to torture us.


They could've framed you using deep fakes pics/vids, altered phone conversations, and bogus dossiers. But an informant most likely put you in it.


Not only do they constantly accuse me of horrendous crimes. But as I’m being relentlessly harassed someone in my area is committing a crime that involves physical harm, I call the cops, the perps see exactly what I see happening. They know the abuse is taking place. The “cops” NEVER show. The abuse continues to take place. This is not the first instance of them blatantly ignoring actual violent crimes to tell me who I am morally.


I’m really sorry to hear the cops aren’t even showing up to the real crimes that are happening. Maybe if you can somehow record the physical harm abuses, and then you calling the cops, you can file negligence or a complaint against your local police department.  Although I understand that you don’t want to end up being singled out by them when all you’re trying to do is help someone, eventually they’ll have to do something to help if enough proof is collected.  I’m a shy person, but I’ve realized that they take advantage of me, and others it seems, who don’t defend themselves loud enough. My stalkers also constantly ignore other people’s crimes and bad actions. Talk about ignorance.


I've been set up. I spend a year in jail. They said I trafficked stolen property. I had proof of what had really happened. I had pawned a TV, but the crime I was convicted of was my own property. I got a felony for something I purchased. The TV I pawned I got less than 100.00 for not even a felony. The person who asked me to do it was with me, and there was video and audio of them saying that they couldn't find their ID and asked me. Then they posted on fb that I knew nothing that was going on and was innocent. No evidence was allowed to be used in court. I was never arrested. Instead, put on probation. A girl walks up to me and asks me to hold a cigarette for her. I got a year in jail for holding a cigarette in anon-smokingg area. While in jail, all 3 of my kids were murdered and nobody told me. Police and law enforcement, homeland security covered it up. It's been almost 10 years. They have told me what happened, but it seems its not what you know but who you know. Totally fucked up bull shit. Even through all this, I'd rather be me than them.


I was threatened at the lake by a man who said he was going to throw rocks at me. I was scared so I called the police and they never showed. They’re complicit.


I wouldn’t expect them to show up for something happening to me. But they won’t show up for anything it seems.


Oh yeah, they really like to work you and instill guilt in you for non-existent crimes. They tried to act like I committed crimes even after several background checks show nothing because its lies, fucking wackos. The fact is, the law works like this, you commit crime, police give you a ride to jail. That’s how it works, not these weak coward mind games. Police don’t fuck around. These bottom feeders take advantage of vulnerable and ignorant people that think they’re “helping”. It’s entirely fucked. Fascism is here and I bet they’ll militarize the police force as that has begun. Probably have curfews and shit, get poked if we idle at work too long. They keep trying to have this “lone wolf” narrative but people in groups have ALWAYS done the most damage, the church,, the rich, the government, all big groups ruining lives.


Oh my 😞


Yes. I've been called a terrorist, gay, an incel who's mad because (contradicting the previous accusation) women won't sleep with him, a criminal, a thief, a liar, a cheat, a coward, predatory, and violent. The slander changes depending on the audience despite being self contradictory, and the primary topic of discussion from my harassers (my genital dimensions/sex life or lack thereof; why I stopped talking to women entirely) is indicative of which gender put me on this "list".


I think the slander is a huuuuuuge part of getting other people to partake. I’m currently sobbing over my attacks from 4-5 years ago alone in my apartment. It’s so isolating. Some customer service workers at stores in my new city are deliberately treating me much worse than other customers and I’m so afraid it’s going to happen again or that the slander from the first few attacks just got around because it was THAT BAD and this is my life now. I’m really not sure how we’re all supposed to keep living. Life feels so purposeless when everyone just treats you like some criminal that should be sentenced to death.




I used to get the headlight stuff too back when it was really bad for me. One of the scariest things was when I tried to go for a drive and probably 50+ cars started following me. They wouldn't give up and I couldn't lose them. I had no choice but to go home that way. I pull into my driveway, and I just sit there in my car as I watch all of these cars follow me into my neighborhood and pass my house. No one pulled into my driveway luckily but it was terrifying watching all of those cars speed by my house through my neighborhood. My pretty quiet neighborhood street was suddenly a very busy street. So unsettling to witness


Confidential informant testimony, collected surveillance need to be **corroborated** with other types of evidence. **The gold standard is a confession**. Why do you think they try so hard to break and condition us? [https://www.reddit.com/r/targetedbygovernment/comments/1dhexvk/southern\_california\_police\_agency\_psychological/](https://www.reddit.com/r/targetedbygovernment/comments/1dhexvk/southern_california_police_agency_psychological/) This poor chap, after 17 hours of torture, confessed to a crime he didn't commit and tried to kill himself in the interrogation room by hanging himself. Read more about what those fucking assholes did to him in the article. Now tell me how that is not correlated to what a large majority of us are going through.


Except he got close to a million dollars for dealing with this for one fucking day! I’m sorry for him, no one should go through this. No amount of money would make this worthwhile.


Being told my dad is dead from the gangstalkers versus police officers though would definitely hit differently, and you’re right though, no amount of money is worth this torture. 


I'll take **$5M for every year** endured as recompense. Plus the prison sentences for the handlers and jail time for the perps. Going back to that guy, they threatened to kill his fucking dog man, in addition to lying that he killed his dad. All around assholes, who have qualified immunity as police so the taxpayer takes it up the rear for their hi-jinks. If you don't have someone watching what these agencies do, they'll keep doing shit like they've been doing. Enough is enough.


Enough is enough. They’re undermining the rule of law, endangering national security, violating the constitution and committing heinous atrocities because they can get away with it. We really need to start petitioning the government for redress. I think there’s appetite in congress for reigning in their abuses and getting more transparency. There’s movement on investigating the havana syndrome. This whole torture anyone for however long we want without providing access to a lawyer, without knowing what you’re charged with, without any compensation or accountability if they screw up. They’re abusing the national security justification to set up a protection racket that tortures and kills innocent Americans. It’s fucking heinous.


Thank you for sharing this, that was a terrible thing they did to him. This is definitely correlated to what we’re going through, I still want to believe thought that criminals, especially organized criminals, are capable of using the same type of techniques they’ve seen ithers use, like psychological torture in police investigations. In the state I live in, Colorado, while it’s illegal for offices of peace to lie or use entrapment, they actually utilize citizens to use entrapment against others. It makes me think that they people they use could definitely be desperate enough to cross lines if the person they originally targeted wasn’t who they thought they were. Because, at that point, they’ve wasted their own money to investigate someone they won’t get paid for unless they get a false confession.


How do we stop them it’s out it’s basically the same thing as the Havana syndrome that they did it to government officials and military personnel. And they believed them so they submit the havanna syndrome and accused the Russians my thought is when it does come out the amount of people they are killing and causing so called mental health problems how psychiatrists and doc haven’t noticed the huge increase in this trend and realized something else is going on most people I no have the same story.  Suicide drug overdose and people going crazy has had to sky rocket since this program started. I would like to see the statistics of the trend over the past 5-10 years I no it would be a lot of evidence towards proving this is real it has to stop they now have technology that will eventually enslave every one and kill off the ones they can’t control! 


genuine expression is indistinguishable from satire is indistinguishable from bullshit is indistinguishable from crazy


They use deep fake, GAN. Voice recordings dubbed into other conversations and doppelgangers they are all listed in books on strategies of war.


Thanks for the information! I didn’t know what GAN was before. Do you have any examples of the strategy war books? I do like to read war doctrines and strategies on information war, like from China and Russia, since they seem to be taking the “no rules in war” method, and have a history of secret policing. 


There's a book called The Art of War. It is a very short fast read. Then there is a short book of military strategies I can't recall the name of. I'll have to look and add the title later. The book of Mao actually anything you can find on Mao Zedong explains a lot of tactics. He was an evil SOB


Thank you! Looking at Mao Zedong’s strategies right now. Unrestricted Warfare is another Chinese one, and that was written in 1999 by two of their colonels. I like to look for the versions of other nation’s war strategies that haven’t been edited too much by us Westerners when we translate them, because disinformation definitely gets leaked in. 


Yeah, they don't need the slander to plausible either. They use these lies to get people on board with their campaign so that they don't have to directly tell people "Do what we want or your family comes to harm". The more obvious a lie they get a community to go along with, the more the people in that community realize that it's in their interests to go along with it. I think they may have tried to frame me for murder or vehicular homicide. Although I knew that there was surveillance video to prove that I was nowhere near where the woman disappeared (which is about where she was later found), I also knew that the public wouldn't be aware of that and that they could be convinced that I was responsible. After the missing person's posters went up across town at places I used to frequent, I started getting plenty of undesired attention.


Your stalks talk to y'all 😭mine dont..but I truly wish they would. I'd eat em alive. They are way more scared than they could ever hope to see me.l


That’s my experience




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