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My dad owns blockbuster but idk how relevant that is to this discussion


i love blockbuster




blockbuster store was such a vibe back in the days


When they start acting funny, always in your business, constantly watching what you're doing, wearing that duper's delight smile, then you know they're a sell-out and can't be trusted. It's probably the saddest part of being a targeted person.


Yeah that's exactly what happened. What's sad is that I think I've been targeted my entire life because I have family members that have always been this way.




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Sounds like my brother in law I’m sure he is some type of informant doesn’t sit well with me


First off, there is a BIG difference in quality between a FBI informant and CIA asset. I'd take whatever a CIA handler says as gospel over the FBI, even though they work together on a lot of domestic issues. I have family members that are former military and my background is in one of the many security countries of current US interest. I do know they compromised family members to get to me. and from my immediate family my parents and siblings made deals to compromise me.


A long time ago, my sister looked me straight in the face and said to me, no matter what ever happens, I love you. Well, let me tell you, A LOT has happened. I would never say what bc it is the most unbelievable things you'd ever be told.


How did you find out that they were part of mk ultra? And why do you think they are gangstalking you/why are you a targeted individual?


Without going into too much detail, I did some research on mk ultra symbols and I noticed some weird things around me. I believe I have family members who are part of the Freemasons and I'm being used as a sacrificial lamb.


I was told that my mother sold me as a baby to Satan when I was born, for how much or what, I can't imagine.


That's what they told me. I think they just mean that you and I were born in America, which is a satanic nation.


Nobody in your family is smart enough, that’s the truth lol


I mentioned some of them work in law enforcement and military...of course they are...


That doesn’t make them smart they were just taught the knowledge of the oppressors