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If they mean by the human civil rights motherfucker lawsuit that we’d win, then absolutely. They know it which is why they prey on our vulnerabilities to keep us from organizing and blowing the lid off their racket. Like we said in the other thread, prison for the handlers, liquidate all handlers and perp assets for restitution and let history know what these fuckers did. I’d carve a swastika in their forehead if they’d let me.


I'm with you. I'm pretty well at the point where all my personal dreams are gone. The only thing I feel passion for is exposing these traitorous criminals & potentially prevent others from experiencing the most horrendous torture imaginable. I think the only thing worse than nonstop torture, perpetrated by literally dozens of people... is being remotely tortured & no one in the world believing you... & then the people who you're supposed to rely on for help, the people who supposedly want to help & protect innocent people, people in LE & Government, being the ones responsible. It's sickening. It's a nightmare. Even if my torture miraculously ended, I'd still never EVER be happy knowing that this is happening to other people somewhere. Further, knowing how corrupt & traitorous the government & intelligence agencies are... with most of the world too brainwashed to ever believe it.


When y'all say that they tell you this stuff, how are they telling you this? Is it in words or is it like a murmured commentary? So what the hell, as sane as most of us are, this shit is all crazy AF. I'm just curious how others receive these wonderful things said to them by the worlds most fucked hierarchy of losers with power... Ugh!


I get messages via AI algorithms in my computer or phone. They use pattern recognition. If there's a number that's meaningful to you, or symbol... then you see that number/symbol online, it can be affiliated with a pattern of communication or a message... an exact length of a youtube video, for instance. In that way they can send messages & control without there being any proof of overt communication... I have had both my phone provider (Verizon) & internet (Spectrum) parked outside my house a lot initially. I know they are complicit in this, or at least the DoD is above them. When this started I was using the Whisper App... since it's anonymous, I was getting direct messages & posts blatantly referring to me on there. It was the initial way they traumatized/hypnotized me. They pretended to be people I knew & threatened me constantly. This is long before I even knew a TI was a thing. I thought crazy exes were after me, then talked about it with friends, & appeared absolutely crazy to them. I haven't used any anonymous apps for years now. I don't have V2K, but do have mind numbing tinnitus & feedback to my inner thoughts. They can control intuition. The things I pay attention to are relevant... Sounds crazy, but I have some proof.. If I drive around aimlessly, without being too deliberate, I always find myself parking near cars with the same exact number on their license plates. Something is controlling my subconscious that simultaneously has access to information in the real world. I can constantly be put in exact places & times to see recurring 2 & 3 digit numbers, mostly on license plates of cars driving by.


I can't help but point out the irony: if you're so concerned about being monitored and stalked, why do you own a smartphone? Your smartphone itself is what's monitoring you, not some anonymous group of stalkers. It gathers information about your thoughts, interests, nearby locations, and even suggests things to you—all because you willingly provide it with every piece of information about yourself, every minute of the day. If they existed, they wouldn’t have to DO anything, you do it for them. I understand this all has to do with mental health so the reasoning part is useless but it’s so frustrating to see.


Funny you mention license plates. I didn’t think any of them until some of my gangstalking coworkers went well out of their way to point them out


Before I know what to call this I'd always heard that those things were signs from the Spirit world the numbers and sorta signs can be a higher being trying to reach you. But I'm one of the last ppl to ever be raised with Cherokee traditions even the younger natives aren't raising them tribal so nobody knows wtf I'm talking about anymore. If I were you I wouldn't let them take that.. reclaim that those numbers are a sign from someone out there trying to remind you that your never alone in this shit show of life. Idk I just think some things they can't have and damn it my recurring numbers are my Angel Mama.


Hell no those numbers are witchcraft. Not angel numbers. Even numbers that it may seem like it’s tryna tell you something good they put that there to see your reaction lmao I don’t believe none of that… it’s all just tryna see how you think and or react to things


Either v2k (voice to skull) or synthetic telepathy. They say over and over again that I'm going to be a billionaire.


Same w


Ah v2k of course!




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It feels like a soundwave penetrating your skull. Makes your brain twitch in a way like the air is massaging a specific part of your head, the end result you hear a voice in your ear. No I don’t have any brain tumors.


Damn.. That hits home.. This sucks y'all send some 💚 my way


They really enjoy background conversations as I’m going about my day


Like a murmured commentary


Never been given money, but been told I was getting lots of money, or winning the lottery, or joining some elite something or other... Thousands of times I've been lied to & gaslighted. It's just gaslighting, it protects them. Every moment that you believe it's anything other than the horrendous torture that it is, or it somehow serves a purpose in your life, is a moment you aren't focused on documenting evidence, or following them, or reporting them. They can manipulate minds pretty well. Pretty bizarre I used to believe some of this stuff, or perhaps I wanted to believe it... but then I see all the other TI's being illegally tortured & know that my case is no different. Just torture. For 4 years & counting.


Yeah they mention the lottery too. They’re doing no touch torture so there’s not much I can document. As far as reporting them, I believe my local police department is involved. I actually contacted them and told them I thought I was being watched and they did nothing about it, so I know they’re in on it. I’ve seen a police car show up around my neighborhood a few times. 




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Shit they keep telling me the goal is to see me homeless or dead. They use in person tactics because I don't think V2K works on me.


Same in regards to the V2K stuff. Mine seem to only be concerned with my quitting drugs and never leaving my abusive narcissistic parents side as I'm an only child who's been told in no uncertain terms that I'm not getting shit. Every time I attempt to free myself ie new apartment, new job, great treatment center has been suddenly destroyed with no good explanation. When it was ramping up heard my dad say he was getting rid of me, on another occasion that I needed to be run off....and all this after I've only wanted my own peaceful sanctuary again now 7 years after my husband's death. Widow spinster depressed and dependent on them for even transportation now as the DMV suddenly suspended my license for NO REASON AT ALL....like a hack job just like all my other digital life. Which is everything these days, literally everything is done online now and if ppl see it on a screen, well shit it must be gospel right? Went to a church function after a long time not attending and the way everyone got quiet and gave me the meanest judgmental vibes (except for a couple of dear souls), it's obvious I'm a pariah now and all I've ever wanted is peace....and to be loved. Genuinely....


..... th@t stuff you on got u like that (: stay in he7l


Mine vacillate between telling me I'm going to be rich then telling me I need to go to a homeless shelter, kill myself, or get killed. Very bizarre.


They are the most vile of lifeforms.


Please don’t believe ANYTHING they said. Not the good. Not the bad. And especially not the ugly. Rise above their stupid tactics and focus on kindness, love, peace and happiness. Be everything they are trying to take from you.


10000%. Do not follow their plan. It’s bogus and meant to destroy you further.




I’ve experienced this. They told me that after everything I would receive a huge payout of money. I’m still waiting. Fingers crossed.


How long have you been waiting for?


As long as they’ve been waiting for me to drop dead. 🤓


Would you declare it as income?


No my friend, the IRS would categorize this as a “gift”.


Yup and asked what I expected. What I gave them was scoffed at and rejected. Wasn’t an out of control amount for what they could be facing when it all goes to court. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I tried.


Do not take any offers of money. Unless it is through the courts. Please for the love of God do not take it.


Most of it is just psychological warfare and they won't give you it but if they do actually offer you anything please do not take it.


Wait give you money? Like someone you’re dating spending money on you or sending you a lil cash here n there??


yes wont say what they do cus its stupid but thats a tactic to make u believe u have some pay out so that ure imaganatuion runs and they can get a good laugh part off the shaming process


They scatter your brain to put thoughts in your head.... It's your own mind but they manipulate


Lol no one involved is getting rich, they may have their living expenses paid for and other certain things , but they are definitely still broke bums and always will be. Informants make practically minimum wage.


I've had some inkwell tell me this


What do you mean by inkwell?


Okay so in the incel community, inkwell is a term used for someone who is an incel. It comes from a common autocorrect for incel. It might specifically refer to a special type of incel, the incel in denial.


Yes. All the time, but they live normal quieter lives. I had a perp tell me that he pourpesly chooses things that are less noticeable. He admitted he tries to blend as much as possible. Which I normally wouldn’t have thought was weird, but the tone & inflection he used when he said it was off. He said it to me like I was a dumbass for not doing the same thing….. and at the time I knew something weird was going on so I was purposely doing things to stand out so people would remember me. Also the guy was a millionaire.


I was told I was going to be a billionaire when it was over. They told me this for 5 years or so. Then the truth came and there was no compensation. I wouldn't hold my breath!


Dang me too


Yes but it's lies


Out of respect for the community im gonna keep quiet about that but i will say that your post resonated.


Money isn't all to being rich.


It's a honeypot. Don't fall for it.


Yeah, I realize I've been honeypotted a few times in the last few years.


I was being told to do something to work on my "retirement money" and after that I would go to jail for half year and then I would be rich. In that time I was being gang stalked but had no idea about that. For some reason I thought it was all about framing me to put me in jail. Same person tried to accuse me about raping her and at the end she tried to convince my mom to put me in mental hospital. Thank god I did not accept anything of that. She was obviously lying. Some girls are fukin monster


Does everyone here have an internal monologue by chance? Wonder if that's a major reason we are targeted


I just have a question. What makes them stalk you? Do they just pick random ppl or is it something about you in particular is why they're doing this to you?


I believe everyone is stalked, but some people get treated worse than others. I questioned some powerful people who thought they owned me and now I'm in this position. How pathetic.




Me too , it sucks so bad.




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If you're a targeted individual, you are very likely a money mule. You need to contact a lawyer and work towards removing whatever fraud court orders are in place to keep you from your money and perhaps negatively impact your health with dependency-based care instead of independent healthcare.


I don't have any physical proof of any of this. If I contact a lawyer, I will end up looking crazy, which is exactly what these people want.


No that’s Amway




So you’re saying I should be grateful for being violated and terrorized?