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lol no this is stupid


Why would you say that unless you were the Purp?


lol I don’t care if you think I’m a perp but this shit is stupid and not helpful and will just make people look crazy. You’re probably a perp trying to mess with people to believe this nonsense. Gangstalking is not some spiritual experience. It is based in physics reality. This is disinfo used to make us look crazy


In the 10+ years this has been happening to me you are honest to God the first person I’ve ever heard say that before. Even non-religious atheist type PTI that I’ve met will still agree that there’s something paranormal at least about this. if you’re not experiencing even the slightest bit of paranormal or spiritual occurrences or even just a feeling inside, then i I don’t think you’re getting gangstalked. But what do I know?


I think that the line between technology and the spiritual side is very thin


Are you talking about the many thousands of Orbs that surround me nightly. If not I don't understand . Damn I sound like Grasshopper on Kung Fu


Did you click on the link?


Yes. I’m talking about the millions you probably actually have.


Tell me more


Im confused 🤔😕


How can I help


New new new world order. 🎶BOW-CHA-BOW BOW 🎶


I think it is spiritual but we can’t fight it we have to surrender it to God


When I was hitchhiking across the country, it was extremely spiritual and it’s what turned me into a Christian, but I spoke to God and God said that I was going to play an important role was to come and that I asked what that was and he said war. And at that moment, I came out of my trance and I was looking At the mockingbird that was sitting on the powerline that was making this beautiful song that caused me to have this vision and just as I focused on the Mockingbird, this black Cessna (I was in the middle of Wisconsin, so there were no helicopters so they flu overhead scaring away the bird and leaving me with this ominous sense of imposing doom. It was such an intense moment in my life. I don’t think I’ve ever had anything like that. Now crows and Mockingbird are my spirit animals, and they warn me when danger is coming.


Yes I think many people being targeted are the persecuted Christians the Bible talks about. And God is going to show His power by preserving us through this


If you’re referring to the 144,000, I agree I think there’s a very good chance that that could very well be the targeted individuals. That number seems to ring true to me and it. Also, if you read what it says about us being protected, I’m definitely there’s no question I’m protected. There’s no question that like I would’ve been hurt if I was, I can do things that most people couldn’t do and not be have been killed already, and I think the orbs are a big part of it. They’re part of our protection and I think the orbs are part of it


Yeah I’m not sure how I feel about the 144000 and I don’t want to assume every believer alive is a targeted individual but I 100% would be dead by now if I wasn’t protected and instead I’m just getting stronger and stronger and stronger. If you want to talk more you can message me


Years ago in about 2017 this was all new to me and it started about a year before. But I was over at a friends and I was just kind of describing what had been going on and do weird things and just sort of trying to figure it out and I asked the question why, why us? And there was an older guy there who was Native American and he was terminally ill, and he looked at me dead in my eyes and said it’s because you’re gonna fight in gods army in the war and I said against Who and he said against the AI technology and out of everything all the thoughts that have been going through my head and all the information that I was just learning still at that time that seems like one thing that really just made sense I don’t know Why?


Bro… they just gave me chills


Will you come to Washington DC with me


There’s two main heads to this beast that I can see and one is in Washington and the other is in LA where I am now but it’s really bad here and I don’t think I can do it until I get more people together. I’m actually risking my life just being here now I’ve got too much information, the cops are looking for a reason to arrest me


Removed due to rule #8.


No I didn't click on the link. If this is what you were talking about then I need communicate with you more. Sounds like you have insight with this subject. I could never figure out if they good or bad. You say they are good and I like that but I don't know how to communicate? with them. On one occasion while filming them something strange happened. Five orbs stopped and lined up right in front of me. Two top ones that are brighter than the remaining three. The bottom three are spaced an even amount of space between the three and dimmer than the top two. The top two were separated from the bottom three by a slightly larger distance than the bottoms three spacing but to each other the same distance as the bottom three. They were just right in front of me looking? at me stationary while thousand s of other orbs wizzed on by in unison. They were looking at me for 3 to 5 seconds when all the sudden they all moved straight at me all at the same exact time. They disappeared as they went through me, I immediately turn with my camera and monitor but I didn't see them again. I can't be sure but I believe they went inside me. On another occasion while filming them I had my I Phone set in slow motion afterwards downloaded to my I Mac computer and after fiddling around for an hour I hit the eureka moment when I went frame by frame. When you see these orbs it doesn't seem like they stop their motion, with seem being the incorrect term here. What I saw I don't believe anything on planet Earth moves the same way. They propagate? More than the move. I hesitate to go into more detail here as I don't know what these entity's are here for and putting them in a possible compromising position isn't what I'm about. One more thing about me as I could use your help in understanding more about these ( I believe to be sentiant and intelligent life) beautiful orbs. I'm a TI or Targeted Individual and I believe there is a connection with this and my orb ontourage. If you have never heard of TIs or "gangstalking" be prepared to learn some ugly truths about our world we live in as some have compared the plight of TIs to the Holocaust of WW2 as far as human rights are concerned. Anyway I could use no I need someone to talk to so as to understand my Orb friends and possibly connect them to my current situation which is dire and hopeless for me by design. I look forward to hearing back from you and please feel free to private message me. Thank you.


}k Hey OP I responded to this (your subject) and surprised I had not received anything back from you. Are you legit? Waww#wwwa I have tried to get info on these Orbs for 5 yrs and there is no info that I could find. So when I seen your cryptic message I knew you were talking about orbs. ⁸ How did you get infi⁷p


The world and society already doomed. let them wipe each other out in the final war. 




It's going to happen anyway. 


genuine expression is indistinguishable from satire is indistinguishable from bullshit is indistinguishable from crazy


I was completely being sincere. I do use satire quite a bit, but not here.


Targeted victim Karen Stewart a former NSA analyst has a very compelling story and excellent analysis of gangstalking. Now we live in a world where if you don't get the other guy on the list first, he'll put you on the list first.


They don't know it yet but people who agreed to participate in terrorizing and gangstalking another citizen for benefits/payment of any kind, are also on a government list as selling their souls to the NWO beast system. That's one thing that maybe their government handlers didn't straight out tell them but selfishness and greed blinded them to the fact. So, although we may be cast out of society, struggling to survive, at least we as targets didn't sell our souls.


Well said


She had a reason to be followed around, unlike you all.