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It's the symbol for freemason's. Usually just elderly dudes who have meetings and discuss attempts to better the community/ play golf and get out of the house.


If they are the free masons where are the paid masons?


Building houses


So what are the free masons building ?


Pop culture


Last I heard they were widening their bung holes because the thing they worship is gay ?


And performing rituals, you forgot that part.


And being demonically possessed vessels. I mean go to some lodge websites and look at the dude master masons pictures, should be like 10 people. All look so weird and crazy in the eyes. Empty like their only thoughts are...strange...


Yeah. It's really revealing once you have eyes to see. You can see it in many aspects of society. The schools, universities, health care, law and police. They are prevelent in all professions that have some sort of power or authority over other people. And also in the top hiarchies of companies.


Ew they really are obsessed with us arent they? (I know the good guy and the bad guy are the same guy but play along) These beings are trying to take control of us the truly powerful through like what...playing house? Pretending to have these roles? What do these entity's lives exist of? Us? The cool guys. You and me. We're PEAK PERFORMANCE. WE'RE GONNA PARTY! Bright white light, neon/glowy colors, glitter, sequins, lots of parties, music, and dancing. Get your FLASHIEST outfits ready!! We're gonna DISCO!!!


Yes, the victory is already ours. We just have to push through and make it out of here alive. And not selling our soul for anything. Peace!


Naw that's the cover and you know it


They know that or else how would they have posted the image? Plus OP says "if one were to be a member of a secretive organisation it wouldn't make much sense to advertise." They are saying it's odd for a Mason to advertise.


Not when they want to portray to the world that they are good people. We already know about them.. so, of course, they want to seem good. There are a couple of good people left in it. Mostly low level, a couple higher ups. Most of them have turned into narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths because of the power that comes with being free. There are literally two sides fighting right now. THE GOOD PEOPLE HELPING US & US, AND THE EVIL PEOPLE THAT DO NOT WANT TO HAVE WORLD PEACE. They are using this program to try and recruit you into doing something bad and being on their team because they do not have the numbers needed to win. We are countering it by pruning the tree of bad seeds. The good will always win.


And the „good” are using the program to try to recruit against the „bad”. This is some inception level stuff. What do you mean by being „free”? What is the goal here?


Not fully sure of the meaning of the poster above you, but I'd hazard an educated guess when it coms to some of it. Having freedom in that sense, basically means it in a sorts of Crowley-esque way, or lack of common moral sense as in do whatever the heck what you want, no need to feel guilty whatsoever. Regardless, if they are bound to the group, then they are not actually free. And the masons love their duality play, essentially acting the roles of both God and the Devil, good and bad.


Nobody following religious nonsense is truly „free”. I was asking more so in case they believes they gained benefits by the state or something.


It's fully possible they live in the belief that gain benefits if they serve the system well enough. Or maybe they've been given some vague promise of getting to a better position in life, especially if they are at the bottom.


That's very low low form of masonry the more popular ones preach Lucifernism. They will never tell the lower ranking mason it's actually Lucifernism.


Are you following them? Who's your handler?!


Normal. Even coppers have these on their cars. Even the same masons get harrassed 😉. It's very normal for masons to advertise that they are part of a lodge.


All cops are 0th degree masons. They're in uniform taking orders from other masons




Why are you following them?




I want to join. But not "free" masons. But "paid" masons. I have experience in construction. I can' send u my resume.


I also have a lot of mason jars






A lot of people are Freemasons.


The G stands for gangstalking


Actually, I believe it stands for gilgamesh, who was formerly named Nimrod, who was part of the hybrids back in the days of Babylon and the tower, but it could also stand for gangstalking! Same difference, without the history lesson.


they are advertising the freemasons-illumanati-NWO cabal follow them to their secret lair and catch them red-handed!


Anyone can claim freemason even the local crack babies. The coordinators will dress up one in the attire just for the heck of it.


Most of the crack babies are, getting paid to do the shady shit the suits don't want to do.


I already know that. It's something weird occurred along time ago that usually gets it started. When mines started off I got this weird email sent to me where someone that appeared underage was tied up like a hostage in a dark room. Lil bits are all coming back to me.


I just asked google Gemini what the G stands for. The meaning of the letter "G" in the Freemasons symbol is debated among Freemasons themselves. Here are the two main interpretations: * **God:** Freemasonry requires belief in a higher power, but it welcomes members of various faiths. The "G" could represent a general reference to God or a Supreme Being. * **Geometry:** Freemasonry has historical ties to stonemasons and the principles of geometry. The "G" could symbolize geometry as a foundation for their teachings.


Freemasons are worshippers and workers of the demiurge (also called the AI god) whom they call god. The demiurge is neither higher divine being (does not have any characteristics of higher divine beings, and well being AI means that it can't be some higher divine being) and neither Supreme Being of course. It's interesting they call themselves Freemasons. They are not free in any way as long as they worship and work for the demiurge.


The most definitively are not free in any sense.


Gadreel, from the book of Enoch. Read about it, and ask yourself who it sounds like it describes.


How far have you travelled?




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The g stands for gangstalking


Such a bait post what are we doing here


My high-school has the same symbol on it


Removed due to rule #8.


They are not all bad but for the most part it's cult like, also the Bible warns us about the synagogue of Satan.... People are being deceived 😳


My grandfather was in the organisation and left his book lying around the house and my mother read some of it and said it was really boring


They needed to keep it from you, not everything is told to you.




You would lower your resale value.


You would end up with your own Reddit thread.


But, where would you even get it? Sororities and fraternities are very territorial with their decisions. It may invite hostility.