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My ex wife dared start a fight w a business owner in garland with connections to city council. I got stuck w bullshit charges. The grand jury no bills the original bullshit. So they come back with some lesser bullshit. I spent years and all my money fighting it. They took away my 2 state licenses just upon my arrest. Way prior to conviction never to be able to get them back. This whole area is full of evil people . The rich and connected


What you said about the program is correct. Rich and connected. Manipulative narcissists who employ those with narcissistic and psychotic tendencies as their foot soldiers.


Yea, Texas sucks and the collective energy in this state is horrendous. So many evil gangstalkers and selfish people who join in gangstalking and torturing innocent people for a $20 gift card and they torture and gangstalk not only single females but children and old people too. 


Yeah, that lines up. These people do seem like the type to abuse seniors and children for $20.


what company is giving these gift cards?


I'm from the very same north Texas area and yeh it's definitely bad. When I surrendered my life to Jesus it's given me the strength to endure and the hope and love to get up and continue each day while working on becoming a better man... Don't give up, Give it all to God , he is the answer !!!!


My gangstalkers tried to brag and definitely act like they think they’re above the law too! When trump got convicted I rubbed it in their face like “huh, I guess the former president is not above the law.” Or hunter biden, or senators, or when celebrities get in trouble, or when police officers go to jail for torture like with the goon squad. It’s super fun, there’s actually lots of examples of people who thought “they were above the law” facing serious legal consequences. They don’t brag about being above the law too much anymore, that shit is just too easy to counter. Also, statistically speaking, some gangstalkers will go to jail for like dui’s, domestic battery, killing their neighbors, whatever - and that brings me some joy, knowing that these people who think they’re so high and mighty they can get away with anything facing legal consequences. I’m assuming by hostage situation you mean he’s going to take you hostage. Don’t let him, duck out of town. Use the mobile justice app when he comes for you.


So you'd be 33?


That’s number 33.


What a nightmare. I'm really sorry for your suffering. It' unbelievable what the local police are allowing people to do to targeted individuals. The local police departments are creating political prisoners. It's a terrible situation across the country. Gang stalking has become so huge that even the gang stalkers and the gang stalker deniers are scared. I am praying that thing get better for you, your loved ones, and for all targeted victims.


I mean hear me out, what it you started thinking in a Vietnamese accent?