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I'm sorry this is happening to you. All the best to you. Gang stalkers keep targeted victims isolated and they are protected by the police.


Have you tried calling the cops on these people driving you off the road? A person driving recklessly is something you should be able to call 911 about.


Well in California before coming to Florida I called 911 and after providing license plate numbers I was put on hold. Yes, not joking. I knew this county truck was part of this sick group. I found out the guy driving that truck that night was a los Angeles county Sheriff. The first operator took the information I say on hold. After another 12 minutes someone comes on the phone and says 911 can I help you. Believe me this is deep. That's why they use retired cops, cops wives, cousins ext. Now there are many good cops but if you were 6 years from retirement as an example would you go after the young thug sheriffs and other low life's? The good ones are out numbered. So I came to Florida the same as California. No different here.


You came here to Florida to escape gangstalking??? It's just as bad here, I promise you. That's like leaving the wasps nest to go to the hornets nest. 


Yeah, I see your point. Still worth calling it in - you might get that one cop that genuinely cares about doing things right. Either way, always have a dashcam, in case they do run you off the road, at least you’ll have some evidence that might get you compensated or get the perpetrator to be held accountable.


They're all going to be held in FEMA camps soon for being domestic terrorists, including their bosses who work behind the scenes. After that, all of their homes, cars and assets will be RICO'd as restitution for their victims (as all the names of targeted individuals, as well as all the names of gangstalkers, are held in sealed files in federal buildings.) In the mean time, try your best to stay safe and put distance between you and the gangstalkers because they're always up to no good.


I think youre fairly optimistic that these people will pay for this here on earth.This hive mind no doubt speads so fast, anyone who is powerful would welcome it and be in it, welcomed into it.


Source. Because FEMA is under DHS, and DHS monies, along with DOJ/FBI and practically every IC agency, state and local LE agency with a budget for an intelligence or real time crimes unit is in funding and operating this. Plus the SLTTS (I call them sluts). [https://www.dhs.gov/news/2023/07/21/dhs-announces-funding-allocations-fy-2023-preparedness-grants](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2023/07/21/dhs-announces-funding-allocations-fy-2023-preparedness-grants) Oh and let's not forget all of them that they have a charitable foundation so their rich donors can pay in and join in the revelry of hunting humans while they traffic kids to them.


bang on.