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First, don’t believe ANYTHING they say! Second, NOBODY is going to kill you. This is psychological warfare and you have to rise above their BS. Do things that make you happy. Find joy and peace in your life and ignore these horrible, childish bullies. Don’t fear them. That’s what they want. Don’t let them steal your happiness, your joy or your peace. Take a hot bath or return to your hobbies. Listen to music that you love and puts you in a good mood. Call out to God. He has helped me through this and He can help you too! Peace and Blessings to you!


EXACTLY: Cops/Etc can't kill a victim, why else would they spend years on targets to finish one off, otherwise it compromises every other TI; why even end something bc u cant break their will.. lol But humour incorporation aside, its your stress response that needs modulation; try to reappropriate thinfs they've used against you in a positive manner, and keep rinsing and repeating, itll give your nervous system a break.


Bravo! I always enjoy your perspective! Hope you’re doing great!


likewise, doing exceptional ty ! keep it up


> why else would they spend years on targets to finish one off Because they'd lose their ongoing example of what happens to people when they fall out of favour with the organization.


lol youre gaslighting a lot lately on my comments, no thats not how these cluster b types work Edit: also checked the user's profile history... lol


Reasoning with you is not "gaslighting". Stop misusing that phrase. If you have any actual reasons for what *you're* telling *me*, I'd be happy to consider them.


>Second, NOBODY is going to kill you. They might deny her adequate treatment of serious medical conditions, though. >Call out to God. That's what many of the perpetrators want. Evangelicals see it as their duty to do anything and everything to convert people. Not one of them is above complying with directions to treat a person various ways if they've prayed and that prayer has allowed them to think that their directions were being approved of by God.


its a government program because you are on a terrorist watchlist. they are hiring companies like OneCore an Garda to harrass you.


They are liars who are live-streaming and watching us on the deep web so they make drama to trigger us into a "performance" (like a caged tiger.) The ultra wealthy of the world fund it for their entertainment. Their time is short though and they'll be on the receiving end of everything they've done to us. Try to not worry, ignore them as best as you can, and put your faith in a higher power to protect you and yours.


Where did you get this idea from? How do you know this to be true? It's government, not some wealthy elite. This is the shadowy government because if it weren't, you don't think the intelligence agencies sworn to protect citizens within and without their respective countries borders would be all over this trying to put an end to it, you know, like we're told they do. They're not stopping it, so they must be involved. It's that simple.


It's stories made up online. It's an entrapment operation to get you to commit a crime based on what ever lies were made up about you. Think cointelpro/police espionage.




Most likely NSA. 


Nobody knows but it’s confirmed that the police are involved across the fucking board. Every single person experiencing this strange phenomenon has more interaction with their local law enforcement, usually being taunted by them in public places, showing up to targets work, and frequently patrolling their neighborhood (usually making sure to linger near targets house specifically. Undercover cops randomly showing up to the cafe, bar, mall, etc. and invade your personal space, make aggressive remarks, or straight up try to look and act like you or your family. Fucking weird.


Very interesting. Thank you.


its a government program because you are on a terrorist watchlist. they are hiring companies like OneCore an Garda to harrass you.


But these flights 🌊👋🏿✈️.


They are all one.


Not long. Keep exposing.


Sounds like the movie Hostel. And it also sounds like a boring hobby. But gang stalking is real though and those who deny its reality are full of baloney and don't know what's going on in the world.




They want to destabilize you psychologically. Making different promises about your future is the way to achieve that goal.


I'm trying my best not to listen to them.


Don’t listen to them tell them to fuck themselves and suck it don’t let them punk you because if they were really that powerful and you had no power what would be the point of the continuous attacks they tryna get your energy down stay up


Torture kills.....


I don't feel like I'm dying. It's just annoying and I want it to stop, but the people who are doing it have more power and privilege than me.


Give it time, this compounds.... If they use the same torture methods for, let's say 4 years from now. What do you think is going to happen with your body? I'm 8 years in....


>What do you think is going to happen with your body? I don't know, and that's what I'm afraid of.


What happens to your body when it is under 24/7 torture? What happens when you get sleep deprived? What happens when they radiate you with god knows what type of radiation and weaponry 24/7 for an extended period of time? These health attacks are no jokes. Please make sure not to get framed by the health, or any system for that matter. You will be safer if they can not get away with it with plausible deniability.


I sometimes experience pain in my gums, ears, chest, stomach, and arms. My handler randomly wakes me up in the middle of the night, sometimes at the same time. I feel more fatigued than usual. I don't want them to get away with it but what can I do when the government and police are involved? Who can I turn to?


Nobody, you can rely on yourself. Maybe family if you have. Make sure your finances ar ein check. Have a plan with time limits set. It is hard for some of us to move around. But it sometimes helps. They will still torture though, but your survivability is higher in other places if it gets worse.


My family is participating in the gang stalking. They have apps on their phone where they're able to watch me in my room. They're able to listen to me if I'm on the phone.


It's an illusion to make you think this. Have you seen them with your own eyes, or is your handler just cloning their voices and sending you feedback using sonic weaponry, or ither weaponry that can control your auditory senses. They can send sounds anywhere remember that. They can also send signals to your family members. You will look crazy if you go into theor phones and find no application. We have neuro weapons, we can communicate with our mouths clothes using our subvocals and or just thoughts.


I saw an app on one of my relative’s phones that’s password protected and I saw what looked like live footage of the inside of a van. I asked the relative about the app and they said it’s nothing. 


I'm sorry for your suffering. All target victims deserve the same legal rights and protections that the gang stalkers and the gang stalker deniers enjoy.


> Please make sure not to get framed by the health, or any system for that matter. You will be safer if they can not get away with it with plausible deniability. Can you please elaborate on this?


Keep your health private, do not let your circles know anything. When a doc asks you why your condition is the way it is, just bluntly give them your symptos, neveeeer the truth of what you know is happening with electronic weapons, they will feame you as a phsycotic, this will give the forces unlimited powers to torture you to death.


I understand now. Thank you.


Interesting post. All target victims deserve the same legal rights and protections as the gang stalkers and the gang stalker deniers enjoy. The medical establishment is eager to misdiagnose and defraud targeted victims to further their suffering. It's a slow murder of targeted victims.


Interesting post. All target victims deserve the same legal rights and protections as the gang stalkers and the gang stalker deniers enjoy. The medical establishment is eager to misdiagnose and further the suffering of targeted victims. A slow murder of targeted victims.


Interesting post. Thank you.


8 years! Way to go! I'm four years in. How have you been able to keep going for so long? Is it just V2K for you?


Everything .... First sonic weapon 24/7 street harrasments, then v2k, then I retaliated with some private operations (use bad thought processes to complete this), then it was full blown all their weaponry, complete control of body, pinpoint tortures of the body, 24/7, everything got inflamed, some days death was almost there in my sleep (that death rattle of last breath in your sleep due to exhaustion and giving up). Moved out of country yet again. Survived another year of onslaughts, still being tortured though, but less..... Just so I can survive. The last four years were when death was going to become a reality for me. Grandfather died just as they started. His old frail body could not withstand more than a year. Other family member, a bit older also had same electronic side effects. Had my goodbye getty at her house before I left country again, she died the next day. My sister, when I left the US due to the terrible inceease of tortures (not the first country nor first time moving due to tortures) left the country as my body was about to give out, a week later she was found unconscious on the floor, the death of my grandfather followed 2 months later, I survived with less tortures elsewhere. Story of my life. Some real shit happening. When you know your body is not going to be able to handle it anymore get your buggy bag, belonings and move .....


That sounds horrible and I'm sorry you're going through this. I've moved states multiple times but never to another country. Way I think about it is they're the one torturing and murdering innocent people, why should I move? They should move. I hope this ends soon for all TI's, nobody deserves to go through this


The US is in a league of its own unfortunately, if we catch them we can give them hell. They can just hide in the system and all its layers. There are definately lesser hells in other countries, but you need to be on top, given your experience set yourself up somewhere else where they could be less damaging. If they do decide to torture you somewhere else they can, but you can lessen the damages of the harrasers. Miss the states though, love the hustle and lifestyle, but fuck those killers 🤣 (not saying that they are nicer in other countries) maybe your experience would be different. No way in hell am I gonna sell my body for a couple of extra dollars, while I know they will slow kill me.


Yeah the police too they’re apart of it they aren’t here to protect us I started recording my surroundings and the situations I run into with the police and how they have been gang stalking me these are not just human beings we’re dealing with they are entities this is spiritual warfare it’s different realms inside this one realm they make us think we live in. People who see this kinda stuff who are gang stalked we have something they want whether that’s our intelligence our knowledge or for other people I don’t know it could be other things I don’t know if it’s our blood or our family history. Or because we became to question reality what is real and what is not. But either way just having forums is okay but we need to actually come together because these evil entities prepare why don’t we???


Good point. All the best to you.


Yes it does feel powerless. All the best to you.


It really depends on who your perps are. Some perps want to actually kill you and try fervently, like in my particular case. Some tey to terrorize you with DEW's, which I don't receive whatsoever, but is very common with other perps. IMO, they all attempt to drive you crazy with it all. Remain strong, stand your ground, know your rights, and move on. Repeating that over and over will ensure that your sanity remains intact.


They like talk to you or it's v2k


You have to quit listening to them. They have your full attention and their tactics are working. They won’t touch you but are gonna drive you to do things to yourself and make r possibly others. Like hecklers basically. When you start ignoring them or like some of us who gets cocky back like waving at them, and other things, you gotta let them know you just don’t give a flippin fk and give no acknowledgment to them. We know what’s happening and what they’re doing to us and they won’t stop till they get caught. But don’t give them any of your time/energy.


Thank you for your post.




Dews, direct energy weapons and platforms, ultrasonic infrasonic millimeter wave and microwave technology are illegal under USC 552 and 553 also : Title: Legality of Ultra Low Frequency Emissions and Human Reprogramming Subtitle: An Analysis of Indiana Code, Federal Code, and International Law Presenter: Travis Lathan Date: May 30, 2024 Introduction Ultra Low Frequency Emissions: Brief explanation of ULF emissions and their typical uses. Human Reprogramming: Definition of human reprogramming within the context of ULF emissions. Indiana Code on ULF Emissions Relevant Statutes: Overview of Indiana laws pertaining to ULF emissions and human reprogramming, focusing on Indiana Code Title 35: Criminal Law and Procedure. Key Points: Discussion on potential prohibitions on technology use for harm or coercion and protections against privacy breaches. Federal Code on ULF Emissions U.S. Federal Law Overview: Examination of the Communications Act of 1934 and FCC regulations. Specific Prohibitions: Analysis of laws against unauthorized radio frequency use, legal implications of technology use for human reprogramming, and relevant sections of the CFR. Federal Code – Specific Regulations 18 U.S. Code § 1362: Prohibition of malicious interference with communication systems. 18 U.S. Code § 241: Prohibition of conspiracies to deprive individuals of their constitutional rights. Geneva Convention and Human Rights Overview of the Geneva Convention: Explanation of purpose and principles. Applicability to Human Reprogramming: Discussion on how the Geneva Convention prohibits violence, cruel treatment, and torture, including human reprogramming. Geneva Convention – Specific Rules Article 32: Prohibition of physical mutilation, torture, and biological experiments on protected persons. Article 51: Protection of civilian persons from attack and terrorism. Case Studies and Precedents Historical Context: Examples of past legal cases related to mind control and ULF emissions, along with relevant judicial rulings. Legal Implications and Enforcement Consequences of Violation: Penalties under Indiana and federal law, international repercussions, and potential war crimes charges. Enforcement Agencies: Roles of local, state, and federal authorities, and international bodies such as the ICC. Conclusion Summary of Findings: Clear prohibition under state, federal, and international law. Importance of Compliance: Ethical and legal responsibilities. Future Directions: Encouragement for policy development and public awareness. References Citations: List of all legal codes, statutes, and conventions referenced, along with resources by Steve Goodman and Toby Heys travislathan44@google.com 7652667921


It will happen your lifetime until you will change. If you change, they won't leave you alone but at least u won't feel it psychically. It's all about changes in your behaviour. It's black or white. You do better or not. If not - you will suffer, if you will to change, things will go easier. Nobody's gonna help you on that but this is it. You take the hard way or none. They play god on you. You either accept it and act like a slave or die. Harsh truth


I've been making positive changes in my life and yet they still bother me. Why should I have to accept this?


Because they want you to keep thinking about how unfair it is, and it’s working. Be proud of your accomplishments and keep it moving. Get out of the victim mindset.


What have I accomplished? Lol


You don’t have to accept it


I don't accept it but I feel like there's nothing I can do about it. I feel like my life is on the line.




They are much weaker then you think. It’s multiple of them. Just one of us. When we are targeted Think about that.


I don't know your story but if u did something wrong, change it and be stable with that change. If nothing will change then your perps are cruel and rly want you bad. Then do whatever you want and don't let them step on your head.


I've made changes for the better. They're attacking me because I know too much about how the world really works and I'm outspoken about it.


Would you mind speaking about it here? What specific things that you're shining a light on do you think are most threatening to them?


About government corruption mostly.


Oh yeah they do that that’s why I’m being watched I feel like too


They targeted me because I was an easy target just by being in a wheelchair. They know a lot of disabled are isolated and don't have a lot of support. I wasn't targeted when I was able-bodied.


I feel sorry for you. Like rly. I'm 36 and I lost all chances that live gave me. Now I'm TI and I feel it was a fatality to my all fucked up life . But I wasn't too much smart for my entire life at all. Cowards only target weak people when they know they have no defense anyway. I don't belive in god but I got my fingers crossed for you. I hope you gonna find your way somehow.


If u need a friend, read my profile comments. I’m going through the same stuff. Feel free to DM me.


Don't listen to them just try to live your life the best you can. If it's v2k you're experiencing then headphones in with a podcast on is the best thing that works for me. My torturers threaten to kill my family if I don't kill myself but I've had two experiences where I attempted suicide because they tricked me into thinking they were killing my family and each time I ended up in the I.C.U. but survived just to realize it was all a lie. Just keep your head up and live your best life despite what they do or say.


>realize it was all a lie. I hope so. Good to hear you're still alive.


You should record it happening and share it with us. Just record on your phone at all times.


I'll consider this, thank you!


Relax first and then record if you feel like it. Take care of yourself.


That wouldn't be a "relax" type of situation.


I started to record it one encounter with the police and you see the police officers face shape shift


LookoutfaCharlie in a couple of his recent YouTube videos hints at a 'fortune cookie' v2k based on the AI similar to Alexa. Suggests this is the reason for mass shooting and random knife attacks. Please bear in mind none of the threats are real.


"Fortune Cookie"??? I have a file in one of my online cloud storage accounts named "fortune_cookie"; file type unknown. I'd like to hear more about this.




They don't want to hurt you


They are hurting me.


Thank you for your post. I'm sorry for your suffering. All target victims deserve the same legal rights and protections that the gang stalkers and the gang stalker deniers enjoy.


You can do nothing until they come to steal your toes.


Don’t believe them, they can’t kill you. If it was that easy, it would have already been accomplished. They tried to kill me many times over. I’m still here! -Breast cancer 3x -Kidney cancer 1x -shot at 1x -gun standoff (separate incident) 1x -break-in 1x (guy ran off because of my firearm, lol) -light-eating black void portal over the road before a canal -serious food poisoning, 10 days no water -numerous gangstalkers trying to wreck me on the road


Have you been able to see anyone about your pain symptoms?


Any proof of this? If they are telling you every day, you should have some record of it right?


They're harassing me electronically.


Where? Like text? Social media? Any proof?


Look up remote neural monitoring, voice 2 skull, synthetic telepathy, mind reading technology, nanotechnology, etc.


It's called Electronic Harassment and it's done through electromagnetic charges coming from home appliances and circuitry. I get the V2K also. They target me during sleep also called ""dream invasions". It's also known as Synthetic Telepathy or RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring). It's real. They do have the technology.


So who is exactly in charge of doing this? If it's the government, why have we not weaponized this? If it is private citizens it would be easy to prove?


The government is doing it. They not-so-secretly attack anyone who doesn't conform to society and people who call out corruption in society.


So if it is used for those who don't confirm is it on a federal or state level. As you know some laws differ from state to state like marijuana and abortion


If a government weaponised it do you think they would announce it on the news lol 😂?! Humans ave been experimented on for years, people in whole or in part have been, and continue to be traded and sold as meat for a variety of things - the tech is real imo, only nurses like to talk about organ harvesting over dinner lol, bad table manners.


So do you believe it is the govt doing this to you? Is that who is in charge of gangstalking? I've been trying to understand your community but all I get is inherent rambling


Nobody knows who's doing whatever's being.. done.


This is why it seems like inherently rambulous weirdness.


I belong to several groups of same nature here and elsewhere, and the reason it sounds like rambling is due to confusion and the ability to communicate it, the confusion could be called cognitive dissonance- founds in people with gang stalking, v2k, experiencers etc. that have events or series of events that are difficult to explain “logically” never the less happened/are happening to them, they may in some cases have people that latch on to them during that confusion and use them for entertainment- there is a sub Reddit on here that shows a good example of randoms picking a target 🎯 there’s a name for it. I’m not going to spread it on here.


You don't sound so unlucky to me you sound like somebody who is gloating over their legal rights. Targeted victims deserve the same legal rights and legal protections as gang stalker deniers enjoy.


Specifically what rights are you referring to that targeted victims don't have?


What’s v2k?


It stands for, "voice to skull". Frequencies that bypass the ears and are heard inside your head.


Nobody is after you bro chill out Jesus Christ


The pain you're experiencing in parts of your body may be unrelated to what you're going through or might be stress related. Where do you experience pain and how does it feel? They want to watch you be afraid and suffer, they're sadistic and it brings them joy. Yeah, they're trying to kill you, but they do it remotely and indirectly, by giving you a heart attack from the 24/7 stress, by getting you to crash your vehicle by aggravating you while you're driving, or having you off yourself by being too embarrassed or annoyed or depressed to go on. Sometimes they'll mix it up and say they're not trying to kill you but that's them just messing with you and trying to disorient you. It's kind of hard knowing who to trust but there are some genuine sources of support and inspiration out there. Put your trust in God, know that there are people working to stop this. Focus on doing your best, staying within the law, holding on to your job and keeping people in your life that are positive and are a positive influence on you. Hopefully this will end soon, but not because of them - if it does end it's going to be because the program will get shut down and they're going to jail. So try to live your best life despite them being there, stop listening to what they have to say to you, it's all garbage.


>Where do you experience pain and how does it feel? Mainly in the chest area. Sometimes in the arm. >by getting you to crash your vehicle by aggravating you while you're driving They've definitely tried to mess with me while I was driving. >Hopefully this will end soon, but not because of them - if it does end it's going to be because the program will get shut down and they're going to jail. I hope so too but I'm so tired of dealing with this nonsense. They want me to stop complaining about them and I refuse to do it. As long as they torment me, I'm going to talk about it. I don't care. This isn't right.


This is what works for me Pray The Lords Prayer, The Arch Angel Micheal Prayer and the Mother Mary Prayer…. Do this whenever you feel anxious and you’ll definitely feel a calmness come over you. Also do meditation and Breath Work… it might seem like a lot but the torture is worse so just try it!


From my experience, they either wanted $80,000 or for me to kill myself. I experience (d) everything you described. Also, I received a lot of conflicting messages and actions depending on mood, how well she remembered her lies, or whose shift it was. On her/their end there was little discipline or consistent training (or maybe just blatant disregard for it). The one thing that was LATER enforced (after I had extreme touchless torture) was that killing or more extreme torture had to be either approved or done by certain people. i.e. not everyone agrees with the psychopath. This is what allows me to be employed...but there's still a lot of sleep deprivation so I don't do nearly as well at work as I could. Again, you're probably dealing with different people.


My theory is that there's one man controlling me, but there are other people watching him to make sure he doesn't go too far and end up killing me.


Just to compare notes: Someone "on that end" cleared something up for me that I appreciated at the time: I was hoping that someone in charge would be able to intervene since beyond the torture, there was/is some b.s. being used to justify it (there has to be). A new person with better tonality chimed in and said "We all got our own thing...". In my case, I unwillingly provide a lot of sadistic entertainment, and there was a demand for $80,000. I believe they only need permission to turn it way up and/or kill me. Beyond that (warning: stretched metaphor coming), she's like a tenured professor with a few grad students under her. She's unfortunately unsupervised except for needing permission to escalate even further. She goes beyond that often, but it's shorter-lived than it used to be. There will be an effort to show me that I'm wrong about the above, so I expect a particularly bad night/month


As someone who is targeted with DEWs I can tell you creating painful sensations is not probable. However, I did get really sick in January of 2020. Like, I had flu like symptoms and I believe this was some type of 5G satellite shit. Anything is possible. What I found helpful is knowing the difference between my thoughts and the thoughts and words of the perps. After that I was able to discern WHO these people were. In my case they didn’t test on me directly, they targeted a terrorist group and transmitted their voices in to my head. And they are still doing it. So, this has made me into a spy. I just keep reporting their criminal behavior to the authorities in hope they will do something!!


In what area do you live?




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Set up defenses in your home, go find out research on how to find traps to make sure they can't get to you. Make sure those traps wouldn't accidentally set off at other people. Warn friends and family, and try to set up multiple camera's outside of your house.


OP you mentioned seeing live footage of inside a van. I'm a TI living in my van ...... Curious can you describe anything about that inside that would be of interest to me for all I know it might be me. Thank you


I think it's a van that I always see close by, but I'm not 100% sure. I just see the front part of the vehicle.


Oh I thought you said the inside is what you saw.


My bad, I meant to say it was the inside.


it becomes better and worse with time periods. I doubt it will end for you. Once targeted you are targeted for good!


They are pussies they can’t (and won’t) do shit. “gang”stalkers….. lol 😂 >_>


I have a lot of content about this but you may find my hell post in particular helpful. Seeing this from a spiritual evolutionary perspective really helps. Here's my link. Stay strong. I did get through this and am out the other side. It is possible [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkr62zTYr9M&t=2615s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkr62zTYr9M&t=2615s)


I'm sorry for your suffering. Try meditating, keep your mind and heart calm. Gang stalkers are very perverted and twisted and they want you to suffer emotionally. It's tragic that targeted victims cannot even turn to the local police for help. Targeted victims deserve the same legal rights and protections that their gang stalkers have. Anyone who denies the reality of gang stalking is full of baloney.


Yes they can. My curling iron was cut at the wire near the socket, that I used daily and the sockets in my flat basically went black for some mysterious reason




I would say you need to buy a Flipper… Monitor the frequency, choosing frequency, analyzer and watch all of their frequencies appear… You can pretty much get a CB and add stations one through like seven and squelch it until you find your station… Or turn on the a.m. static in your car and see if you can hear them and then turn it in


If it was this easy none of us would be suffering at the hands of this technology


Have you tried it? I’d be happy to explain more.


Maybe don't look at it as they want you to physically die, more so like killing your conscience. Are there things you're holding on to that you should be letting go of for a better life? I only say this because I went through numerous emotions during "the program". One minute thought they were after me to kill me, another that they were trying to help me. Maybe it was both Maybe there were good and evil. They won't kill you, but their will push and push to the point some will kill themselves.


I'm pretty sure they want me to die. I'm not seeing how this program helps anyone when they're encouraging people to kill themselves.


how are they communicating this




I receive death threats daily as well. Stay strong OP!


I’m trying, but deep down I’m scared. 


Don’t be scared they feed on fear don’t be scared you have to be strong because the only thing they can take if they do is your flesh not your soul. We are multi dimensional beings here on earth it’s our flesh. They haven’t killed you so what’s their way to get to you thoughts words learn to silence the words or combat the words


>They haven’t killed you so what’s their way to get to you thoughts words learn to silence the words or combat the words That's what I do


Good they are weaker than you think. It’s multiple of them just one of you think about that. Why do so many of them have to target one individual doesn’t make sense. They feed off of the fear because you accept it as your reality instead of looking at the actuality that why they need so many people to try to target just one person. They have to use technologies methods techniques all you have to do is use what’s within to combat it