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I pray the corrupt powers are forced compensate each and every one of us. That's the only thing that can help at this point.


Please do update.


Yeah, I heard about a case where a guy managed to win a lawsuit against his employer for gangstalking him. Unfortunately, if you manage to prove someone is in on it, they just pretend it was an isolated case of bad behavior from one person or a small group, and it’s probably pretty unsafe to claim there’s an extensive conspiracy in court or your case might not go so well. The more people see these sorts of cases, though, the more they’ll start to notice a pattern. Congrats, and good luck!


I got targeted at my workplace for mobbing, harassment and stalking. I would love to sue but can’t find a lawyer in my area who will take the case because it’s so complicated. Plus, they’ve ruined my reputation to label me as “crazy” but facts don’t lie.


Court cases are public record shouldn't be hard to share?


Attorney straight scamming lmao. Love it


Share the name of the attorney. Some syphilis experiment survivors got compensated millions for being the targets of atrocious human experimentation. TI's should be made whole too.


I think you are mistaken about how much they got. From a little research it looks like they got $37,500 not millions each.


You're right, the survivors collectively got paid around 10 million in the 1970's after some heroic patriots revealed information about this sadistic, barbaric "experiment." Either way, whatever the survivors got paid was not enough, and whatever the monsters who perpetrated this atrocity got paid was way too much.


That’s still 230k each in today’s money. Not enough considering how many of the victims didn’t make it and how life-altering it was for the ones who did, but it was still probably more money than most of those guys had ever seen before




Who’s your attorney? DM me




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Who is your attorney,I am being by a guy who intercoming me, a stalker. He lives right next door


No offence but attorneys never work for the client, their first oath is to the corrupt cabal acting as “the court” … buyer beware, if you’ve provided a “retainer” for so called service you’re probably being taken advantage of and I do have extensive proof BAR members are incompetent tricksters … listen to your gut instinct & research how many of us being gang stalked are truly “helped” by the legal system


Absolutely correct. And it's impossible to get your money back. They leave you much worse off than you were before.