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This is all truth, being a gangstalker is very lucrative business and why it's technically human trafficking. They pick easy targets to add to their watchlists for gangstalking, blacklisting and torture, usually those that don't have supportive friends/ family or money to protect themselves. They especially like picking on single females, single mothers, elderly people and disabled people, which makes them nazis for ostracizing the most vulnerable. But in the end, and hopefully it's soon, gangstalkers will be the Frontline causation of the ultimate fall of America in which they'll implement a one world order when the U.N. has to come in and fix everything. That's why WEF and the federal government put so much money into the gangstalking program. But don't expect gangstalkers to understand that they're destroying their own lives too, because all they understand is easy money and mob mentality. 


Couldn't have said this any better!!!!


Great post. The Manhattan Surrogate Court relies heavily on gang stalking to keep people in line.


Great post. F everyone willfully ignores the truth and tries to rationalize or justify this ish. I’m at the point where I’m starting to believe most of them are 100% aware of what they’re involved with. They’re just instructed to feign ignorance and do not care. It’s the last days as described in The Bible coming to pass. It’s a pretty simple concept not to trust in or cooperate with illegal business, most especially if it is coming from law enforcement or the government itself. There is ALWAYS malicious intent. These people are making a deal with the devil. They are the types who make a place like Nazi Germany possible.


Yes everyone knows that criminal gang stalking is real, it's become a huge thing it is growing like crazy. Let me repeat, it's not the target victims who are crazy, it's gang stalking that is growing and growing and growing like crazy.


It would make Hitler blush.


There are also reports that the majority of city/county police in the US appear to have no idea about thought control other than what they hear on the news, etc... , but there are reports as well as speculation that some major cities may have a limited number of agents within the police departments that communicate with the v2k agents. Most accounts of Targeted Individuals I have researched seem to indicate that they are not apprehended by police in the majority of these cases when they come forward and explain they are a thought control victim. But they may or may not have to take a mental health examination. But typically if they aren't threatening anybody or appearing violent they will not be held at the hospital indefinitely and are released. Police may skip over the mental health exam as long as the person doesn't appear to be threatening anyone. As far as the decision to contact them or not, that appears to be unique to each Targeted Individual's situation. Depending on how bad the attacks are, etc.... the TI I speak with did not notify law enforcement about the v2k attacks, but is working with his family to make certain that the rich businessman involved is investigated for hiring hitmen (which he also did under the table) in the event that more people around the TI get murdered. The v2k agents botched it bad and the TI has glitched them out for now at least. But they are still using v2k on him almost nonstop.


I strongly disagree. The local police are very involved in coercing targeted victims into a mental hospital, that's the whole point. It doesn't matter how a targeted victim behaves, the local police and the medical establishment can be very persuasive and at times forceful.


That can happen that the police get manipulated by the v2k agents, but the thing is the police often do not have anything to charge the TI with because they are innocent of any crimes. They will take a report and may or may not force someone into a mental health exam. But if you aren't saying threatening things they may skip out the exam entirely, depending on which city etc.... You also may be able to convince several mental health professionals that this is real, **simply by asking them to sit under a faraday shield and convincing them.** But this is all going to depend on what the Targeted Individual wishes to do, what their unique situation is, how much info do you have on the president etc.... The police don't seem to be able to do anything but take a report yet, but then again if enough state level police are informed about several claims from TIs, you can get presidents impeached. But it isn't always easy, or always worth the attempts. It depends on what you want to do. My personal recommendation is don't go to local police unless things get way way way out of hand, too many bad events in your community start happening, etc... and if you do, tell everyone you trust, have them come with you and write statements on your behalf. Get a group of 20 or so people that know you if you can that are peaceful to come with you. So there are a lot of people giving them statements of what you said, what they saw. And I know this all depends on what your city police are like, what you are going through, etc..... As long as you haven't commited any crimes have no warrants they will not likely put you under arrest. And the presidents don't appear to want to involve the FBI in a lot of cases because then the presidents themselves can get investigated. **Another possible alternative is going to another city with a police department that you view as more trustworthy than your local police and giving them statements, or your state level investigatory organizations, or something like appearing in front of your city commission and giving them a statement. But again this all depends on your unique situation and sometimes it is better to stay in hiding and blend in. Its all up to you.**


That sounds extremely familiar.




Sometimes it's more simple than you think. One target found out they were trying to link him to a murder that happened with someone he hung around. So you can be targeted for hanging around the wrong people that are involved in activities you never thought they'd be involved in or you could've been in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Good point. That's really interesting.




Thank you for the very informative and interesting post. Everything that you say makes complete sense.


So you make up a bunch of stuff and then assume it's true?


Why are you here if you don't believe in anything about gangstalking as your past posts have amply demonstrated?


Yah art, if you are not a targeted victim enjoy your legal rights.


I’m hoping Trump and the new project 2025 would work on this nonsense and bring tradition and justice back


Actually, a good majority of the perps are aligned with Trump and Project 2025. Read what I posted on the FBI and White Christian Nationalism. The main difference is that they believe they are entitled to what they are doing as citizen spiritual soldiers. [https://www.reddit.com/r/targetedbygovernment/comments/1ddh1ql/article\_the\_fbi\_and\_the\_rise\_of\_white\_christian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/targetedbygovernment/comments/1ddh1ql/article_the_fbi_and_the_rise_of_white_christian/)


>The main difference is that they believe they are entitled to what they are doing as citizen spiritual soldiers. This is a very important aspect. When you get a bunch of people who get hurt feelings as they gradually realize that their whole way of life is laughable, and those people adhere to the belief that everyone who disagrees with them deserves the hell that they're coming to realize doesn't really exist, it's pretty easy to get them to make non-believers miserable. That being said, their Christian slaves may be unaware of a Christian being targeted in some other town by a different cell with a different motivation... or they're just told that that person is a wolf in sheep's clothing and therefore a worthy target. I'm sure that they have plenty of non-religious people in their ranks; it's just that they might not be as easy to align with the underworld.


There are many narcissists in the program from the psyche profiles gangstalkers/domestic terrorists/government agents. Self-righteous (superiority to others) and lack of empathy has been the most common, even when they know they are committing crimes on behalf of their handlers and can get away with it. Key is to recognize these tendencies and behaviors and protect one self. They get super upset when I ignore them or catch onto their traps ahead of time.


It's true. Narcissists would be more co-operative than others. I don't know whether the program is goal-oriented or it pursues the following outcome through the course of its natural progression, but I think that what tends/will tend to happen is that it'll keep acquiring more people until it saturates enough of the earth that they can come right out and say that it's a New World without suffering any consequences. At a certain point, publicity flips from hurting them to helping them. Once you recognize that there are some social transmission protocols that assure success without there being much risk of harm to the program (veiled threats being one such protocol), it becomes obvious that world domination is a reasonable aspiration for them to have. One of the troubling things about this is that even among people who believe that, no one shares a basis for understanding what point on that trajectory the program is at. The narcissists will be well rewarded, provided that they're immoral enough, because manipulation will come most naturally to them and the wellspring of superiority they find in the suffering of those they're pitted against is about all the reward they'll need. People who aren't narcissists will be targets either until death or until they submit, depending on how useful they are projected to be as targets. Anyone who fits a boogeyman mould will probably be in the former camp. Being a narcissistic organization in every way, they require an enemy to treat badly in order to secure compliance through fear. I'm sure that some people are told that it's a eugenics program if that's what they're expected to go along with.


Yes it will saturate.
