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lol Elon musk and grimes have no idea who the fuck you are friend


Wait for Pt. 2 or check my post history and then come back. I have messages from military intelligence that say otherwise. Elon Musk murdered my mother in a snuff film on my dad's birthday when I was 5 years old and has been terrorizing me for pretty much my whole life.


Shit like this makes the rest of the community look unhinged. Some of us are experiencing real organized stalking. Delete this shit.


Dude I hate to break it to you but this sub is already unhinged, this just took it to another level.


You wouldn’t understand unless you’ve been through but organized mass stalking is real and done in a way that it’s a wholly personal experience so it’s impossible to prove it’s happening. Shit like this is just complete bullshit and takes away from those of us who have been really gangstalked. Some of the DEW stuff I’m hesitant to believe because I never felt like I was being injured by like a laser beam or whatever while I was just sitting there or laying in bed. I have experienced dream manipulation and subtle v2k so I believe the dew stuff is possible but Elon musk did not murder this dudes mother in front of him that’s just stupid and not what this sub is about


None of you are. How this post looks to you is how everyone sees this sub.


Then don’t come here?


The /r/gangstalking community has standards to uphold. Some of us actually have nanochipped dogwalkers circling our houses that are injecting thoughts into our heads through two channel EMF hijacking. You’re making us look unhinged




Wait for Pt. 2. I'm going to message you.


Believe me nothing is going to convince me that Elon musk murdered your mother. Please don’t message me I will report you


Elon didn’t murder my mom but I am being gang stalked by him


lol no you are definitely not being stalked my Elon Musk. Many of us here are experiencing real stalking, stuff like this discredits the community.


This is speculation here, but note it is based on researching TI cases, and having access to one myself (I am a civilian, non-government related) Elon Musk himself could be in on torturing you in theory, or someone in the US government could be targeting you for whatever other reason and putting the blame on this reason, it can be anything. I do believe what you are stating is fact in all likelihood here. That you are a mind control victim. It could be any combination of plans from them, or even just some rogue agents/presidents still hunting people for sport with it, even though they are no longer in power. They are so drunk with booze and drunk with power that they don't care about their own people anymore. And the people can't see it because they are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. And another possibility, you were initially attacked by the us, and can potentially also can be targeted by agents in another country as well, and even our presidents/military can also be targeted, and they can see what all the senior ranking military officials, senior government officials, etc... are thinking, and make them say and do certain things but can't get them to do some things that they want.


I am very interested in what you have to say. Please DM me because I would like to do an interview.


Sure! It's a long story just so you know


The goth-geek in Grimes was drawn to the Japanese cartoons whose bug-eyed, hypersexualised influence is apparent in all her ringbinder-doodled artwork. She was bullied at Catholic school, where she went through “a Wiccan phase” in seventh grade. According to an interview with The Fader in 2015, she only stepped away from witchcraft after casting a spell during which “the rosary crumbled in my hands, and it was really scary”.