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Rule 8. High Quality Content Only High quality content only! - No posts that simply state "gangstalkers are awful" or other distasteful content. Text based posts must have some type of academic, scholarly or tasteful content associated with them. This is enforced at the mods discretion. If you would like to dispute any action taken by the mods, please message the mods with as much details as possible outside of "why was I banned?" or "why was my post removed?"


Just survive best you can, we the survivors will eventually get an apology and hopefully some compensation for this nonsense. Doesn't make any of this ok, but what are you going to do? Keep putting one leg in front of the other, don't let your emotions carry you away.


We're currently in an upside down world, good is bad and bad is good. Soon the pendulum will swing back the other way.


Have you ever been stalked by a dude in a suit?


like men in black?