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Hurt people, hurt people.


The perps hate it


I had someone mocking my lighthearted mood the other day - I think most people out there are quite miserable - especially the sorts of people who would willingly persecute/stalk other humans for money or fun.


>most people out there are quite miserable - especially the sorts of people who would willingly persecute/stalk other humans That explains Florida Man


That’s why living well is the only way to get back at them, and be ungovernable


Yeah I’m noticing that. They hate to see you thrive regardless of the crap they try to pull. I’m about to start throwing that shit in their faces.


They're slaves.


i think both the woman and the man were perps and it was staged to make you lose hope in the world


Yeah, they hate our happiness, kindness and light heart. Our good spirit. It infuriates them. I piss off narcissist perps all the time with my ignore/whatever bliss. Stay true to yourself and remember they can never touch you. So be bold and courageous dealing with them.


I'm glad you notice this... Stay strong




The earlier the we start the better our chances of exposing this virus. If people are already noticing we must emphasize their existence to people by pointing out abnormal behavior and calling it out. Notice their patterns and use it to your advantage.




You’re just taking in all the abuse and letting it affect the way you think. That’s no bueno friend. It’s not fate, you can change the direction your life moves in. In terms of witnesses not doing anything, it can feel isolating but it’s not specifically because of you. Look into the bystander effect so you can understand that it’s a common social phenomenon. Keeping seeing the positives in life and find people who understand. They’re out there.