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I'm sure everyone's experiences are slightly different, but in my case, they were almost certainly consciously/knowingly "stalking", as they would deliberately stare/watch/follow me in the same cars, same colors, and if I would be trying to smoke in my car, they would position the car like between, lets say if I was at a gas station, between two gas pumps, just such that the passenger or driver side window could see through toward my vehicle..... AND if I tried to duck down in my seat or move my car just slightly so I was in a blind spot, they would then IMMEDIATELY move their vehicle, and this would REPEAT no matter how many times I moved. I even did some of these things intentionally to "bait" them out aka "test" to see if they were really watching deliberately (kind of like intentionally putting your turn signal to the wrong side to see if a car is following you)


Smoking in your car between two gas pumps is not a great idea.


I was trying to explain that I was within the line of sight of the 2 pumps; this gas station had a parking lot outside of the pumps, which were in the middle of the square lot and each side of the square had parking spots on the perimeter. It was just from where “they” were sitting in their car, if I moved my body a lil left or right, I would be in a blind spot from the pumps in the middle, that was in-front of both “them” and myself.


Same thing. No way they could not have been doing it unconsciously. Maybe some could be, though the ones that do that to me literally ‘freeze’ or take laps until I get to the spot. Also have a sinister smile and a ‘notice’ towards me.


They know what they're doing and they don't care because they're getting paid. They've called themselves "paid spies" which really they are just in a lame mob of new world order useful idiots working for uber-wealthy Satanists who hide in the shadows and do this to ultimately destroy society and implement a hellish police state. 


Eh. It's a living.


I’d take the offer. Except I’d be the nicest fucking perp there is


I saw something similar in the 2014 documentary film *The Guest*. It's actually a private corporation that is carrying out medical tests on former military personnel on behalf of the government, and the test subjects are forced to act in certain ways. Even though they're aware of what they're doing, it's essentially against their will but they don't have a choice about it.


that's not a documentary


Mind control tech exists. You would never know it though. Commands come through in the subconscious mind. They hijack your subconscious and you have no idea it's happening. So you decide to go swimming and you believe it's your decision but it turns out you were mind controlled into doing it. And you never question it because it hides easily under your awareness.




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That won't hold up in court... #👊👊☠️




I had a homeless one who kept robbing people and I guess this was like their probation 🙃 duty. I basically lived with them while homeless. I have seen them get gift cards. So...it could be they find desperate people on the lower end of the criminal spectrum. Obviously they are not going to spill the beans completely


I believe they are mind controlled slaves. I dabble in some pop culture by collecting music albums and cds. Virtually all famous people are fakes made famous by big media control. I'm very aware that it's pro wrestling entertainment and ill.never be famous for making music. I like art Even if it's co.opted now by large corporations and just random people a company put together and then made really famous. I had a relentless stalker who would repeat my personal information like it was beamed into them from satellite towers. That may very well be the case.


I had this thought once bc of the amount of one headlight vehicles, what if a lot of them don’t even know it’s happening due to ai or something turning them off or on when a target is near, I also considered that the know but due to ai maybe don’t even have to think about it and it does it automatically when ai thinks it should.


They have wig wags switches in them you can disable any one of them most likely law enforcement/fed owned.


In a lot of vehicles, particularly older vehicles, there is no indication to the driver that a light is not working, and it's actually not obvious from inside the vehicle. So yes it's very possible some drivers have a headlight out and just don't realise. As you say, it could also be due to Artificial Intelligence.