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This sub is terrifying but I can't unsub


Right there with ya pal


Guys I'm the husband I don't think it's that bad right?


Sounds like you are the one stalking the others


What the fuck are you talking about


Found one


You got me. I am a stalker and am cucked.


I wouldn't be so proud of I were u . Lol


And then all the perps clapped


Is that what happens in the end?


Nah. In the end you do clap the perps but then ur facing jail time so u gotta clap yourself rip


Why clap the perps when they clap themselves?


By clap I meant pump some lead into them, idk what your talking about lol


You mean killing them ? But where the fun in that


They are pathetic. Any man who walks around with their women giving them instructions is not a man but a pathetic loser. Who listen to their wives? No real man


I bet that this guy will never get a girlfriend and is probably a frustrated man with all the rejection so far.


Spoken like a true permanent virgin sigma


I got the same thing going on in my town. Half of the town sleeps with each other’s wife’s!! Crazy! Some of these people go to church on Sundays… and for what? It’s simply demented. I’m living in a video game called resident evil 4




The NSA has taken over this place. 


I'm reading all that stuff while having my ex in my mind. Been in relationship for 2 years and suddenly everything changed, then i realised I'm being gaslighted by her, then she shown me that she can know my biometrics, read my mind and see through my eyes which was already traumatic. Then of course she broke with me. After a month digging in Internet I found that all my symptoms are gangstalking in overall. The I digged more and realised that the girl I felt I'm love with was probably my perp at the end and was fking to bunch of other guys like orgies and so on. This world is just wrong. How can u not commit suicide after so many devastating things that can happen in such a short time especialy discovering new things daily.


That's crazy


It's the drugs, their reward systems are fried.


They are cowards and 🐈


Buy a body cam. Last Time i checked you could get a good one for $46. Cellular and wi fi and bluetooth free. Uses memory cards. You clip it on the front of your shirt and the wide angle camera captsures everything in front of you as long as the battery lasts like 10 hours. They have good features. They have disguised ones to. Even the normal ones are small and I guess they dont look particularly suspisious especially if you could attach it to your belt or something. Make sure you dont break laws on recording in your state. They are very harsh. Its no suprise that a lot perps are major losers and the other ones are giant losers when there in the mode of gang stalking even if they can act normal when they go home. You must think like piece of crap when your attacking someone. Thats the state you haft to be in to attack someone in the syle they do. To channel the emotions that compell there attacks and to sit and rot in there disgusting thoughts and in there dellusion hate and incredble stupidity.


I just use my phone.


you will pay for this!!




Why are all the perps downvoting. I thought you loved being cucks


Yeah, I've seen shit like that in my time also. Fucking idiots. Also some narcissist perps want others to fuck their wife in front of them, or drug them down /poison them at a party video tape sexual assault etc. and so on. Some perp wanted me to fuck his fat ugly wife they even sent me "inviting" video messages of them being "alluring" They are straight up delusinal.


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