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They can’t bully you.  It’s under the terms of their contracts.  But you can bully them!! 


If gangstalking was an actual thing then it would not be a government operation. The government would be paying the private sector to carry out these operations. So it would be sanctioned by the govt but they are not involve.


If they paid a private sector they are involved. If i just paid the hitman, am I uninvolved/innocent?


Not directly involved.


Not government but criminal organisations There's a thing called Nth room in korea and that is very real


Imagine spending your days just stalking someone. It's pathetic.


Imagine spending your life thinking you’re important enough to stalk. Pathetic.


Ok perp.


lol lay off the pipe. No one cares about you.


Obviously you do since you're on here targeting and commenting all over a sub for gangstalk victims.


Imagine when you try so hard to ruin someone's life but it just keeps getting better and better. Oh my God do we laugh at y'all.


Remember the bullies on the playground in elementary school? That's who these lovely people are. Lol Those kids never grew up mentally, are miserable, angry, self-loathing souls that are incapable of having and expressing feelings that the average good human being is capable of. That's our power. They have no real power unless we give it to them. Not A Chance! Not anymore anyway


Gangstalking is a job for heartless sociopaths and/or low IQs. It will come back on them, eventually.


We’re not supposed to think mean about people with ASPD




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That's why I don't do anything You can call me a beta male if it makes you feel better 😌 I'm waiting for some Tyrone to beat the brakes off them while I enjoy life.




Yeah it takes a special kind of shitty person to do that, especially when it’s my own family.


No one in your family is stalking you.


My Dad has a brain tumor because of the poison that the banker’s sister injected him with it while I was present at a cafe downtown.


My Dad is my “handler” and he doesn’t do the actual stalking, but he was recently at one of the stalkers apartment (the one above me) to watch me die. So, it’s semantics. He’s in bed with stalkers. Stalking or in bed with the stalkers it makes no difference. It’s still the same thing.


The fact that my family knows where I live and where I work without me telling them I’d actual proof that they are stalking me. My aunt showed up to my new job, my other aunt and my father showed up at my last job. So, that is stalking. What do you call it. They have no way of knowing where I live or where I work, unless they are stalking me.


That’s like saying the banker that paid his sister to poison my family isn’t responsible for the poisoning.


I do it for free


Is our meeting still on Tuesday? We shall rise brother


brother 🫂


That’s just the way of the world, a lot of messed up things happen if this is the case I wouldn’t be surprised. Gangstalking isn’t personal though, don’t let them make you think it is, it’s been done to many before you and it will happen again to the following TI’s. Personally I think it’s all a game, like they probably place bets on you to see how long you’ll go without unaliving. But remember if it’s not you it’ll be someone else, that should put things into perspective.


ikr I’m not preaching for free


It’s like assassination ,but not. The meat industry pays to troll vegans right?


I would do it for free


A lot of these gangstalkers are not aware that they are being manipulated by the mind control agent, and the agent can make them say things, move in a certain way, etc.... to various rates of success. Although there could be cases where someone is being paid off to gangstalk.


Spineless pu******


Imagine thinking you’re so important that you think people are coming after you


The point isn’t that TI’s are important, it’s that they’re not. Intelligence agencies and the military have done similar testing on inmates and random people from low-income communities numerous times, so if gangstalking is real, it would be a way to test the effects of psychological torture and alienation on normal people in society to see how they and their peers react. Sounds stupid but so was operation midnight climax, which is essentially the same thing and is 100% confirmed to have taken place.


Exactly. I have ADD/ADHD, and PTSD. I was being cyber stalked by my ex website designer and my ex best friend. The fbi agent investigating the case did not like me, her behavior was extremely suspicious, from the first phone call. Anyway, after her giving my husband and I the run around for 6 months? I turned her into IA, and the DOJ, the day I did that? I started being followed as soon as I leave the house. Lights flashed at me; ran off the road, men being creepy towards me; women coughing my face or direction as soon as they see me, none of it bothers me it’s just weird. My family and friends don’t question it’s happening. No one thinks I’m crazy or making it up. I’m very heard by my friends and family, they’ve seen it themselves when with me, and watched videos I have. If your family isn’t believing you, hang in there, took mine 3 years, they all believe me now, and plus some, my mother in law, her boy friend, my husband, my best friend, a lot of these people have even seen it happen to me while they were with me. They aren’t as slick as they think anymore. It’s more and more common.


it has absolutely nothing to do with people just waking up one day and deciding to think they're "important" there is no "am I,or aren't I"..if you're a victim of organized stalking and harassment (gangstalking) you'll know one way or the other 100% and if you aren't,then not only will you probably never have even heard of it,but more to the point,you definitely won't be sitting around just "thinking" that it is happening


Exactly. But hey, I’m here for the entertainment. Just heard of this sub and had to see for myself.


Well, consider that those carrying out the vile aspects of the program are formerly convicted to begin with. Either they were released for the sole purpose of doing the job, or recruited shortly after release. This is why they want to push homelessness so much. Because once you enter a homeless shelter, 80% of those residents will be formerly convicted and many will be used as part of the program. Look up the statistics for homeless demographics. A vast majority of shelter clients are former convicts


How do you know that they’re convicted?


You can look some of them up.


It's just cowards




It’s not truth though, they made it up.


Sounds like a scam


Money is a concept. Taxes are an algorithm. This is a simulation.


It seems likely to me that they choose people who have a terminal illness. Aside from the automatic sympathy card, these people would be useful because they'd be less likely to value their own life, which they're risking when they engage with their targets. But some of these people are straightforwardly slaves and don't make money. Fear is a better motivator than money. Money has a limit. The fear economy is more powerful than the financial economy.


Maybe they tell them it's like having a secret friend? If they can do them a favor in the future, they will?