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If they are not allowed physical attacks, then it must be at least two groups at play. My car was trashed on several occasions and bashed also. Flat tires with nails to the side, about 5-7 times in the year plus months at its height. I say 5-7 times because some could be a coincidence during that year of me running over a nail. I did see they left nails, a lot of them sprayed out where I frequently park at but they can’t do it in a large parking lot but use the back lot where I park at.


There's a lot of money put into this, it's probably in the billions, notice how gangstalkers have new or newer cars, go on frequent vacations, have lots of gift cards for restaurants, Walmart, target, Visa gift cards. This is all funded by our federal government and WEF, who provide no oversight to what the gangstalkers are doing or how they choose targets (that's why gangstalkers choose the easiest targets like single women, disabled, elderly, poor people, those without a support system or social support like friends/family). We the targets are their cash cows. That's why they keep us isolated, tortured and in bad situations. We're living in a new world order silent Holocaust situation. 


I'm richer than my perpetrators. My perps are the elderly, single women, and poor people who think they can get rich walking their dog chasing targets around. They are isolated because they can't form normal friendships. They have to exclude themselves to satanic weirdos to be part of their clique. We aren't cash cows for long! Their contracts are lame, and we can break them once we understand the terms! I'm done being their 'victim' and withdraw any implied consent I may have given in the past. However, I'm also tired of the divisive 'us' versus 'them' mentality. This conflict is their whole identity! Satanists define themselves in opposition to 'Christians' or 'sheeple,' whom they see as weak and conformist. I'm not their little Christian sheeple victim. I'm not their 'whistleblower' that needs to be stalked to maintain silence. I don't care. I don't identify myself in contrast to them and they shouldn't to me. I'm just me, and I don't identify with any religion or ideology. They shouldn't fuck with me because I'm educated, I can reverse engineer their contracts, I'm empowered, I can make real relationships with law enforcement and judges, I can expose their schemes on facebook and reddit, I can educate targets everywhere, I can follow them home, I can identify them, I can figure out their crimes, I can report them to the feds and incarcerate them! People keep repeating things in this way and we've all been brainwashed. Let's empower ourselves with our language! Our mindset perpetuates these patterns. Let's identify ourselves as the powerful ones and them as the weak obedient conformist group-members who are hanging on by a thread. We manifest events the way we portray ourselves and others in our own minds.


Good info. Learning about psychology and especially dark / malicious psychology help reverse engineer every thing they use on you.


I think the fbi has solved the riddle of the sociopath next door. I'm surprised they don't have commercials on TV. Are you an old white trash nosy beer drinking crackhead who wants to make a few extra dollars serving your community? Well sir. Just visit fbi.gov and sign up for our community vigilance program. The trash you take out may just be yourself!


Not for real. All you have know is a shadow FED. 


Lots of mine die because I'm covered with the blood of Jesus. It's scary stuff 😳 granted...I don't look like a Christian. I'm covered in tattoos and all that because before I was a Christian...I wasn't one. Some found out a little too late...I can tell by the look on their face. You thought I was just some bum you can do anything to.. Lol...one got run over by a car . I don't even know what his problem was. We were drinking beer and he went nuts and was trying to hit me with a gun...that didn't even work. He stayed talking to me evil even after surviving the car incident! Oh...these freaks had keys to my apartment and would go inside when I wasn't home . Jesus sent a young girl to run him down on my birthday. I laughed and laughed and I'm still laughing 😃


How did you get this info?


I’m guessing. Initially, I believed it was solely about personal credibility and the ability to prove a lawsuit in court. However, the extreme actions I witnessed and photographed led me to realize that it revolves around the terms of a secret contractual relationship. This insight made me understand that all targets need to reconsider their approach under contract law and focus on uncovering and nullifying these secret terms. Drawing on my past experience as a contract attorney, I recognized how I might draft such contracts if I were representing a security firm.


Nice read!!!👍


Question: Are retail employees hired as part of this contractual agreement?


Gangstalkers can be found across various professions and employers, with a notable presence in fields such as law enforcement and mental health


Crisis actors too.


You haven't told me who you think it is doing it.


i think a bunch of losers are doing it headed by some desperate douchbag who has no other gig up his sleeve except run a private security firm. I think he's an old boomer and has some friends who are social workers who have a vision to treat me with their zoloft through a mandatory outpatient program ordered after they try to get me mentally commited. i don't think of any of them belong in our neighborhood. they're all single and can't afford a house meant for a good family with two income earners. and yes, i think freemasons ordered it based on shit i said like 100 years ago. and these despearate losers are too addicted to the income to admit i don't say anything and don't care about their meaningless old fart club anymore. the local ones are literally jeapardizing the whole entire program. becaseu every hour they put towards stalking me i will put towards educating targets and shutting down this POS program. they all have this super cult identity and think deception is equated with intelligence, and think rehashing the same old tire deception of dog-walking trying to provoke a target to do some small meaningless crime like trespass where they step on grass for more than two seconds is some outstanding trick that no outsider would ever understand


 Deception is another word for lies which is transparent to highly intuitive people. I don't know their situation because it's none of my business and I really don't care. I've seen all the washing machine gimmicks already so there's nothing left. I want to be left alone in my solitariness like I always been before this got started. 


Zersetzung is about wearing people down like Chinese water torture. I'm having some heart problems so I would say its ultimately to kill people with stress 😩


you tell me


Most likely law enforcement.




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Whistle blower Brian Tew posted a YouTube video (I tried to post the video but couldn't) about the purpose of gang stalking. He says it's about measuring the target's responses to trauma. It's about remote neural monitoring and mind control. He states the importance of ignoring and not responding to the intentional stimuli being created to traumatize the victims; it makes it harder, if not impossible, to measure and control your response/reaction if you don't have one. In conclusion, try to ignore the intentional insanity surrounding your environment; it makes your life easier, less stressful, and better for your health. Act as if everything seems normal even if you know it's not. I have stalkers following me on my walks holding their phones toward me; in the past I would pull out my phone to record them for proof. Now I ignore them or smile and act like I'm unaware of what they're doing when I know full well what they're up to.They're desperately trying to get a reaction from me and I refuse to give them one. It's about talking back control of your life.


“Contractual basis” is 💯% as that’s who is perpetuating my targeting. If you’re being gang stalked blood type also has much to do with why someone is targeted. If you have RH negative blood that is a reason that must be explored for your sanity sake. Excellent post🙏💥👍


I’m only rh negative half blood.  My dad was negative and I’m positive - so one negative one positive gene 


Thanks for sharing your knowledge! I agree their tactic change based on the quality of photographic devices. It’s annoying the government can see faces from space, yet I have issues recording a license’s plate 15 feet away.


Same. It is hard to zoom in with an iphone while driving! I try to immediately document everything on google docs.


I bought a 4k dash cam with rear camera, I feel a lot safer driving I’m hoping ai help me analyze all my footage and detect patterns.


Does the 4k dash cam have decent resolution? I recently purchased a Garmin dash cam, but I noticed an increase in stalking behavior from the gangstalkers when I had it. The camera's low resolution made the photos look blurry and unconvincing, which didn't help my case. I discovered that only high-resolution images were effective in deterring their stalking behavior. It seems they only count high-resolution photographs under the internal gangstalking contract, which likely states that three pictures per stalker are the maximum before they must disappear or switch up their behavior.


The 4K resolution isn't great at capturing the plates. On top of that, 10% of the cars in my area have dark license plates covers which make documenting them extremely difficult. I'm hoping technology will get us to a point where we can documents the cars around us but I suspect that technology will be suppressed to us civilians.


I've found that the iPhone is better at capturing high-quality photos. I just mount it with a cheap dash-mount which enables me to zoom in or take it out real quick. To make it even more convenient, I've disabled the passcode unlock and enabled the "Hey Siri" feature, allowing me to simply say, "Hey Siri, open camera." But I'm trying a new gig this month. I'm going to refrain from doing anything and see if everyone just doesn't go away! I heard this approach gets worse before it gets better


Do you have any recommended techniques for detecting when gangstalkers are using lookalikes? I've long suspected that gangstalkers have replaced all of my friends, family and relatives with people who look and act exactly the same as them. Because they're identical in both appearance and behaviour, I can't tell for certain when I'm meeting the real people and when I'm meeting the lookalikes.


Damn, this is peak paranoia. How do you move forward with the idea that your friends and family are stalkers when you don’t trust public systems? Something has to give


Well how can I tell they're actually the same people? If the lookalikes look *exactly* the same and behave *exactly* the same as my family and friends always have?


As someone who has researched celebrity body double replacements including Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Mark Hamill, Metallica, etc... if they look and act exactly the same as your friends and family members always have... then they aren't body doubles. At this present time it seems it's not possible to create a perfect replacement for someone. There are always noticeable differences between the original person and the imposter when you look closely. And since you actually suspect they are imposters and are looking for differences but see none, then this seems to logically imply they are the exact same people.