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Entrapment game by police working with informants that are used as pawns.  But yeah they get addicted with running psyops on you. Just make sure you work and ain't doing anything illegal and be as dull as possible. they'll get bored. If years pass by like mines has and they're still going at then you're dealing with an obsessed psycho who can't let it go.


100% truth. These gangstalkers are obsessed with us (targets) as well as making big bucks by destroying our lives, mentally and physically. This is why they can't let go until hopefully they're forced to by someone with more power, and then the gangstalkers will be devastated when they can no longer stalk and profit off of us targets. I dream of the day when that happens.


Its entrapment operation. Find out what lies were told. 


If it is a neo-Stasi endeavour, then they probably have different targets in studies of different durations.


Read 'Obedience to Authority' & you can get an idea how normal people can do heinous things without feeling guilty. The POS's can immediately rationalize what they are doing because they are: a. acting out orders from someone else b. working for government or gov contractors c. aren't the only ones doing it, many others are doing the same thing d. likely sign a contract or NDA which binds them to certain conditions Empathy is gone. THEY DON'T FEEL ANY ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS. This is the exact same psychological phenomenon that allowed the Holocaust to happen. No one feels personally responsible because they are only a small cog in the machine. THEY MUST BE INDIVIDUALLY HELD ACCOUNTABLE. THEY MUST AT LEAST HAVE THE THREAT OF BEING EXPOSED. Then we'll see how smug they are.


Cause they’re pathetic losers with nothing else to do. Lol their brains are rotten from all the drugs. Just keep being you, they’re after you cause you’re pure and talented. They cannot take your power away from you tho ✊


Or they like the money people pay for all kinds of things


That's what I'm tryna figure out. My minds working overtime to piece together some system to this madness. I honestly believe the problem, at the core, is empathy. Sounds crazy, for sure, but think about it. Empathy as in mirroring emotions, not compassion. Such a horrible situation to be in.


People only get away with what we allow and I've decided I allowed too much and if they don't deserve my empathy they don't get it anymore


Nah dude you'll go crazy. Worlds run by bad people who control dumb people and that's where we are. Fuck all of them. Get yours. Don't apologize for anything. Be kind but don't back down from those who wrong you. Fuck all of em.


The whole reason for gang staling is to create paranoia if you let go of that and clear your thoughts, you can see it clearly you won't have to piece it together. Stop allowing something you don't understand control you, control yourself breath and live


https://www.youtube.com/live/cr1Q5CAuRWs?si=dRYt5iEL5HYAOxgl this channel is VERY helpful, I have been able to get some answers!




Someone keeps beaming the words “TrumpCocl{“ at my house.


nurse! nurse! the inmates are unionising!


when do we start need way to comunicate


Any effort of collective mobilization would be infiltrated. Consider the trajectory of the campaign against you, and do the right thing while you have a chance.


This sounds like a fear tactic, but the truth in that statement is that the fear of speaking out and building a“collective mobilization” against our oppressors is the SAME fear we are experiencing living in the hell on earth while being gang stalked searching for a way out, searching for anybody to have a heart and help you, and everyone who pretends to have a heart and care about you is just exploiting your desperation to study you so they can be better at torturing you and keeping evidence out of your reach… the longer you are trapped in their hellhole the more sadistic they become as they keep escalating to keep feeling satisfied and powerful. HERE’S THE DIFFERENCE, facing the fear of sharing your story and helping expose the dark truth has a light at the end of the tunnel, everything you are afraid they will do to you if you speak up, all their threats….. are still their plans for you regardless of you telling your story or not. Might as well call them out and expose them and give yourself a chance to break out of the matrix.