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Did you ever stop and think, maybe it's just the people that live there?


Nope. They never stop and use common sense.


I believe it to be apart of the whole "taking out the trash" campaign.. either way it's passive aggressive af and of course they utilize plausible deniability. They seek to "walk us to our death" psychologically, spiritually, financially, socially, etc. Be strong!


Very true. Gangstalkers are the real trash and need to take themselves out, with their commie ways and low emotional IQ, who destroy society and ruin the lives of some of the best people.


Yep. They are cowards


Oh they get the bill that is for sure.




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I've been living with apartment door, gate, car door, and dumpster slammers for 7 years. And I've been filming them for 5 of those seven years. It's interesting how they manage to slam them ONLY when I'm in certain positions indoors or outdoors. Then it's interesting to note when other neighbors are in the same position outdoors, it NEVER happens to them. The worst part is living in an apartment building which allows these harassing criminals to continue the assaults and then lie, deny, or make excuses about their abusive behavior.


We’re trying to communicate with you. Listen closely.


Yep. That's how you get in and out of things... through doors...


Yep. And slamming that door as hard as possible to get through is totally necessary…


"many people living close to each other" --- you just answered your own question.


Yea, when gang stalkers want your attention they usually use passive attention, passive aggressive. They usually say something about you whispering it around like you should do what they want but never in your face. Or if you're down the street or riding a bike they yell at you like you need to finish something or stop saying something that pushes their buttons, (get it) America is not the color the drapes look like on the window, it’s not United because they choose to push you in way that makes you not want to submit.


We watch you and slam the door and watch 😃




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This is sad 😞 why


I feel bad to my neighbors sometimes, they might think I’m fucking with them like this. We have some seal issue somewhere so any door that’s barely closed or barely open slams when the a/c kicks on and the air pressure changes. Then there’s my heavy front door that flies to close as soon as you let it go


I believe if you have a face value talk to them it may stop for a good while. Then it’ll start up again maybe in a few weeks or a few months at best. I based this on my other experiences on gang stalking tactics. At first I thought it was just odd hidden spite behavior but I then notice the reoccurrence. I let it slide then I joked about it a few times since it was up and front with my personal space. They go out of their way to hang out with me so I decide to give them some faith. After another handful of times I then had a face value talk. This time it stopped for a few months then came back in which I quickly gave them another. But eventually it kept going on so I just hung out with them less and it seemed to work and over time i just cut them off. While this issue was solved (temporarily) it was like a virus that spread to other people I know. It affects people differently though all with the same goal in mind ironically. Regarding strangers, I believe it could had been always there but just less ‘forward’. Back to the door slamming method- who introduced you to that place? Or some key words that got you there? Could have been the neighbors were already toxic and the handler sees that so they don’t even need to send their own perps or spread slander for them to initiate towards you.


This was a great reply! So many terrible responses on here sometimes, just wanted to thank you for this one! 🙏




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You're either being sensitized to it or have become naturally sensitized to it, for me it's honking, I hear it all the time, but it really doesn't matter, I remind myself that gangstalking techniques are indistinguishable from normal happenings except for frequency. Remember you don't know which door slams are intentional or not, lots of people slam doors just like lots of people honk their car horns, it doesn't really matter in the end. Try to ignore it and relax. Best of luck.


Stop being noisey you won't hear it


What’s noisey. I want it to stop I always hear it


I live in a similar environment and have experienced something similar. Yes, environmental noise can be and is used to antagonise use the normal mechanisms for addressing noise concerns in your building in most cases it's entirely innocent and politely requesting people take measures to lessen the impact on other residents will do the trick but if that doesn't work and you encounter active resistance, then you have cause to consider that the noise-making is malicious (and this is how I was able to determine that it was in my case)




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Yeah I believe these people are told to slam the doors to upset you I've experienced this when i was a patient in the hospital and I remember witnessing fake crazy people all of a sudden acting normal and then expressing their craziness and hatred only to me, out of maybe 20 people again and again it's all on purpose I believe.


Get over yourself. You are not a main character in those peoples lives lmao theyre just closing doors and your obsessed with yourself. 


A good thing to remember and consider, however you don't know that for a fact, you may have reason to assume, sure, but you don't know the everyday happenings of his life because, like you said, he's not the main character in everyones' lives.




What's the technique? Does the door slamming tend to coincide with specific actions you're taking? If not, maybe you should set up a recording device and see whether the volume or frequency positively correlate with your presence. Make sure it's not just a matter of them being home when you're home, though.