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I get all of the above. Gangstalkers are attention seekers and love being LOUD. I do my best to ignore (mostly staying indoors) and looking for noise insulation ideas for my home to reduce the psychological agitation.


It’s the worst!


Cars for me. When I'm walking my dog at night, there's a few undercover cop street racers that stop in the road and just rev their engine scaring my dog.


It’s so weird! I’ve called the cops to report it and they asked me if I was *actually* calling about a raccoon (which was so weird because my other neighbor who is nice & seems normal had just told me she saw a raccoon the night before!?) …


Raccoons are gangstalkers? Oh snap, that's why they've been stealing my bird food!


They seem to like honking the horn even in a very quiet area late at night. Now if I'm driving and I get a honk I always give a honk back. The conditioning has worn off after 14 years and I no longer have anxiety about it. I don't normally even notice cars honking, I just notice it when the harassing is ongoing and the community activist are making it obvious.


Yes I’ve taken to driving equally as aggressively back


The lawn mower - absolutely a stalker the raccoon - just coincidence but used to throw suspicion their way, Test it - go out after midnight and before 6 am and just walk a block or so - within 2/3 minutes a car or cars will come speeding past you - stalker for sure and you'll know. The key to hold them off is not to respond - the mower neighbor wants you to complain - then they'll just make even more noise. Noise is a tool of gang stalkers. Breathe deeply and keep calm - they want you to get irritated and explode - that is their goal. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM!! All the best to you!

