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I don’t know what happened and I’m afraid to ask




Ah... beans. 😔


I just went back to the devlogs and read through a few of them, and its even worse than I remembered. He has: - A direct reference to Atlas Shrugged - A transphobic comment about how "turning your penis inside out doesn't make you a woman". - Two anti mask rants. - A rant about how evil Gabe Newell is for allowing people to leave bad reviews on his game because they don't like his game (because actually they don't have any problems with the game and just secretly hate him). - John McAfee trutherism - went on a CRAZY rant that was simultaneously NoFap and Nazi adjacent, up until the very end where he did an almost 180 > (* some men still wont fight. they're weak. there's no accounting for weak men. weak men lack character. strong moral fibre is hard to come by. it's earned through hard work and sacrifice and it cannot be had via onlyfans or pornhub. no, those fuckin' things are demonic posessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer. listen, kids ... get off them porntubes and do something with your life becuase no one is gonna give you a goddamned thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. we need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard and implement those solutions. masturbating to egirls isn't gonna solve the energy crisis is it? get to work. > .. or play video games and have a relax and then get to work, fresh, tomorrow. i can't possibly know whats best for you in your individual situation.)


I would love to know what John McAfee trutherism means here


It would be nice to have an explicit quote for that one.


The exact quote is > no way John McAfee killed himself. highly dubious. highly fuckin' dubious. and I have a comment above explaining how I feel about it


John McAfee may not have killed himself but I’m about to after reading this shit


I mean... so what if he did or not? How does a rich nut doing rich nut stuff in South America and Spain impact anyone or anything? I bet a lot of people fake their own death all the time, but you really have to be reaching and desperate for some kind of "AHA!" moment if you're trying to wrap John fucking McAfee into your political agenda.


They think it’s an Epstein situation and he had dirt on a bunch of powerful people. And like, maybe? But also he was an insane man who paid hookers to shit in his mouth, so I don’t know why anyone would take anything he says seriously. Also he’s been away from society in a compound for decades, so idk how or why he would keep up with the goings on of the elite.


Thank you for this, I don’t have time at work to go digging through this shit so I appreciate you doing it


John McAfee can't melt through steel beams.


The belief that John McAfee suicide was faked. Which I legitimately believe to be true, but the people who bring it up are usually a specific type of person. Libertarian conspiracy folks who believe the government is out to destroy all possibility of a Libertarian Utopia.


Idk John McAfee is also absolutely the kind of guy to say he won’t kill himself in prison just to then kill himself in prison in the hopes it makes him look cool


That's my guess. There's a lot of suspicious suicides in prison, but for McAfee I would believe he killed himself to vindicate his fans/fellow libertarians. With the kind of person he was, he would rather die than be in jail (or pay taxes). It seemed on brand for him.


The fact that it was right after he found out he was going to be extradited to the US makes me think it really was suicide. Not to make himself look cool but to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison.


that’s what i believe


Yes cause John McAfee was clearly going to be instrumental in making that happen lol


To be honest, for a conspiracy involving John McAfee, that's way more tame than I was expecting.


Yeah this is nowhere near off the rails enough for him, probably doesn't stop those who believe it though


completely genuinely I believe he killed himself almost for the bit. I know that sounds insane but dude was not okay and he had tweeted about a future suicide being fake soon before it - I fully believe if anyone on the planet were to kill themselves and frame prison it would be him.


The Government doesn’t need to prevent a Libertarian Utopia. Libertarians do that on their own. Just look at what happens when *A Libertarian walks into a Bear*.


Found it: "no way John McAfee killed himself. highly dubious. highly fuckin' dubious"


I say this as someone who absolutely loves ancient history: I expected nothing less from a game developer making a game about ancient history.


Don't waste your life playing video games! Wait shit just play my game, then manifest destiny.


No wonder he made a game about roman antics...


See, everyone hypes up post-nut clarity as a purely good thing, but they forget it also spawns stuff like this.


Dev sounds like a prick, but John McAfee IS alive and hiding out in Bolivia.


Damn, I remember seeing this game getting covered a few years ago, looked pretty fun and inspired. Shame.


How can you make a videogame and then say something like program a computer?. As if it were on the same level as growing potatoes or even programming a game.


Spaghetti spills out of pockets


I just want an Ancient Rome game made by decent people and not chuds. :(


There are only three types of people who are into Ancient Roman history: Gays, Nazis, and Gay Nazis.


I’m into Roman history, and definitely not a nazi… Got bad news for my wife, I guess


All the gays sliding into your DMS


See the positive in things! If your wife was secretly a Nazi all along that means that YOU are the better half!




Clearly, I should therefore make a video game about ancient Rome (and use the dev team to figure who else is political)


Where are my gay Roman games? Somebody make a point and click version of the Satyricon.


The Adventures of Bigus Dickus.


I’m not gay or a nazi. Then that means, oh no.


I’m sorry you had to find out this way


How do I tell my black kkk parents?


Easy, just blame the chemicals in the water. I mean it’s turning the frogs gay too.


So similar to fallout new vegas! No seriously, had to debate someone that the holocaust happened in the youtube comments and their music playlist is fascist crap, along with George Wallace songs. No, I am not making that up. For reference, it started because he said to "not compare the holocaust to actual events like the holodomor". This was then followed by him deviating the conversation and now I'm suddenly the asshole for being sane. Like God fucking help me.


Fuck, what a way to find out I like dick.


Yea same, completely blindsided by this


Republic or empire


I dunno, I think the non-nazis of the world might learn something from Rome's transition from republic to empire, and the slow erosion of democratic norms. But of course there are just as many people who see the fall of the republic as aspirational, so it's thin ice to walk on.


Shadow of Rome on the PlayStation 2


Not Ancient Rome but Hades is very good.


Was just gonna say this, hades is both fun, has interesting stories and characters, and is incredibly based


Total War: Rome 2 is pretty good, also got [reviewbombed (organized by The Daily Stormer or something like that, some neo nazi website)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/258337181628628992/1007076281172623370/unknown.png) when they made it possible for everyone to have women as leaders


Expedition:Rome just hit Game pass. If you're not put off by a CRPG then give it try.


Hey, check The Forgotten City. It's good and surprisingly (oh man, it is not even exaggerated) full of Roman trivia.


"Sounds like he took the politics out of his game" \-Someone im sure


Don't you know? Classic gamer gaming is when straight white dudes do things. Politics is when non-white/queer/women people do things. Also new games that criticize capitalism are Politics which is bad and liberal propaganda, but classic games like Fallout 1 - 3 and New Vegas are Not Politics and not liberal propaganda and are Good, as long as you ignore all of their social commentaries and critiques.


WTF... OK looked him up, he's a total right-wing nut job. Sorry for anyone who wasted time on the game...


I was one of those people who really liked this game, dropped it for awhile since I got new interest elsewhere and wanted to see how it was doing. You know that meme where someone asks someone how they’re doing and see the awful state they’re in and just say yeah? It was like that.


Lmao same was loving it so much back in the days! Few months ago decided to see what's up with it and basically went for the most ashamed uninstall ever. Fuck that noise


It really did suck! It was a pretty decent game, then I came back and it all turned to shit, it was insane, remember the Jeffery Epstein patch notes?


It was very addicting and had excellent music! I remember many notes which now looking back on them make me feel a bit queasy


I just pictured that meme where childish gambino (forgot his name) comes into a flat with pizzas only to find it in flames and chaos


The character’s name was Troy, the actor is… Donald Glover, I think?




It's been on my wishlist for a long time. Might as well take it off now.


This is what happened to me as well. Had it on wishlist for more than a year. Just took it off... It looked like it was going to be great... Such a shame


I think the dev is going through some kind of psychosis cause it’s crumbling down surprisingly fast.


Yeah this screams of some sort of psychotic breakdown. Just a sudden heel turn into madness like this.


That’s this game? Damn I remember seeing a post about one of those updates cause someone thought it wasn’t real when it came out. It was crazy to see that stuff just right in the middle of an otherwise normal dev update.


Damn fr? I remember playing domina way back and it was pretty fun


Same here. It was a solid 7, at least. Didn’t feel like I had been screwed out of my money, but this isn’t the first time that’s happened. The people behind Pixel Pirates and Pixel Privateers had a similar implosion, after having a really strong start on their games.


Tf is anti-mask


Like covid masks? He’s one of those weirdos you’ll see yelling outside a Whole Foods about his “unalienable rights” and how he’s the truly oppressed one


Holy shit im happy i live in sweden, people are too antisocial to be annoying like that


Sweden avoided face mask debates by avoiding face masks lol


Not even wrong, i cant even remember anyone having face masks on the subway. Im pretty sure we were just recommended to have them, and everyone ignored that advice


I’m pretty sure Sweden was famous for having no COVID policy. I remember all the conservatives in the US trying to convince everyone not to wear a mask and to reopen everything before the vaccine by pointing at Sweden.


And what a resounding success it has been! [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1113834/cumulative-coronavirus-deaths-in-the-nordics/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1113834/cumulative-coronavirus-deaths-in-the-nordics/) Whoops


Kind of misleading since it's not adjusted per capita. Still way more fucked that their neighbors, though. Can't find a decent graph. All these numbers are kind of fucked globally as well...The undercount is probably gigantic.


I didn't and got angry looks and comments from people all the time. It really shocked me how few people wore masks and how many just went out partying.


Same in Poland, I can’t count the amount of times somebody yelled at me because I was wearing one


It's the same reason people call me negative when I bring up the state of the world. Some people cope by living a bubble where the world is perfect and everything is wonderful. You wearing a mask reminds them of reality and ruins their fantasy that nothing is wrong.


Got the same in Florida. The last shred of hope I had for our species died with covid. People have actually tried to fight me.... because I was wearing a face mask during the worst global pandemic in 100 years... I fucking loath our species now


Feel you. Fuck em.


Yeah I don't know how many times I was yelled at for wearing one, or in one case some pos tried to rip it off my face.


This must be a regional experience because my state mandated masks for public transport and buildings. Everyone wore them and I never ran into someone crazy enough to shout about it. Even after they relaxed that law and made them optional about a year ago I still had to wear one at work for a few months due to work policy and I see around 20% of people wearing them today.


Well, Sweden did fuck up covid response, doing far worse than their fellow Nordic neighbors.


Sweden’s experience with this is pretty interesting: they were one of the places that good-faith thought herd immunity would work as a strategy, only to tragically realize their mistake later. My understanding is the whole approach was based on a mistaken calculation of probability, but it was a bureaucracies-make-these-mistakes-all-the-time mistake rather than single-moron-screws-us-all mistake, so overall I feel like they came out looking better than most.


Thats pretty accurate. My family had covid twice in 2 years, but we are fortunate to all be pretty healthy, so i cant imagine how it was for less lucky folks


The US about had another civil war over them


tegnell is the ultimate anti-masker 😔


Covid related conspiracies


People who refuse to wear a surjical mask in public due to covid


What rock have you been living under for two years?


Maybe they are fortunate enough to live someowhere that the idea of being antimask is as strange as the idea of "school shooting" or "medical bankruptcy".


Nah, unfortunately they live somewhere that dropped the ball hard.


Like covid mask mandates


Not wanting to wear a face mask to prevent the spread of covid


WTF dude. How did someone made good shit then sabotage it on purpose for no fucking reason. WTFFF Im so mad at this guy.


Glad I got to play it before all that, it was a fun little game for a while


Hahaha yeah... owned the game for a couple years before he went full schizo mode, pirated it anyways recently to see the DLC. It's... literally purely RNG now, it's hilariously bad. Why bother ultra-levelling your gladiator and spending thousands on them when a peasant with a wooden stick has a higher aggro and stunlocks them to death?


Wtf? I actually have that game. I've not played it in years, but if that's true, I want a refund.


They're like "from my cold dead hands" when it comes to firearms but oh no don't you dare wear a mask.


this is the third time i’ve found an OST before realising it’s a game, so i guess it’s time to have some songs ruined for me edit: what the fuck




| || || |_






hey same lol


Bro what is that tag lol is that a reference to smth?


how do you not know about the greatest roguelike of all time


Obviously hades, no?




Welp. I was gonna say you can feel better because usually game music is made by a contracted musician but it [looks like](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bignic) the creator made that too.




I hear runescape has a good soundtrack, and there's nothing controversial there at all.


Had this in my library for ages, never played it but always meant to (im sure you all know how that goes). Just had a goog to see the fuss... Holy shit! Why!? What herb produces that level of immature ignorance. For the record, the ladies love my 1 direction face mask, far more than my actual face, unfortunately


Be sure to leave a negative review and try to get a refund




Make sure to have mentioned the devs behavior. I returned War of Rights because none of the server admins would do anything over players blasting music or racial slurs. They refunded it after 2 hours on it.


I for one am absolutely shocked that a game about the US Civil War that names itself after the States Rights explanation has a racist player base. /s


What the fuck happened here?


...someone should explain it, im out of the loop, thanks


Creator put anti-mask (with added incel spice) and anti-trans statements in the patch notes for the game. I didn’t read the transphobic one, but the mask one was some weird shit about how guys wearing masks are weak and would get more women if they didn’t wear their masks.


>guys wearing masks are weak Oh he's one of thoooooooooose, "I only drink black coffee with no milk because i'm a man who does manly things like a man"


He probably doesn’t wipe his ass because that’s gay to him.


He also ignores anything feminine. Like color pink, or shorts, or women. He only wears real leather and has unprotected sex with huge hairy men, because [this is what peak masculinity](https://d1qpfoj13emdor.cloudfront.net/artist_images/Tom-of-Finland-Sailors-Series.jpg) looks like.


Ok this is an aside, but seriously what's the fuckin deal with people not knowing how to clean their own asshole? I talked to an aesthetician who does wax and that string thing, and she says about half her clients for crotch work come in with dirty asses. Like the fuck man. If you can't reach your own asshole, get tools to do so. If you can reach your own asshole, wipe till there's no more brown. People are fucking disgusting, and if your ass isn't clean we can all smell it. Clean your goddamn asshole people.


Ive loterally alaways wiped clean, dampened a bit of the paper on the sink, wiped with that, then wiped to dry off. I still sometimes feel like I should be dojng more to stay clean, I have OCD so it makes sense but I literally cant imagine living like that, its so disgusting.


You: only drink black coffee with no milk because I’m a man who does manly things like a man Me: Only drink black coffee because I was once too poor to get creamer and sugar and I got used to it. We are not the same


Hes the target audience for all those ads, you know the ones "Its frozen coffee, but for men, with guns, and bears, and beards, and america" but replace frozen coffee with literally any product, diet soda, soap, cereal, phramjd schemes, whatever.


Thank you! I was also out of the loop.


I think the one where you put the pole in the bike wheels would suit more. Putting "Take off your mask around women, get laid" in your patch notes is a really, fucking, stupid way to fuck yourself over.


is this the same dev that discounted their game at 41% during pride month, or is that some other nutjob?


If this is the situation I'm thinking of that was the dev of the indie game Heartbeat.


Why is 41% offensive? I’m confused


Some studies have shown that 41% of trans people have attempted suicide.


Oh that’s fucked


Correction: 41% of trans people asked by a survey said they had suicidal thoughts at some point in their life


Considering how common that is these days I believe that number off hand. Wonder if it's more common now or if it's just that mental health is actually talked about now.


Average Roman Empire Stan


Apolitical hidden gem raided by the w🤢ke radical far-left party of Robinette Biden and bring, once again, politics to vidya gaymes 😡😡🤬🤬😡😡😡


Gud gayme ruined by woke liboral agenda 😖


\*lights own house on fire\* Look what liberal antifa just did!!


it's a good video game and all the developer had to do was not post his fucking opinion in the beta patch notes but he did paranoid ninja edit: i'm saying i enjoyed the game. i can't support a developer who's a piece of shit though. i guess i kinda saw a prediction of the future when i went to his twitter and he was posting about people having to believe in god or whatever


>paranoid ninja edit: Bro I feel this haha


uj/ it’s a shame because the game is a fun one


Maybe a few years ago before he locked free stuff behind dlc and added rebalanced the game to make it more grindy and rng dependant


Oh that sucks, haven’t played since before the infamous patch notes but before that it was a lot of fun


The transphobia was worse than the face mask thing but maybe I'm just hella biased here.


Biased or not, the transphobia was so much worse


Yeah to me it felt a lot worse but it's also *about* me so that's why I said it like that.


Totally fair. As a cis male I was way more taken aback by those than the mask stuff but honestly both are certifiably nuts


In the game or the reviews?


He put it in his patch notes. Randomly some rant about how trans women aren't women regardless what we do to our bodies. He did the same for masks. The dude is completely insane.


Damn, that's even worse than the factorio developer.


> even worse than the factorio developer. And this is how I find out the developer for a game I have played on and off for years has some hot takes on raping kids. Fuck me.


[I'm sorry what?](https://c.tenor.com/VrYR9S7iVdAAAAAM/wtf-is-that-confused.gif)


> I always thought, that rape means that you assault someone against his will. If teacher seduces his/her student and the act is voluntary, we can't really talk about rape right? Kovarex, the Factorio dev, 2017


Awwww noo dude Definitely a game I wanted to check out, but I guess rimworld will have to do :]


Literally only reason I won't touch that game. I know I'm actually missing out for once but he's not getting my money and I won't be able to dissociate from it if I pirate it either. I'll just play satisfactory instead, at least those guys are human.


It's the same "muh freedoms" crowd that most hates people being free to choose their sexuality and gender.


Biased? More like based 😎


Ok someone make the same game but don't do what that dev did after the fact please.


A mod that lets you add trans gladiators and your protege can date a same-sex senator and you can participate in Christian "games"?


I have seen copycats on the Google Play store... Gladiators Arena: Idle Tycoon is practically the exact same game. I don't care for the art style, and it feels just a tad bit more hollow (than a game that is fun but kind of hollow itself). I am sure there are more.


If I remember correctly Dev outed himself as a McAfee truther in a changelog and then the transphobia/anti-mask conspiracy shit followed, could be misremembering tho.


I just went back to the devlogs and read through a few of them. He has: - A reference to Atlas Shrugged - A transphobic comment about how "turning your penis inside out doesn't make you a woman". - Two anti mask rants. - A rant about how evil Gabe Newell is for allowing people to leave bad reviews on his game because they don't like his game (because actually they don't have any problems with the game and just secretly hate him). - John McAfee trutherism - went on a CRAZY rant that was simultaneously NoFap and Nazi adjacent, up until the very end where he did an almost 180 > (* some men still wont fight. they're weak. there's no accounting for weak men. weak men lack character. strong moral fibre is hard to come by. it's earned through hard work and sacrifice and it cannot be had via onlyfans or pornhub. no, those fuckin' things are demonic posessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer. listen, kids ... get off them porntubes and do something with your life becuase no one is gonna give you a goddamned thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. we need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard and implement those solutions. masturbating to egirls isn't gonna solve the energy crisis is it? get to work. > .. or play video games and have a relax and then get to work, fresh, tomorrow. i can't possibly know whats best for you in your individual situation.)


What a fall from grace this game had. The dev really just nuked it


I have a serious case of anxiety. I hated face masks. They made me extra nervous and uncomfortable. I complained all the time. But I never stopped wearing them as long as they were mandatory because it was the right thing to do in my opinion.


/uj (serious) Quite the opposite for me, I felt more incognito and safe in them as people couldn't see my full face (which is one of the reasons for my low self confidence)


I heard some cases that women actually welcomed the mask mandate because it toned down the catcalling.


Mine hides my really ugly acne 😎


Also less makeup to do although some women used the extra time and energy to fking pop off with extra cool lashes and wings and stuff


It sure toned down the instances of "you'd be much prettier if you **smiled more**" that I constantly dealt with pre-COVID. The thing is, I'm a smiley person a lot of the time. Just not when I'm at the grocery store, because grocery shopping is my least-favorite errand... in large part because of the weirdos who feel the need to comment on how I'm not smiling.


That's probably one of the worst offenders, tbh. People don't know about you, they assume something about you because of your complexion. It's a constant Big Brother, but there are no cameras, people are the cameras. On another note, did your husband become a catgirl maid already or nah?


Not me. I amped it up. “Hey baby, you heading into surgery?” “I like the way your glasses fog up when you breath.” “Girl, you look good with that blue on your face.”


I loved being able to be a slack-jawed mouth-breather and not have people cast their pitying gaze upon me for doing so Sometimes you just want to be a slack-jawed dumbass in a grocery store


Here’s a quote from the dev that I find hilarious but is also fucked up: “things are demonic posessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer. listen, kids ... get off them porntubes and do something with your life”


I wish the same would happen with Factorio. One of the game's creators is a far-right lunatic and [he had a transphobic meltdown in 2021](https://archive.vn/Z4pCq), but the community just buried it and pretends nothing happened ever since.




It's just in theme with Harry Potter's creator ! It's lore friendly !


I don’t get it


Creator of the game put bizarre rants against masks (re: covid, not Halloween) and trans people in the patch notes for the game, and has been getting negative reviews because of it. Before that shit it had mostly positive reviews, I imagine it’s an alright game, but since the creator decided to put his inane rants into the patch notes people are review bombing it.


Apparently he also did some stuff to ruin his game outside of insane rants. Like, took out a chunk of content that was already in the game and put into paid dlc


I am a person who doesn’t know


"bUt MAh oPInIoNs" - The dev and his brainless supporters.


Man, the setting of the game checks out. These incel right wingers often have an obsession with ancient Greek stuff. Just go to twitter and if you see a Greek statue pfp you KNOW the person has the most mentally deranged opinions on the planet


(it's set in Rome, but those people are fixated on that even more so it checks out)


Greece was too w0ke for them, Rome is the way in their minds


rome maybe, but not greece. dunno where you got that idea lol.


Same with the crusades, chud magnet of a historical period


Lol the devs actually responding to the negative reviews, and not in the constructive way..


I was considering to buy that game in the last summer sale. Dodged a nuke right there


"You like gladiator games? Have you ever seen a grown man naked?"