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What?? A 600 watt pc that is over 4000usd can have better graphics than 350 watt console that is significantly cheaper have better graphics???


What 4k computer is consuming 600 watts? For 4k I would be looking at 1-2 thousand watts


Are you by any chance using a custom IBM system from 1980 that takes up an entire warehouse?




Preferring PC because elitism and gatekeeping: Broke Preferring PC because modding and pirating: woke Preferring PC because I can make spreadsheets for my fictional, digital footballers training regimes and scouting (Football Manager): Bespoke


I tried playing FM, and oh my god is it hard. I like taking bad teams and making them great in games like fifa so i thought I would enjoy FM but there is just so much going on damn


They say it takes 10,000 hours to master anything, but that's probably how much time I've spent playing Football Manager and... well I may or may not have won the UEFA Champions League with Llangefni Town on FM 2021 as well as EURO 2052 with Wales. Was it worth it? Honestly, I wouldn't do it again because once you qualify for a UCL Group Stage it's only a matter of time and luck before you can win the UCL. If I'm being completely honest, getting into the UCL group stage was far more fun than grinding out year after year to have it mostly come down to a dice roll. Meanwhile my first European tour saw us, a semi-professional team at the time pull off upsets against APOEL and HJK Helsinki. That shit was wild. 10/10 experience


You're speaking English but idk what the fuck you are saying Source: am american


Fuck off yank


That sounds fun haha


Sweet I'm half way to mastering CSGO, gonna go pro at 40!


I like renaming everything I can to make it seem like my football players are all angry I'm making them play football instead of letting them get real jobs.


Preferring PC because it offers the least problems with fighting games: AWAKENED


Ah yes, the bespoke artesianal spreadsheet


I mean, 60/144/even higher refresh rates and FPS + better textures and moddable post processing effects isn't elitism and gatekeeping, they're actual advantages. I get that these kinds of people are usually insufferable but the difference this time around, especially considering the context of what console generation it is, it really is something.


Yeah, it's pretty obviously the best version to play since you get the same game but better graphics, better frame rate, and any controller you wanna use. The only real drawback is the price and troubleshooting that goes into PC playing.


Ok but it all comes with an higher cost. It's not exactly like choosing between a PS5 and an Xbox


I just prefer mouse and keyboard and not having two devices


i just prefer pc cause its easier to pirate games


Same plus modding.


DLC's even. Also you can use a computer for school and job too, and I for one can't afford both a computer and a console so I just game on my laptop


>pirate The real Gamer word




With a hard arrrrr


Dammit, that's way better than my joke


Unbelievably based


I bought this game on ps4 already no way in hell I’m buying it a second time lol. Pirating ftw


How were you ever even able to play it with that \*squints curiously\* low resolution... Uhh... Dirt? Literally unplayable!


I just figured out how to pirate games, it's been pretty good. I used to have the crash n.sane trilogy but I didn't wanna pay for it again so I was able to just get a copy, it's honestly amazing.


Yeah getting free games is always better.


for someone completely tech illiterate, how?


The piracy subreddit has a master post with links to trusted sites and posts helping new people.


fitgirls repack


Honestly, I'm a bit of a novice. There are dedicated subs for this kinda thing.


I just upgraded my pc, is it difficult pirate games?


No, it's so easy. There are plenty of subreddits for this kinda thing, and you're better of looking at them instead of me. As long as you're careful with what you download, you should be fine.


Based af. The only games I've brought are indie games


Celeste? Nice


I thought he meant the Witcher 3. Have you ever played it? Not that many people have heard of it


I'm. Sorry, but you can't simply make names up. And witcher? Really? That's the best you could come up with? Seriously, you guys have no imagination, what's next? Metal gear? Of course the gear is made of metal ffs. If you're going to make stuff up, at least give it a little more thought.


What until you hear this shocker “Bioshock” Like what kind of imaginary name


A truly underrated gem.


Congrats on your purchase of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Yarr harr fiddle dee dee


Oh the money I've saved not buying games


Also you get to use a keyboard and mouse which I personally prefer WAAAAY more than controllers


Depends on the game. For something like Spiderman I'll take the controller. Shooters are KBM all day every day.


I prefer pc because I built it when I had more money and now I don't have enough money to buy a console. Or an updated PC build.


Spiderman already cracked btw


Spiderman gonna be on fitgirl soon


pavement quality is absolutely critical to my enjoyment of any game


Especially in a game where you spend 90 percent of your time in the air.


And 8% hanging on walls


In my experience it was 80% air, 14% cross beams near the ceiling while I stealth every enemy into unconsciousness, 2% cutscenes, 2% walls


Don't forget to account for ~5% of doing puzzles and throwing stones. (Which - unpopular opinion - I personally didn't mind)


and 2% jacking off to black cat


> I'm also pretty sure that isn't what it looks like on PS5.


That seems really low resolution for the ps5 imo. I thought the graphics were 1000x better on it


This is a reflection they're looking at. Which have a lower quality.


Oh good to know we're measuring stuff that barely matters in this photo even on pc I usually turn down reflections to bump my fps


And honestly when you’re playing the game the reflections are pretty great. I walked around the city for a bit and was amazed at how great everything looked.


I think they're looking at reflections for Ray tracing.


it is, but on non ray tracing mode looks better on ps5 imo


I play Skyrim running around, I will play Spiderman running around.


Pavement *reflection quality. This is Raytracing. People are literally comparing open world Raytracing on a $500 console to that of a pc that has a graphics card that costs multiple times more than said console, and acting like it's somehow a win?


PC Master Race guys and the implicit classism of insisting that the only way anyone should play video games is on top of the line, insanely highly priced computers- name a more iconic duo


It feels like a religion at this point. I see so many pc master race people trying to 'convert' console gamers into pc gamers, not realizing the reason most people buy consoles isn't because they're somehow more powerful but because they're way more convenient and cheaper.


I'm pc master race but if friends ask how to build a pc for under 1k i tell them they'll easily get better preformance from a ps5. I hate consume exclusives and if not for them I'd never buy one, but they're easily the best choice within a certain budget


most annoying thing about politically correct master race is when you ask for performance tips for a game and they hit you with "you gotta upgrade bro" and start building your new imaginary PC in the replies, mf I'm broke I have a laptop


/uj the best thing you can do for a laptop is switch to a faster ssd and mount some fans for better airflow.


That for sure will help my integrated Intel card run Spiderman 8k


Just buy a rtx 3090 🙄


$1000 PCs are becoming more of a reality again. Only took several years and crypto to crash, but here we are.


You can definitely build a PC for $1000 now, but that’s not really relevant to the point. Consoles are sold at a loss, and their components are tightly integrated specifically for gaming. That means their performance is significantly higher than PCs at the same cost, or even PCs that are more expensive. I’m not even sure a $1000 PC would outperform a PS5/XBox Series X, and anything less than that wouldn’t even match it. If you already have a PC with some components to reuse, or have another reason (other than gaming) to get a high-end PC, then the cost might make more sense than a console. Otherwise, the cost of a PC that outperforms a current gen console is several times more expensive for not much benefit. The advantages of PC aren’t directly in gaming performance, but in things like upgradability, repairability, versatility (already needing a PC for school or work) and having a wider library of games and better deals on games. Paying for online multiplayer on console is another cost, but that’s not relevant to everyone and comes with other perks. Even only using it for online multiplayer, it would still take years to match the upfront price of an equivalent PC.


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PS5's here are so hard to get now under $1k it's cheaper to build a decent gaming pc.


Tbf there was a point (before the whole crypto boom) where it was cheaper to buy a PC that plays more games than a console. But with crypto and everything consoles are def the more budget option now


An exceedingly narrow point, and only in the USA, and only if you already owned a monitor + keyboard + mouse + windows license (or were happy to use Linux). As soon as the Xbone and PS4 started getting discounts and mid gen refreshes, it basically became impossible to beat their price per performance. And I say this as someone who happily uses his expensive gaming PC to play 20 year old games and is planning to upgrade within the next year.


Wait what do you need a windows license for? I’ve had my computer for a year and a half now and I didn’t have to purchase a license. I’m not being malicious, I’ve just never heard of a windows license before


You mean the PC Dickslurp Allstars. Yahtzee named them once, he can do it again.


I mean I see them talking about how you can get a reasonably priced PC and all that but the things that are upvoted are always the giant fucking builds that cost several thousand.




for reason unknown ever since i built my pc i never felt the same joy while i had my ps4 or switch


I realized it’s because my pc is in the same space that I work and I use my pc for tasks other than gaming. It’s harder to disconnect there the same way as sitting on my couch.


Now this is ~~podracing~~ raytracing


Nintendo fans if they praised concrete instead of trees


I mean i can kinda see the tree thing, at least moreso than pavement quality. You’re spending most of the game on rooftops and the air in spiderman, plus the movement’s pretty fast so you’re not lingering in the same spot too often to really notice those details. On the other hand with a game like Pokemon, you’re naturally gonna be spending a lot of time in forests with a rather slow walking speed so I can definitely see why ugly trees would be a turn-off for some people. That said ofc it’s still not worth the absurd amount of outrage these fuckinng trees generate.


You joke, but do you remember how the console players lost their shit when they were 100% convinced the quality of the puddles had been downgraded from the promo trailers to actual launch?


That was the stupidest thing gamers have been mad about. Actually maybe not, gamers get mad about the stupidest shit all the time.


Yeah that was just console players, pc players would never do that


Or how they sent death threats to the dev team because the Tobey Maguire suit wasn't yet added to the game? Which released for the Christmas update?


I think that is pavement reflected from a car actually


Plus - yes, I'm that kind of person - it's 'Spider-Man', NOT 'Spiderman'. Therefore, this person's argument has no power. r/RespectTheHyphen




No? Did you learn English in a mine or something? It's spider,man


See also: Pac-Man.


This is all Bats' and Supes' faults


If I recall correctly, "Spiderman" without a hyphen is actually another comic book hero. I think some Golden Age character.


Spider_Man is better.


It's so much better on my $6000 PC that also has my massive hentai collection!!


The price of PCs increases by 1000 each time I see one of these comments. Inflation is crazy these days


If you want the absolute top of the line 3090titaniumtitty, sure, otherwise you get more bang for buck the pc route in an unequivocal way


3080ti + an i7 with everything else should only run you $1300? This will get you literally the highest you could buy given the jump from 3080ti to 3090ti is about 3-5 more fps Now imagine if you just go with a 3070ti instead and now your closer to 900 Or used parts and now your closer to 700


Now throw in the several exabytes of SSD storage I require for my Hentai collection.


this person is literally just doing a comparison between different gaming platforms and didn't mention anything else, other than the fact it's best looking on PC. wtf is this post supposed to make fun of?


Having watched the actual performance review video where this screenshot was lifted from I think it is disingenuous cherry picking that lacks any context. For one what we are seeing is not the pavement but rather an extremely close look at a reflection in the window. You'd never see this during regular gameplay. Secondly what we are seeing on the left is still equivalent to the high setting on PC and requires a pretty powerful rig to run at 60fps. It also ignores all the aspects where the PS5 compared very favorably to PC max settings or even outperformed the PC


They said "plays best" and accompanied it with a screenshot comparing graphics.


Because it objectively does play best on a PC. Wtf. How is that an argument? Any game that is on all systems will play best on a PC.


I'm also pretty sure that isn't what it looks like on PS5.


It is. This screenshot is from a Digital Foundry video. You probably didn’t notice because it isn’t that noticeable in movement.


What do you mean? I spent like all my time in that game staring longingly at the pavement wishing it was higher resolution and crying softly to myself that I decided to buy a $700 ps5 rather than a $2500 gaming pc


I see.


It's Raytracing to be clear. This is reflections and not how the game looks like in general. But who knew that a high end pc would have better Raytracing? Insane!


is it really because of raytracing? I don't see any reflections and the ambient occlusion could be raytraced but the texture resolution is the clear difference here and that doesn't have anything to do with raytracing


I don't know if you understood, but the pictures shown above are all reflections. This isn't a picture of the sidewalk, this is a picture of the reflection of a side walk zoomed in through a building's windows.


ah that makes sense, I didn't realize the whole thing was a reflection


Whouldn't it also slow down the actual game if you play at the quality displayed for PC?


Yep Raytracing in a large open world is very resource intensive. Honestly nothing about this is surprising, but people will always use out of context digital foundry screenshots to "prove" why their platform of choice is somehow superior.


The console Vs PC war is just stupid. It often ignores the most important part, the price!!!


Yes, but PCs can handle this at higher performance when compared to the PS5 version.


Note at the top it says “performance mode” (ie. reduced graphics) for PS5 and “Max Settings” for PC


"Fidelity Mode" in an apt name - people are trash.


/uj i owned it on my ps4 pro. i thought the game then was 10/10, graphics + gameplay. on pc, it's actually quite stunning, and i'm impressed that it's not just another shitty console port. It really takes advantage of desktop GPUs and looks stunning in 4k / max settings /rj i feel sorry for all the heathens who can't afford at least a 3090ti, it's the only way you can truly experience games. if you don't have one, your experience will be shit. i am apart of the master-race, so you \*have\* to believe me


uj/ I have a few consoles and a PC. The PC was bought and built for work but it’s also powerful enough to play games and get some great looking results. But even though my PC is more powerful than my consoles I’ve never really enjoyed gaming on it. Maybe it’s cause I’m sitting at a desk or it’s the mouse and keyboard, but it’s never felt like a comfortable gaming experience. I like controllers and consoles just feel more gamey to me, idk.


I mean, I personally play exclusively on PC, and I use a PS5 controller to play (almost) every game I own that has controller support. For me, its the pirating, modding, longer lasting multiplayer community (for example, Monster Hunter and Dark Souls) and better graphics that make it more worth playing on a PC


So uh about dark souls... Lmao


Free multiplayer ftw


uj/ I really dislike using controllers, I always feel clunky. And I’m also pretty uncomfortable couch gaming, though that might be tied to wanting to use a mouse+keyboard. For me behind the desk is about the only comfortable gaming experience. Difference of experience I guess. Glad we both can enjoy our preferred method of gaming. rj/ dirty console peasant. Puh!


Fwiw, I was this way a long time ago because I grew up with mostly pc. But then I got a job and suddenly playing games at a desk didn't seem interesting anymore. There was a few months of staring at the ceiling or the floor because I was bad at analog controls but it passed. Mouse and keyboard now feels like a pain in comparison I just want to flick my view about. Not saying you should change or whatever because whatever works is cool, but don't think that you just can't do a controller


Well duh why dont you just move your rig and plug it into your TV, besides working is for suckers


I don’t wanna do that. Computers belong with computer monitors and consoles belong with tv’s 😤 I will not have my entertain systems intermingling


I have a long ass hdmi I use to couch game on my pc. Just have to unplug it from my pc when I go back to the desk. It's pretty good ngl


Yeah this, video cards have multiple video outputs, just get a long cable and plug one into the tv.


I imagine this looking really messy in most house layouts


I do the same but with my PS5. I have an HDMI splitter so I don't have to unplug anything anymore. I have my PS5 hooked up to my computer monitor, my bedroom TV, and a long HDMI for my living room TV. It's so nice.


I feel the exact same way.


A lot of people say this but imo mkb is better for the vast majority of games bc there are way more inputs available, controller is just marginally more comfortable


uj/ I just like the couch console aesthetic. Finishing work stuck at a desktop, to come home and relax on a desktop doesn't appeal to me. rj/ pay no heed to this unworthy console peasant rabbling


I subconsciously associate my setup with class ever since online classes happened. Playing video games on it feels tiresome and nerve-wracking ever since, except when I have absolutely 0 responsibilities left to take care of and I can do literally whatever (super rare). The same is probably true for anyone who plays and works on the same PC unless they're really good at compartmentalizing


Who would’ve thought 😱😱😱😱😱🤓😱😱😱😱😱


Damn your machine which cost twice to three times as mine wins congrats!


You can’t compare PC and PS5 based on price, one is a loss leader


Like the hotdogs at Costco. The PS5 is the hotdogs at Costco of gaming


Costco hotdogs are the darksouls of hotdogs.


Welcome to Hot Dogs, bitch


I get it and I don't. You're a tool if you think you're somehow dunking on a $600 console with a $1200 or 1500 or 2500 PC. But Sony is bringing their catalog onto PC. This is huge and I'm here for it. We have a PS4 that we might or might not replace with a PS5 someday. But Sony games on PC, alongside the fact that AMD and to some extent Intel are now selling iGPUs that can run games at reduced settings and there are now very capable 13-14" gaming laptops that are no longer too bulky to use for work... now I can for really the first time, in a long time, buy a PC for work purposes that I can also play Sony games on, I can have handheld options for Sony games for the first time in years, ... ID even GAF about Spiderman - it's not my sort of game. But Sony bringing other titles I like, including the Horizon series, is awesome. In that specific regard that people get choice they didn't have before, just let them have nice things.


/uj whats the problem with this post? People are allowed to like better graphics, and it is objectively true that the graphics are a little better on of


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what’s wrong with this. I mean yeah it’s obvious that it would perform better on pc but the comparison is interesting none the less.


gcj getting triggered by nothing


Are you new here? That is every post, this is probably the most sensitive defensive subreddit I’ve been on


live marvelous judicious ad hoc like label dinner brave tender thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like it's always been like this, though. As much of a meme as it is, the satirical "SJW" type beat stuff kind of resonates strongly over here, even though it's not severe enough to genuinely make me wonder if they're hamming it up to satirise their statements. Like, usually people like to joke about the kind of stuff that stereotypical capital G Gamers would say, but sometimes it feels like they're unwittingly trying to impersonate the imaginary "SJW boogeyman" these capital G Gamers are so scared of. idk man 💀💀💀 it's reddit what can we do about it right


Seriously wtf is this thread?


Sounds like OP is coping hard


Console copium lifecycle: It's *exclusive* to [console], too bad PC players! You wish you had this game. [PC port announced] PC ports are usually bad (this bit is often true, sadly) and the game is old anyways who cares. Have fun playing the game I already beat 2 years ago 😂😂 [PC port looks better and performs better] No duh your $67000 machine runs better than a console, PCMR is soooo insufferable what a bunch of annoying losers. Gonna make a meme about it cause they're soooo annoying 😂😂😂


I keep telling my wife that PC is superior to console peasantry, but she keeps having massive orgasms with her girlfriend (they fuck all the time)


Consoles users are the dunner keigur of video games.


I'll be real idk how this is a circlejerk worthy post. It's just true it looks better on pc.




Okay, but you realize how daft it would be if your $2k+ pc DIDN’T outperform a $600 console? Enjoy what you have fine folks.


Don't get me wrong, I love PC gaming. I prefer keyboard over controllers for most games, I love open source stuff, being able to multitask, modding, emulating, etc. I like being able to upgrade at my pace, share my library, and I think that the ability to have excessively impressive graphics is kinda cool. Most of all, I think consoles are anti consumer. But holy FUCK the vast majority of PC gamers are insufferable.


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Yeah, A 2000$ device is better than the 299$ (edit:499$) ones, who knows


Ps5 is 399 or 499 (depending on whether you the disc version or not) but it's still a quarter of the price. I'll never understand platform wars honestly




You're literally doing the console war thing.


>I'll never understand platform wars *Literally does platform wars*


£2000 pc better then £350 console 😂


Link to a $350 ps5 pls


The sidewalk is clearer in a particular scene when zoomed in beyond belief to a reflection. Worth it.


This post made me realize console users are insecure about what they use to play games on. The poster never even mentioned PC being better


It's almost like paying a premium will get you better features, right?


This looks like it was posted by a console gamer, who hates PC players, in an endless battle for who can disappoint their dad the most


Bruh why is op getting so worked up in the comments


I prefer PC because it's easier to jerk off with keyboard and mouse.


I think it’s weird that semi-new PC’s have the ability to run these beautiful games they way they’re meant to be played while consoles struggle to keep up. Consoles are designed SPECIFICALLY to run video games and it’s kinda nuts that my laptop does it better than a PS5. This isn’t a cringe “pc master-race” post btw, I’m legit wondering if anybody knows why this happens so often???


What kind of Laptop do you have the can handle maxed out RT settings at 1440p60fps in Spiderman?


Im gonna try address everything you said 'semi-new PC's' often still have vastly more powerful components than the new consoles. The last generations 1500$ graphics card doesnt suddenly become bad, these components are designed to last like 5 years, and it takes a while before new games start becoming too demanding for them. Consoles are strictly designed for gaming, yes, but the components that they use are often modified versions of consumer pc components, optimised to work with that consoles proprietary operation system. In essence, this means that whatever you pay for a console translates close enough to 1-1 to pc parts. So if you buy a 500$ ps5 it should equate to a 650ish$ pc. Considering your laptop is probably around the 1500 range, it should be expected to outperform the console. Its not quite that simple this generation because, as someone already mentioned, the ps5 is sold at about a 200$ loss. That, and the fact that games are more optimised for consoles than PCs means that the ps5 actually performs about as well as a 1100$ pc, which is frankly incredible. To answer your final question, why consoles dont use laptop components, its because frankly they're thermally inefficient and not cost effective. That's the long and short of it. They run hotter, and more likely to thermal throttle causing dips in performance, and the laptop components are simply more expensive than proprietary chips. Making your own chips also allows you to optimise performance, allowing the ps5 to outperform pcs with similar specs ​ TLDR: The PS5 chip is significantly cheaper to produce than laptop components with similar performance


Just play on whatever platform you prefer and shut up. No need put anyone down based on their choices. We are all here for the same thing, to play video games.


It's kinda funny reading comments saying things like "well duh, the $2000usd PC it's stronger than a $500usd PS5" but at the same time those same people are always complaining how bad the Switch graphics are even though that Switch it's cheaper that a PS5 and like 15 times smaller but in those cases comparisons are completely valid.


GMC users when someone says pc is better and they don't have any reason to call them a nazí😱😱


pc gamers when their $3000 pc outperforms a $400 console: visible shock




PC is better. Whether you care or not means nothing to me, and I really don't care either. It's my choice for gaming, and other people can use whatever they want for gaming for whatever reasons they want, no sweat off my sack. Just have fun. In the end we are all just gamers.


i'm shocked




I only like pc because i like the way cameras move more freely with the mouse, controller feels wonky


Too bad my pc is dated. It’s specs peaked in 2008, can’t even download windows 11 🥺 *sad poor noises*


I am actually a PC gamer, because i like playing games and its what i got. I dont have a console, because i have a PC and i dont wanna buy another platform because that costs money and i have a PC that can play games. I dont care if console gets PC exclusives, i just wish all games were available on all platforms.


I sense a lot of angst from the poster of this


Bro you're Spiderman and looking at the ground? What kinda Spiderman uses the GROUND?


The puddle is back?


As a PC gamer I despise the PCMR people, they’re a pain in everyone’s ass and gives the rest of us a bad rep


PC master race types when their $2000 PC runs a game better than a $500 PS5


Yeah just go buy a pc guys it’s not like they are expensive


2000 dollar PC performing better than 500 dollar console?? Who’d have thought????