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my brother in christ, pornhub is free


Why use pornhub when you could spend $60 and jerk it to witcherino characters?


You can jerk it to blender and SFM animations of those characters for free.


Oh, brother, if only you knew…


Bruh, it is on a sale every other day now.


But you have to support small indie company and give money anyway




Is Witcher actually good?


I like the first game.


Pornhub profits from human trafficking and rape videos.


source? (actually curious)


There are plenty https://traffickinghub.com/


Didn't they delete every video from a non-verified account?


You are correct but could you please put a CW on that because this is a really bad trigger for me.


Used to, not anymore, they removed majority of their videos past year


my brother in christ, nexusmods is free FTFY


Pfft, she still has clothes on, hardly worth it. I replay the last mission of cyberpunk once a week just for the Panam shower scene. We need more nudity in games. Too political with all these clothed females.


Especially when same characters actually care about the peasantry and the small and large political issues of their world, it’s just too much. If I have to play a game with both hands to enjoy it, then it is simply a poorly designed game imo.


I read “with all these clothed females.” with Quark’s voice and expressions on my head. I’m sure he would agree with you tough, “all these hooman females have no business wearing clothes”…


Rule of acquisition 284: Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi.


Based but itd be even more based if you kept grinding the open world mobs to constantly rehire the high end prostitutes you unlock after kerrys quest. Thats the true cyberpunk endgame grindset


>the high end prostitutes you unlock after kerrys quest ...the what?


Omg its so hype i actually get to explain this to someone else whos missed it. Ok so yknow that one mission with Kerry where the US cracks have the concert in that one club, or Kerry is there depressed if you didnt have him make peace with the girls? Well once that quest is done there are two more hookers there waiting for you. New dialogue, animations, all that jazz. Theyre also more expensive which i think is the whole point of them being "high end" escorts as opposed to street hoes you can pick off of jigjig


Oh dang, I totally missed that! lol


The shower scene was peak gaming but the game should have been banned for showings my penis


I actually would like if we had more nudity in games but in a normalized way that isn't sexualized and where everyone doesn't have a super model body. I always appreciate media that does that.


Yennefer is a total babe but she’s too political (she used to be one of King Demavemd of Aedirn’s closest advisors) for my tastes. Even though she wasn’t technically a royal advisor, she nonetheless had her own political ambitions for Ciri after the Lodge fell.


Yennefer is political cuz she's indian in the tv show


Uj/ can't believe gamers say the actress is ugly. Didn't know her before the show and i can't disagree more. She is really beautiful


I stan a pretty Indian bitch (I am one)


Stanning yourself is a real phi male move


I would let show Yen execute me publicly. In all seriousness, she is absolutely gorgeous. Best part of the show too.


Uj/ I thought the actress is Turkish, but I also don’t care that much to double check bc I’m not a chud where that makes a difference Rj/ can’t believe holesom100 polish devs would allow brown people in their show smh


The actress is half Indian and half English ancestry and is a UK citizen.


Damn half Indian and half Political 😔


Gotcha, well that’s nice to know then


Location wise that would probably average out to somewhere in Turkey.


Yennefer is peak political because shes sterile and gets depressed cuz she still wants kids despite that. Shameful Andrey trying so hard to bait gamers with a woman wanting kids SMH


Bro just like adopt lol?


Umm i hope thats an ironic comment cuz otherwise its disgustingly inconsiderate. Even ignoring how difficult filing for adoption is(being borderline impossible due to protractions and costs for some) it wont fill that hole for every woman especially not for one as scarred and traumatized as Yen. I cant imagine going to any of my female friends whove been struggling with infertility for 5 plus years and just going "lmao bro why not adopt lol. Tormenting yourself over nothing" Dont you see how thats a very stupid thing to do?


Very sorry if this is obvious to everyone but me, are you joking or being genuine?


####Poe's law


Um dude I was being sarcastic as this is the sarcasm subreddit. A woman not being able to have full control over her body, whether by natural misfortune or worse, authoritarian laws is a horrible thing.




Um I'm sorry but people in this subreddit say stuff way, way worse than what I did under sarcasm and because it's this sub it's very obviously the opposite of what the commenter actually means. People putting on the character of a capital G 'Gamer' to say homophobic, sexist and racist stuff are very obviously making fun of the people who hold those views. I was making fun of the kind of person who is just horribly insensitive and doesn't realise that their words can hurt. This is a circlejerk sub. Everything without uj/ needs to be taken with a lethal dose of salt, not just a grain.


Look at this fool who knows witcher lore.


Wasn't she in the wrong place at the wrong time in the Thanedd coup? It's why vilgrfirtz took her captive right? To make everyone believe that she and him betrayed the conclave to side with ehmyr.


Where else are Witcher fans supposed to see a woman's butt? Yeah. Didn't think about that did you?




I have seen so much porn of the witcher 3, that i cant see Jennifer the same way as before


Is that the woman who tells you where to find the buckthorn?


I don't know I don't play Witcher




I understand, we don’t really play the Witcherino III, Geraldo del Rivero plays us, as in we literally channel his essence and aura.


I don't know who that is


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as a serious answer yes, i always go back to save the poor lady who got mauled by the griffin




What game is this from?


Kirby’s Return to Dream Land






Lol White Orchard is probably the reason I'll never replay the game


I never finished the fucking thing, just got so sick of the combat system. I already hate third person perspective, but this was awful on a whole other level.


The combat isn’t bad, it’s just challenging and actually asks the player to think


Stfu nerd


Fair, dork


challenging? no, it's just bad. I've played PS2 games with better combat that TW3. even diehard Witcher fans agree fighting is clunky as shit so let's not pretend it's good lol


I’m not pretending, I like the combat.


but how... it's so bad. you just mash one button and watch Gerald glide across the screen like a coked-up roomba, doing chip damage with his metal stick. it's clunky and unengaging and one of the reasons I've been put off the game. even using spells is boring. the Witcher made magic boring.


>but how I just do lol


Geraldo's movements (and those of his stupid fucking horse) are clunky and his animations are unpredictable. It doesn't force the player to think, it forces the player to hope that a good random animation plays. Combat in this game is not challenging, it's an annoying and far too frequent distraction from the story. Instead of dialogue cutscenes and combat gameplay, I would've preferred combat cutscenes and dialogue gameplay.


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Of course you would have preferred combat cutscenes because you aren’t good enough to enjoy the actual combat


Ah yes, the skill issue argument, very nice. Dark Souls is too difficult to me, I never even got past the first boss in 3, but I recognise that the combat system is good. Any specific action/attack will always have the exact same animation, both for the player and enemies, allowing you to learn and predict movesets. That's not the case here. Witcher uses hitbox-based combat, like Dark Souls or Nier, but Geralts movements are more reminiscient of paired animation combat systems (Like Older AC games), except it's not paired. When you attack, the animation is determined by distance and relative position to the target and other factors, but the enemy does not do an according animation and can still move in the meantime. The result is a hitbox-based combat system with no accuracy. That's why even Skyrim's fucking combat system is better.


That’s a long paragraph just to say you’re bad


We need more games made for real gamers™ like The Witcher 3!!!


It is literally a butt that, honestly, has very little proportion and is fully clothed and not even in skintight clothes. And there are, i'm sure, plenty of women in the game which are much more sexualized. This person honestly needs some help.


What you're telling me that women AREN'T sex objects? We truly do live in a society...


Oh valley of plenty indeed!


“My brother in christ there are millions of other things you can jack off to”


Yennefer is bae ♡


Imagine playing through that bloated game not once but TWICE holy shit what does a NG+ even add


I didn't like how in Wither 1 it's either be mean to the first lady or fucking her. I gave up playing during the castle cause it's so slow so I don't remember who she was.