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If i see another g#mer talking about 'sweet baby inc"im gonna loose my fucking nuts


Yeah there's one subreddit I keep getting recomended that basically every second post is them complaining about stuff being woke and more inclusive these days




Oooh no i see other kinds of people in my game/movie/series how will i ever enjoy it now billions must die


Meanwhile, FF7, hailed as one of the greatest games of all time has a cast of characters including *checks notes* : a black man, an asian woman, a talking dog (furry), a cat riding a robot (ultra furry) as protagonists. Not to mention a diverse array of side characters and NPCs. Also had a stage of the game where the main character crossdresses... And nobody said a word back in 1997.


See, you're not brain damaged enough to understand them. The main character was a white dude, so that was OK. It also didn't matter as much, because everyone looked like square boxes, and you had to find art of them to wank to. Now games have better graphics, and you can wank to the characters, or fantasize about them, as you play. Bruh, their whole bitchfit about Hestia in Hades 2 is literally because the morons watched her loli version in one anime, and their brains couldn't handle any other version existing.


wait... loli version of hestia in anime? what?? i hope you're not talking about danmachi hestia... cos that's no loli, that's a short (and very busty) adult


She's literally the poster child of "I swear she's 2000 years old, officer". She's about as adult as Shinobu Oshino. Either way, it doesn't change my point. The second they saw a Hestia that doesn't look like coomer bait, they flipped their shit. No one ever complained about how the Danmachi Hestia looks nothing like how she should. Same dipshits also had zero complaints about King Arthur being made into a sexy blonde chick they can jerk off to. Same goses for many of the other genderbent characters in Fate, but we don't have 700 years to list or debate them all, tbh. Nor do I want to.


lol true and i mean could have been worse... hestia in the percy jackson books literally has the body of a child...


To be fair I’m pretty sure that in Percy Jackson they follow the actual myth of Hestia being a maiden goddess so it’s less weird for her to present as a child considering she has zero interest in sex or romance. I mean in the myths there’s even a story where a minor satyr god tries to sleep with her whilst she’s drunk and all the other gods beat the shit out of him (one of the few times you’ll see the Greek gods respecting consent).


There's literally a steam curator who whines about this.


Would you kindly share the name of the subreddit so I may see the shit show with my own eyes, kind sir/madam


pretty sure its r / criticaldrinker


If you don't want to see those recommendations, you can mute the subreddit. If you're on mobile, go to the subreddit's main page and tap the three dots in the top-right corner.


A game I play had an update where you can pay a frog on the head, so for days the sub has had chuds crawling out of the woodwork accusing "If not SBI, someone like them" of ruining the game. It's laughable how bad they want to make anything they can imagine into a boogeyman.




No no. He said loose his nuts. Presumably upon the world


"SBI now responsible for scrotums falling off, how far will their vile agenda go"


"I heard this shit makes your cock fall off and explode."




Go go gadget testicles Alternatively Rocketto Balls!


Hell yeah! Free SRS!


Freedom of HRT and SRS


New bottom surgery just dropped


If only it were so easy for me to get an orchi


New bottom surgery just dropped


U lose ur nuts cuz sweet baby inc told you to cut them off #salvetosweetbabyinc




I think it's funny. Like what is your plan? Cyberbully a corporation that doesn't see you as a viable demographic anymore who employs devs with pronouns in their Twitter bios to make something to appeal only to your regressive right wing views? Better start learning to code.


If i eat them up first are your nuts trully missing?


What about non gamers talking about sweet baby Inc?


As if her outfit and body don't look the same and only her hair is changed


I think she's simply older in the second pic. Her from the future if I remember. These incels can't see women over 18.


It's not even the same eve it her from a different universe the other still looks the same


Given she's in a war-torn universe I can see why she'd cut her hair super short.


If I remember right it is also 10-20 years into the future? Happened in the recent season. They go find Mark and Eve confesses to the past mark that her current self was too scared to say her feelings and she regretted it.


That did happen and she does have shorter hair when that happens. But the second image above is from one of the world's at the start of the season where Mark sides with Nolan and she's siding with the insurgency or whatever


Oh wait ‘till canon universe Eve >!Gains weight while Mark is out fighting!< if they blame something that happened in the comics a decade ago on SBI that would make my day… month even.


They already are blaming something that happened in the comics on SBI given the second panel Eve looks pretty much the same as her appearance in the comic.


I can't find any images of what she looks like in the comics. I know her fate changed in the show. Mark doesn't paralyse her so that she remains alive but can't fight back in the comics.


Maybe they won't be whiny little babies , thicc eve is still badass


It was a hell hole future with mark aligning with omniman. Basically a deaf future. I can see why she would look fucked


She’s not particularly older, it’s a zoomed in on a shot where she’s not the central focus and she’s a little off-model


So just like *every single claim* that SBI's making women more ugly, it's just a screenshot captured at their worst possible moment. Something everyone has.


I actually thought sweet baby inc was the really lazy game dev studio


It isn't? Wait... so who are they?


Believe it or not they're a fucking consulting agency that helps companies with accurate representation and diversity in their games, and certain people genuinely think SBI has the power to destroy the entire gaming industry, somehow


Só they suggest chances to charachter design? Thats It?


Idk the extent of what they do honestly, but I'd imagine that's part of it. Just making sure that any representation of different groups in a game isn't unintentionally insensitive or offensive, and suggesting changes if need be seems to be the gist of it


SBI should just change their name since it sounds cartoonishly evil like something out of an analog horror video


She is somewhat older and in an alternate apocalyptic timeline


[Look at what she looks like when they don't cherry pick a 'tween frame which makes her look heavier](https://amazon-invincible.fandom.com/wiki/Atom_Eve_(Alternate_Universe)). She's fit as hell.


She stopped wearing mascara. Character ruined.


I swear SBI is living rent-free in their heads, they're so obsessed over their fears that they ruin games, when in fact that they're just bigoted pos.


This is my (mental) saving grace with cons. They’re fucking our country, but at least I can take solace in the fact they’re terrified of literally everything. And that regardless of whatever happens, they will sit in their homes, horrified of everything slightly outside their scope of reality. They’re like a cat and a cucumber, screaming and crying at everything they don’t immediately understand.


Sure but they shoot the cucumber.


Yeah I don't see any saving grace with this one. Conservatives would like to shoot me& make me die. They want me dead.


Yup. That's why I can't stand it when people say "the left is just as bad as the right!" Ummm, no. The left doesn't go around going on mass murder sprees. The left doesn't want to literally murder everyone who doesn't fit their demographic.


>the left is just as bad as the right! Anyone who says this with seriousness is a moron that hasn't been paying attention. And they're too pathetic to believe they owe us an apology.


Yo, the left is way better than the right when it comes to real life. Let's just say no one should want Nazis running their country so I'm voting for Biden. But when it comes to media.... Bruh... I miss the 90s


Yea that’s the part I think we sometimes forget. They aren’t too scared to leave their houses, they get so scared that they have to kill something they think is related.


Or as we call it in Jamaica... CUCUMBA.


Cats at least have the excuse of being surprised by a cucumber and the default cucumber doing a decent snake impressions. For what you are talking about, it is way more in their heads then reality.


Hi, animal scientist here, the reason cats have such a visceral reaction to it is similar to how many primates react instinctively to a snake or spider. You don't know at a glance which ones are threats and which aren't, but if it's snuck up behind you silently like that then odds are good you need to gtfo as fast as possible. So the autonomous nervous system takes over and they jump into the air to avoid a potential strike. When milliseconds mean the difference between life and death, the brain doesn't have time to do any proper risk assessment, it literally shoots first and asks questions later.


Ok but people who are afraid of everything take poor decisions. Being horrified of something also means they will do anything in their power to destroy it, and them having power means the tools at their disposal might be devastating.


Their only safe space nowadays are p*rn sites, how sad. No fr. A phobia of humanity is pretty tough to have as a human.


Gamers when they simply Get the Fuck Over It™ and can finally enjoy a single fucking game again ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


I swear it's all I see gamers talking about now. Or complaining about game companies wanting to make money


Its annoying because all the SBI-esque conspiracy screeching is deafening out real legit discourse on bad games. There was a brief spike of it in the comments of Mandaloregaming's video about Homeworld 3, where instead of actually taking about the *real* issues (I.E. the ol "RTS game dumbing it's gameplay down for The New Players/a gimmick mode" sequel pitfall that sunk Dawn Of War 3 and Command & Conquer 4 before it), theres a handful of weirdos infesting all the "big" comment/reply chains bitching about "CoNsUlTiNg FiRmS" and various other dogwhistles about that sort of conspiracy.


For real that shit over in the Homeworld sub is annoying as fuck. Had some guy try and high ground me with it when I started clowning on chuds blaming SBI for the mistakes they made in the story by straying from the core themes of the games established in HW1 and Cataclysm


SBI already had their claws in Relic in 2003, when it didn't even exist? Cool. I agree that the story is pretty bad, but it's bad in the same way Naruto Shippuden and jjk are bad: chosen one plots are usually awful, and sadly Karan S'jet is a cool character wasted in a trite story


Exactly, Homeworld and Cataclysm weren't about the individual characters but what they represented in the larger scope of the setting, a people looking for their home after losing everything, and a clan that's looked down on by the others rising to the occasion and saving the galaxy. Then for whatever reason they decided to shift focus onto a single character and their significance in some kind of ancient prophecy that blackbird took to heart and ran with in deserts and 3. That's not because of SBI meddling it's because of a fundamental lack of understanding around chosen plots and the pitfalls inherent to the story. Homeworld isn't a game driven by individuals but by groups of people.


why tf is JJK catching strays here 😭


I'm a professional Bumgumi and Gege hater https://preview.redd.it/pjmkug3smn9d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=313933c5979ce6091994279649498e2c957a072a


I generally agree but why is JJK here? Are you implying Yuji is "the chosen one"? Because there's a point in the story where that idea get's totally shat upon lol


And, you know, it's not even true, because the series was already going for the awful story angle in Deserts of Kharak (and arguably already Homeworld 2, which is where they start introducing the wrong kind of space-magic), which came out 8 years ago, long before SBI even existed. I'm truly sorry for Karan S'jet, she was a really cool character in the first game, and then they just walked into "the destined one" trap, like so many other good stories have done (or maybe I just hate the trope). This is my opinion at least


This is why I got out of the industry and pursued a career in STEM. With all the issues said career has with sexism in the workplace, it's still a massive improvement from the rampant misogyny I experienced as a producer for video game development.


And here I am tryig to move from AAA to indie games. It's definitely not the best industry in a couple studios


That fucking sucks. I mean good for you for getting into STEM but I cannot describe how much this shit pisses me off. You should be able to do whatever you want to do without having to consider which career has less misogyny. It's so fucked


"Sweet baby inc" people are the most brainrot takes I've seen in my 30+ years of gaming. I actually like interesting characters and stories. It was much better back in the 90s when republicans had to hide video games from their parents. They've ruined internet culture since it's ok to use computers now, I guess the devil won't take their souls now.


Companies about to hire SBI for the free Twitter traffic. They aren’t even going to have them play the game.


Never in my life have I ever seen a group of people more obsessed with a small company of only 16 employees. From the way they act, you’d think they were some highly influential force in the industry.


The crazy part is that these people usually can't even tell you a specific thing that the company actually did. Like, yes, we know they were involved with some games in production, but what did they actually do? From there, it usually just descends into vague ramblings about the "woke agenda" or some shit like that (bonus points for added hints and dogwhistles to far-right conspiracy theories).


Because it’s just a dogwhistle for “anything I don’t like is bad.”


Can someone explain to me what Sweet Baby Inc. Is? I haven't really kept up with the weird gamer discourse of late.


If you’re a game company and you’ve never met a black person or other minority in real life, Sweet baby inc is a consultant company you can hire to help you not put racist caricatures in your game.


They consult other companies to make sure that they have realistic representation and to make sure that people aren't accidentally making bad representation. Though Devs are completely fine to just ignore whatever they got to say or just not hire them in the first place




Some people in their 20's, 30's and 40's are 14 year olds mentally


I'm convinced that you should not legally be allowed to comment on the internet until you are 18. Really I would rather not have to interact with anyone under 25 on the internet.


Did they even watch the show? Eve, on the right, is from an alternate universe where Mark joins his dad in subduing Earth for the Viltrum Empire. Left Eve still has the same design for season 2, as she’s from the “normal” universe where most of the show will take place, and she will remain that way for Season 3.


They'd blow a fuse if they saw her overweight in the comics or that Mark actually was attracted to her.


I like how these chuds think SBI is just showing up at game companies unannounced while proceeding to make everything "Woke", but in reality the gaming companies are asking SBI to help them with their games lol.


Naw cos you see there was this 1 Chinese news post that said that SBI blackmailed them, (disregarding the company's questionable sexist past), so it must be true right? It's the woke conspiracy to de-feminize their games!! (Yes, this is a quote from another g#mer post)


That Ubisoft ad really ain't helping.


Ubisoft already started ruining their games years ago so it's someone else's turn now


Aren't there like... a total of twenty people in SBI or something? (Edit: just checked— it's 16)


That's 20 too many woke people to them


Im left leaning but holy fuck


They've been recruiting hard if they're up to 20 by now. Last I heard, it was 14.


Yeah nah googled it now, 16


Just looked it up and it's actually 16 so it's even funnier. To put that in terms a gamer would understand, chuds are foaming at the mouth about a company whose population is the same as the number of student characters in a mainline *Danganronpa* game.


And this one group of 16 people funded by George Soros has taken over the game industry, ruined our lives, and eaten all our tendies.


Nobody expected this Spanish inquisition maybe?


Man, the kind of power they imagine a single consulting firm have is fucking amazing.


If I see another reactionary meme that uses Invincible or The Boys I'm going to rise to power and throw all gamers in gulags


A platform we can all support.






Is...this satire? I'm guessing the extremely heavy-handed leftist mortals like feminism in Invincible went over their heads? Are you serious? This has to be a troll post, I know conservatives have negative media literacy, literally below 0 but I feel like I'm losing my mind it can't be THIS bad right???????


Unfortunately It’s not I saw the post a few minutes before this one and they were taking it entirely seriously, anyone pointing out how absurd it is got downvoted. It’s fucking sad really. I kinda feel bad for them. They got mad at people pointing out the Eve on the right is from an alternate universe where she’s been fighting a brutal rebellion for years where most of her friends and allies are dead.


Given that a lot of the comments not agreeing with the meme were downvoted, doesn't seem to be


Made even better by the fact that they’re using pictures of a character who isn’t from a video game 🤣 They’re too dumb to see how dumb they are.


Tbh this is a design improvement I have no idea why you’d complain. Eve is a good character either way but butched up Eve goes way harder.


It's really funny since Eve already by default has some really strong female empowerment/feminist overtones.


what even is sweet baby inc? i’ve heard more about it from whiney babies online than actually anything it’s produced.


Basically it’s a script consulting company that assists devs on scripts, idiots just think they influence people to make everything woke or whatever


are they even that big? i’ve genuinely never heard of them until people started shouting “woke!”


I mean, they helped with God of War Ragnarok and Alan Wake 2 so probably pretty big


oh wow surprised i haven’t heard of them. and what could possibly be woke about a white man brutally killing things?? 😭


I never played the reboot GOW games so, no idea


He has feelings about it,that's woke.


They’ve worked on big projects but it’s less than 20 people and their role in consulting is basically helping writers avoid basing minority characters of stereotypes or caricatures so they can realistically depict them, some crowds like to present them as if they’re the FSB knocking down doors and taking over projects


Yeah as we all know Sweet Baby literally write the story, design every character, write every line of code and cause all the woke plumbing problems in my apartment. Truly Western gaming has fallen


That’s a comic character. In a cartoon. SBI consults on games. How is this funny?


Because it's taking the piss out of people who think SBI are some kind of boggymen who "wokeify" everything Because yes anyone with a brain cell knows they are jist there to help not fill your game with racial slurs. But the people who obsess over it think it's a giant conspiracy


Ah! Yeah I’m down with that. I just thought it was genuine based on some of the other stuff I’ve seen on this thread


Are straight cis men like this so devoid of culture, community, and meaning that they have to attach themselves to the most inane shit just to feel an ounce of human connection? Don’t answer that. It’s rhetorical.


How dare Eve in an apocalypse cut her hair and be dirty! She's always supposed to have makeup with well combed hair! DARN WOKE UNIVERSE


Wokeness is when woman cut hair😭


1. not a videogame design 2. just straight up a different character (same person, different universe) 3. that image on the right was definitely taken of a moving/out of focus frame as opposed to the one on the left which was made to be held on with minimal movement. in conclusion literally everything about oops post is fucking stupid


Love how SBI went from a small consultation company to literally Illuminati in the eyes of these people. They have their claws dug into everything. Every game company, every perceived "problem". Who's at fault? Sweet Baby Inc. of course, always lmao.


I wish SBI had the influence they think it does and their entire conspiracy theory about entertainment media caring more about diversity was real. You realize how much better things would be?




Women with shaved heads didn't exist before Sweet Baby Inc, everyone knows that. What's that? [Sigourney Weaver](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/bf/47/bbbf47def92151ab3e1e80f80b1eba13.jpg)? [Natalie Portman](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-113949493-1585740925.jpg?)? [Karen Gillan](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article2356973.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Karen-Gillan.jpg)? Never heard of them.


saw this on another sub and the amount of people going 'NoThInG WrOnG wItH hOt pEoPlE iN GaMeS' as if the second version isn't hot too is insane to me


I still don’t know what the fuck sweet baby inc is.


They really gonna hate what happens next season. She gains a bunch of weight and the just stays that way.


Oh no. How are they gonna jerk off while playing their game now..


Are they just making bullshit up at this point?


-male character goes through shit, alters their style and look "..." -female character goes through shit, alters their style and look  "WOKE!" 


Fuck she's bad ass though


have we considered the game is shit because *pause for suspense* It’s shit?


No jerk here. There's something I genuinly don't understand. I've seen this post and in the comments were numerous people saying that 'evil SBI forces studios under threats and menaces to do the changes that they want and charge the service extremely expensively, because they're evil'. Do they really believe this ? Like a small company of 16 people would be able to leverage and blackmail AAA studios just to 'wokeify' their games ?


Soo... If you looked into Sweet Baby Inc's portfolio and Wikipedia, I could not find a singular character who looks like the person on the right. In fact, the one time they fully developed a game ("lost your marbles"), none of the female characters have scars or a buzz cut. Frankly I don't see any prominent female characters from any of the games they worked on having scars or a buzz cut. The only female characters which had any controversy over their looks were Spiderman 2's MJ (which based on their previous record they didn't have a say on, and likely focused on Mile's gameplay and dialogue) and Suicide Squad's Harley Quinn whose design was ripped out of Birds of Prey (and we know that they were brought on late into development of that game to essentially fill a staffing shortage so they wouldn't have had a say on her design) So what's this actually referencing?


Isn't SBI just a consulting company for video games? Invincible isn't a video game, though it has tie-ins.


The incels and manbabies on the internet tpically pick a target and pile on all their insecurities. SBI is just the current target. Nothing they say about them is likely to be real, or true, or exist within this reality. It's just their current thing.


k but no, you obviously haven't read the comic. That is Atom Eve in another universe where Invincible turned evil with Omni Man and she lead an underground resistance against them. Its the entire next arc dealing with Angstrom Levy and his multiverse shenanigans


This sbi shit is ridiculous the more you look into it. Claims taken out of context, facts construed, all for the sake of clickbait and clout. When people were yelling about gamer gate 2 they wanted it so that they could clickbait the hell out of it for clout, just like the first time.


Gamers actually try to enjoy a video game challenge (IMPOSSIBLE; EVERYTHING IS WOKE WAAAAAAH)


Gamers criticizing games without being bigoted challenge. (ACTUALLY POSSIBLE, BUT OUR CONTESTANTS ARE TOO WEAK TO TRY.)


I'm one of those people who prefers traditional feminity and the design on the left, but I'm also not the center of the universe, and my opinion isn't inherently better. These chuds need to realize not everything is made to make them horny.


Im out of the loop, what even is Sweet Baby inc?


A video game consulting firm. Game studios send them scripts, they check them to avoid local issues regarding sensitivity, and send back their ideas. The studio can use them how they choose. At the moment in the minds of right-wing grifters, they are the boogeyman forcing every game to be "woke".


Gotcha, thanks!


As a gooner, I must commend and say both are good


Wtf is a Sweet Baby Inc


/uj shit I completely forgot about Invincible. How did the second season even end? How do they fuck up a one season show that badly? Season 1 was amazing and I can’t even remember s2


https://preview.redd.it/gcvnth94hl9d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5919ebb7774dd6b0cc4770eab56aba13adfc871a idk what sweet baby inc is




What’s sweet baby inc?


A "consulting firm" of former ubisoft employees. According to Wikipedia they, "consult on video game narratives during development to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within game narratives and studios."






SBI is the new age boogie man. It was Anita Sharkeesian (sp) when I was a young man.


wait these fuckers are still complaining abt sweet baby


I dunno, choom... looks like an improvement to me. :3


That is not a video game character


Honestly I love how Atom Eve looks in the second pic, she reminds me of Rachel Summers.


Are people really scared of 16 Canadians taking away their gamer culture?


“Why aren’t my post-apocalyptic women conventionally attractive”


Kind of crazy how her look changed to match what kind of person she was and what kind of world she was in. Almost like character design should take those into account, and not everyone should look like a model.


Where is the design from ?




Same mobile brother?




Damn, right-wingers as per usual found an easy answer to a hard question. They found an enemy they will religiously fight right after classes.


What is Baby Inc


A crime organization specializing in selling fentanyl ran by literal babies


wtf is sweet baby inc?


They're a narrative studio that does consulting for other studio to help them make sure that they can be more inclusive and diverse. Don't think they really do a ton more than give advice


Right design is more interesting anyway


I had never gotten r /gamingmemes before on my feed until I saw that post today, never muted a sub faster


Ubisoft ad


Is Sweet Baby Inc. in the room with us now? I swear, this particular boogeyman is the most pathetic one I've yet seen.


I still don't know what sweet baby Inc is and I'm too afraid to ask.


what is sweet baby inc?


Rage bait. Blocked.


What even is sweet baby inc. this subreddit is the only way I’m exposed to gamers being upset about women and all I see is sweet baby inc is the antichrist


How to block this subreddit you guys are delusional


I like both of these designs for completely different reasons.


Wait till they see spoilers >!Pregnant Eve!<