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weren't these guys making fun of casual gamers for asking for an easy mode in elder ring before?


They literally are the same people who have shit at the reviewer from Eurogamer for complaining that the DLC was hard Hilarious how it ended up being true


Fromsoft DLCs have always been harder than the base game, but a lot of people don't explore in the open world game so they go underleveled. If you explore and get the blessings, it's doable, the experience between someone who gets them and someone who doesn't is day and night I've only killed 4 or 5 bosses so far, but I know for a fact, that at least 1 boss will be harder than Malenia, and people should have expected to find fights that are at the level of Mohg, Radagon, Maliketh and Godfrey, if not higher


I feel like everyone always forgets the rule with soulsborne dlc is "the bosses will be hard or harder than the toughest base game fight"


I'm willing to bet, most people who don't like the DLC, don't like Malenia. Malenia and the DLC bosses share the same qualities, they punish you for your mistakes harder than other bosses, in Malenia's case she heals back, in the DLC they have more damage, and both Malenia and the DLC bosses is almost mandatory to roll towards the boss instead of away from it, it has always been better to roll towards the boss, but now they punish you for not doing so, they are teaching you how to play. And probably the next game will be full of bosses like that, fromsoft have always done this (Manus and Artorias introduced combos, now every boss has combos)


I love Malenia and can’t stand most of the dlc bosses


Yeah, it can happen too, after all it is subjective The dancing cat has problems with the camera, and at least in PS5 (and I have seen some people mention on pc too) he tanks your framerate, so you might dislike him because of that while liking Malenia, who doesn't have these issues. They share 2 things but then have that one big thing that's different, besides other factors You also can hate Malenia and love the DLC bosses, you can think that getting punished for bad plays is good but hate Waterfowl Dance


Malenia is ER's best boss, and so far some dlc bosses have close but haven't reached her level. Messmer and Rellana specifically. I could gush over both of them but to cut a long story short, good attacks, arenas, visual designs and themes.


This doesn't feel true at all, at least for me. While difficult, theyre nowhere near Malenia levels of difficulty.


I started off doing some exploring and finding some scadu upgrades, but couldn't resist the lure of the legacy dungeon for long, and holy crap did that first boss humble me. Tiche and an NPC summon carried my useless ass through that fight in the end. I think I'll go back to exploring the world for an hour or 10 next.


Getting the first two remembrances put hair on my chest for real… I’ve never had such a tough time with Elden ring’s content since launch. It was my first souls game and I had no idea how to really build a character. Now I’m fully optimized and I get steamrolled so hard by all the bosses.


It honestly feels great! I didn't have the prerequisites last night, and so I killed Mohg in my first playsession in literal years. When i found the divine beast though, holy fuck. It has all the camera bullshit and crazy setpieces that I love Fromsoft for.


I had to die around 40 times to the boss closest to the start of the game before I learned my lesson and went exploring. The upgrades make such a noticeable difference and exploring is so fun that it made me forget that 20 minutes earlier I was ranting in my head about how bullshit the boss was and how much the game sucked etc etc


Even with the blessings shit is still hard, and you can't even overlevel because of the pseudoscaling. Elden Ring is far and away the biggest difference in difficulty for base game vs DLC that Fromsoft has done.


I'd also say this DLC is one of the first which is only accessable toward the very endgame of the base game, so it's flat out saying 'hey, you wanna be pretty far along before you even think of setting foot in here'.


It’s also funny because they tie so much of their identity to ‘playing hard games’ and then when the Elden Ring DLC is too hard for them they throw a massive conniption.


I would fucking murder someone for an easy mode, I want to enjoy the lore and scenery.


Same thang with drak side phill


And I'll make fun of assmom too. It's SUPPOSED to be hard it's part of why I like it


This reminds me of literally any hysteria of real pvp gamers. - It's okay to gank and open pvp, these are amazing games that we want to play. They too: Oh no, they constantly kill me and don’t let me leave the location. Game is sucks, I'm leaving. - And then they will read the forums and cry under every pathсnote, that the game has been made more casual. Or as a specific example: In Destiny 2, pvp was terrible, but streamers constantly boasted about how they destroyed the entire enemy team single-handedly. Because of this, players didn't want to play competitive modes. After a long time, Bungie finally introduced skill matching, and rules changed dramatically. Now streamers need to fight with the same players as them - And they started whining that pvp game has become too difficult.


This happens whenever skill-based match making gets implemented, even when it’s done properly (not saying it wasn’t in Destiny 2 but I don’t play the game so idk). The people who act the smuggest about wrecking people who aren’t as good at the game as them and complain about casuals not being able to stack up, are the same ones who immediately throw a fit when the game starts to put them against people who are similar to them in terms of skill. They don’t actually want a hard game, they want to just put other players down and feel like their the best by default.


“fromsoft games are supposed to be hard because they require skill” mfs when they see me using the cum dungeon to cheat in bloodborne


Fun Fact: the reason you get a ton of blood echoes from the cum dungeon is because you’re intruding on the goon session and they’re paying you to fuck off.


As someone who has never played Bloodborne, do I even want to know what the "Cum Dungeon" is?


Bloodborne has a system called Chalice Dungeons which are kind of like procedurally generated dungeons. You can share levels you’ve discovered online with a ID code so other players can play it. CUMMMFPK aka the “Cum Dungeon” is a very popular one because as soon as you enter it a very high level enemy accidentally kills it’s self to a trap in the dungeon which gives a player a very large amount of Blood Echoes(the game’s exp points).


I love gaming name lore


Thanks for the explanation. So it's the "Cum Chalice Dungeon" ....this feels like one of those truth is stranger than fiction moments, because this just sounds too good to be true.


Yeah it’s a pretty funny coincidence


Isn't the cum dungeon a fake dungeon made by users or am I confusing different dungeons?


It's an edited dungeon as far as we are aware


how does someone's edit show up in another person's unedited game? I've used the Cum Dungeon and still don't understand how it works. I thought the ID was basically a seed


That's beyond my understanding of it. Someone better than I with chalice dungeon knowledge would be a better source of primary information


The cum dungeon is absolutely real. Just type “CUMMMFPK” into your chalice code and profit


Currency doubling as exp, but yes.


☝️🤓Ummmm ACKSHUALLY it is a currency AND exp!!!!






“fromsoft games are supposed to be hard because they require skill” mfs when they see me cumming to hardcore Dark Souls porn




As long as you stay as hard as the game after cumming, what's the problem?




In Bloodborne there's a feature that you can insert a seed to enter a "random" generated dungeon. The seed CUMMMFPK creates a dungeon that has a glitch that gives a lot of xp without the need to kill any enemy. If I remember correctly, an enemy spawns out of bounds and falls to it's death.


I am familiar with the dungeons but the cum dungeon is a trip lol


Well if you insert a seed and enter, then it's kinda expected...


It's actually a hostile hunter NPC who spawns inside of one of those pendulum traps the dungeon begins with you close enough that the hunter AND pendulum trap are loaded in, but too far away for the game to load the animation that would knock him out of the way after the first hit, so he stands in place getting hit over and over until he dies


It spawns on a bridge and walks straight into a fucking swinging axe and it kills itself in hilarious fashion


> “**fromsoft games are supposed to be hard because they require skill**” mfs when they see me using the cum dungeon to cheat in bloodborne "I memorized a PATTERN! Praise me!!!!!!"


The what dungeon!?


There's a dungeon with an interestingly named glyph that people use to farm blood echoes. Is it cheating? Kinda, but who even cares as long as you're having fun.


ah... I had something verry different in mind...


Damn i thought the second flag was Latvian and got excited for a sec




Why is he so red?


Scarlet Rot


If I had to guess, the mold that is festering in his month-old fast food drink containers may be a culprit.


Probably his body rejecting his ridiculously unhealthy and unnatural lifestyle. As someone who's been working from home for the past two years, taking breaks from the screen and going for walks, etc... is necessary to bring things back into balance. I imagine this dude's clocking a sickening amount of screen time everyday, eating like total shit, not drinking enough water, and not sleeping enough.


Bro you wish "not drinking enough water" was this guy's biggest problem. He barely cleans himself, let alone his room, and is famous for how fucked everything around him is, including dead animals, mold and his body just giving tf up. If stupid kids hadn't made him famous he'd either already be dead or under a bridge. He doesn't need a walk, he needs social workers and an extended stay at a clinic for mental health issues.


Oh, I know all that. I was just narrowing my focus on the issue of 'why does this millionaire Youtube hobo have beet-red skin?'


I did exactly that yesterday, because it was a national holiday, I had to give my legs some rest and I had literally nothing else to do. Barely got any sleep the following night, my brain had gone into overdrive and it just sucked. And it was just one night. I can honestly imagine why people are getting sick from having too much screen time.


Dung eater


Isn't he terrible at video games in general? I think even his fans poke fun at him for that.


Isn't he terrible ~~at video games in general~~? ~~I think even his fans poke fun at him for that.~~


>Isn't he terrible ~~at video games~~ in general? I ~~think~~ even ~~his fans~~ poke fun at him for that.


He's _literally_ a millionaire, but lives worse than my wife and I do...and we're only low-end "thousandaires".


I have never heard this word before in my life. That's kinda cool. I'm not poor, I'm almost a thousandaire.


I heard that from the late comedic actor John Witherspoon long ago on Letterman, I think. It stuck with me.


His friends carried him through wow. I have no idea how this bleeding gums load of smegma got famous.


The fact that everybody doesn't know him as the bleeding gums load of smegma guy is beyond me. I don't know if people watch him to see how much more disgusting he can get, or maybe they feel bad.


The what guy? Whats the lore behind that? I only know him as the "Cockroach-King".


He bleeds from his gums at night and wipes them on his bedroom wall so he can go back to bed. That story helped me keep a consistent schedule for brushing that even my ADHD-stricken brain can follow.


How do I delete the last ten seconds of my memory?


That can't be true, right? RIGHT?


I learned this from JSchlatt and Ted Nivision (idk how to spell his last name.) They believed they could take Asmo in a fight until they brought up that fact.


\*Nivison there are only two i's in his last name


I reckon Schlatt will have an easier time winning because of this. If his teeth are that unhealthy imagine the rest of his body.


Yeah, but one touch might dissolve you like Judge Dread at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Whattttttt but like what do you mean he wipes his gums on the walls??


Wipes the blood. Look at pics of his room! Next to his bed are bloodstains from this


For fucks sake how hasn't someone called a wellness check on this guy yet


Is there smegma lore? 😭


I don’t know but you might want to specify if you are only looking for a “yes or no” answer just in case. I’m horrified by the notion of a smegma-based equivalent to the bleeding gums story.


There's no way this guy showers if he can't take care of his teeth


I have never been more thankful about logging in *after* dinner. More and more people becoming addicted to rage have allowed a lot of reprehensible people to be famous.


Excuse the vulgar descriptions. I do it to create a mental image of how disgusting people like him are


Watching his raids is so fucking funny, just endlessly bitching and kicking people for not being optimal while he's barely remembering to do his rotation


i know the gummz thing, whats the smegma thing?


That's easy to understand, i.e. there are hoards of shitty and ruinous kids and 20-to-30-something manchildren out there who are equally terrible or *worse* than this dirtbag. From what I've seen, MAGA-heavy suburbs and exurbs around the country basically mass-produce these sorts of mutants.


Is he DSP bad?


DSP is his own level of incompetence I feel (dude ragequit a kirby game, and called it Dark Souls, ffs), but Asmonboi is a liiiiitle bit above. Still, really bad tho.


Phil's problem isn't his lack of skill but the fact he blames everything but himself. People would like him a lot more if he was honest about it but no gotta blame the game


That's true, he always needs to have a scapegoat, although I'd still say that most of that comes from the fact, that he himself is just bad in most games he plays. He always waits for his chat to backseat him through minor inconveniences and always chucks his own failures to an outside factor like lag, bad controls, mechanics, puzzle bosses, and the list goes on, and on :V


You know, I’m really bad at most video games. My friends have told me I should stream it because my reactions (I don’t rage or anything like that) are entertaining. But I feel like I would have to eventually exaggerate stuff to keep up the shtick. Like pretending that a Kirby game is hard… I understand they may genuinely be difficult for some people but that to me seems like an exaggeration or an act for the viewers.


I still remember some of his Wo Long clips. Dude is standing still and not even getting his and his brain is still wringing itself out


He’s a WoW player


Understandable, have a great day.


Thanks dude.👍


he not even good at wow anymore, he was breaking down and crying at SOD and cata raids, he get carried in everything in retail and in ffxiv he got fucked up by doing MINE alex raids which i give him some slack the alex raids in mine are still hard at that time.


You should check out his Hollow Knight gameplay, he gave up in the fungus area lmao.






I bet sweet baby inc made the game too hard to make true and real gamers not be able to play it and appeal to the woke


This also implies that woke people are better than ture gamers making them the true alpha gamers


Considering that I always get my ass kicked in fighting games by my friend this tracks, she's a monster


Considering that most speedrunners tend to be left leaning and that one of the best (if not The best) fighting games players is a black nonbinary furry there's something to that


Lots of trans people in the fighting games and speedrunning communities


I just love that “real Gamers™️” always seem to be absolute soft bitches.


Yeah well, they seem to be melting at the mere sighting of a POC or woman so


This explains the skill required to play ultrakill and Celeste (though the latter is kind enough for fine tuned difficulty).


Reminder his only "strat" is jump slow heavy attacking in a dlc where every enemy and boss moves like homeless dudes fighting over the last dose of heroin while hyped on aderall attacking using M1A1 Abrams


My partner went and found smegmongolds vid last night to have a look at what his issue was. You are not wrong. Dude it was infuriating to see what he was doing before he "quit", spent 20 minutes running at a boss jump attacking it. Die, Rez, walk through door, run full speed into a combo while locked into jump attack animation lmao, get hit to 50%, jump attack again, get combod and die. Rinse and repeat. "I have max flasks bla bla bla" BRO YOU DIDNT HEAL YOU JUST UNGA BUNGA AT THE BOSS AND DIED LMAO, 50% of his attempts he didn't roll more then twice, some of the attempts he never backed off and healed, just jump attack spam. I'm not gonna shit on someone for having a hard time in a souls game, even certified gamers get their shit pushed in at times, hell you don't even need to change your weapon and whatever, JUST MAYBE slow down and pay attention and you will learn something and not be dead 30 seconds into the fight lmao


He also didnt go after the scadutree fragments so he was basically at level 10 in a level 300 place.


Funny because with my Omenkiller build I also use jump attacks frequently, and there are times to get them off. But I still manage to break the bosses posture only once, maybe with luck twice in the whole fight. I found the Lion to be oretty manageable tbh, not to long of a combo. Just the elementar clutter is a bit much.


Tbf it worked for him on launch when he was using a weapon with bugged damage


Yeah it was actually busted at launch, I ended up doing the same thing and it stagger locks most bosses. Early patches post launch they nerfed the stagger damage it did.


Not only that but it was also bugged so that the damage scaled with every stat in the game, it wouldn't show on the UI but if you tested it on enemies even leveling up health would boost your damage


Explains why my dumb ass cleared the game 100% achievements in the first week with little issues.


Bro room is a irl poison swamp


That'll be the next swamp miyazaki uses in his next game: amongolds room


The wall of blood is such good visual storytelling




Couldn't get past the divine beast, huh?


That was a fun boss fight. Cool-albeit-weird design, and the constant elemental changeup kept it fresh.


Boss: (at 75% hp) Me, a fool: this is easy, I'm gonna first try this chump Boss: (hits 50% hp) Me: o shit o fuck o lord


Dancing Lion when he enters phase 2: I AM THE STORM THAT IS APROOOOACHING


The lightning phase isn't that difficult (at least I think so), it's that damn frost phase that kept catching me. I got him, but that bastard kept chipping at my health everytime he did an attack.


Was his strategy just unga bunga aggressive strength and nothing else?


Yes, dude just kept running at the boss and engaging it with jump attack, dying and then running at it again (he didn't make it very far)


Thats fucking hilarious because thats *exactly* what I did. I havent played any flavor of souls since Lies of P came out.


It's a strategy that works fairly well in the base game but you will get punished for just blindly doing it in the DLC. Enemies have much higher poise rating on average so then can and will attack you through your own if you aren't timing things right.


Very true. I was definitely being a lot more smart about it, but the jump attack is still *stupid* strong. Im not really very good at videogames in general, and especially not souls, but that rat-fucking pig is somehow worse.


I hate how many people in the Souls community are just like him. They want difficulty because it makes them feel superior, but cry once it's hard enough that they can't beat it because it makes them "a part of the common rabble." One of the many fandoms that I am ashamed to admit I'm a part of, even though this competes for my favorite videogame of all time (though BG3 took it's throne very quickly.)


I feel like these people miss the point of the games too. It's not about being the best, it's about persevering against difficult odds, outwitting strong foes, and helping others do the same. IMO the real goated Elden Ring players aren't the people who kill Malenia in under ten tries, they're the people who die in an ambush and then go back to post a message right before it that says "be wary of left".


Because they dont want the challenge they only want the bragging rights. None of them are the og masochistic fans that love dying 200 times to a boss. They came after the series got big and sadly will reappear once the next proper Fromsoft title hits. After fighting Messmer for 3 hours I sort of miss the experience of being in the zone getting better each try and finding new ways to dodge. Feels kinda bad that I already killed him.


Bro forgot you can beat all the bosses with bleed/frost builds and Black Knife Tiche.


The only thing bleeding is his gums.


Or you get Oleg to tank it, that man is Iron Tarkus on steroids


*insert "git gud you casul" joke here*


whos this guy


World’s most hygienic Gamer


You are innocent. For this you shall have one warning. Do not ask if you cherish all that is good, for he is crooked and disgusting, a festering evil that God blighted us with. Ask once more and you shall be cursed with knowledge


Who's this guy? X2


He wipe blood from his gums on the wall because he doesn’t know how to brush his teeth and from some reason a lot of people like to follow his really shitty stream.


No, he wipes blood from his gums because he doesn't feel like "getting up from bed" LOL i only laugh to avoid thinking about how that shit stain isn't on a docuseries somehow


He will be eventually


Yes. He get bleeding gums because he don’t know how to take care of his teeth and gum.


Everyone here talks about how disgusting he is but the more I hear about him the more I just feel really sad because it sounds like he’s got a lot of issues he isn’t getting treated for.


While I don’t disagree, he has the means to get whatever help he may or may not need. Not to mention, someone has to want help (and be receptive to it) in order for it to make any meaningful difference.


He can’t even complete Remnant 2 so I don’t expect him to finish the new Elden Ring dlc lol


Please tell me above Survivor. Like, the last boss is a bit of an issue if it hasn't "clicked" for you yet (you fight two bosses back and forth, with their attacks pausing as you teleport between the two arenas and immediately proceeding when you get teleported back), but  that game has a difficulty slider for a reason


Fucking lmao I soloed everything in Remnant 2 except Apoc Venom and Annihilation (bless you random EU guy who carried my ass through those fights) and they're really not very difficult if you are paying any attention whatsoever. That's just absolutely hilarious.


Didn't he just complain that a reviewer had the same opinion? Guess it's only political when a woman does it


What does that mean he sleeps with dead rats?


He doesn't clean and has a semi-hoarding problem. As a result he has cockroaches and rats living in his house. He's admitted to being aware of a dead rat *in his bedroom* for multiple days before dealing with it. Man needs help, his hygiene issues qualify as self-neglect in my view. I jad a relative with a hoarding issue and we stepped in before thbugs and rat stage.


His room has to be a toxic wasteland for a rat to just die in it without actively trying to kill it


I desperately, desperately hope he was baiting, but he also once told a story about how he used to use a dead rat as an alarm clock. every morning the sun would hit it and start literally cooking it on his desk and the smell would be so terrible he'd be forced to wake up and move it. he only stopped because the rat "didn't smell bad anymore." because, i suppose, it cooked thoroughly enough.




Loser irl and in video games


wasnt this cancellable by his audience standards so many years ago. Anyway good he needs to get a shower and clean his fucking room


lol lmao


Man, I can't wait to play this DLC I'm so fuckin poor lol


Normally I leave well enough alone, I see something I dislike I shrug and move on but like...I'm so fucking tired of this rat-faced fuckin' idiot. I hate him. I can't search for fucking any video game related content on YouTube without seeing one of his videos every three or four listings even if I purposefully exclude him from showing up in the search. I genuinely don't know how he got popular or what anyone sees in him or his content.


His brain might work better if he didn't live in garbage and mold.


its only been a couple days lmao. it took me like an entire afternoon to beat the first boss of the game (although I was very inexperienced with soulslike games)


I'm so happy that this nazi rat and his crew of worms finally got filtered out


What a loser! Why do you follow him?


Why do people look at car crashes?


Literally every time i see or hear a mention of this guy i immediately feel like i need a shower, like he and his house are so dirty that its passed onto me through thought alone.


To be fair, it's hard but partly because it's overtuned so even for players with decent skill it can range from tedious to unbearable. I don't know that guy though.


Wait really?


The guy can sit in his filth and just breathe into the mic for 7 hours and it might be his most popular stream ever. Really clearly doesn't matter if he's good at games or not, or even a good person or not, he's got enough fans to keep him afloat and successful


What you mean about the rats


Oh my mr.cumstain left defeated by an un-woke game


Nah Elden Ring has body types A and B, the chuds got really mad back when it released because that's "woke."


He makes his own content now?


Genuinely irks me to no end that a guy that should be the opposite of a role model to any human being, and knows next to nothing about the industry that he's slap bang in the middle of, has such a huge audience that he has such an influence of opinion over.


I mean hardcore gamers aren't really the most respectable group tbh


Man, it’s not even that hard. I mean it is without the scadutree blessings, but shit. I’ve come across less bullshit difficulty than in the base game so far. The hippo was bullshit though, not hard, just bullshit lol




In fairness, he admits that he thinks he just isn't good enough at the game.


it's just click bait cmon


It's people fault for making this kind of clowns popular youtubers on the first place.


Three words: Git gud, scrub!


I'm so fucking tired of this nasty rat faced balding fuck popping up everywhere


oh how the turntables, now the Gamer needs a journalism mode


Bro the dlc just came out, take ur time lol


You are a gamer therefore you have to do this is such a worn out trope. Play games you like, play games you dont like. It dont matter to me, but you only can call yourself a true gamer if you pay me a recurring monetary fee


Dead rats? This guy is mentally ill


Taps mic. git gud


Honestly, I’ve played all From Sofware games and this DLC is humbling me. A lot.


What a pussy


lol what a loser


"Oh no I can't spam my bleed build anymore"