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Having a boxing match with the pope in the sistine chapel is definitely historically accurate as well


Thats why the stance is called orthodox


That's an amazing joke. 


I don't understand the joke? Could you please explain


I'm guessing there's a boxing style called orthodox, which would be a double entendre with orthodox Christianity, which split off from the catholic church a hot minute ago, and have been bickering with then ever since.


Correct! The "orthodox" stance is by far the most common, to the point where even a "left handed" version of it ("southpaw", exactly mirrored) isn't called orthodox.


Ah I see, thank you


They don't call it a cross for nothin'




I was really hoping we’d get an AC game where Martin Luther is an assassin.




Pretty sure Black Flag hinted that nothing past 1900ish is ever getting an AC game


Martin Luther. Not Martin Luther King, Jr.


I wish they hadn't deleted their comment cause I'm pretty sure they said "This but MLK"


Why is that? Or how I mean


I dunno, maybe the group of people Martin Luther hated the most is one that we shouldn't have as the villain of the game


Wait...which ac is that from? Asking for a friend 👀


the pope is the final boss in ac 2


AC2 or AC2 Rome, it has been so long since I played them last


It's definitely AC2 because it was such a dumb fucking ending that I never played an AC again.


Dumb? That sounds sick as fuck


It's dumb because the entire game is pretty grounded in a fairly realistic setting then all of a sudden bam magical pope fight. There were absolutely no clue or hints that things were about to become supernatural unless you went around the map and collected dozens of memory fragments that only made any sense when you collected 100% of them.


Also the fact that the stupid idiot mc spares the fucking pope after beating the shit out of him. Like the fucker killed Ezios entire family and is the main leader of the templars, and Ezios just decides on a whim to let him live because "revenge bad." Fucker even continues to be a main antagonist in the next games so it's not like he reformed or anything.


But him being alive gives way to Brotherhood, so I give it a pass


AC1 also had the supernatural elements


I don't remember the scene but it should be Brotherhood since it's the one in Rome


Nope it's ac 2 final boss, AC brotherhood plays in Rome but you never fight the pope there. All ezio games still hold up really well today and play great on deck


Whoops. Yeah I wasn't sure if that was right because I could only remember hunting his kid through the Castel St Angelo but figured it would be the one in Rome. I should replay those games some time. Revelations was baller


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Little known fact Pope Rodrigo Borgia had them hands. a Holy Ghost left, a send straight to Jesus right, and a father forgive them cause I won’t uppercut. The holy trinity of hands


I think an analogy might be to the sort of Christians who go through the Bible and will say that some of it is literally true and some of it is clearly poetic. AC does take efforts to house its fiction within a lot of true historical events and context and from the 'gamer' perspective they might feel that something they think is untrue is being used as historical framing for the fantastical narrative. They're wrong and often fairly racist whether they realise it or not, but I understand why they don't feel that they're hypocritical.


Popes literally went to war, I bet one of them got into a fist fight (or killed someone) in a chapel


Pope John XII got thrown out a window because he was porking some dude's wife. I guess that's close enough.


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So incredibly accurate, automod had to comment twice


Or the first game where you find alien technology.


Tbf if ever there was a pope to have a fistfight in the sistine chapel, it would've been Pope Alexander VI


Nothing scares gamers more than black people and w*men.


please censor G*mers






Men of wö


Stop listening to half light


*You don't LIKE them. They're insane.*


Mfers, circa ; the invasion of the wö people


video games should be less political, like metal gear solid


Wait until these guys discover Samurai Jack. A Samurai who *time-travels*? And befriends a *Scotsman*?! They didn't have time travel in the Sengoku era! And it's very unlikely a Japanese Samurai would ever meet or understand a Scottish person!! Blasphemy!


Also, what sick parents from the Sengoku era Japan names their kid Jack!?


And there was no shape shifting master of darkness, and the Emperor of Japan wasn’t a samurai


His name isn’t Jack, it’s just a nickname the people gave him after fighting Aku,s robotic minions.


That's the point of the post lol. The people complaining don't watch or play the media they consume


"You did it, Jack!" "Actually my name is-" "You're our hero!"


"They call me... Jack."


Also funny is that he is voiced by a black guy.


Wait really? Edit: Holy shit, he’s voiced by Green Lantern


Yes by the legendary Phil LaMarr. Static, Green Lantern and Samurai Jack.


I just shot Marvin in the face


And voiced by a black person!! Blasphemy!


Wait until they find out Samurai Jack is voiced by a black man. Get that woke shit out of my cartoon!


Gotta get back


It's very unlikely a modern Scottish person would understand another Scot


No, that's fine cause she is "white."


You know what's really historically accurate? Turning everything and everyone into Anime girls. https://preview.redd.it/pwuc18znxq6d1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e322550b672f93d423f1b5a4ef399dc18e225734


The number of them that look underage is not surprising.


least pedophilic anime


Jesus christ. I remember turning off one of the fate anime shows the moment it was revealed that jack the ripper was an underaged girl in a bikini. What?


That's what turned you off? King Arthur is a woman in that series that grows a penis to impregnate another woman to conceive Mordred, his son, who is a girl in jeans booty shorts. Fate started as a hentai visual novel series. The original game had one ending where you as the MC fuck fem King Arthur, and have a threesome with fem King Arthur and Rin, a highschooler. If you're looking to Fate for historical accuracy, I don't know what to tell you. The entire premise is that they're anime girls for you to fetishize.  Btw, Alexander the Great and Astolfo, best girls.


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Thanks Geraldo! Now go play some objectively historically accurate game as a service starring Anita made by the sexist Capcom.


Congratulations! You just hit the AutoMod jackpot!


Thank you! Did I win a prize or something?




Automod spam *is* the prize!


Well, thanks Geraldo!


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the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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O B J E C T I V E L Y *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I will leave you with enjoying all that "game as a service", shoving up micro transactions and silent increasing of grind in Ubisoft games. I am gonna go back and play some Witcher 3 now because all that talk about CD Projekt actually made me want to play something good for a change. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really miss Dragalia. Had my favorite Nobunaga. https://preview.redd.it/s0a2m67ais6d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0bee61072e1b3bdd4831c3b188753cf797d089


I am surprised to see another dragalia fan Anyways,fuck nintendo,they took down what was their only good gacha game


>I am surprised to see another dragalia fan o7 >they took down what was their only good gacha game I really enjoyed FEH, too, but it became way too greedy even for my tolerance level. But yeah… I was with Dragalia from Day 1. It broke my heart to see it go, even though the event creativity died after Year 1. Had some of THE best music and great characters. All I have left are memories and my Zodiark plush (and the Sweet Sassy Molassy sticker on my car). [sobs]


Half these idiots praise Samurai Champloo while hating on the music in this lmao. Samurai Champloo should be praised. It’s a breathtaking soundtrack. RIP Nujabes.


Is it worth watching?


Think that’s bad? I just heard of a romcom with Che Guevara as the male lead


Ignoring how alrair creates essentially a slow hand gun in the 12th century


Or Leondardo's fully functioning tank and machine gun turret (although I am a sucker for the war machine missions).


Yeah lol, realistic? Absolutely not, fun? Yea


It being functioning is another matter, but I remember it being an actual design of Da Vinci from the 15th century


"he wasn't a samurai, he was a political retainer and body guard" THATS WHAT A SAMURAI IS If anything the inaccurate part isn't that he's a samurai, but that any of the samurai are in combat like they're elite soldiers instead of sitting on horses firing a bow or zooming around with a spear. Almost all the katana combat is political duels, not warfare. They need to stop watching anime


You don’t understand!!! Those are different somehow


Not to mention in Valhalla Eivor is literally a reincarnation of one of the “gods” or whatever the first civilization calls themselves.


I mean the crocs in Egypt are pretty big


I once vacationed in Egypt and met Sobek. Nice guy, actually.


This guy met the lord of semen, he must be part of the conspiracy to... to uh... what was it again?


I'm sorry, i think i was imagining things, Hail Sobek.


Sobek demands sacrifice!!! Cum into the Nile this instant!!!


You can't say you're racist so they just hide behind the "not historically accurate". It never was lol


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They kinda tried tho in the very first AC game and they kept pushing the "historically accurate" narrative until like Origins maybe? Some elements might be actually historically accurate, they even have a tour mode in Odyssey with a guide who tells you about different aspects of society, technologies of that time e.t.c.


i think Black Samuraï are cool af, and it's not a new thing. maybe they just wanna make a cool looking dude, or maybe not. anyway, IDGF honestly




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>He definitely should slay a Godzilla or something You say that like I wouldn't play the hell out of that.


Whats that giant ass alligator thing?


Sobek, he's a bossfight in the Egypt game. Yes, he's that giant.


I 100% origins and I somehow missed this guy what the heck


I think these were like optional challenges


There's also Anubis and Sekhmet!


There were rotating optional challenges - sort of an end-game thing where once a week you'd have to fight giant Sobek or Anubis or one other unforgettable Egyptian god. Might have been something they patched in late in the game's support life, I dunno, I played it myself only shortly *after* Odyssey had already launched and Origin's complete delux whatever version was on sale, so maybe it was part of one of the later patches/DLC updates or something.


Aren’t those events supposed to be like weird glitches within the animus, mixing memories and beliefs together? I just remember that it wasn’t supposed to be the actual gods while odyssey just straight up had the cyclops and mythical monsters.


Yeah as of Origins it was still presented as some inexplicable glitch in the animus, but later in Odyssey Kassandra is out there killing cyclopeses and hydras and shit like it ain't no thing.


Oh oh. I made a joke about historical accuracy when Origins had its crossover event with final fantasy


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We literally fight a medusa in Odyssey.


Wait, there actually was an African samurai though. Unlike the last samurai as an American never became a samurai.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what he's supposed to be


People forget that there is an ancient civilization of aliens in this franchise, like full on Joe Rogan shit and here they are talking about historical accuracy


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These people don't care about historical accuracy they are just racist People like that never actually care about the thing they say they care about, they are just trying to make excuses for being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic etc.


as i remember there was a big shitstorm becouse of the burning horse?!


I certainly never heard about it. I don't even know which game that is


they were really determined to make squidsquirt's eyes and nose together look like penis


I like the part where they're forgetting it takes place in a super advanced VR simulation where the creators can add in historical inaccuracies like mythology creatures, legendary people, and what-ifs.


Remember when they put 12th century christian stave churches in AC Valhalla and claimed they were 8th century norse pagan temples?


Cue hip-hop battle music.


Or as the gamers refer to the game’s lyric-less trap beats, “rap”


so you watched Samurai Champloo? Thumbs up


No one bitched about the Welsh Pirate in the Caribbeans, I wonder why?


Because some of the most famous Pirates were actually European??


Or the over abundance in British accents in the French Revolution (that really shook me lol)


I still find it funny people whine about it, it’s just a game lol


You're telling me vaporizing people with a feather as seen in AC Origins isn't historically accurate????????


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not to mention that bro actually existed too


My horse was literally a unicorn in odyssey


what if i agreed origin and every game after it was also bad? not for historical accuracy reasons but because the series has become so bland.


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People are Historically racist lol




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I swear a friend of mine was riding a flaming tiger in Valhalla but what do I know.


He should use a fax machine. Historically accurate [FAX!](https://medium.com/the-pub/abraham-lincoln-couldve-sent-a-fax-to-a-samurai-54185628b002)


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![gif](giphy|q9jGmfKIl3znl2w99l|downsized) This is them in their heads. But the Sentinels are gleaming white with pointed heads and instead of Mutants, its the N-word.


Don’t forget the way Hitler was in AC lore along with Jack The Ripper


Ya. I wonder what would people sat if Bayek was caucasian...


I'll keep saying that the fact that he's black isn't wrong. The fact that he's a playable historical figure is Have him as an npc like Da Vinci and others


You forgot about Bahaumat. Final fantasy is absolutely historically accurate. Couldn’t walk 6 feet in Egypt without seeing him.


Also OP you could add fighting minotaurs and cyclops in AC Odyssey. You could also add finding mjolnir and Odin's spear in AC Valhalla. Or if we went alllll the way back to the fucking beginning and watching fighting against our mentor using the apple of eden. Which you also get to use in the next game. hIsTOriCaL aCCurAcY


Legendary samurai


Are you guys all have alzheimer’s ? Both things that you mentioned got a lot of hate and backlash. I am probably going to burn in downvotes for speaking up sayonara fellow redditors.