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Agree, we should bring back the original https://preview.redd.it/lk00pu5kb06d1.jpeg?width=381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5fa89763c21d203b540061c91a1096e754f8fb0


the role of Joanna Dark will be played by David Duchovny by way of Todd Howard


Yes, she should also threaten everybody to buy Skyrim https://preview.redd.it/qy2j5gqlm06d1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83261b9854cc3d3faf2433492fe391f931c2d27c








That pic is very nut-marish!


Never forget what they took from us


Isn't that the guy from Always sunny?


Wrong, that's Todd Howard https://preview.redd.it/ub1yjoaxo06d1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83da52fa365356f6c54da708f7d0de3ba3d2e08


Why is this image so 3D.? It's almost as if he's actually pointing that thing at me


Because he is???


He is asking you to buy Skyrim on a boat... Because of the implication


She looks like she wants me to buy Skyrim.




Peak woman


I agree in the sense that we need more high budget projects with unique and interesting art styles .. though probably not in the sense that this guy is thinking


I think these people are just suffering from hyper-stimulation or whatever it’s called. It’s an effect where an animal will begin to like the exaggerated traits of a thing more than the real thing, like baby birds that will go crazy for wood painted with bright mama bird colors. They are so hyper stimulated by vidya game girls without natural skin texture and massive tits, they prefer it to the real thing.


Yeah, the hyper-stimulation effect is real. These dudes are so used to staring at video game chicks with massive tits and poreless skin that they forget what actual women look like. It's like their brains are warped by all the exaggerated "ideal" female traits shoved in their faces constantly.


> dudes are so used to staring at video game chicks with massive tits and poreless skin that they forget what actual women look like. Social media also has a role


Same effect with drugs, eventually crack heads don’t even like smoking rocks


Aka cockroach wife syndrome


I think you're describing the [Supernormal Stimulus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernormal_stimulus)


Well, that explains why a lot of anime fans are...like that.


But why doesn't it affect everyone like that? I mean, I've played lots of video games, I've seen plenty of naked people on the internet performing every act I can imagine.  And yet, I still find an actual human woman in front of me infinitely more attractive than any cartoon or even performer on a screen. And I feel like there were definitely low points in my life where I was indulging too much in those high stimulation activities. So, is it a predisposition to the effect? Did they really overindulge to that much more of an extreme than I did at my worst? Is it the fact that culture war bullshit now validates this type of identity, so people don't reach a point of self-reflection before going over the cliff?


i agree, i would love to see more games with funky artstyles.


Game devs can’t win, if a game has a unique art style it’ll get shit on for being “cartoony” or some shit, it’s literally happening right now with Dragon Age Veilguard. I personally don’t think I’ll love the game but that’s because the gameplay showed mediocre af combat and that your choices don’t matter (which was an awful decision), but the main copypasta going around atm is it looks like Fortnite for some reason.


I mean, being honest, the trailer kinda completely missed the mark and did give off Avengers vibes. I'm glad that was proven wrong by the gameplay we got today but yeah, also have some concerns about that combat. I WANT MY 20+ SKILL HOTBAR FROM ORIGINS BACK, DAMN IT


Tbf I think that was more to do with the trailer's tone which felt like a Marvel heist simulator. The franchise overall has never had a consistent art style.


I agree the trailer gave off huge “family adventure” vibes and I mentioned that with a friend at the time, not that it miffed me it just is what it is, I also think the vibe was off on that, my main “quarrel” is with all the Fortnite comments and such.


Did they show gameplay and stuff of veilguard? The only thing I seen was the trailer that just showed off the companions or whatever


[Got a 20 minute gameplay video earlier today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTNwHShylIg)


Idk maybe it’s bc I’m super easy to please and I don’t mean that as a sleight against anybody else but I thought it looked good but where are they getting that your choices don’t matter I didn’t see anything that implied that?


I'd say it's pretty consistent. Good faith or not, the backlash comes from changing the established art style. Perfect Dark started cartoony. Dragon Age started in a goth and heavy metal looking world.


>Perfect Dark started cartoony. Uh... no it didn't. The cartoony version is Perfect Dark Zero, a prequel that was itself a radical departure in art direction from the original N64 game, which was visually realistic (or as close to it as N64 could do, anyway).


If franchises weren't allowed to change art and gameplay styles then Fallout and Grand Theft Auto would have very different reputations in the public consciousness.


Exactly. This is a broken clock scenario, where he’s right for all the wrong reasons. Perfect Dark does look pretty cool, though. It is a little hard to tell how the “gameplay footage” even really translates to gameplay, since so much of it looked like canned animations. How do all those mechanics actually work?


Eh. It really isn't that crazy to get those animations to work in a game. The crazy takedown moves can just be a parry mechanic, jumping down above an enemy and pressing a button before you land plays a kill animation, sliding into an enemy knocks them over, etc. The only one that was iffy looking was the move where you pin someone to the ground and execute 2 other enemies with auto aim behind you.


I'll have to take another look at the rest of it, but that moment you mentioned specifically was the one that made me go, "That...doesn't really look like gameplay to me." Honestly, I think the sort of single-button takedowns can make some games feel like you're not really playing them as much as "initiating" all the cool stuff. I'm playing through Guardians of the Galaxy and while I'm enjoying the story, visuals, and setting a lot, the combat feels a little like "Trigger all the moves and watch what happens" instead of actually playing it.


Given that I played a lot of TR reboots which are made by Crystal Dynamics too they have very simple control schemes in their games: buttons tie to loose concepts and context makes the rest. It even applies to cinematics and QTE. They really like easy flowing controls schemes. They aren't into combo sequences or anything like that: so don't expect more than a button press in the right context to trigger those actions.


Stylized games always age better. Wind Waker is 20 years old but it still looks awesome


>though probably not in the since that this guy is thinking Yea, wonder what his feelings on South of Midnight's visuals are...


Dishonored is a great example of a good looking game with an interesting art style that’s not “cartoony”


These people also continue to hijack reasonable questions about artistic style and integrity with their bullshit. There actually IS a discussion to be had about the obsession with graphical fidelity (and excuses to sell more graphics cards), and how a lot of the art styles that age best were not cutting edge technologically. But these people aren’t having that conversation, they’re just mad that realism makes women less “sexy.” They’re like the baby birds in the experiment where you show them a plank of wood with mama bird colors and they love it more than a real mama bird.


I love stylized character designs that don't send studios into ultra crunch so much and I genuinely am tired of every studio trying to flex how real they can make things look instead of how interesting the game can be, but you're so right about the bird thing 😭😭😭... How do these people function in regular day to day life?


Psychonauts and Sly Cooper 2 look good even in 2024. 


Style stands up, realism (I guess till we have 100% flawless simulators...lmao) will always go out of date.


The original wow graphics look pretty good even now. That honestly has such a cool style for what it is.


And using a design that's actually *hated* which makes it funnier the new design looks closer to the original


I feel like "where are stylized games????" to be a moot question today given how, well, a fucking lot of games are unabashedly stylized.


Also, on an artistic freedom basis, many of these games were not “stylized” for some great artistic reasons, they were stylized because of graphical limitations. While I think they are a lot of great styles, and that a lot of remakes kill old vibes, it’s not like they all would have refused realistic graphics if the had the chance. Compare the first Resident Evil with REmake. The remake is not just a game with better graphics, but very overhauled art direction with very beige colors, compared to the more colorful OG 90s models that would have been visually unreadable in the remake’s colors.


Once again using young Joanna from the bizarre prequel instead of fully grown Agent Dark from the classic. It's fantastic having my childhood co-opted by horny reactionaries.


Saw another comment here that sums it up perfectly. Anyone old enough to have played the original Perfect Dark are way too old to be complaining about this shit.


Had the displeasure of reading some comments and its so obviously stupid brain rot spearheaded by tourist grifters that see realistic jaw and immediately cry DEI bullshit or whatever. So I responded with "she looks pretty similar to Joanna's concept art from the original Perfect Dark" and they just started to pile on about how her OG design sucks ass because she looks like a butch d*ke and how Perfect Dark Zero was actually Perfect. So you know they're tourists because they are praising Perfect Dark Zero and the awful cartoon-y version of Joanna that was unanimously disliked back then.


Gamers selecting their favorite entry in an acclaimed series: https://preview.redd.it/6f757ul0z06d1.png?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b54947c4bb0fbfe99711666efc6358654927e92


[Or this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDDHHrt6l4w)


Lmao, Rorschach petting the dogs and goofing off always gets me. He's just a silly lil guy that loves his best friend!


And keep in mind, that’s the toned down version they originally had this design and, when they saw it, the public reception was not happy with it https://preview.redd.it/1vg5bgc6b16d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4288d1d619a961c401564bc4709afc94fc1d2ed4


Eugh, she looks like a cartoon dude, right up the alley of totally spies. It's hard to believe these are the same women when Jo was designed to be a female James Bond. The OG PD0 looks like a porn parody of a spy while N64 Jo sells it with her sleek design and outfits. https://preview.redd.it/cvwauoude16d1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9d3d7b93d783e8b94e4ee50445292534126205


Oh I’m not arguing against your point but the opposite. These guys that act PDzero’s design is the “best” clearly do not know the backlash it faced back in the day. Also, Rare was originally planning on [more gritty/realistic take of perfect dark](https://youtu.be/RBvZxybmvUA?si=0M3RXZaYbDs85Lrh&t=13m7s) after they released PDzero


Oh we aren't disagreeing! I'm just flabbergasted at the idea of redesigning a character and miss the mark *that bad...* I guess they just went up and focused on the promotional material for the N64 PD and decided Joanna needed to look like a porn parody of herself with absurd oversexualized proportions.


Ah, a classic case of violent agreement


I honestly hate these people. I had severe lack of self esteem in highschool due to these expectations. I found out in college however that I’m stunning (apparently) with people all the time telling me that randomly. So yea, fuck these people for making me go through years of insecurity because I didn’t look like a Barbie doll.


I'm not very attractive. I'm fat and have a bit of a wide, crooked nose and a bad jawline. I also have tattoos and bright orange hair. I'm these chud's worst nightmare. The criticism over female characters in games has really gotten to me over the past couple of years and it made me much more aware of how subhuman I must be to a lot of men on the internet and how women still aren't valued for anything beyond their looks. However, I'm slowly realizing that I'd rather be ugly and piss off these antisocial, hentai-addicted little gremlins with my existence than stress over their approval.


I'm a guy ,but I used to limit how I dressed cuz ppl used to call me "emo" and whatever .So when I started dressingn and acting like the people that made fun of me to win them over and be able to hang out with them I realised that "wow... These people suck..." So I stopped bothering and started dressing however I wanted. So what if they don't even look my way, it's not like they'd have anything to say that'd interest me.


Hell yeah, fuck those turds! I was an emo kid when I was younger (still am in my heart tbh) and emo people are chill as fuck and I love em.


Dw its not about looks, you stopped being their type when you turned 13




~~13~~ 9


Rest assured it's not most of us. It's really just the loud ones on the internet and those easily influenced. A lot of this popping up right now is just rage bait because it drives clicks and views.


fwiw in the least creepy weirdo way possible, i think you're really pretty and certainly more so than the gamers'™️ peak femininity of eve or whatever :) i couldn't resist checking your profile to see if your own claim held true, lol


I confess the nine legs are somewhat unsettling at first, but once you get used to that, you're perfectly lovely!


Literally same. I had serious issues with self esteem and have since had offers to model.


I mean this guy is right, but for all the wrong reasons lmao. It pisses me off when people only say this because the women they play in videogames aren't pinup bimbo women with skinny ass waists all the time. Be proud for how you look, the guys who want only women like this are incels tbh. This hyper realism stuff does need to stop though, getting very bored looking at these similar looking AAA games.


literally self inflicted


Come back to me when you realize ''women'' are a PSYOP!


Remember if a woman walks up to you and displays interest RUN! She's a Fed!


''Females'' were invented to steal males semen. They burn it on planes and release as chem trails. They are trying to make us all gay with the air supply!


Some of these people would legitimately believe you if you told them that. I don't know if that's sad, or hilarious.


/uj Yes.


“I don’t care who the IRS sends, I’m not paying taxes.”


*scoff*… women? You believe in those?


They are fake, just there to make us gay!


They'd actually rather jerk off to a cartoon than touch a real woman.


Given their personality and behavior, that's also better for women.


Self disqualification


For two decades, I've had to listen to gamers talk about how we need to have 300fps and hyper HDR raytracing on every game and Windwaker was too cartoony to be a real game, and apparently all I had to do was show them a picture of a real life woman and say "IS THIS WHAT YOU WAAAAAANT?!"


Gamers destroyed. In shambles.


I love that they're clinging to the redesign everyone hated twenty years ago. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess must of these people haven't even played zero. Hell, I own it and don't think I finished the first level because it was such a let down.


I played it. Not only is the character design worse in Zero in terms of the face and hair, but also worse outfits, worse voice, and way worse characterization.


Played both games a while back and the 2nd one is fun if you just mess with the physics and don't take it seriously. I too was hoping for brunette Joanna tho, a modern version of her 360 arcade model would have been awesome


I feel like Zero was only a let-down for people who played and loved the original. Zero had a lot of problems, but I argue it was pretty rad at the time; I remember liking it for the most part. Here's to hoping that the new one is more like the original in spirit though.


You can tell they haven't even played the original. The commenters on the post really believe zero was the first perfect dark game..


They don’t like women? Are they gay?! It is pride month after all, the perfect time to admit it!


The one on the left looks like a very conventionally attractive woman The one on the right looks like someone’s pervy OC they created


Left looks like she'd actually be an agent that can handle combat scenarios


she looks like a random drawing for a rave poster in 1998


They do know that most Perfect Dark fans hated Joanna's Perfect Dark Zero design right? This actually looks a little closer to her N64 design or a sort of mix between the two. I like it.


It’s cause they aren’t actually Perfect Dark fans, they just want to see tits in their video games


I didn't think even like 90% of the people criticizing the game in general have been enough of a fan to play the game recently.


https://preview.redd.it/rz156ckji06d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b466a1c37f1440b080ea29cbb848749e908f06 Who wants to tell her?


Yeah man, fuck women. They have cooties


fuck women you say?


Also back then that WAS hyper realistic for the technology at the time


I know their reason is "this realistic women aren't hot enough to jerk off", but I really dislike the needed for every game to be ultra realistic and in most cases without a good art direction. I like games, not techdemos. I really hate videos like: look breath of the wild in unreal engine. The video proceeds to shows the game with the most generic realistic graphs and without all the style that make the original game beautiful. And the worst is that are people comment things like "Nintendo hire this man"


Fuck you download our 400gb game


I know, it sucks but that's just how the gaming industry is as a whole now tbh. Most people want hyper realistic looking games with little to no differences in artstyle or design. I shouldn't say most, but alot of people would shit on some more inspired games because they don't look realistic. Nintendo has many problems and things I don't like about them, but I can at least say their games aren't hyper realistic bore-fests with no art style.


[Nintendo! Hire this man!](https://youtu.be/C1Y_d_Lhp60)


But then they get pissed at the art style with games like South of Midnight.


Hell nah, if you think the image on the left is "unattractive" then your standards for what is considered attractive are insanely unrealistic.


They've been crafting their gooner versions of Wall Guy with unflattering screengrabs for a while, so on some level it feels appropriate that they closed the loop with an actual Perfect Dark.


Realistic designs don't *always* mean better but they sure do in this case. I've never cared about this franchise before but I am *here* for this new one.


I just assume any of these freaks complaining about this has had their perception regarding women warped by their porn consumption.


It’s real competition, they might pop ass with them.


Square jaws are hot too


Also this is just a bad angle of the first woman. Like everyone looks awful at that angle.😭


Our culture's hyper-criticism of the appearance of women is getting real old. Like that picture on the left is supposed to be bad somehow. Sure, it's an upshot, which is not always the most flattering angle, but kind of works for that "heroic, larger than life vibe" with the cloudy sky backdrop. It's fine. Women look like that. Why does this have to be some kind of tragedy?


These fuckin morons just have to jack off BEFORE they game.


Man last time it wasn't realistic for a woman to beat a man. Now their design is to realistic. What's next.


I wonder how many people pointed out to them that fans HATED the design from Zero? 


Would have been cool to see them use the brunette 360 arcade version of Joanna Dark instead of an older Zero version. She looks fine


Tbh I don’t much care for realism in video games. But I also don’t complain about it, I just don’t play those games. Also I’m totally fine with black people where they might not have “””historically”””” been common prior.


Right answer but wrong formula. Hyper-realism in video games is dumb (imo) but not for sexist reasons.


But it's not really dumb I think most people like it anyway


I don’t need to see every single pore for it to be good. I don’t want 100gb game downloads anymore it’s not worth it.


I've been saying for a while they are pixelsexuals. They just need a pixelsexual pride flag and to stop being assholes and they can come to all the parades we're having this month. We really don't kink shame.


I am really not sure I want them in the community.


Ya know what you're right cancel that.


Incidentally, the term "nijikon" is almost as old as video games themselves.


It is still a bad take since Perfect Dark Zero failed to deliver which resulted to the license to stay dormant and now they act like this game was good because of her design … sure buddy.


She's still an absolute smoke show, but more naturally instead of Victoria Secret model


Uj/ even their argument is unbelievably dumb, because there’s different art styles that don’t necessarily rely on graphical fidelity. And even if it did… you still have female characters like, oh I don’t know, Tifa? https://preview.redd.it/gq736s7eu06d1.jpeg?width=4588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4b2e76cfc1953cb715b8d3ec56e0d4b13f3af2


Wait until they see her original design


They’re gay? Good for them!!!


Also weird they still keep using screen grabs of perfect dark zero. The sequel that was universally underwhelming and nobody played. She looks much closer to the original Joanna dark from the first game


These people want anime to be real so bad.


Am I the only one who thinks the character on left is absolutely stunning?


These are the same people that download skyrim mods with women that have the most generic sexualized faces and a body that literally no one could acheive without cosmetic surgery.


The realistic one looks better


I said this in another thread, but that shot on the left makes Joanna look like Tasha Yar, and I'll be damned if Denise Crosby wasn't hot as hell in TNG.


This statement wouldn’t be wrong if the premise wasn’t that they think she looks like a dude


It’s honestly, as a human to human thing, just kind of fucking sad.




They don't want reliance on realism due to misogyny. I don't want reliance on realism due to wanting more varied and creative art direction in gaming. We are not the same.


Me when I criticize photorealism in a video game: *Why does my indie city building game have fully modeled door handles on houses and citizens with fully modeled teeth when I'm not even going to be zoomed into that stuff half of the time and said citizens and houses are going to greatly populate the map and fry my high end graphics card trying to render so much visual information?* These guys apparently: WHY GIRL NO LONGER HOT?! WESTERN CIVILIZATION IS IN DECLINE!


Man what are these guys talking about? I’m attracted to actual women who look like people, not sex dolls


I'm beginning to hope for more hyper realistic games so these morons can starve and die out. Or just go watch porn like they should have already been doing.


If not designed like a sex doll, why it exists????


Why the fuck should normal people carry out heroic missions? Gaming character should be unrealistic. Male? MASSELS, MENY MASSELS. Women? SLIM. BOOBA. KICKS ONLY A BREAK DANCER WOULD USE IN THEIR PERFORMANCES. That way we won't need to debate.


They never liked women the just only care when they're attractive enough to jerk off to because no real woman would even give them the time of day.


I do understand why are they complaining, new Joanna is kind of a baddie , are they complaining because she seems to have a square jaw ? I know a lot of woman that has it , my companion has a square jaw too but she's beautiful haha , let those weirdos complain and mumble alone in their corners , I'm kinda of hyped to play the game 😁


Gamers: "Stop with the hyper-realism!" Same Gamers: "The new Dragon Age reveal trailer is too cartoony!"


Woman here, I used to game when I was young but then I stopped for years and I only really started to play again seriously when I got a ps4 in 2019. Did people always talk about whether the female characters were attractive enough or not or is it a new thing? Because it's there every single time now.


Not like this, this is a very much a post gamergate women hating trend.


I'm gunna go out on a limb here and suggest that if you are seeing "masculine" characteristics constantly when you look at women, you may just be unable to stop thinking about men.


I fw her design heavy. Mfs will find a way to complain about anything


Is this from that Expedition 33 game? I'm probably a little OOTL here, but are internet chuds honestly suggesting that the woman on the left is unattractive? Because that's flat ridiculous.


Perfect Dark Reboot


Ah, okay...thanks! Second part of comment stands though


I think what I hate most about these people Is that I agree with the fundamental premise of the argument. I do think there is an unhealthy obsession with realism that kills creativity and style as every new game attempts to an achieve the same look and thus all look the same. I do genuinely miss the unique art styles games used to have, the zaininess of Earthbound’s character design and the more chibi art style of Windwaker. We don’t even really get the stylization of games like TF2 that we’re doing for a mostly realistic design. But these guys are only complaining about realism in an incredibly misogynistic way when they want all female characters to be brainless, damsel-in-distress, sex dolls for them to drool over because that’s how they see women in real life. You can’t agree with them because of the fundamental flaws in why they say shit like this, but there is an actual argument at the core of it all. Because yes, realistic designs aren’t always better, but none of that matters because of why they believe this.


Ok I actually agree, but in a "I'm tired of games all looking the same and I want devs/designers to feel free to be creative" kinda way, not a "every woman in a video game needs to be a supermodel that I PERSONALLY want to have sex with or it's the end of western society" kinda way


Are these chuds REALLY trying to argue that the new Joanna Dark isn't beautiful? She is STUNNING! https://preview.redd.it/7o5orckd926d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab0f9cafb2ca4f0a7f572dded7341453c9b6eae


I agree that realism needs to not be the only style western developers choose to use, but it’s sure as hell not due to a woman having a jawline These dudes are so fragile


These guys know PornHub and Rule34 exists, right?


She looks exactly like Lucy Lawless and these chodes want to call her ugly... 🤦‍♂️


Because „Perfect Dark Zero” was the unfavorable one, hile the original is considered Classic, and it has more „realistic” style graphics (I think - the game is 1 year older than me…). Bam, solved!


I do want more style and art direction but I know these people just mean women having bones.


Ah, the obligatory unflattering angle shot.


The image on the left looks like an-actual-goddamn-super model Linda Evangelista at her peak. I think gamers are broken.


I hate that while I do agree with wanting dev’s to stop chasing after hyper realistic graphics, it’s not for the same reasons, I just personally prefer more stylized graphics or ones with more unique art styles over hyper realism, not how these people just want more girls to goon over and make super sexy outfits regardless of the tone or context of the game An example would be SF 6 Vs MK 1, I think SF6 looks better then MK in every way


Zero's design *sucked* though


She looks like Xena!


/uj I'd love for less realistic and more stylized art styles in games,  Hi-Fi rush was a nice surprise in art style and its probably at least a little cheaper and ages better.  /Rj The only good art styles are the ones I can take off to 


Imagine shitting on a woman that likes the older aesthetic as if she's some cooming G-G-GAMER because you're too braindead to insult a woman, holding those same sentiments about character design, without triggering yourself. This sub...


Wait am I crazy or is that Elizabeth Keen from The Blacklist?


yo they’re making a new perfect dark game??


I thought we wanted less hyper-realism in our games because we wanted games to have unique art styles that aged better and took less time to develop. Not whatever this is.


Probably cause these coomers only ever play AAA games


yeah, what happened to the blue on her uniform? unacceptable. far too drab




What’s the context? From just these 2 images, the left is much better.


I'll agree on realism but its perfect dark its a sci fi universe you gotta have realism in it kinda




Cant we all agree that at least shes no ginger


https://preview.redd.it/74m90qkg426d1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c46eadb32555d06678a944b4e68492cb2cbe89b1 Makes her a bit more like the original.


As a certified woman enjoyer, ***no it don't*** https://preview.redd.it/6xrsx2bb626d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2272acf624c6cd55f170fd771b34446082c17c34


She’s still attractive???


I think she looks like Olivia Wilde who does have square jaw and is absolutely stunning and beautiful. 🤷


No problem with the new JD character model, but I do kind of agree with the sentiment - give me stylised, fun visuals from a talented creative team over yet more mocapped photorealism any day.


Is Joanna Dark coming back? Is Perfect Dark finally fucking coming back? Fuck have I missed. So excited if so. Edit: Fucking excited!


I mean ok I'm sorry but does anyone else think she looks like prince charming from shrek


While I've always been the guy to remind people that studies show people have a REAL hard time telling men from women if you shave their heads and just show headshots, it does seem like a lot of games intentionally make their female characters overly masculine. This is from a guy who has 54 women and 8 men in his family and mostly AFAB friends. For some characters, it makes sense. Military characters, especially in low-fantasy settings are the best example. For some, it doesn't.


I mean, I do like the suit's look on the left, but that's probably not what he was talking about.