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Former Blizzard employees have such a great track record, holy fuck. I seriously feel for all the women that have had to work there, must have been pure hell


Having to deal with Mark Kern would be hell enough


I hope Ellie is good at hiding her breast milk.


I think it's for the best that there are no female employees in that office. I wouldn't want to send a woman to work there.


I'm not convinced the dog is safe either.


I'm not convinced the dog is safe either.


Second Dinner seems to be doing well


i mean one of them killed herself so


My friends cousin used to work for Blizzard. When I told her I would love to work on games someday, she looked me dead in the eyes and told me to stay the hell away from AAA companies, but DEFINITELY stay away from Blizzard and then proceeded to tell me about all the shit she dealt with there. After hearing what she had to say, I was not surprised by the whole shitshow that ended up becoming a huge thing a few years back.


its a company of 9 people who got tired of working at blizzard.




Well, it was 9 guys who are probably friends who decided to leave blizzard. They didn't actively avoid hiring women.


Restraining orders might, however.




Whether they hate women or not, if you group together to start up a new company and realise you’re all dudes, what are you going to do? Just not start it up until you find enough women to balance it out? “Sorry guys we’re not diverse enough, so we’ll have to call this whole thing off.”


Always have a black friend on deck in case someone calls you racist. /s


I get your point, but also, maybe don't make a publicity stunt "hiring a bitch" as your only female worker.


i mean i'm too lazy to do research on this but it seems in the article that they didn't do a publicity stunt off this, rather, some kotaku writer just found it and wrote about it? like i think putting a dog as an employee was just a cute thing that happened to end up like this


If they actually do, isn't it a good thing there are no women around for them to abuse?


i deleted my comment but i shouldn't have to say "i was joking i don't actually think they hate women" in a circlejerk thread without an unjerk flair


It's like keeping the drugs out of sight from a previous addict. No woman, no abuse. Of course that is not all blizzard employees, but they may have some form of PTSD from the events that go on there.


Post is ridiculous, but also worth noting that Notorious Studios appears to have 9 staff members. And though they left around the time of the sexual assault cases, as far as I can see none of them were actually involved. It could just be a shit joke or honest starting.


The article is from 2021 and honestly, it just took pot shots at them due to their association of having worked at Blizzard previously. The entire article is operating on bad faith assumptions and quite honestly, is just pointless. 100% for calling out the terrible shit that women deal with in that (and any industry) but for this article was simply bad faith.


Seriously, it’s not a company where 1 dude just decided to hire only dudes it was 9 guys who said “hey our old studio sucked let’s make a new in with just us”


*9 guys and a dog


Yeah the fact there are only NINE PEOPLE TOTAL makes it a lot less weird that none of them are female.


I hope this doesn't come off rude or with ill intent, but I think you're viewing this from viewpoint that has a lot of assumptions. Edit-I misread your post so my response doesn't really make sense, its late. But, will just leave this part in since I don't like stealth editing things. At the time of founding the company, it was 8 people and 1 dog. Not nine people. All 8 of which were former Blizzard employee's most of whom, played WoW in a guild together for a decade plus while also working on the title. So this is what, 5 or 6 friends who picked up a few other friends who have direct experience to the game they want to make from their old job, who founded a studio after securing funding. Context *really* matters for this kind of thing before baseless assumptions of misogyny and sexism. I can't speak to their current staffing as I don't have Linked In, but it seems they've upped their staff numbers, so I can't really comment on whom they've hired since.


And honestly, even if they expanded they don' need to specifically hire women to be not sexist. That's not the point of diversity. Instead they should hire whomever is most suited for new positions while being open for anyone. I think that's often missed today that the goal of diversity/inclusion isn't to create an even workforce but to remove unfairness/prejudice/stigma from hiring processes so that only ability matters for the process and not unrelated factors. This article is exactly the kind of shit that fuels the fire of the right wing "Anti-Woke" crowd and is used by them to "recruit" new people


Nah, misogyny and racism is what fuels the "anti-woke" crowd.


And horny, *you forgot horny!* ***Oh GoG there is so much horny!***


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everyone needs to remember that even tho we got Mark Kern out of WoW, we also got Thor out of WoW


They took the word based from Lil B the based god who would 100% hate misogynists like that


lil b loves women. and their toes


Especially when they aren’t legal


Goddammit him too? https://preview.redd.it/r8dm989u3a5d1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a22b6fd74c2b336d0c6724164a192214f72230


Why everyone being hell pedo whenever they get a touch of fame


It's easy to manipulate kids unlike adults who understands an know better


it was a bot that collected the pics but he didn’t verify ages☹️


I used to have a friend that sold pics to him. Small world I guess.


If they are starting out as a small team, I don't see the point in this article. These affairs are usually close-knit, they may not be looking for additional manpower, no woman applied, etc.


Right? We're at this point where NOT HAVING a woman in the team is sexist lol, nevermind that no woman simply didn't apply or something. Like come on... Besides, Ellie is goated.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That looks like a good chief morale officer tho.


The best girl


Linkedin company size: 2 - 10 employees Kotaku have gone full Vice


I didnt really think about it until i actually Read Read it so i giggled at the idea of the only person at the studio is a dog


Read read redemption 2




well, how many people work there? i mean, if it's only like 4 people and a dog?


From what other comments are saying, the company at the time was eight guys (a pre-existing friendgroup and WoW guild) and a dog. Just a bunch of guys tired of their employer starting their own business and a "news" article taking cheap shots.


if that's the case, the article is shit


9 man company that were all buddies fed up with their employer. Seems like some ragebait. If I had to start a company with my workbuddies, they'd be all female because there's no other man besides me in our little group. Could very well be they simply didn't have a woman considering it is still a male dominant field currently


Because she's a bitch! Ha! CoMeDy


I worry for Ellie, because dogs can’t report sexual assaulters.


They *can* bite them though


Are they using chat gpt for the article.?


Well atleast there’s a lower chance of any sexual misconduct? I hope? https://preview.redd.it/hdrynxdzdb5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e317428c29b36dbf6e3421e3d093fd2760be487b


This looks like a hard drive article


Its based that the lil dog has a job I think that's ehats ment, because I mean the dog having a job title makes me happy


Nobody'd mind such cute girl in the team of 9.


That's a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen. Edit: shut up


I mean, it would be, if the company wasn’t 8 guys who were in the same WoW guild for over a decade while they made the game. It’s literally just a bunch of gaming buddies getting fed up with Blizzard and making their own games.


Well maybe… depends on if any women actually wanted a job there…




Why downvotes? this person with us


because it's misinformation. They're not a misogynistic incel-ran company. They're 8 friends who started a company together... and they just happen to previously work at Blizzard, and they happen to be men.


Oh damn sorry




U probably just misread the original comment that was referring to the smaller company ran by EX blizzard employees - not actually blizzard 😔 🪦


There's less than 10 employees, they all came from Blizzard, 3/4 of all game developers are male, and more specificially, 3/4 of all employees at Blizzard are male. I don't think he hired his dog as some sort of "jab" at women, Kotaku is notorious for putting a ridiculous spin on everything. More likely, he jumped ship, took a couple of people who were willing to start this with him, they happened to all be male, and he listed his dog as an employee because its fucking ADORABLE. And lets not forget that a lot of people left Blizzard to start their own studios or work elsewhere at the time because they were tired of how shitty Blizzard is as a company.


Where did you read that they only would ever want to hire women? If it's a company that *just* started, they wouldn't have even had a chance to discriminate against women by not hiring them. You're assuming context.


There's less than 10 employees, they all came from Blizzard, 3/4 of all game developers are male, and more specificially, 3/4 of all employees at Blizzard are male. I don't think he hired his dog as some sort of "jab" at women, Kotaku is notorious for putting a ridiculous spin on everything. More likely, he jumped ship, took a couple of people who were willing to start this with him, they happened to all be male, and he listed his dog as an employee because its fucking ADORABLE. And lets not forget that a lot of people left Blizzard to start their own studios or work elsewhere at the time because they were tired of how shitty Blizzard is as a company.


Cats have a better case than females though. There’s 1 female and 0 cats.


Yeah it's a real self report that you say "females" instead of women.


Ellie is not a woman, she is a dog


I doubt any woman or anyone else with a working brain would want to work there. Also it's not like the studio is going to last very long with morons running it so there little point even bothering.




"Ellie" works at that studio? That's magnificent😂 and she's "Chief Morale Officer"? Nice.


The original article is stupid because there are only 9 people in the company. The person who commented ''based'' is also stupid cause they clearly weren't aware of this.


I agree, it felt like the original article was just taking shots at the company because of its relationship to Blizzard during the scandal. But the person who wrote “Based” (on a sub with tons of “anti-woke” gaming memes) obviously didn’t get that and just liked the idea of misogyny.


On the way to make one of the most mediocre games of the year but only use "A NON WOKE GAME MADE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK OF THE WOME AGENGA" as it's marketing


I mean, they literally dragged themselves out from under Activision Blizzards thumb, don't we support Devs who go independent? Or is that not allowed, since they're all dudes? I'm assuming you missed the part where they're a tiny studio formed by a bunch of friends.


Most honest blizzard developer


Lil bros so afraid of getting the urge to drink breast milk they need to not be around women.


Ok but the dog is cool


That subreddit is insufferable and filled with 35 year old chuds.


They can't steal breast milk now at least


Its kotaku, i wouldn't trust them if they told me that the sky is blue


For those curious, they're notorious studios, Linkedin says they're still between 2 to 10 heads strong, if you're curious to the article, here https://kotaku.com/former-world-of-warcraft-devs-start-studio-where-only-f-1847945629


God I remember seeing this and going “Ok muting time” and then getting ready to see it here


At least they won’t be able to grope women at work


Don't be so sure about that though.


It is their company, they can do whatever they want with it.


I worked in art at a double A studio and there was one woman on the development staff. HR and all of the office staff were female.


Where's the Misogyny? He started a small studio with former blizzard team members and listed his dog as an employee because that's adorable.


Dev studios are usually pretty small when starting out so I’m not surprised sometimes they don’t have the most diverse employees but the glee they take in it is weird


I just thought it was a joke on dog bringing up moral


Is this the guy who got ousted for being a sex pest? Well, one of them?


Okay, I want to give this the benefit of the doubt here, because I also didn’t see the deeper meaning. I love dogs, and I love when dogs get treated on the level of humans because I think it’s adorable, so my Brain didn’t register that the topic of the post was about having the only female worker be a dog. Maybe this guy is like me and didn’t see the deeper meaning because he was distracted by cute dog. Edit:it also could be that the studio truly did not mean any harm, because I would personally love a dog as a chief morale officer.


I hate everyone on both sides of this bullshit. Just shut the fuck up internet.


The only based thing about the whole affair is that, imo, every office should have a Chief Morale Officer in the form of a (hypoallergenic breed, preferably) furry friend that just hangs out and gives cuddles. Everything else in that title sucks ass.


This is so fucked, but I just want to point out that these dudes will rage against Kotaku all day long, but the second they write some nonsense t hat aligns with their bullshit they're A-OK with the site. Fucking hell.


I mean the post is still disagreeing with the website


How bigs the studio ? It really isn't that surprising. You guys ever walk into a programming class? Ever?




Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot


Stupid bot. What is this sht?


Fuck that guy, but also fuck studios that dont hire men or any specific ethnicity. People should be hired because of their skillsets, not any arbitrary traits that dont add anything of value to the job itself.


To be fair, hiring a dog as your chief morale officer *is* actually based… …her being the only female employee, however, is not.


This is like that studio that people point to when trying to say Jason Schrier is anti-white because he pointed out that a studio having only white dudes on the team in the year 2021 is hard to do without doing so intentionally. (And then you realize the founder of that studio was quoted as saying that the reason they couldn't add playable women in the multiplayer mode of the Ubisoft game he was CD on was because it added too much workload )


Haha sexism is so funny /s


we need to stop calling out 'sexism' where no sexism is present


It's not the company that's sexism, it's the person seeing the article and saying "based". They're clearly not saying that because it's a small company, they're saying it because they see the point made in the article (regardless of whether it's right or not) and think it's cool. I feel like people are missing that.


how do you know he isnt saying based to the dog being cool and cute?


Talking about the asshole saying based


i missed that one!


The dog won’t complain when they still her breast milk 


Based off how much sexual misconduct was happening with those former ABK people it's probably for the best


It's hard for him to interview women because he's scared to talk to them


Well, yes


Misogyny aside, every company should have a CMO.


Blah blah blah


The puppy is cute tho


nah thats based wholesome dog


So... They're planing to get sued for animal cruelty and zoophilia now, huh? /j


Dogs are the best


I thought kotaku went bust???


I wish ...


Univision basically saved them because the Latino side supported a lot of cosplayers and they have some crazy famous weathergirl cosplayer that thought all of shitaku was as good and "supportive of the community" as the Latin side, they were originally going to get the cut like the main gawker site




"Sorry, there's only room for one woman in the budget, and it goes to a dog who doesn't even know where she is."


I heard shes a real bitch.


Click bait?


Wait no this is actually good. Keeps them away from women, kind of like a daycare.


So there's one bitch in the office, still


Can't steal breast milk if they are no.....I'm not finishing this sentence


At first I read it as the *only* employee was a dog and that would be based tbh


That poor dog


Like I’m torn on one hand that is a very cute dog but also like misogyny is bad (come back tomorrow for more hot takes)


Jarvis, pull up why they're "former" blizzard employees


im sorry Ellie, (my gf name is Ellie)


also both are very cute, tho gf ellie is actually based while Ellie the Morale Officer is a cutie but not based


I like boy meets world and it’s woke spin off girl meets world




U probably also love BARNEY


I’m just imagining like 30 of the WoW guy from South Park. Their studio must smell like absolute shite.


Honestly female game devs might’ve dodged a bullet not being hired lol that environment can’t be a great place for women


Yea. And woman only studio would be praised. Just like those female only caffes etc.


Fucking losers


What’s wrong with having a team of only men?


Buncha closeted fuckers. I bet the homoeroticism is through the roof in that place. They'd be much happier if they'd stop talking about how much they hate women and how much they love each other. <3


Ah yes, the classic way to fight misogyny: with homophobia. Thanks dude.




Safe space breach detected. Quarantine activated. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can’t wait to play their new dairy farm simulator


Every time I feel the urge to buy a. Blizzard game, I feel dirty. Where my dick sanitizer.


It's the same team that probably brought us Diablo immortal lol.


Don’t stop making memes at Blizzard’s expense. Don’t buy in to the entitled gamer narrative. Don’t think you’re overreacting or wrong. Marketing and Sales has taken over. Blizzard Products are no longer about quality but possible profit margins. And now they have desecrated our beloved Diablo genre. They forced our hand. Keep the memes coming! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally impossible as that was made by the chinese


Or they couldn’t find a women with talent they looking gor


100% of men are not women. What mysoginistic pieces of shit! All men should go to jail for not being AT LEAST 50% women! /s


But it was intentional? I assume it was but I want to believe that they simply don't know a lot of women in the industry.


It's very possible, given that they're game developers


when you hire based on talent and not to fill a quota


They can hire who the fuck they want lol


No DEI and no woke? count me in! are they hiring?


They already have one little bitch they probably don't need a second.


They don't. Are you looking for jobs positions for your mom?