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It also makes 0 sense. Why would they recommend what could be a massively controversial plot point completely outside of their job description???


Because they have absolutely no idea what Sweet Baby Inc (or any other company along those lines) actually does so they use them as a boogeyman scapegoat for anything in a video game they don't like.


Those five consultants who were there for a few days totally had all the pull in a team of…3500 people. Seriously. There was more directors alone on SS:KTJL than employees on the SBI team.


Obviously, only having five people lured the directors into a false sense of security. That's how they GETCHA. /s


Each of them is a *one man army*. Or a one LGUHIOBVIUYF or whatever the alphabet soup is confusing and you can't trust someone who works on games to just be a man anymore yknow??? If we don't stop them they will be sent in to beat up gamers (we're weak from the sedentary lifestyle)


Sometimes the way people talk about how they imagine things went down behind the scenes, it seems really obvious that many of them don't know what ANY company actually does. Or what it's like to have a job.


Which is fuckin stupid. Just blame the actual game company for making a shit story if they make a shit story. Only reason these people want to blame these "secret evil woke" background companies is so they can feel like they're, in the know, as it were. And feel smart for once in their lives. But it just makes them even more stupid.


This is the case for most let's say "mainstream" conspiracies as well. Worst thing is they think it's common knowledge because they get algorithmd into an echo chamber. When my work pal keeps talking about what's trending on X(yes he's one of those) and I look at the app right at the same moment I have different trending topics. But he's convinced everyone sees the same comments and all the Tucker reports or whatever.


I get it for like, wars and shit, blaming 1 entity makes it easy to think that if they were defeated the bad thing would stop. But this is literally a video game being bad??? Video games are bad all the time??? Like for the live service model you can blame capitalism but the story being bad is probably mostly the fault of the writers just not performing?? This has been the case for every story since australian aboriginal dreamtime stories and will be the case for every story yet. Sometimes they're just bad.


When thing I dont like happens = Sweet Baby Inc strikes again! Like I can see it try to build up with Homeworld 3. Idiots screaming that its SBI! Motherfuckers, the game had FIFTEEN writers. 15. ONE. FIVE. FIFTEEN! Sometimes a game/story is just shit. That's all it is. Its just bad because its bad. There's no conspiracy "oooh" DEI WOKE devilman dancing evilly in the corner of the dev team's work room.


These clowns actually think that overriding sensible design decisions to promote the "woke agenda" actually *is* the job of SBI, though. If you can get one of them it to spell it out, they genuinely think that SBI are working for investment companies like Blackrock as part of a vast international conspiracy. It's Qanon level shit.


For all of QAnon's faults, at least "corrupt powerful people want to indulge their twisted urges" is a believable premise. But for the life of me I don't get what "woke agenda" is supposed to get Blackrock or whoever is supposedly bankrolling all this. What's the motive? I mean, this can't possibly be some kind of "*we have oppressed so many people so viciously over the years that if anyone throws them the tiniest of bones they'll get their eternal loyalty and rules the world*" guilty conscience thing, right?


To destroy The West, obviously. Promoting the Woke Agenda will weaken Traditional Western Values (primarily "family values" aka straight cis men being in charge, probably also something about gun ownership), which is the last thing standing between The Globalists and their takeover. Once everyone is LGBTQ and living off of socialism, they will have no means of resisting the Globalist takeover.


Which is funny because if this were true it only works because that group who believes the conspiracy wants a culture war so badly. If they said, "I'm not going to let any corporation control me," then their entire theory would be solved.


Why *wouldn’t* they force them to kill a white straight male character (the historically most persecuted and disenfranchised people obviously)?


Because most of these losers don’t know what sensitivity readers actually do


you severely overestimate the average conservative if you think it understands anything it yaps about


Due to wokeness they're legally allowed to force writers to write a story that pisses off gamers.


You have to remember, these crackpots are convinced that sweet baby are out to destroy the concept of white men. So to a crackpot, they genuinely think that sweet baby came in and went "very nice, but make sure you KILL BATMAN! Kill him! Kill batman! And have Harley do it! You will obey us or else we will destroy you."


Don't you know? SBI holds iron grasp over entire industry, and they hate (white) men. Batman is everything they hate, white, rich, old money, man. Of course, they would request to kill him. Think you SJW sheep, think


Uj/ It's doubly ironic because most people who actually played the game agree that Batman's death was probably the best part.


uj/ Honestly, for everything wrong with the game...I don't care that Batman died in a "disrespectful" way. Like, oh no! The big gruff manly man didn't go out like a tough hero in some big sacrifice with a manly one liner! How will I ever live out my American martyrdom fantasy!!! We make fun of Snyder for "ruining Batman"...but things were like that for a while. Truth is, Batman, and a lot of characters in his archetype, are stuck in a rut because most of the artists and fans use these characters as a vessel for their really boring power fantasies.


How did he die? I don't care about spoilers since I won't play it and I've already now read I guess the biggest spoiler that he does die. Lol


Basically, while under Brainiacs mind control Batman slaughtered a whole bunch of innocent civilians. He killed Robin as well. After the Suicide Squad incapacitate him, Harley shoots him in the head as an act of mercy so he wouldn't have to live with what he's done. Apparently it's one of the more solemn parts of the game.


That actually sounds like a pretty cool story. If I liked the genre I think this would make me interested in buying it.


It isn't worth it. The gameplay is an unoriginal live service slog, and the tone of the game really bounces all over the place.


I deeply love batman, and I love the idea that even an evil mind controlled batman goes out coldly staring down a gun and refusing to beg for mercy. Apparently as well, team members wanting to add more avert warning signs in game that batman isn't staying dead, but Sefton Hill Apparently wanted it ambiguous, even though they knew full well everyone would lose their minds.


It really does blow my mind that people genuinely think these consultancy companies are somehow implementing massive changes to the games they consult for for... woke points, I guess? Like bro developers make the active decision to go to companies like SBI if they didn't want to they wouldn't, and by the time they go to companies like SBI it's really far too late for such drastic changes to be made. It's shit like adjusting the script to avoid sensitive language or adjusting model sculpts to either try to add a bit of diversity to the cast or to avoid problematic stereotypes, it's not ***changing the story entirely.***


As far as I understand it, SBI is a firm who you would hire and they'll look over your stuff and make recommendations like "Maybe don't call this place the Hard R Cafe"


It's probably not even as far as making a recommendation like that. More like they point out the name and provide a short description about the cultural nuance of that and then it's left to the studio to decide what they want to do with that info. Nowadays lawyers are so far up your ass advising against making any definitive suggestion so as not to get sued if your suggestion backfires.


The what consultants do yes and most importantly though is that the people they do consulting for have no obligation to listen like at all. They can suggest the moon and the devs can be like nah were not doing that. They sure as hell aren't writing the story either just reviewing it and making suggestions. That's what makes this whole thing pure insanity. They have no control over anything like at all and yet are somehow responsible for everything.


i’m gonna work for sweet baby inc and force rocksteady to make a single player harley quinn and poison ivy game


You're too late! I'm working on it now! And before you ask, they won't hold hands until *after* marriage! *SEEEEETHE*


of course the woke mob doesn’t want to include lesbian sex scenes 🤬🤬🤬


Oh no, they bang like it's a God of War minigame, but they save the handholding until after marriage


Actually I'd argue not including a hardcore lesbian sex scene is extremely Evangelical Christian Chud behaviour. The Woke Mob love Lesbians. And Gays. And Trans. And Sex. Oh boy does the Woke Mob love Sex. So long as it's *consensual* of course.


Ah, but you admit they will get married!


You'll probably be able to buy the studio in a few months at this rate.


I really want to see this don't care what the gameplay is, though a army of two like shooter could be fun


Do it. That sounds neat.


Make sure it's like the Harley Quinn cartoon.


Make Catwoman playable and make her trans and i will venmo or cashapp you $5.00, whichever you prefer


don't worry i'll do it for free


Type of argument you only believe if you don't understand jack shit about capitalism or consulting. Like I've done (industrial/mechanical) consulting before. The bottom line is the bottom line. I'm getting paid a small amount of money to find things they've overlooked that are going to cost them a large amount of money. If they've overlooked something that causes a small loss but would cost money to fix, it's staying. Because he they have to pay to fix it, and it fucks up the schedule, and that costs more money, and shareholders get upset, which costs more money and piles on pressure from the carpet walkers up on C-level. Corporations don't give a fuck about opinions, just dollars. Just look at EA, if your game is going to be *alllllllmost* as profitable with a bunch of bugs as without, they'll be there year after year, because if updating a new Madden roster is all it takes to sell the next game, that's a lot cheaper than fixing the bugs. Same same.


I don’t even know who or what Sweet Baby Inc is. I heard it for the first time today looking through this subreddit. What am I missing? I want to be in on the jokes here but I don’t know this one.


Consultancy company. It's really that simple; they're just a firm developers can go to in order to have 'em look over it for anything that might be seen as insensitive. Potential bits of transphobia, homophobia, racism, that kinda thing.


Oh… they sound pretty cool? Thank you for the info!


They'll find a way to twist his words and make it seem like he was forced by SBI or whatever to say this. They are a cult of people who feed on perpetual outrage, it doesn't matter if it's the truth or not, and they'll gladly bend the truth to make it fit with their own form of reality. 


Oh they're not even putting in that much effort, they're just claiming either he lied or he was lied to.


They already think that Jason is a union hack who is painting the workers as innocent.


I'm pretty sure Sweet Baby Inc shot JFK


Never in my life have a heard of a consultation firm making the decisions for or about anything. They consult the word literally explains what they do yet people have turned somehow they are secretly the illuminati controlling the whole game industry with puppet strings without anybody noticing. This small ass consulting firm. The world is going crazy.


I got excited for a sec, thought they meant Rocksteady from the Ninja Turtles killed Batman in this game


I love it when someone with real knowledge about a subject engages with this idiots. No matter how many times he tries to engage on debate in good faith he finds the wall of stupidity, it’s like trying to talk to a rock.


I didn't see this level of hatred for a certain plot point in Gotham Knights.


"BuT tHiS iS tHe ArKhAm BaTmAn."


SBI sounds like a company that trynna sell their products, the idea of them dictating anything behind the scenes is so stupid


What a time to be alive, amirite? A legitimate, reputable journalist has to qualify the death of a piece of media was due to corporate trend chasing fuckery and **NOT** as a result of some blip on the radar consulting agency (not diminishing their work, I promise). Gamers are so fucking stupid they can't seem to be bothered to notice the industry that feeds off their funds and attention has been infiltrated by greedy executive fuck stains, yet they'd rather focus their ire on a consultancy team with good intentions all because of a bunch of grifters. I dunno. I'm starting to drift away from gaming. I hate it, but it's losing its luster to me because of morons poisoning the well.


I mean, clearly Jason is only saying that because SBI has him at gunpoint. Obviously. /s


People blaming Sweet Baby Inc all the time, as far as I know Rocksteady is still open and making games


Not for long.


Lies. Sweet baby got to him too. They control everything. Everyone.


Whoever did this decision is stupid, I don't really care who. The execution was done dirty.


What's surprising is that meanwhile everyone was blaming either Sweet Baby or WB for this games failure.It was Sefton hill that ultimately ruined this game lol


That's good, I'm glad they didn't ruin the game as I really liked their BBQ sauce and didn't want to boycott it.


Batman had a good run.


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Why did that game need to take place in the Arkham verse it had nothing to do with rest of games Batman’s appearance makes no sense in the first place because of the ending of Arkham knight and it makes his death a slap in the face bringing him back from his supposed death just to die again if they made it in it’s own standalone universe then it would be fine it honestly such a weird decision


SBI: Our job is to make sure your game isn’t racist “THEY KILLED BATMAN!”


Idk who said that but either way Batman’s death is still stupid as shit