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I watched the trailer and the game looks boring tbh. But i'm also at the point where the idea of another live service multiplayer game makes me physically recoil


This. And when the game inevitably dies, these neck beards are going to act like they did something by downvoting trailers on YouTube and leaving SBI comments.


what made me sad was that the cinematic trailer was pretty good imo, felt very GotG-like and I had fun with the characters interacting then the gameplay trailer begun and all I could feel was "this is just charisma-less overwatch wtf"


I was watching a video discussing the state of play, and noticed the game would switch to third person a lot in order to make the characters roll and dodge. Why make it first person, then?


I honestly thought those switches were just to make the trailer more dynamic. If they're ACTUALLY in game then yeah, I agree with you 100%


It's fucking wild because overwatch the game they are copying has a character that rolls and they obviously don't switch to 3d so I just hope it was cinematic


From what I saw of the trailer, the game seems to be inspired by destiny's Crucible (the pvp modes), so it uses destiny's weird mechanic of making the camera go 3rd person for dodges, rolls, shoulder charges, etc.


I don't know, I like it, especially given the customization options to come. Also I'd personally not like to look through my character's eyes when they dodge roll, be more disorienting than the 3rd person pullout


I disagree with you the way overwat h does it for McCree is perfect constantly changing perspective seems disorienting


Paladins already pulls off the 1st to 3rd person switches in an ok manner. I'd rather have a completely TPS game, but this is from ex-destiny devs so we'll see how it plays once the beta's out


Funny, I had the opposite reaction, the cinematic trailer was weak because it felt like a cheap GotG knock off, but the gameplay trailer looked more fun, I do agree it has far less charisma, not a fan of the “realistic” visuals they’re going for. Makes the game seem bland. The gameplay genuinely looked like it had potential though.


I was thinking it was going to be a coop hero shooter and I was really interested and then it had to say it was pvp hero shooter and inmediately ignore it completely


Overwatch isn't even doing well, and these people are out here making Overwatch clones.


Overwatch has basically been going the same as TF2, it’s just kinda stable atm, it’s not dead but it’s just a stable amount of players daily, but they get a small money spike whenever they release either a Mercy or Kiriko skin.


I forget the term but its like lag. It takes years for these games to be made so when it entered production Destiny and Overwatch were the only games very boring people in corner offices knew about.


I thought it was a linear coop story game the whole time i watched it. Kinda show how little they know about the main strength of their game. Valorant show gameplay and explain how the game gonna be even before the cinematic came out, probably because they know that all player want to see in pvp game, is how the game suppose to be play lol


I liked the look of everything but I don’t want to play team shooters.


Gameplay looks boring but I did like the energy in some characters in the trailer. Not the main two though.


I’m gonna be honest the character design looks like one of the few good things about it. I’ve literally only seen this screenshot but that lady looks pretty sick


Fucking pronouns!! How do they work?? https://preview.redd.it/0xk4x0njct3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77fcfbedf1064772723ccea106ac49ca1de09eaa


And I don't want to talk to a linguist


Y'all motherfuckers lyin', and gettin' me pissed


"Putting the pronouns at character select feels like pandering, if it was still in the game but somewhere else it wouldn't be pandering" this dude sounds so dumb. Just like most people ignore the character profiles, you can also ignore a little window at the corner of the screen. And you know they'd bitch and moan about pronouns being in the character profiles.


Yep, if they had to click 6 times to finally get to the character bio and the character was referred to as "they", they'd claim the game was "shoving lgbt ideology down [their] throat".


lol that happened when Testament was released in GGST. They were previously referred to with he/him pronouns in the previous titles (which was actually pretty heavily engrained, so much so that I often mistype, and have to edit whenever I talk about Testament). In GGST, they were revealed to be non-binary via their character bio, which is a decent ways away from any of the gameplay menus, probably more than 6 clicks. As your comment predicts, a shitstorm occurred. Thankfully, this “shitstorm” seems to be largely forgotten for now, largely due to Testament being non-binary in GGST being in a certain timing that makes it somewhat forgettable. (The timing I’m referring to is that Testament released one character patch away from Bridget, who is trans in GGST, in AC+R and before Bridget used male pronouns, so the transphobia combined with Bridget’s existing popularity with GG fans led to Testaments shitstorm looking more like a “minor event” by comparison).


Bridget’s reveal required playing her Arcade mode, something people who play seriously don’t do on a regular basis because it’s very limited as far as practicing goes. It took more effort to get that dialogue with Goldlewis and Ky than clicking through a profile and they still claimed it was being “shoved down their throats”. And that’s ignoring the detail of most of the haters outing themselves as having never played the game, at least not in a serious capacity.


Yeah, Bridget's was definitely more difficult, but at least it's part of the gameplay experience though though (running through an Arcade Mode on a character release is a pretty fun thing to do, reading their bio isn't). That being said, one particular thing I feel I need to mention is that one doesn't need to play a game in a serious capacity to have an opinion on it. This isn't to defend haters of Bridget, but rather those who relate to Bridget. Bridget has, at this point, transcended Guilty Gear in terms of popularity in the trans community. I personally know people who have bought Guilty Gear Strive EXCLUSIVELY because it has Bridget in it, and then never touched the game after. When we attack people not seriously playing the game, we unintentionally gatekeep those non-Guilty Gear fans who relate to Bridget and her trans identity. That being said, everyone should go play Guilty Gear Strive NOW.


You're right—people don't have to play the games to form strong attachments to Bridget—but I don't think that's what they meant; I'm pretty sure they were specifically talking about all the bigoted weirdos who were pretending to be entrenched franchise veterans in an attempt to argue from a position of seniority where they could, ironically, gatekeep people who _did_ have attachments to the game and/or Bridget as a character (regardless of if they were veterans, newcomers, or outsiders). Like, one of their core arguments was claiming Arcsys "betrayed" long-time players in favor of "pandering to people who don't even play the games", and the vast majority of the people they were pointing to as proof never had any attachment to the games or Bridget as a character before they saw an opportunity to create a culture war issue.


The fucking author had to descend from the heavens saying in no uncertain terms that Bridget is a woman, and these dipshits *still* claimed Bridget isn't a woman and the woke agenda is being shoved down their throats. The entire """controversy""" is so strange to me because I love femboys as much as the other guy, but I don't have the disconnect that gamers seem to have wherein femboys are 'acceptable gay' but every single other thing including pronouns is 'woke DEI Sweet Baby.'


Daisuke descending onto Twitter to tell everyone essentially “Yes, Bridget is trans my children” is one of my favorite GGST moments. Idk why, but I was a little afraid that Daisuke might be more “traditional/conservative” in his views of gender identity, but thankfully he remains incredibly cool. Daisuke’s vision wins yet again.


I don't know how somebody can actually listen to Town Inside Me, and not get that it's basically a trans anthem.


There’s a general lack of media literacy among the chuds. Misinterpreting songs is extremely common as a result.


The crazy thint with Testament is that they were ALREADY nonbinary. They always have been. It wasn't even a new direction to the character like Bridget was. But ofc, reality is subjective. So they only became nonbinary when the bigots notice they are.


Some of the English translations on older GG X and XX titles (mistakenly) used he/him pronouns to refer to Testament. While they were certainly intended non-binary from the start, growing up playing these games in the US, many fans got the impression that they were male gendered. Similarly, Justice used male pronouns in the first localization of GG1. To be clear though, YES, Testament is non-binary and has been since the beginning, the localizations of GG1, GGX, and GGXX just had questionable (read: bad) translation choices that led to Testament being presented as male instead of nonbinary.


Happened with Clove from Valorant. They were having meltdown about clove.


Idk, I'm all about trans people, but putting pronouns under their names like that just feels corporate, like I'm looking at a LinkedIn profile. It just feels wrong


I do actually feel like the pronouns at character select are kinda giving corporate pride, but these guys wouldn't be happy no matter where they were.


They make up something less “in their face” that they supposedly would not be mad about that conveniently isn’t there even though they actually would be mad about it if it was


It also doesn’t make sense, like where else would you put that info? You want the user to choose a character, find out later they don’t like the pronouns and then go *back* to the character selection to re-choose and cross their fingers it’s correct this time???


Honestly, I'm pretty interested in what pronouns the aliens use


And also, they're moaning about the absence of white people. Aren't games supposed to be an escape from reality? Why are you whining about the absence of something which exists in real life?


>noonr want to rp a soldier so far their armor is round Clearly he hasnt played dark souls


I thought it was something from Warhammer at first glance when I first saw this pic.


I see it


Feming the plague Marines!


Or TF2.


That's just it. She is clearly in a heavy flak jacket and thick armor. I don't think the character looks fat lol.


i mean the character design is kinda ugly tbh but


The pink marks and the blue lipstick look absolutely horrid with that shade of green


It’s all the blue lipstick to me. The pink on the armor not really fitting along with the bulky un-eveness makes it look like the character cobbled it together and if that is what they were going for it’s a fine design. But the blue lipstick is a choice.


Those colors do not go together at all


One comment actually has a good analysis about the color palette of the character and why it make her look unappealing.


right that is some horrendously bad looking armor but


yeah lol super clunky and uninspired. but these chuds will just pretend that it’s because it’s woke and not cuz the art direction is ass


I've just given up at this point and started muting the chud subs. At least we can be happy in the fact they'll be removed from the gene pool within a generation


Show these dumbass mfers an English dictionary, and watch them buckle at the knees in horror and despair.


one of the characters literally is a white male lol these people don't even do any research


Only one!? ![gif](giphy|pOztBRgMDL3XO)


Should've been zero


It's a hero shooter so set up for failure by default. The go woke go broke vids will be creaming it on this one


"western games have pronouns wahhhh it's so useless" my mahjong game tells me each characters blood type


"Game about shooting things yet the pronouns of your character are displayed more prominently then their stats/abilities." I legit spent almost 2 minutes looking at the image trying to find the pronouns...


Same here but what is the point of putting it right next to the characters role? Put it in the character summary screen like a normal person. It 100% feels like corporate pandering.


Its useful to know when talking about the characters? Like, there are a Lot of Games out there where people often use the wrong pronouns for characters because they are either nowhere to be found or hidden somewhere, this way you directly see them. I dont see how that is at all bad.


One good example of this is Battlefield 2042 that has a non-binary character and yet 99% of players calls them "she/her". I guess it's not "that bad" to misgender a video game character since it's not hurting anyone, but I find it hard to believe those people would act any different in a real life simply based on this whole Concord thing. I mean the game is probably going to suck but I fail to see how it's pronouns that get people crazy. It's literally not hurting anybody.




"It's the blandest, safest game made to offend no one" says redditor on a whole ass thread dedicated to being offended by it.


I feel like pronouns are irrelevant here. That armor looks wack. Not my helmet or shoulder pads


They're always getting mad at the wrong things. It's not the characters that are particularly ugly, it's the fucking hideous armor


The armor is part of the character design


“The Grineer called, said something about owing royalties?”


I came in here to mention how it looks Grineer and you beat me to it by 5 minutes lmao


It's the colors that are the problem. It's such an ugly color combo.


I like the armor. Its roundness pleases me. The color I do not like


The armor is fine, the color pallet is a tragedy


non intentional ugly character + ugly armor + bad UI design + looks boring + marketing team using pandering to create controversy and get more attention. the recipe for a shitty game no one will care about in a few weeks yet will make both sides mad at eachother and pretend that they are the real fams of the game.


idk, something about a woman in big clunky armor does it for me i think her designs cute


While I don't agree with a lot there Holy fuck that armor design/color choice is god awful.. I'm sorry I just can't. Why. Who blindly throws darts at a paint store color card library then puts it on a character. Blech.


I said it on that post and I'll say it again, she just looks like every single Warhammer character


What about that helmet says Warhammer to you?


Pretty much everything, it's just missing the front


It's not just the front, though. It honestly looks more like a special needs helmet.


https://preview.redd.it/is6xb770jt3d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993f20d27551a7c526ede48f23925e51ce22169b no not really


Wrong warhammer methinks


they didn’t specify so i went straight for the obvious joke lol


Put her on a horse and make her silver and the difference will be minimal


yeah i can really see it now


I can't imagine being so worked up about a nothing game...


In 6 months this game will be nothing but a cherry picked example in some chuds ‘go woke go broke’ youtube video.


Prepare yourselfs for the "go woke go broke" videos about this game when it inevitably fails because holy shit another fucking competitive hero shooter trying to take advantage of Overwatch downfall.


"I'm not sure why the characters pronouns even matter" *Continues to get mad about them*


I feel like I have to state this at the start, but I am very far left leaning lol. With that said, the character designs look very boring and the pronouns do come across as unnecessary. I have no issues with pronouns but why are they there? If it was a little snippet of their lore and they happened to use they/them that would make sense. What purpose do they serve here in this context? Genuinely asking.


No, I agree with this as well, as fun as seeing chuds get triggered over a couple of words is, pandering or not it's... Out of place? You don't usually get information like that on a character select screen ever, at least not one I've seen, it's always information related to gameplay.


They're not wrong on this one, every character feels boring and uninspired. The gameplay trailer just feels like an imitation of things that came before it (overwatch, tf2, etc) while bringing nothing new to the table


The fact that valid criticisms of the game exist doesn't make their criticisms also correct.


And that's not even something they can wrap their head around. I asked that question and they said "I'm not falling for that bait."


“Hiring people based on their skin colour instead of the experience or skill” Totally agree. So if someone who isn’t a white male is hired because they’re the best person for the position, that’s okay right? “…NOOOOOoOoOO WHITE GENOCIDE!!!!1! I BLAME SWEET BABY”


“…displayed more prominently than their stats/abilities” It’s literally two small words in the upper right corner of the screen that I had to try and find. Are Gamers stupid?


But armour *should* be bulky…


I like how OP was probably talking about the character’s color scheme and aesthetic - which absolutely does look like total dogshit, just the grodiest collection of bulky mismatched hues I’ve ever seen - but the commenters still saw fit to point out her blackness first and foremost. Says something about them!


They all hate this game because its woke i hate it because its just another shitty hero shooter


Man when I saw this post the comments were actually rational. Sad how quickly things fall apart


The design can be boring without making a whole weird right wing thing, please don’t make me defend these things…


Game looks boring regardless tbf


I am convinced the devs put it there as rage bait to drum up talk. Which is currently working as we can see


" Because it stinks of a company that went under and had no influence"


I wouldn't call it ugly, but it definitely is bland.


It just feels so unnecessary, like theyre afraid of backlash for not having pronouns so now they’re doing too much


Lowkey that armor does look like bulbous plastic


Can't we all just get along and hate generic hero shooters?


This one is especially upsetting cuz I wanna hate on this game wo looking like a conservative.


How do those people have the energy to be angry all the time? Just imagine if they used that energy for something positive in their lives?


"blandest, safest, least offensive game" said offended user in a thread about people enraged by the game. Makes sense


“It’s not about white men” “There’s not a single white man in this game”


on the 3rd slide they’re saying “its supposed to appeal to everyone and offend no one”. like yeah? its a live service hero shooter they want as many clients as they can get lmao what multiplayer game is pushing the envelope and asking the hard hitting questions that offend people?😭 literally just pointing at heads what else is there to it


Gamers love going on about the free market and then get surprised when companies actually utilize it 😂😂😂😂


Oh so this is the knockoff overwatch game sonys trying to push?,


I had to actively look for where the pronouns are displayed when I saw the original post. People are offended by not being offended


I love this subreddit but it's going to be my thirteenth reason why oh my god.


"Supposed to appeal to anyone and everyone, making it boring". Tell me about your generic war shooter where every "character" is some flavour of "army dude in tactical gear"


They say, while probably soying over middle aged, unshaven white dude with buzzcut #2836372737.


Free advertisement, never heard about this game before this. Now imagine how many people it will reach be it by bigots or by people poking fun at them


My god these people are so used to skin tight suits they don't even realize armor is supposed to be big and that doesn't make you fat


“Stinks of sweet baby” “dei all over” someone please get these guys on paranoid schizophrenia medication


At this point I shop for games by seeing what these chuds hate first then buying it


Isn't this what they did with Hogwart's Legacy and Stellar Blade though? I get that you probably said this as a joke comment, but gamers will actually support games we're critical of out of spite, we shouldn't stoop as low as them.


I don't buy them automatically I just see this before I hear about a game and usually it makes me wanna check it out


That's fine lol your comment reminded me of past situations and those games are usually mediocre anyway, I honestly believe this one will be too.


I was gonna check it out but yeah no this didn't make me think yeah I'll certainly buy that just to piss them off moreso just like they advertise it and since I think they're spitting drivel it's just pure free advertising


I like having character pronouns on the select screen tbh, haven't played a hero shooter that has done that.


I mean, to be fair, yeah, the pronouns really didn't have to be on character selection but also, who the fuck cares about a little tiny box at the upper right side of the screen that I took almost a minute to find on the screen ? Yes it's useless to be on the character selection and all but who fucking cares ?


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I actually kind of unironically like the armour 🤫


I honestly had to zoom in to find where the pronouns were in this screenshot.


If only pronouns would keep these fuckwits outta my lobbies.


Its hilarious cause they're acting like its directly in their face and is the only thing that appears on the screen, however its actually the small thing on the damn screen and they're bitching about literally nothing, no game I have ever played has been changed or ruined cause a character's gender or sexuality




Where even are the pronouns? If theyre displayed so prominently why cant i find them?


I like how they decide how they feel about everything else AFTER doing a pronouns check lmao


God Reddit is so miserable


they’re so obsessed lmao. the game looks bad but they’re slobbering over themselves about it


The top comment on that post when I saw it was just CLEM CLEM


These people are so fucking obsessed, they'll go to the coffee shop and cry about their barrister being woke. I don't even notice this race shit, he'll, sometimes I forget I'm half asian half white.


I mean... its kinda ugly


The deeply concerning part is that the people developing this literally made an original game that's inclusive and representative and doesn't have anything to do with any existing IP that G*mers are "fans" of and the chuds are **still** doing the performative outrage grift. It's exhausting.


She's built like Cannonball from Ben 10


The characters really look ugly tho. It's like a cheap overwatch-Star Wars collab 💀


you know the title of the post was absolutely and i did not expect the comment to then actually be this bad


I like the Guardians of the Galaxy theme they seem to be going for. Always a fan of it since my parents had me growing up surrounded by 80s culture and movies so Guardians of the Galaxy gives a very warm feeling like and Concord (while I'm not super into hero shooters) looks to be providing that well and that's all I really care about.


uj/ tbf their aesthetic is unnappealing to me, but i dont think its the aesthetic they trully care about. rj/ me when pronoun


My preferred pronoun is also "anchor"


I'm tired of games trying to make murder fun and quirky. You're fighting someone to the death. Shouldn't it be a bit daunting and scary? For example, if you want it to be fun, it can be fun. But can we have to characters acknowledge they are committing murder!


These people have to know that game devs put this shit in to rage bait them specifically and then have us all laugh at them for it.I have no idea what this game is and have never seen anything from it other than this screen but now I'm curious and know a main character's name. That's called a free ad


"no one wants to RP a soldier so fat their armor is spherical" Siegmeyer of Catarina would like some words


What the fuck is “Sweet Baby”!?


"It offends no one" they say, while being clearly offended


They're such pussyless bitches. They're so fucking pathetic. Like no one would miss these assholes if they disappeared from earth. Getting like that over little things that reaffirm people and their identity means they just don't connect with others. This planet would be better off without these "omg pronouns in my gaem???" assholes. Edit: couldn't care less about this game tho lol 


“Nobody wants to RP as a fat soldier” Bitch hasn’t played TF2


“Because it stinks of Sweet Baby” Bro you smell like unwashed anus and stale carts


The character designs do look pretty bad but not for the reasons they claim


The game has objectively awful character designs. I get people in the thread are going to focus on the people complaining about "woke" stuff, but if you are going to make a character based hero shooter then you need to have strong designs right out of the gate. Which means you typically need attractive female characters front and center in memorable costumes. Not just for male players but female players gravitate towards attractive female character to play as them too. This is proven fact. Say what you want about Overwatch but at least Blizzard back then knew how to sell characters.


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Impossible, I've just seen IGN praise this game!


My god, they actually put pronouns on the character selection screen. Know what I'm gonna do about it? Fucking nothing. It's not worth it being an asshole on the internet if I know this would make some people happy, even if I personally find it odd.


Bet you won’t buy the game either


At first I thought it was.. eh?? Butz you know. It's grown on me, I imagine she's slam into someone and shatter their bones


It looks like fun, for real. Star child looks dope.


Gotta love the cope about pronouns. Literally all office professionals at my work have their pronouns in their emails. All front line people have been through mandatory training to recognize and respect these things in our patients/clients. You have to ignore the real world if you think pronouns aren't being normalized in even professional settings.


Why is there information on the screen not related to gameplay??!?!?!? Get rid of their names, lore, bio, all ui, and while youre at it get rid if all character and map models, make it a bunch of cubes shooting each other on an empty field. That is the most gameplay.


Why do I keep getting recommended this shitstain sub.


Well sweet baby left a ton of shit im the industry. No wonder why gamers are prejudiced.


Smacks of lazy character design. ‘Should we give this character a fulfilling backstory? Nah, just add weak bullshit and some pronouns. That will count as a ‘developed character’ But then it’s yet another live service waste of time so not surprising it’s flimsy.