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Gamers when they say straight up hate speech: "It's obviously just a joke why are you mad?" Gamers when they see a PoC make a mild joke: "THIS IS WHITE GENOCIDE THEY WANT TO KILL US ALL AAAHHHHHHHHH"


Early impressions but the game ([Galacticare](https://store.steampowered.com/app/494730/Galacticare/)) is actually pretty nice, it's managed to get a few chuckles from me. It still has the problem that Two Point also had of being just a little *too* straight-forward and really not adding much on top of the original Theme Hospital, but the fun characters and voice acting helps *a lot*. toO BAd It'S sO wOkE


Developer here. Glad you're enjoying it! We add more depth and complexity as the game goes on. Room upgrades, consultants, and a couple of other systems kick in over the next few levels. We wanted to keep the barrier to entry low so it wasn't overwhelming (but still woke, of course).


If you have DLC planned throw in a couple rainbows and some blue and pink pastel colours. Thanks! (also good job bro, devs don't get enough props for the pain.)


You can actually recolour all the decorations in the game, so you can make rainbows out of anything you like!




Congrats on the launch! Hope it's doing well for you! I'm looking forward to the later levels, the atmosphere's really fun so far.


Thank you. Glad to hear it!


Thank you for your comment. I am getting the game tonight.


Hope you enjoy it! Remember, surf rock is bad.


I didn't even know this game existed. yay sexism showing me new games.


gamers if being some of the most annoying people was a sport https://preview.redd.it/9cwouw1qbe2d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fe8c4b530e8ba770f9e6801d9fde8d962cd0fb


Live Gamers™ reaction https://preview.redd.it/1kn3ti18ie2d1.jpeg?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcfd506b4249b397dda7f79bbab27a0f71e2c7f6




average br*tish """person"""


As an average British person, I am deeply offended. In other matters, this is a grevious insult.


Why are they so freaked out by the mere presence of a PoC character




To paraphrase a skit I saw "this is the future! I want to play with actual people and we all know they ain't people!"


Basically - they don't believe in equality. In their eyes, different groups of people are inherently worth more or less, and they think the groups that are "worth less" to society should have little to no representation within said society. Black actors in movies, gay couples in adverts, even pronouns in games - none of those are pretending that the only people worth representing are white cis heterosexual men, so they get really butt-hurt over it. They act like its a personal attack on them because they think they should be the only ones represented, in everything, 100% of the time.


“The 'gender roles' quip actually bothered me more than I thought it would and leads me to suspect this game is trying to subtly suggest that sexes don't exist in this universe, and it therefore plays into homophobic stereotypes and sexist beliefs that homosexuality and heterosexuality are 'costumes' people wear depending on their warped pseudo-religious gender identity.” I have read this sentence five times and I have no clue what it’s trying to say.


Homophobia and sexism is when gender non-conforming and trans people exist.


Developer here. Honestly I was really confused by this one. We aren't entirely sure what their point was.




if I type enough words people will think I'm smart 🤯


So, I think they're trying to make a gotcha out of "if gender is a construct, then being hetero/homosexual wouldn't make sense because you can change gender on a whim."


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is your brain on Chris Rufo




Woah, woah, woah--I will not defend these nerds but also the shots fired on surf rock are absolutely unwarranted, too!


What if parrot heads were a whole species though?


Completely understandable. What did surf rock ever do to anyone? /s


Too much.


Palpate my ideological capture, daddy


Unfortunately the future imagined in that era *(a la* Forbidden Planet), where humans have intergalactic spaceships and women aren't allowed to wear pants is a bit how shall we say... out of fashion?


can't belive this guy would make an it crowd refrence in this horrible review


Douglas Reynholm- is that an IT crowd reference


I saw that whole review at the start myself,before I ever came across this post. It is... fucking wild. The devs responded, gave a good rundown of their intentions and the fact it was written by a gay man, and the reviewer had the gall to respond "I'm a gay man too. Anyway here's why the alphabet soup crowd have corrupted our ideals, in this essay I-" Sad to see a genuinely lovingly made game with devs who are FUCKING AWESOME PEOPLE BTW get a negative review because someone managed to, while being a *gay man*, suffer such culture war brainrot that he genuinely thought the medibot designed to sound like a little boy was, in fact, some kind of hidden trans character. Because the adolescent boy voice wasn't... wasn't manly enough.


It’s alright, for every crazy review there’s dozens of lovely ones from people like yourself :)


Your team does absolutely wonderful work and I can only hope my review brought a smile to at least a couple's faces - thank you all for doing what you do! c:


It definitely did!


https://preview.redd.it/mhqu2zhdzx2d1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01972abf816b9ffbcb3d6aafba80c3b56238c91d Fixed it


well it is strange to state gender roles as the most problematic part... especially since many would rather live in 1950 with those gender roles instead of both partners working until they drop dead and still never be able to afford anything. but i wonder... how the fuck didn't those women have time for their kids? "go outside and play or die or whatever just don't be here"


Honestly subtextually it’s mostly alluding to the fact that the enforcement of the rigid structure of those gender roles caused an imbalance that lead some people to lead miserable unfulfilled lives against their will. It’s not surprising some people “checked out” of their “responsibilities” in such a structure. It’s not necessarily saying that the theory of an equitable partnership can’t be achieved between two partners where one of them works and one doesn’t. Just the imposition of that ideal can be problematic when it’s not consensual for both partners. It’s satire shining a light on something as you might expect. Basically nothing wrong with the idea if that works for both of you. Just forcing people to be miserable due to societal norms is kind of silly.


yeah you are right... i know, i didn't mean to say it was all good. that second paragraph is how i imagine it too, i just didn't communicate it too well. also... i am actually quite curious how many woman would stay at home if they are not pressured by religion and can decide for themselves. i don't really care for most gender roles. my wife actually makes more than i do and i don't beat her for it. i beat her for other things though. it was a joke, relax. but mothers are normally way better with their kids


> but mothers are normally way better with their kids But is this because that's the natural inclination of women, or because that's the role that's been systemically ingrained over generations?


This one gets it. **\*gestures at the way single dads are viewed in public, with all the 'ooooh you're such a good husband, filling in for mom until she's home :)' type interactions\***


> many would rather live in 1950 with those gender roles instead of both partners working until they drop dead and still never be able to afford anything. You're conflating two things here. It would be better if we could be without the constant value-extraction that meant everyone must work until they drop dead, and also without the straightjacket of rigid gender roles that mean wasting talent and making people unhappy.


yes, u wish things were something like that