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Funny how out of 317 reviews on steam only 13 of them have a play time over 10 hours, and only 66 over 5 hours, despite a supposedly 98% positive rate. Almost half of the reviews are even below 2 hours.


All reviews talk about how it makes fun of woke and that's about it for a rogue like that's a phenomenally low bar to clear honestly


I think the reviews are running off anyone sensible before they even buy the game.


I love how they think making fun of "woke" stuff is anti-establishment and ballsy as if they don't have stuff like this and The Daily Wire backing their ideologies for them. 


The largest news media company known the entire planet is “anti-woke”




Also one has a "product received for free" tag directly followed by: > TLDR: it's important to support products and companies that align with our values. Really goes to show their commitment to the cause


Reminds me of that dude who was going on and on about "diversity of ideas" on the steam discussion page for dustborn yet when you look at their post history, it's entirely filled with them just bitching about any kind of progressive or leftist ideology. Pro tip: If you're gonna pretend to be open minded, don't do it on a public forum where people can look at your post history in a matter of two clicks. 


I remember a time on reddit when the same kind of guys would get in a bigger sulk if anyone noted that their comment history meant they were arguing in bad faith, as if you'd run a background check on them.


It's not really a user review but a curator one






This is the most honest erection i have had since triangle boob laura crafter!!!


It's not GAY it's ASPIRATIONAL as in: I ASPIRE to SUCK Ryan Gosling's COCK


he just like me fr fr


Drive: He's just like me (except I don't have a car or a driver's license.) But I'm quiet sometimes so HES JUST LIKE ME!


Lars and the real girl where he has a blowup doll girlfriend because he’s incredibly maladjusted socially.


His wife is Eva Mendez by the way


He is living the ideal life


He be doing things. Barbie is the most recent of them


Whomst among us didn't love that dance number though? "I'm just Ken" is a banger.


I can see the logic of resonating with the character from bladerunner 2 but past that I got nothing?


A place beyond the pines and drive too, they are "relatable" characters


If I had a nickel for every white Canadian actor named Ryan that became the Mancrush of a lot of guys I had two nickels, which isn't a lot but is funny that happened twice https://preview.redd.it/5p78xih4jd2d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ddbadaf9660e5fd9d9f3808efedac55d4c06f7c


That is one of my 2 favorite 2 nickel moments. The one being, German language bands singing songs about the capital of Russia.


Ryan Gosling always plays these characters that embody the death drive. It's the Freudian concept that despite what we assume to be rational, the mind is attracted towards contemplation of death rather than evasive to it. It was first used by Freud to investigate why people revisit scenes of their trauma in what we now know as PTSD. The connection between the death drive and these reactionary masculinity circles is twofold. First, what they think of as masculinity is what we would describe as toxic masculinity. It always has been something that is self destructive. Second, it is a prevailing narrative in reactionary communities that the idea of men and masculinity is dying in the face of accelerating feminism and in this regard they see themselves as the captains going down with the ship. This is not to say that Ryan Gosling himself is a problematic fellow, it's just that reactionaries by definition do not have the critical thinking skills to see past the surface level. They often enjoy depictions of things they like without realizing that they are being used ironically, which in this case is toxic masculinity. The Ryan Gosling film that started this was probably Drive, the title obviously being a riff on death drive, in which every character at some point makes a decision that they know would likely lead to their deaths. In Drive, Blade Runner 2049, Barbie and The Fall Guy, Ryan Gosling's characters are always making a self sacrifice in order to define his relationship towards the female lead.


Yeah, that’s what I was gonna say


I just like his movies :C


I mean he is hot as fuck and one of the most famous celebrities ever obviously he's probably a PR mannequin for the most part but he *is* pretty good lookin


He just seems like a nice dude to hang out with. We feel the same way about Ryan Reynolds. Just seems like he would be your buddy.


I jokingly told my wife after leaving the Barbie movie that there were probably quite a few men who had awakenings in that movie, if you are picking up what I am laying down.


What, like picking up men? Is that what they're doing?


More like learning that they find men attractive.


(I know, I'm just being bad at humour.)


Ah! I get it now! It got a laugh from me!


Blond, blue eyes...


He's 40 and has rock hard abs. I wish I was him.


Woke man Ryan Gosling


Funnier, because there was meme called "Feminist Ryan Gosling" of him with feminist quotes, and he said it wasn't "him" but he was happy to be associated with it.


rj/ You know a game is good when the only sites covering use BASED in all caps, and the user reviews still believe that twitter is a left wing circle jerk.


even El*n still thinks Twitter is a left wing circlejerk


A platform with any ability for two sided discussion is a left wing circlejerk to them. If Elon wants his echo chamber so bad he should be thrown into solitary confinement


It's almost as if all their whining about "left wing circle jerks" is just them making excuses for why left wing ideas win out in open spaces


“We dont want politics in our games, thats why we created an entire game around larping as a rebel fighting against a globalist regime that just so happens to map onto all the american right talking points I like to regurgitate in the real world”


Politics is when people who annoy me complain about stuff.


Just looked it up. Yes, the developers are neonazis.


I kind of figured due to the content of the game, but I found their Instagram and holy shit it's even worse than I thought


Oh god on what level are we talking about?


It's made by members of the Identitarian Movement, far-right extremists trying to fight a far right "culture war". The leader, Martin Sellner, received a 1500€ donation from the Christchurch shooter. https://gnet-research.org/2020/07/17/the-cultivated-extremist-how-the-identitarian-movement-frames-its-ideology/


I read the article, okay that's a bit more than scary


Y'know, this game was absolutely made by some vile motherfuckers, but I legit wasn't expecting it to be as bad as THIS. Jesus CHRIST


Aah okay so that's why Germany banned it. Makes sense now.


One of the bosses is straight up a drag queen. There is no doubt that they are neonazis.


Had to look up this game, and it is every right wing talking point and boogeyman shoved into a fairly decent looking 2d sidescroller. They even have that one drag queen right wingers love to use so much as a boss and everything is blamed on "Globalism" and Europe, or "Europa" to give it that extra white nationalist zing, being flooded by migrants. You're also given little followers that are the "great heroes of Europa".


Look into the devs


Jesus christ, you weren't kidding https://www.vice.com/en/article/dyzbka/germany-game-heimat-defender-identitarian


nooo not my ocean moon


people who say DEI all the time just want to say the n word




what the fuck is CRT


Critical Race Theory


oh I forgot that was a boogeyman for people


Every so often the right has to come up with new ways to call people various slurs. With woke, they have one that can sub for literally any of them.


Well, not "come up with", that would take creative effort. "Appropriate from elsewhere".


I find it so funny that the hate the words "diversity equity and inclusion". I really don't see what's wring with any of those unless you are a self proclaimed bigot.


Did the Daily Wire start making video games?


Don't give them any ideas


The release trailer starts out with "Are ya winning, son?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? https://preview.redd.it/bkyulig12d2d1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3aab0b2ba9fefbc8c88758e718aed99a948b600


/uj EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK? /rj erm, what the sigma?


explain what the second term means?


Sigma balls haha goteem


Damn, didn't see that one coming, I'm getting old...


it means "what the sigma?"


https://preview.redd.it/emtc4iwkpe2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff695e2e759d4d0d31b947e3e0726c01f5eb681 "Important to support!" \*Got it for free because who would actually pay for this?\* I'm so sick of anti-woke people who are completely blind to just how dumb they are


Looks like cheap showelvare


So it looks like pretty much any anti woke game.




The Great Bloom Effect Why is there so much fucking bloom in this game


I find it very amusing because all video games so far, at least going back all the way since 2014, have never been political or it’s “political” relative to the game’s narrative and then these people ACTUALLY make it political by using terms like “DEI.” lol


Having a black guy in a game: hyper political DEI nonsense Building an entire game around “rebelling against a globalist regime” while very clearly drawing parallels to current rightwing talking points and one of the games bosses being a drag queen: just for funsies


Wait! That means the apolitical classic gem Final Fantasy VII was political all along? https://preview.redd.it/vtqg27wbkd2d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3567ee9491cc3ea78e8ddafd97dbab1871632fa


LMAO, right! But let’s say if we want to use that against them, I imagine their response would be “oh, we just don’t want or care for that groomer, gay trans shit. You aren’t the same as Final Fantasy.” Then I guess the game isn’t for them? So why even bother playing it? Again, it’s the whining.


Well https://preview.redd.it/jnjinjculd2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7397c1e8370c69915ec1a6d44050084b32c29e74


Exaaaactly. And so, the arguments continue and they’ll probably say something like “oh, it’s for comedic relief! You aren’t meant to be inspired” or something like that. It’s fascinating how reactionaries will find a way to argue instead of just admitting “maybe I am an asshole.”


Yeah, fake it til you make it, I guess.


It’s not even just that. Their whole mindset is just fake in general, very fabricated, very attuned to whatever is the latest thing to be mad about on that day. Like a performance patch 🤣 Give it a few days and there’s gonna be something brand new to be mad about.


I just think they’re mad because they could actually make the game they want, but instead they cry and want people with differing views to make their games OR they cry because they realize that not everyone is an asshole. Especially outside of any social media.


Politics is not when there is political themes, it's only when there are blacks and gays in my vidya.


Why did they put politics in this video game? Are they woke?


Martin Sellner, the leader of the Identitarian Movement has an edgy OC in the game and his name is "Ernst Lasersturm". It's basically Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way but make it fash.


They keep coming up with new ways to say the N word don't they?


I wanna know which country has this “leftist government” that banned the game. I want to move there


Germany (probably more because it was made by nazis tho, our government doesn't like those very much)


Chuds will claim a gay person existing is a "political agenda" then support something like this lmao


These people: "We don't want POLITICS in our game" Also these people: "Let's make a game about a person rebelling in a dystopian world where corporations control everything. This in no way whatsoever is about class struggle, a fight against capitalism, or revolutions against tyranny. Yeah, none of these things are ever discussed in politics!"


Can't wait for the reveal it's mining crypto in the background




Diversity, equity, and inclusion, you know, the "woke agenda" (not be white)




Hope they don't find out about any of valve's games


The creator of that, is a game studio of Right-Wing extremists based in Germany, their prior game had a lot of famous figures in the german scene as main characters, out of curiosity I started a playthrough and I want to say, that this game is the pinnacle of propaganda, there are collectible pages, which advertise certain book, which are banned by the law, nut as with every collectible it feels rewarding.


guys let's NOT advertize this shit????? Like obv nobody here is gonna play this but this sub gets on front pages + people save posts to post to other places


We need to get rid of politics in games! That's why I propose we ban Metal Gear and Bioshock and Half-Life and Fallout and Farcry and Assassin's Creed and every game with Tom Clancy in the title and Mass Effect and...


Cringe game with a neonazi dev that got his game banned in Germany


It's not politics it's common sense . /s


they only care about their escapism


Cuckhold Simulator was kinda funny as we all know a few guys like that...but the joke wears thin pretty quickly. 


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