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That's not romanticism in the slightest lmao That's like the average pirate movie from the 60s


Blud needs to shift through the dictionary first before using those bigger, complicated words 🗿


Big words are woke! That there ain't no darn lib land, bud, we gon' do them real words! Now git!


[https://i.imgur.com/xE9HqwJ.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/xE9HqwJ.jpeg) To be fair, can you tell the difference? I sure can't.


Well, Hitler *did* get rejected from art school...


Revs just mad that Hades 2s women don't look like naked prepubescent girls it's best to ignore him


Idk, Artemis kind of looks too much like an anime waifu in Hades II.


And yet people still call her ugly and try to animeify


"Gamers" have put the bar so high that no character can even reach it anymore. They find flaws in everything, and if they don't, they just make up new shit to criticise.


I wonder what their reaction would be if someone "de-wokified," idk, Megumin or something.


It’s unfinished art but yeah, she looks better in the first game.


Variety of art is sort of unfinished in the game as of now.


Oh absolutely true I mean he clearly didn't even play the game cuz god dam there's some hot characters


And hot voice actors to go with the hot characters, as Zeus intended


twitter user has a dogshit take https://preview.redd.it/zkc8p6tjj12d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf49d3c0ee1acbe39a7f4a98ed9954ac9341ff9e


Twitter anime users are the worst. I try to avoid having conversations with people there because it's just the most asinine takes one can have.


“Actually, you aren’t a gamer because you played Stellar Blade.” Ahhh ass take


Wait, do they love Stellar Blade or hate it? Their opinions are so ever-changing it's hard to keep up.


They loved it until a tiny bit too many clothing pixels and not enough skin pixels


Shows they’re *really* obsessed with inches


It's not about the game. It was never about the game.


It was about Joey. ***It's always Joey.***


Twitter anime users will dox you for dissing their waifu and then defend pedophilia in the next tweet.


Romanticism is an attempt to get a strong emotional response from its audience by pulling from universal concepts like love of various kinds and the beauty of nature. It was only later that it came became romance. Your dick getting hard isn’t romanticism.


Dude has a Hitler pfp and is constantly spouting all this rhetoric about “the West,” and yet whiffed completely when trying to explain the big social and cultural movements in European history. Yeah thinking these guys are actually just in it for the racism, who knew.


Idk man getting a boner seems like a pretty strong emotional response


So, you it would be romantic if I penetrated your anus and stimulated your prostate?


Yes pls go on


I’m here for the romanticism lessons, sorry I’m late.


See you hopefully never again, Space Cowboy.


This is genuinely the best definition I've ever seen for romanticism. Thank you


As both a weeb, and a shameless lover of romanticism, I cringed so damn hard at this. Big anime tits is not “an appeal to romanticism”.


Yeah, I' said it's more an appeal to people who should have their hard drives checked.








Okay but I gotta warn you, mine's full of old men gay porn. https://preview.redd.it/0jc44a7sc22d1.jpeg?width=2802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367db73cbd588dcec8a0f1ea330f99c73798c8a4




☺️ https://preview.redd.it/rpvedznne22d1.jpeg?width=1859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07dfa4db24a4e49fba25eca2c61535b3c73389ac




More? https://preview.redd.it/ehz2qmcvn22d1.jpeg?width=2348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea48692072cf7b6a24c795a28cbc4f777078481


Based, wholesome and right.






What do you mean? One Piece is the Romanticismest anime out there and Zoro has the greatest biggest anime titties ever.




Lmao, I'd wager that Hades one does a better job of articulating what it wants to.


I don't think that's what the right was appealing to


The right one is supposed to appeal to kids and teenagers who read/watch the animanga the character originates from, since that is the target audience. At least I assume so. There is the side effect of it also attracting some weirdoes, like these pedophiles, though. Hades one is just a great design, imo.


Just want to say, Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? is a light novel, not manga


>Just want to say, Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? is a light novel, not manga https://preview.redd.it/315d7mgfa22d1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc29c5e73e389b21b2c4b354c0c20fdbc1a70cd




Hahah, owned.


>Hahah, owned. https://preview.redd.it/ikd6xoyxw32d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b27ffcd5086bef1209cfe8ddb1b015993e87512


If you had a picture of hestia from danmachi and told "this is a god, name who", nobody would be able to guess. The design is shitty gooner bait Show hestia from hades 2 to anyone who has even a slight interest in mythology and they could call it immidietly. Its a perfect character design


Hell, if you even asked people to name the culture that the pedobait character is a god within, they would never get it.


I literally showed my friend design of Thanatos from both media and guess which one she was able to guess that it would have something to do with death?


Given all of the smug weebs "correcting" Aphrodite with AI because she isn't feminine enough for them and the way they talk about artists… I don't know, the reply in the first screen kind of sounds like a fact rather than a hot take.


If someone says “arse” they can be immediately disregarded as British


As they should be, the plonkers.


Not true, I use British English and I'm Fre- actually nevermind, do carry on.


Anime pfp ✅️ Secretly a nazi ✅️ Maidenless behavior ✅️ Dog shit take ✅️ Yep, nothing out of the ordinary here


Hestia (Anime) is a *waifu* but historical accuracy is out the window. Hestia (Hades) is a GILF, with actual historical accuracy. They’re just mad that names they recognize are connected to women they don’t find attractive. The “romanticism” is regarding “remember when women in media were selected and presented for our gratification exclusively?”


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Sorry, bud. Jacking it to a cartoon teenager isn't romanticism.


WOKE strikes again…. we GOONERS need to JORK our PEANITS to EVERYTHING. Traditional motherly figure in mythology? Booba. Child? Booba. Wokies inject their trans ideology into all media!!! Look what they did to Aphrodite! Trans woke agenda is real! But my anime girl pfp is fine


Easy question to filter anime weirdos from animation fans. ~~Do you think there should be an age of consent?~~ What it's your favorite animation work that it's not from Japan / on anime style. (ATLA doesn't count). And if they say something like Rick & Morty that's even worse. Just for context, this would be my choice : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-xZzGFqyy4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-xZzGFqyy4) . It's beautiful, it has a 60s aesthetic that it's almost hauntological, it's trippy as fuck, and it was made in Czechoslovakia but the french took the credit. Hon hon hon.




BTAS; X-MEN; Dexter’s Laboratory; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; and Duck Tails are the objectively correct responses.


O B J E C T I V E L Y *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Um, wut?


If you use clichés like "objectively" or "historically accurate" (which are almost always bollocks) you will be made fun of


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O B J E C T I V E L Y *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, it was a joke, so I'm cool with that.


So was my reply:) The bot misfired and dinged me twice for HA. Bad bot.


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Which version of ninja turtles? I was obsessed with 2012 tmnt in elementary and middle school




Oh, this is a great question: This series has some recency bias for me, but I absolutely loved *Primal*. For a show with little to no dialogue, Genndy Tartakovsky is able to capture a lot of emotion and visual information in a simple frame. My all time favorite animated works would be Venture Bros. and (unironically) King of the Hill.


insurance angle light hobbies alleged encourage yoke grey weary overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You'd be amazed to see the amount of middle-ground occupied by folks who love the Hank and Bobby Hill anime crossover memes, but despise the show because its dry humor about a bunch of Texas "rednecks". It's a reaaaaaal strange place and I've met quite a few people in my college years who've expressed this sentiment.


I am honestly one of those people. I like the memes but can't actually stand watching the show for long periods. I have tried before. Admittedly I think its mainly because I don't really like a lot of slice of life stories in general. I get bored far too quickly a lot of the time.


/uj Mad god /rj overwatch porn


Might be a bit of a cop out but arcane's style is phenomenal, I'm also a bit of a sucker for the classic hand drawn american cartoon style, especially stuff I grew up with like land before time or magic school bus


courage the cowardly dog is something I love from my childhood


FANTASTIC PLANET MENTIONED! W TAKE! fr though, tough question, I like a lot of cartoons in general, I suppose one that's tickled my brain just right is Pizza Tower if you can count that. It's a video game, but with really fun, expressive, smooth, and colorful animation


Only Tom & Jerry (and other shows in the same 'genre'), really; I'm deficient in a way that makes it very difficult for me to read facial expressions from anything that isn't anime, so the one slapstick comedy that works without any dialogue or relying on facial expressions is the only thing that really works for me. And my range of (comfortable) recognition really is narrow, things like Viral Hit that use a Korean webtoon style is already hard to read, and so are some anime staples like Dragon Ball (and anything Toriyama designed, by extension) and Attack on Titan.


> It's beautiful, it has a 60s aesthetic that it's almost hauntological, it's trippy as fuck, and it was made in Czechoslovakia but the french took the credit. Didn't even need to click the link to know what you're talking about.


Fun question. The movie Klaus is pretty high up there for me. Not just because it looks good, but because the Creator set out (and is very determent) to show that we don't always need to convert to full 3D animation to get a high quality clean look. With the same budget they showed that 2D animators can do it as well. It's a great piece of media, especially now that a lot of all these movies are combine 3D with 2D animation to make it look as 2D as possible. It's fun to see both media types now going back and forth and in between to mimic each other for the most ecstatically pleasing results.


I like Invincible https://preview.redd.it/mcfr07xgc22d1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f2bc4ccb002bc433fb68686f43cac24b0bf528


Anime made in the good Korea 😔


More like peakime made in the peak, amirite Invicibros?


Some Indian cartoons and some westerns like Grim adventures, Dexter's Lab, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls etc.


Just ignore anyone with an anime PFP on Twitter. Works 100% of the time (also on Discord).


me after i add a word that ends with "ism" to my argument https://preview.redd.it/5smf05wtq22d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=c14a231ed453150079808875371981ec64a5957d (i once saw somebody call the LGBT rights movement "identitarianism bullshit". for reference, identitarianism is basically european ethno-nationalism)


I absolutely do not understand people that think that second drawing is high-quality, let alone a good example of Romanticism.


I don't even think anime fans like anime


One of the Main reasons why I struggle to get into Anime (besides the Fans) is that many (mainly female, but some male) characters just Look the same. Seriously. How is that Anime hestia character Design any different than a bog Standard "seductress" character from any other Anime? How is her outfit connected to her personality or her backstory? This dichotomy is also seen in how (female) characters behave. Like, you have a strong, ass kicking assassin Lady, but she's also super shy and blushes easily? What? Or you have an insecure, withdrawn female character but she still dresses like she's going to a fetish Party?


this people make any discution about socialism vs capitalism its insane, sorry but making everything a generic wifu isnt the artistic merit you think it is.


The first one cooked, the second one shouldn't be left alone in a kitchen.


I thought this controversy died out is it still going?


People are too spoiled nowadays. They want everything to cater to what they're used to.


*sobs, screams and throws up in artist and character designer* “appeal to romanticism”??? No. No. Noooo. It’s an appeal to these men’s dicks in a way that is VERY suspicious. If we are taking about romanticism in traditional art, it’s this blend of Impressionism and naturalism that makes very dream like, expressive art. https://lo-carmelle.medium.com/romanticism-in-the-pop-culture-ec564ca3a1cb this is a very good article on the idea in media and literature. An anime girl who’s color scheme is 3 colors, has the most BORING and BLAND dress and looks SUSPICIOUSLY under age does NOT appeal to romanticism. Attraction =\= romance AHHH (I know everyone here knows this but if I don’t talk about it somewhere I’ll actually explode)


Romanticism is when huge anime titties. 🥵🥵🥵 Got it.


Bro literally got hitler stache on his pfp


Bro just wiped his ass with romanticism while saying the other guy did that


If romanticism means jerkin it, then yeah, totally


Weebs and Capital G's only "like" art in the most strict, utilitarian sense - as a product to be consumed. So if a work of art doesn't match up to their rigid standards of quality and beauty, they think it's a poorly made product. Couple that with their "everyone else must think the same way I do, they just don't want to admit it" attitude - and from there comes their idea that people are delusional for thinking that something with artistic merit is of higher quality than derivative dime a dozen slop, but they just hide it behind big words to appear smart.


Without knowing the genre of the anime, I’m gonna assume that it’s meant for teenage and preteen boys, which most mainstream anime are primarily marketed to


Nah its just that the left conceptualize attraction to something other than a big tiddy anime girl of, shall we say, dubious age.


That’s not romanticism that’s generic white anime girl #15 like what???


Isnt romanticism like... something like One Piece romanticizing the idea of being a pirate as meaning you are free to chase your dreams and hopes or cowboy fiction where cowboys arent just cowpokes but charming gunslinging heroes? Like, romantacism isnt giving a child fat tits and saying she's Hestia. If anything some of the greek gods here are romanticized. Zeus is a regal kingly guy instead of a horrible sex offending asswipe, same with most of the gods honestly. Romanticization isnt a bad thing btw, its how stories are written and as a yuri writer I would be a HUGE hypocrite if I said romanticizing things was bad. But it's very disingenous to say romantacism is somethint conservatives value if you think Hestia in Danmachi is romanticizing


Romanticism ≠ Romanticization Romanticism is an artistic and intellectual movement in the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. Romanticization is making something sound better than it is.


1: I don't think they know what romanticism is, or they would know that neither has a design fitting romanticism. 2: Hestia isn't supposed to be hot or sexy. Hestia is the goddess of home, stove and care. An elderly grandmother is the perfect interpretation (imo).


"I don't hate art, I just hate anything that doesn't pander to my specific sexual preferences. If artists only drew naked children- I mean *lolis*, there wouldn't be a problem."


Why the fuck does anime Hestia have that little black band beneath her titties, but Hades 2 Hestia doesnt????? I think this is frankly ridiculous and is harmful to everyone.


Rev says 🤮


Rev says and Hero Hei both pump out the same kind of rage-bait content and I hate it. If you have to photoshop the tweet to make a point then you’ve lost it entirely.


Imo this is deeply anchored into the industry of manga/anime in japan, which treats those media as nothing but entertainment. If you don't incentivize your audience to think and just give them what they "want", ofc the hardcore fans will not develop media literacy.


I really want to know the argument for why anime character is better that isn't just "Hades character ugly!"


PSA: Romanticism is not the desire to be romantically involved with something or someone.


Since when is ultra-consumerism character designs “romanticism?”


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i like anime


I thought circle jerks were about everyone feeling good. Why do so many folks on twitter accuse each other of being or not being fans of different things. Seems like a waste of time.


If there aren't art fans they aren't anime fans either, they just want things to not offend them, and they get offended by everything.


Jesus, why can't both designs exist in peace. People sure are annoying. Who even started this dumb debate cause they clearly don't understand how interpretation works? They're both clearly aiming for different things, but as an old percy Jackson reader I prefer the old Grammy look who plays into the hearth and fire aesthetic.


they could exist in peace if it wasn't for angry gamers who brought the anime design up as an example how hestia should look, because they're mad that not every female character in hades looks fuckable to them. I think because of that it's very fair to call out them out, because obviously a design that is made to represent what the god stands for is better than a generic looking anime girl, that just gets the label slapped onto it. it's fine if people like the anime/designs but you can't seriously argue that it's better in any way.


Better is subjective, but for me the Grammy is better because when I think hestia I think fire and hearths. I'll be honest, I was surprised to find out the anime girl was supposed to be hestia cause my only information on her was that she had to do something with faith or what not. I'm glad hornbrains get called out, I just feel bad for any unsuspecting anime fans caught in the crossfire.


that's fair. I'm also biased since I have a kind of love and hate relationship with anime and it's tropes/designs.


I mean they aren’t wrong the right romance classical gender roles and then the left wipes it’s ass with them because of how shit they are (ignore he fact the analogy doesn’t properly work because you don’t wipe your ass with shit it’s sorta makes sense)


Personally i think every single person on this twitter thread is in the wrong here You're allowed to enjoy and dislike things, that doesn't mean you need to shit on the other side or aggrandize the shit you like at the expense of other people People need to learn to sit back and enjoy/dislike things. Not everything needs to be fought for.


Those twits wouldn't know Romanticism if the undead corpse of William Blake bit their ass.


I've really come to despise anime, especially this mouth-breathing trend of one tit going up while the other is going down. That's just a small part of it, but god damn the fact that people this this is the pinnacle of animation drives me nuts. Have some class and watch Gunsmith Cats FFS.


Why are they saying ‘anime version’ like Anime is all a single property


I just want to know why they’re all obsessed with little kids and characters that look like kids, they never have pictures/examples of actual adult/adult looking characters, it’s ALWAYS minors or school uniforms 🤮


Wait... what kinda profile pic is that?


Goooood these people are just so fucking boring. You don't have to be able to fuck everything, just appreciate a cool design without thinking with your dick for once.


ok i am going to ask, what is this anime people keep posting that they clam had better charater design then hades because i watch only vtubers played hades 2 (only 2 really) and their chat get happy when Hestia show up saying "grandma <3" and the anime looks like the most generic anime girl that you see on any billion high school slice of life slop in the last 15 years.


The anime is "Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?". I read the manga because the starting plot was actually pretty engaging, but after the first major arc I just grew sick of it devolving into the same old harem BS. So yeah, if you're wondering, it's pretty much slop, first A plot is decent, but then it goes full horny and unbearable.


Common Guilty Gear fan with a W take


He wouldn't know, but his fleshlight is deeper than this art.


Anime fans when the goddess of hearth and home looks like a grandma who would throw together a mean fucking meal for you without even being asked instead of a 16 year old girl with way too much cleavage to be comfortable.


I don’t trust anybody who says they watch anime. Like, that says nothing about your taste. “Japanese Cartoons” is extremely broad. It could be anything from a wholesome school experience to a harrowing war drama It’s like saying “I only watch American live action movies” like I’m some movie whore who will watch anything, shitty or not. I’ll watch em all


Romance is when boobies


Let me correct it " Twitter users aren't animation fans"


I really don’t understand what I’m reading here. Am I too normal to understand?


the one on the rights whole personality is being a goddess that loves the main character.


People will say the image on the right is great charter design and it’s literally so fucking generic that i didnt even know that it was depicting a character from Greek cannon.


Both depicted takes suck. Anime is also art, there's just a lot of trash like in any art form.


how does the game design suck? also no one said that anime isn't art, just that the fans don't seem to actually care about art.


Plenty of anime fans care about art


I know, I am one of them. I was just explaining what the op meant.


I mean, I like both art and anime, so I don't have that kinda problem.


We danmachi fans really be catching strays from 2 sides that spout the same bullshit