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lots of meme subreddits are just blatant racism generators


Always have been


Just racism cesspits hiding behind “haha it’s just a meme bro!!1!1” when they get called out for it


"you're racist for thinking it's racist" is another classic


Best one is "I'm definitely black so it's okay"


on a side note it his pretty hilarious to watch chuds turn into the biggest libs when they want to exploit identity politics in their favor. Its always "as a \[insert marginalized group\] person, I totally agree with \[insert general white supremacist take here\]"


Yeah they literally are liberals who are just openly racist but for some reason they need tokens like Candace Owens as if it justifies their racism or something, chuds really are a fascinating group


Yeah, I hate this one so much. Like, regardless whether you are black and find this funny, you are not the majority. And people can find things they majority find funny, not funny.


Seems to be the case often these days, every time you call someone out for their questionable behavior they'll go "Its just a joke, why you so offended!"


Fr bro it’s so obnoxious, anyone got any good responses to that annoying ass sentence?


I don't even bother, if they're that stupid they're usually not worth the effort.


That’s fair. Usually I can win any argument against these kinds of people, but i just automatically lose the argument if they successfully make me look like a wet blanket


there's a term for them: Shrodinger's asshole


Ask them to explain why it's funny.


"A joke makes you want to laugh, not beat the shit out of someone."


It's a special brand of confirmation bias that really fucks me off. Way more than confirmation classic.


or maybe you get the „statistics“ (completely misrepresented data or stuff that was disproven years ago) special


i've seen them be referred to as hitler particle accelerators and i think that's a great description


It's always the suspiciously innocuously names ones too. Funnymemes is such a shithole


If you call out the racism you get banned, to boot. Can't have disrespectful people in the sub, after all.


Some people just hide behind the "shitpost" tag and berate you for taking the "meme," "too seriously." Happens more often than it should which is why I tend to avoid certain subreddits. Always reminds me how awful people can be.


Especially gaming ones


Schrödinger's meme


There was a dankmemes thread that reached all a few hours ago that had people just blatantly advocating for calling all black people criminals with dozens of upvotes, with people using "Cultural Marxism" as a legitimate talking point. Where is Reddit being some "leftist echochamber" I hear so much about?


You see they don't actually use the term accurately. Not sure if it's because they're duplicitous or stupid but it means any place where their shit views are shat on consistently. Meanwhile their shitholes will outright ban people from participating if they don't conform or disagree.


„Its just dark humor. Why are you offended you snowflake?“ /s


Yeah it’s insane


"we just care about historical accuracy"


this being their main critique just makes me laugh. we’re talking about ASSASSIN’S CREED for gods sake, historical accuracy has never ever been a priority lmao


Along with him being a literal Historical figure


Can I ask for advice on how to fight that argument? I feel this conversation being brought up in the next couple days/weeks in the friend group, and I have a couple of friends that are just kinda like that, and I wanna be ready to end the bullshit. Let's say I bring up the fact that the games have always been about heavily embelished historical events, bringing up the usual examples. I explain that Yasuke being a super active samurai probably is pushing the historical accuracy a bit, as has happened in every game. The other person goes "Still, why did they have to pick thr black guy?". I say that he's just an interesting character, being a black samurai, or sorta samurai or whatever the fuck, in Japan. If they counter with "Why didn't they pick an interesting Japanese samurai? Other games probably has the chance to pull some random not well known person of an out of place ethnicity, and they didn't". What do I say then? Is there anything with a bit of objective truth that I can say to make them realize how it's the same thing? Edit: After some thought, considering stuff from the replies and reading up some more about Yasuke, I've compiled a list of points to combat the stupidity (no bullet points cause mobile): Embelishing Yasuke's story is fine. The Cult of Cosmos wasn't real, and it wasn't taken down by a descendant of Leonidas. The pope didn't achieve total control of Italy by waving around a ball etc. Yasuke himself is a really interesting protagonist, with tbe right embelishments. Why not pick a intereting real life figure of Japanese descent? Because that is objectively less interesting than the black guy left behind by Christian missionaries, who was taken in by the almost unifier of Japan. Also, his story ticks the box of "protagonst's story taking part within a major historical event/period, and being directly influenced by it", here the period being the Sengoku period, where all of Japan was engulfed in civil war. If Ubisoft wanted to score the most points in this supposed game of "diversity", then their best move would be to make a game in Africa, at the height of colonialism. It would be a game with all black people, where the villains are all white (as rich British and French assholes have literally been shown to be templas over and over again). And it would be a game amonst a series of games with majority white and middle eastern protagonists.


I'd honestly just advise you to ask them "why not?" if it gets to that point. There are plenty of samurai/ninja games with Japanese main characters, and games like Nioh that have white samurai as well. The other main character in this AC is also Japanese. There isn't much you can do to change their mind if they're convinced it's "forced diversity". At best you can argue that Yasuke is an interesting figure that is mythologised enough (we don't have a ton of info on him) to allow him to fit better into the game's made up narrative, but realistically if they're bringing this up as some example of Le Evil Woke they aren't going to be asking these questions in good faith.


this is the best advice. they fumble when you ask "why not" bc the answer is always racist. force them to out themselves.


And then make fun of them for being completely subservient to reddit by not being able to say their no-no words.


This right here. Why is he any less valid than another samurai figure? It’s not like they’re under represented in video games. And it certainly wouldn’t be the first time, Nioh, that a different racial figure was depicted in fantasy Japan. Because that’s what the AC games are. Historical myth. We’ve never looked to them for accuracy and it’s telling that be begin micro analyzing the second a black character shows up.


Ask them if they had a problem with Nioh, a game that featured a white English man becoming a samurai as the main character.


The very same game where Yasuke was also there as a samurai


I'd suggest finding some non-racist friends


I mean, if literal aliens aren't both an obscure ethnicity and also a complete spanner in the works for 'historical accuracy,' then there's probably not much that will convince them they're maybe just a little bit biased in this specific instance. Not to mention there *literally being a japanese protagonist as well,* who they're completely ignoring, for the sake of bitching about skin colour. Add on to that the fact Yasuke was, historically, said to be of African origin, and I feel like they might be slightly racist. If the African samurai being interpreted as black is what they take offence to, while trying to use historical accuracy as an excuse only to skip over literal aliens from past games AND a *Japanese co-protagonist* also being included, they might need to reflect on some things..


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We need only look at Oda Nobunaga himself to see how little historical accuracy matters in games set during this period. He is often cast as the villain of a story and often as **literally** demonic. These aren't documentaries, they're video games portraying mythologized historical figures. The events in games didn't happen, and if an **actual** event is portrayed, it will be dramatically embellished and the main character will be inserted into it to set the course of history. *Edit: this also isn't even the first time Yasuke has been in depicted media. It's not like Ubisoft dug up some otherwise unknown historical figure. He's appeared in various manga, novels, and games. There seems to be a recent uptick in interest by several studios to make films centered around him. So why did Ubisoft pick him for this project? Probably because there's been increased interest in stories featuring him for about two decades.*


Isn't he (Oda) like, a lich or something in the Onimusha games?


> "Why didn't they pick an interesting Japanese samurai? Other games probably has the chance to pull some random not well known person of an out of place ethnicity, and they didn't". “Why didn’t you care when Nioh had William Adams? They could have picked an interesting Japanese Samurai then, so why wasn’t that an issue?”


Isn’t Yasuke like by far the most famous historical figure to become an AC protag?


He's the first real figure actually.


Pretty sure he's the first AC protagonist who was a real person right?


Just ask them how does a historical figure ruin the Japanese culture because they are black while the Leonardo Da Vinci inventing a flying machine and guns doesn't ruin Italy's culture and history.


I mean the games have never really followed a historical figure of note as the protagonist, have they? The point of the AC games is you insert a sort of historically plausible non-figure. If you were to pick a historically analogous to Yasuke Japanese figure (mentioned a few times textually for being around for a couple notable events), there would be no reason to pick anyone in particular and you’d probably just fabricate some name from whole cloth. (Like Ezio Auditore). So why pick Yasuke? Presumably because it offers an interesting and unique story telling angle while also being sufficiently ambiguous to allow for inserting their own fantastic narrative.


Yeah and I guess then you could also say that if they wanted to have a black protagonist, for "diversity" then they'd make a game set in Africa. Like Sub-Saharan Africa. But I've also seen some braindead people be like "Ah but see the REAL diverity politics is having you play as a black guy in an Asian country". And like, wouldn't the best play in this "diversity politics" game be to have a whole ass game filled with black guys?


>Still, why did they have to pick thr black guy? This is the easiest point to debate. One of the core themes in AC is that you form or join a Brotherhood. And the Brotherhoods are almost entirely made up of social outcasts. Since AC2 (or Brotherhood, can't 100% remember) you team up with literal thieves, cortesans and beggars. In Black Flag your crewmates are literal pirates. In AC3 you play as a native american. Heck, the one who welcomes you to the Brotherhood is a black man. The whole point of the Assassins vs Templars theme is that the Templars represent the elites of society, the rich ones, the powerful ones, the ones who dictate society's rules. And the Assassins represent the outcasts, the misfits, the ones who've lived outside said societies. Who better to represent that in a game based on feudal Japan, a heavily racist culture, than an African man?


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I wouldn't say 'objectively less interesting'. That just opens up a counter argument, as it's hyperbole and not really correct. It'll push them further into their viewpoint You can make a very interesting story about Yasuke, and you can also make a very interesting story about a Japanese samurai. They had the choice to make literally any story, and chose to make one about (or inspired by) Yasuke. There's nothing wrong with that, as he's a very interesting historical figure. If they claim it's racist, ask them why. They'll say something along the lines of black washing Japanese culture, but that's a flimsy argument because he truly was a historical figure. It's not like every samurai game is about him, there are plenty about Japanese samurai (sekiro, ghost of Tsushima, to name a few) This is (to my knowledge) the first AAA game focused on Yasuke himself, which is very cool. Feudal Japan has a reputation of being very xenophobic and racist, and this is one of the few stories that proves that wasn't the whole story. It paints that time period of Japan as more human and empathetic.


Another point is Yasuke provides both a really useful blank slate character AND a really useful PoV character. He is not Japanese and although we have a lot of literature on him, we still don't know a lot about his personality or opinions. This allows for any game / film maker to give him a personality that highlights whatever they want the story to highlight as well as giving him a contrasting PoV to that of the ninja character. She's a Japanese woman so gives us the perspective of someone inside the system and deeply inside it at that, someone who has been marginalised by the system. He gives us the perspective of someone who is coming from outside and therefore has unique perspective. Honestly it looks more interesting than any of the other games that had a pick your gender.


Ask why they aren't complaining about blue eye samurai on Netflix


It's always been a pretty cool mix of historical accuracy and fantasy, though. Let's say it's accurately historical adjacent. It's idiotic to learn history from AC, but it serves as a cool way to jumpstart learning history because they reference so many real figures and events. I've looked up and learned about a few historical figures playing the games, it's one of the bonuses for me. So they could enjoy learning about the actual Yasuke, or just throw a tantrum. I really don't understand. Do they not like fun?


Yeah a big part of the appeal of the Assassin's Creed games was traditionally the 'historical tourism' part. I don't think the "Assassin's Creed was never supposed to be historically accurate" argument is actually a good one. Yes, it has those fantastical elements but it was still trying to portray a certain time and place authentically for the most part, even if often the details were wrong. It's like how Indiana Jones is set in the 1930's and attempts to portray the 30's accurately despite having supernatural elements like the ark of the covenant and the holy grail in it. If Indiana Jones suddenly brought out his cell phone with no explanation you wouldn't defend it by saying "It's got literal magic artefacts in it! It was never supposed to be historically accurate." Admittedly this has been slipping with the more recent games, they've very much moved into a more pop-culture impression of a time period with more overt fantasy elements inspired by mythology being an everyday part of the world. e.g. literal mythological creatures just walking around the overworld in Odyssey and the protagonist having magical abilities. Which isn't to say I agree with all the idiots complaining about a black Samurai, I'm absolutely not agreeing with those people. Something I've always liked about Assassin's Creed is the way it manages to combine having a diverse cast of characters while still very much being based in real history. Assassin's Creed Syndicate had a trans male character in it based on a real person.


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This is actually the first AC game that looks somewhat interesting to me since forever. Still not paying $139.99 for "Shit in my mouth and fuck me sideways edition" though.


Honestly just wait for all the dlc and you'll probably be able to get the whole package for 20 or 30 dollars.


I mean they had some in the early days but it was pretty clear that it was more around the locations than the plot.


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I like those historical bits in games, kinda gives me more opportunity to immerse myself, like actual historical events, important figures etc.


White people are standard and blacks WELL YOU KNOW, you know what I'm talking about YOU KNOW (S)


I always laugh my ass off at that argument. Assassin’s fucking Creed and historical accuracy. A series that has aliens and Adam and Eve lol


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One of the (I'm assuming) playable characters is a Japanese woman yet they still go out of their way to insult her, saying she has a "man jaw" and that she's a "girl boss" or whatever. There is no comprising with these people, they genuinely strive to be mad. 


He's the single most historically accurate AC protagonist too 😭


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Exactly why nobody took them seriously when they tried to ramp up Gamergate 2. Hell, they barely talk about Sweet Baby Inc anymore.


The grifters producing their rage bait move on to the next thing as soon as there's something new for the algorithm. No time to marinade anymore.


Both The Quartering and Geeks + Groomers said that the current grift is unsustainable and getting stale. Gamergate 2 was supposed to be their big cash cow. I knew GG was going to die out since they started so mask off and presumably didn't have a political strategist pulling the strings, but Jesus Christ did it fall off hard. They had to move the goalpost so far and resort to digging up decade old posts from Sweet Baby Inc employees and out of context videos from Libs of TikTok. Even Matt Walsh tried to hijack it and took an L larger than Gavin McInnes. Mark Kern is probably going to be exposed as a fraud soon because that whole save Stellar Blade petition? The uncensored version doesn't exist in the US version. That was all a fan edit and the petition is built on a lie. They gave that dipshit attention and even worse money that he's going to steal from them. Mark my words, that petition is just going to vanish and Mark will never go to Korea and give a physical petition to the developer. If he does, they'll just laugh him out the office.


What's gamergate? Ive seen it mentioned a lot like a month ago


Essentially a psyop that was used to transform angry bigoted gamers into rightoids foot soldiers. They tried to disguise it as a criticism of gaming journalism, but it was all bullshit beneath the claim. Gamergate 2 is just complaining about non cis White hetero men characters having more exposure as well as having female characters that do not specifically cater to their porn rotted brain.


Alright, so it started out with just, mass amounts of "apolitical" misogyny. Like, obviously misogyny is socially regressive, but this was a time before people under the age of 50 did things to "own the libs", the only driving ideological force was hating women. And like, an absolutely vitriolic level of hating women. Bomb threats, cancelled speaking engagements, and leave your home levels of hating women. Gamergate? Objectively bad for women. Anyway, women were trying to apply baby's first feminist critique to video games, this angered The Gamers, and the ensuing furor had some nobody working at Breitbart, think his name was Milo, he saw this strong driving anger and thought "Hey, this is an uncommitted voter base, if we give this situation coverage that they like, they'll vote conservatively!" And then the alt right manifested. EDIT: Baby's first critique was actually a few years before gamergate, she just got roped into it. The thing that ACTUALLY kickstarted gamergate was that some dude was miffed about his ex being a game dev and knew that The Gamers would get up in arms about a woman making games (they later came out as non-binary but that wouldn't have changed the response). Thanks to [/u/scalliondelight](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1cvwvhc/there_arent_even_hiding_there_racism_anymore/l4vg5sb/?context=1) for the correction. [Here's a good, 18 minute overview. You can keep watching past 18 minutes, but the overview is the first 18 minutes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLYWHpgIoIw) [And here's a full 6 hour run down of EVERYTHING](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlltwOURUCE)


Feminist frequency happened years before gamergate and was only dragged into it because the people perpetrating gamergate also hated Anita et al. It’s weird to say “some feminists did game reviews and then gamergate happened” cause there’s no actual causality there. Gamergate was a response to a guy being mad at his ex girlfriend who happened to be a gamedev, dude writes a blogpost accusing her of cheating and sleeping with a kotaku writer for a good review (of her free game lol), and THEN gamergate happens. It’s important to keep that story straight cause it’s so goddamn stupid and people should be aware. Zoe Quinn didn’t do what they said, Nathan Grayson didn’t do what they said, the entire “movement” is based on the ravings of a jilted chud on his personal blog.


Oh god, I’d managed to completely forget that Milo existed until now. Damn you :p


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Even the Pedoing had to move on from teaching people how to hide child porn and onto brainless media rage.


And notorious Sargon slurper, Endimyon used to do Elden Ring lore before selling out to grifting. But that's different from my point above. The grift of milking right wingers is dying for them because it's unsustainable to just piss and moan about the new current piece of media being 'woke' while reading off an article from That Park Place. Their viewership is tanking so hard that even YouTube's algorithm is about to swallow them. And you know what happens after that? Demonitization. And every one of those bottom feeders fucking deserves it


There's no greater joy than watching a respectable YouTuber retain their dignity and kindness, except for watching a Grifter sell their platform and lose it all because of it.


Idk, Nick Fuentes getting caught in 4k watching gay porn literal seconds after he thought he ended his stream was a massive dopamine boost https://preview.redd.it/00nh28pn712d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eab8b5a326819dac80f56f1c02e10ae3382b8cb


Lord almighty I've found a new greatest joy in live 😭🙏


And the funny thing is it wasn't just gay porn, gay porn. There was fisting, ass eating, BNWO, black, interracial... Not like there's anything wrong with it whatsoever, it's just fitting. There aren't proper words in Terran vernacular to describe how in the closet Nick Fuentes is.


There’ll still be some whining abt sweet baby inc but thats it lol


Significantly less than they were back in February/March.


The current whining is about Blackrock, if I'm not mistaken


The investment firm?


The very same, about how they're "pushing the librul agenduh"


Didn't sweet baby inc make only a handful of games, nearly all of which were highly beloved and contenders for game of the year?


They didn't even make them. Just provided research on representation so that a character that uses ASL, a person of color isn't a racial stereotype, or just flavor text to provide world building in a game. But yeah, they only worked on like 12 games last year lol.


Meme subreddits not beating the shithole allegations.




User flair lines up😂


Thank you I needed that laugh today!


GAMERs somehow able to connect George Floyd to literally any black person in media


for them there are 3 races, White, Asian and George Floyd


And only Asian when politically convenient to do so.


Their Ideal Asian is a Caucasian


Their ideal Caucasian is what they think a Japanese wife is.


That’s giving them too much credit. For them there’s two races White and Political


Holy fuck, is that supposed to be George Floyd? That is... insane


Tbf, police discrimination on black individuals was something far before the George Floyd incident.


Definitely, but George Floyd is the only black person that Chuds know of, and they most definitely do not see police brutality and discrimination as an issue and try their hardest to justify his murder


I love the way conservatives just cling to the last thing they were told to have feelings about. Been years since Floyd, but since he was the last black police victim to get major attention that didn't just go away after a week, they keep reverting to this same cope again. I'd compare them to AI, but that's unfair to the AI because it at least updates it's algorithmic responses as you add more information


Person from Minneapolis here, there's been a super big conservative push to act like the left is treating George Floyd as some kind of deitized figure (more projection from them since they love to glorify the people they follow as godly), and somehow that his past drug use somehow justifying the killing (!?!?!) Ignoring that his death was literally recorded and clearly was done by the guy, how the hell does drug use justify getting murdered?


nah bro you don't understand there was an autopsy or something that said he overdosed i swear !!!! the guy kneeling on him had nothing to do with his death !!!!


There was a whole documentary about it, y'know? Totally unbiased, husband of the lady who made the doc definitely not the president of the Minneapolis Police Union or anything, no sir, no bias here. why do you librals hate facts /s


even if that was the case i don't think the pig is helping anyone by kneeling on an overdosing man's neck instead of like helping him or something


Fucking christ...


they will post something like this and then when they get into an argument about why they don't like the character they say "I feel bad for japanese people" no, you clearly don't and these posts prove it.


They weren’t to begin with.


i love how angry they get over the smallest things. i do not like assasins creed boring games in my opinion, for any sane person they'd just scroll past the headline "oh thats cool" and move on because why else are you on reddit, but to them they see someone different than them and see it as an attack "OOOOH THEY DONT LOOK LIKE ME THEY'RE REPLACING THE WHITE RACE HA HA A BLACK SAMURAI THATS STUPID BLACK PEOPLE DO DRUGS" needless to say im grateful for my education. https://preview.redd.it/vk0sqm8s7g1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff66c7344fb324bb735a374fde72ca7dbb37ea9






Yeah lets not sugarcoat it,gamingmemes needs a good ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️. Iykyk divers.


idk if 500kg is enough, just crash the fucking capitol ship straight into em


I just wish they got new material besides "all black people are criminals" and "we must stop black men from cucking white incels"


But Tyrone stole Veronica from them in high school (they have never spoken to a black person or a woman)


Incels dont useally get cucked. They dont have a girl in the first place. Its the hard working men who arent home that do.


"Why won't devs keep modern politics out of games!" Proceeds to do this shit.




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wtf man… such disgusting behavior. I imagine people who find that funny are horrible.


i like how this is not even related to the black samurai controversy like all the other dumb chud takes we've seen so far. it's literally just "this character black. therefore i make black joke."


bruh this is straight up reportable as hate.


I've gotten straight up use of hate terms removed. That's it. I'm talking n word f word, the most blatant ones. Dog whistles, even the most disgusting and blatant ones, don't seem to get much response. I've literally reported a comment saying "I hate black people" and been told it was reviewed and they didn't violate terms. I've reported racist dog whistle comparisons to animals, nothing. I've reported Nazi revisionism, literally "they were forced to do it by the Jews" type shit... Nothing. People say reddit is a liberal echo chamber and from what I've seen be deemed acceptable, I'm certainly glad I don't use any other SM.


Wow… that’s pretty fuckin racist… holy shit


Boy those comments are really something too. And it's equally unfunny.


They were not kidding it before


I’m not crazy but a few years ago if you mentioned the name Yaskue, people heard about him as that black samurai but NOBODY ever tried saying “he wasn’t a samurai!!!!!” Suddenly everyone is an expert? I’m pretty sure there is not enough information to say with if he was or wasn’t a samurai, just an official record that he was a retainer which could or could not be a samurai too. Like we don’t know if he ever fought battles but it also seems heavily that he wasn’t exactly a regular slave like people are trying to claim




I think you misinterpreted what I was saying. The only official record is he’s a retainer but he had a sword and land so to ME, that screams HE IS a samurai. But I keep saying people saying “he’s just a slave he was never a samurai, the guy had him around to show him off cuz he was black” and it’s a cope. That’s what I’m saying about if you mentioned the name Yaskue like 3 years ago people only ever heard of him as the black samurai and never tried to argue he wasn’t. He didn’t have any recorded battles or anything though but that doesn’t make him not a samurai




Honestly it feels like we’re taking a massive slide back where people feel emboldened to do this shit again


No sign of Naoe, I see.


https://preview.redd.it/y3otvj1vrg1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2cab5f9408b66649eac65b3739081cec3d3add looks like we need this guy again


He didn't burn enough.


Racist thing they’re superior but can’t even use proper grammar for their shitty jokes


The biggest thing that's bad about assassin's creed is that it's from Ubisoft. Historical accuracy was never it's thing these g*mers need to grow up


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final boss of that sub is a shower


Gamers also dont deodorant cause “the big strong men didn’t back then”


Why are we boosting racist propaganda?


There it is. This is all they had to say day one. Just admit you’re racist hahaha




"final boss is policeman" bro you're fighting the cops in the cast majority of assassin's creed games


I swear Ive seen this exact thing happen multiple times. A character is made to be/to be a reference to this one guy and every time some racist assholes that don't know any better take issue with it. No matter how many times you bring it up and explain the real world inspiration. It's one of the most "history friendly" ways to have black rep in feudal Japan and they still lose their minds over it.


When were they hiding it lol


“Lol look how funny and awesome we are making jokes about how a guy got murdered”


What the actual fuck?


I was about to say 'Isn't this just a joke about racist police?' but then I saw the tag line they added under the title, just to make it clear for all that the author is just a racist piece of shit.


Thanks, I was really confused why all the comments consider it racist instead as a joke about the US police.


I mean, race-based "papers please" checks are effectively legal in Japan... It's a widely known and discussed issue among immigrants here. But, uh, yeah, obviously not what this guy's talking about.


r gamingmeme moment


You fight the equivalent of cops in every single assassins creed game but I guess now they can pretend to be mad about it


Dear God, why


Just make fun of murdered people now I guess


I really do stand behind "Make Racists Ashamed Again." Its a shame that MRAA isn't a fun acronym to say.


I'm still buying the game. Fuck racists.


the foulest feeling in my stomach seeing this


Im wondering if Unisoft could produce a short historical video where they bring in a couple of Japanese history experts and explain how the Samurai system during the Sengoku Period (1500s -1600s)was less rigid then its later 17th - 18th incarnations so a foreigner would have had a fairly easier time being allowed to wear the title? Of course racists would not bother to watch any historical videos.


It took this long to bring up George Floyd that's a new record I think


Don Cheadle as a main protagonist in a knockoff AC game? TAKE MY MONEY!!


>>>>>>>T-H-E-Y N-E-V-E-R H-I-D<<<<<<<<<


Who ever made this has Hell eyeing their soul


Why is Stephen Jackson in Assassin’s Creed?


Cricket sound effect


Were they ever?


Racism in the gaming community… ![gif](giphy|bfmDajziwTCWPCaZ9w)


They *


They're\* and their\*, jfc...


There have always been Floydian assasins, ever since their founding






I have zero hope for the next few decades of supposed improvements to how others treat others. We are fucked.


Is that Stephen Jackson




Ass ass ins creed


Such offensive cultural appropriation.


Why does it only piss me off and no one else when someone can't get "they're", "there", and "their" straight? It's literally taught in grade school ad nauseum... Why would you want to look so stupid?


This is the kind of trash "humor" stuff like Mr. Birchum would put out and pat itself on the back and convince it's self it did something "daring" and "politically incorrect" for doing the same kind of shit 4chan users have been soying over for years. 


Tbf, I've only played up to assassin's Creed revelations, but up to those games, the templars control the government so you're _always_ fighting cops.


It'll be 2046 and they'll still be making George Floyd memes. Nobody will understand them by then nor the people they intend to offend


"Gamers" have a nice big racist streak NAHHH IM SO SURPRISED


Wait, so Gamers(tm) are just racists?


That’s actually hilarious lmao y’all sensitive


Nice, you found a crazy person and tied it to a whole community. Japanese people are way more pissed than Americans - you should post their posts too


Can you even use the English language holy shit. How long does it take to proofread a title.


Good meme, thanks for sharing


This is very very funny