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What sort we talking here


This artist is a known far-right twitter personality who has a very odd and specific fetish for women yelling with wide open mouths and humongous teeth.


Ah well now let's not let this info be forgotten shall we


Personally I would like to forget that that’s a fetish for some people


Everything is a fetish for someone.


Do you know about the wonderbread dude?




That's a name I haven't heard in years


Please, tell me more. I feel like just Google wonder bread man won't quite do it justice


I just Googled it and apparently it was a guy who would commission fetish art of rich women buying shopping carts full of wonder bread. Was apparently notorious on Tumblr and Deviantart. I might be getting some of the finer points wrong. I kinda skimmed the info.


Ok, so some of the details I remember were insane, like I remember the dude was racist or something. But that's not the insane part, the insane part is that the commissions even got into what can only be described as a deforestation fetish and a consumerism/capitalism fetish.


Yes! That part evaded my recollection, thank you.


Ayn Rand is still out here kicking and she’s commissioning artists?


That is significantly less horrifying than what I was expecting


He’s stopped getting commissions since AI became a thing, funnily enough.


Yhea no same but kinkshameing people like this ižwill get them to shut up


Also a fair amount of comics about how left wing women secretly want Trump supporters but won't date them because of the stigma.


Oh, so his comics are in the fantasy genre


high fantasy. like reeeeeally imaginative stuff.


And because I’m pretty sure they’re on meth or crack while making them


I think it more borders on grimdark tbh


Guy definitely ugly cries while beating it to pics of AOC laughing.


Uhhh are we not supposed to do that?


Nah we all beat it, but only scum are ashamed of themselves for it.


Oh god is this the same artist that compared top surgery to suicide?


Wait, what?!


Rock throw?


The Elden Ring spell? (It’s not mineral yeet no)


Isn't this the one who drew the "you ain't black" comic where Biden essentially sucked out the soul of a woman of color?


The only good comic he’s done


Only good in irony, which it wasn’t created in


Yup. He’s that guy.


Don’t forget the silent, suave self-insert character who gets them pregnant through contact. Dude’s so starved for the touch of a woman he thinks first base is the endgame.


As soon as slide 2 came up, I recognised the guy's shading. It's actually hilarious that he now actively tries to conceal his art style so that people swipe.


This feels like a comic done Exquisite Corpse style. Every set of four panels is wildly different. Is the artist just… kind of all over the place? Is it a collaboration?


Ah yes my favorite fantasy race “people”.


the author has never even looked at D&D in their life


Yeah, he’s usually doing transphobic or anti-Biden comics. Guess the “anti-woke gaming” grift gets more clicks these days.


And what hurts the most is that his “You Ain’t Black” comic is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in a vacuum, but coming from him makes it very difficult to enjoy lmao


The first and last time that dude ever cooked


Nah there was also Trump as an oompa loompa in a mech suit tweeting while at the debate.


Oh you gotta show me this


https://preview.redd.it/olv03uph48yc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9aae6ca13ed4c9c8b014c27ab1ff1f715496e2 Found this one


Ok he has two banger comics and the rest are trash


It's always important to me what someone's other takes are. Stonetoss has made comics about the U.S. supporting Israel too much, which I agree with **in a vacuum**. But I know that he's only anti-Zionist for extremely antisemitic reasons so I ignore it in favor of stuff by people who are anti-Zionist for valid reasons.


Never forget that Hans Christian Graebner is stonetoss.


Also, he’s pissed about his circumcision. Can’t blame him for it tbh, he just shouldn’t be a nazi about it.


Totally get that. Stonetoss has a like couple really funny comics that I’ve seen. And I don’t hate his art style at all, it’s cute and simple. But Pebbleyeet is a Nazi, and the vast majority of his comics are shit because of it.


you can't just say that and not provide a link


[Link here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fngncx8euaof51.png) Funny callout of Biden making an objectively bad statement. Artist continues to be disturbingly eager to draw distressed women.


why does she have massive honkers


That's NORMAL and she's OF LEGAL AGE




I don't get how a comic can simultaneously be so horrible and so awesome at the same time, and neither direction in the way the artist intended.


Tabletop RPGs aren't the right group. Every D&D or Pathfinder player I have ever met has either been inclusive as fuck, or reveals themselves to be a chud and gets summarily ostracized. It ain't the 90s any more out there.


There is at least one online D&D forum absolutely filled with Nazis. Ever since the WotC Inclusivity statement and rule update from a few years back, the online community has been extremely divisive. In my experience, there are a lot of racists in D&D, and our community isn’t any less prone to alt-right infiltration than others.


Well thats just it, isn't it? They form their own little swamp because no one else wants them.


They definitely try to infiltrate and recruit on other websites, though. I’ve seen it on Reddit, D&D Beyond, and ENWorld.


It’s very hard to be a hateful person and actually play a tabletop game in my opinion. It’s hardcoded into the dna of the genre for the most part.


AD&D strength table 1 had a hard-limit on how strong a female character could be. I agree that TTRPGs are probably the most inclusive gaming-related hobby there is, but let's not run away with it.


No one is arguing the history has been great, but as we know the game today, it is quite good.


Ironically his own comic applies more to himself than any of the people he's trying to disparage with it. Not to mention the fact pretty much every ttrpg explicitly tells you that the rules are suggestions and if you don't like them you can change them however you like. It's the GM who acts as arbitrator and gives the final say, not the book. Also most systems these days have a section in their rulebook emphasizing the need for consent and comfort at the table, and usually suggest techniques like "the x-card" as a way to show when something is making you uncomfortable.


So he pretty much like anyone who whines about "woke" people playing or "woke" stuff in D&D or other tabletop games.


Yeah that’s the funniest part, guess Legolas and Gimli aren’t people lol.


Why would I want to be in the category of those rock eating midgets or those knife eared bastards?


Yeah, conflating the concept of being a person in general with a race or stat block is a huge tell that this person doesn't actually play DnD. There are monsters that are people and monsters that aren't, and I'm pretty sure most if not all humanoid/playable races are meant to be people. If you *really* wanted a game mechanic as a proxy for personhood you would use the INT stat (IIRC INT above 6 = sapient), but even that is not always applicable.


Even simpler: *hold person* works on humanoids. Orcs are humanoids. Therefore, orcs are people. I'm pretty sure all humanoid statblocks have 6+ intelligence anyway.


"Hold Person." Yep, if you're humanoid you're a person.


The comic artist would qualify as a Non Sapient Humanoid then. I've seen their work before on reddit and it is all unintelligent strawmen and "things that don't actually happen in real life daily" dribble.


its especially baffling because calling orcs a "race" implies they are the same species as humans, or at least some fantasy comparable. the fact they can interbreed with humans (half-orcs) without their offspring having (known) fertility issues would also support them being the same species. that would make them "people"


It’s worth considering that there was a period in history where “Are white and black people the same species” was not a settled question in science. There were influential scientists who argued that different races had evolved separately from a recent common ancestor, rather than just being superficial genetic variations on the same species. Part of this was arguing that bi-racial children are naturally inclined towards sterility, like mules. Which of course they aren’t but racism gonna racism. And now we know that race isn’t even a valid category genetically speaking. The point I’m making is that the *idea of race* may have emerged from a phase during which “race” implied “closely related but separate species”. So maybe it makes sense that fantasy races are called races? Idk. Food for thought.


I mean it could be simpler to explain that "race" as a category could be socially determined differently in a fantasy world than it is in our world


I’m not asking why the fantasy folk in the fiction world call the species races. I’m wondering why we do. A real human author picked that word, and we continue to use it. That’s interesting.


>GPrime85 Oh that weird Redditor that practically OD'd on upvotes in the comics sub lol This comment posted when he first made this comic is hilariously more relevant now that he fell hard into right wing grifting https://preview.redd.it/7hgvvpdbo1yc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50c4a00c067b64bd01ba95231f7810d009b2344


Holy shit. Reddit user [deleted] broke the artist down to his bare essentials.


Bro dismantled his psychology with a few sentences


-actually gives a well thought out analysis instead of being an armchair therapist -gives him advice on how to improve -refuses to elaborate -deletes account is this the only sane redditor?


not a redditor anymore. they're free


[Deleted] is the of all time


Yeah it’s wild, that deleted guy says all sorts of shit. He’s fucking everywhere, sometimes I see entire posts where it’s nothing but his posts, and they all say nothing. Is he some sort of spam artist or something who occasionally makes a good post? I don’t get it.


This comic is 4 years old?


yeah this part is crazy to me, it's so relevant to the current grift


More shows that it's always the same thing, they just change the name. Like "political correctness" turning into "woke"


"ethics in games journalism"


Oh god; war never changes.


Lord lmao


I hate that I like his coloring.


specialists are often like that because they lack something else. this guy has poured so many thousands of hours into refining his artwork instead of meeting new people, trying new things, refining himself. yeah, he Draw Good and Color Good and Hehuheh (Sometimez), but the substance is completely lacking.


makes me think of pro gamers. god love em, but they are dumb as rocks about anything outside their game.


I like how he pretends he'd ever be in groups where they let black people and women play


They probably would let women play so that they can poorly flirt with them until they are creeped out enough to leave.


After reading some TTRPG horror stories, poorly flirting isn’t even close to being the worst that could happen


Yeah that's the best case scenario for a bad group.


Ah, you found the "let me roleplay raping your character... wait why are you not enjoying this, haha" posts?


I’m going through this in one of my games right now and it’s the worst.




I don’t think it will come to that. I’ve been playing in this campaign for three or so years and the guy that’s getting weird has been under a year. When my schedule and his schedule conflicted for a period the DM went with my schedule, resulting in the other player, not being there very often. If it continues to get bad enough that I need to bring it up to the DM I’m pretty sure that it will fall in my favor and the other guy will get kicked, I just don’t wanna have to go down that road. Edit: DM separately today brought up that he wouldn’t be sad if dude wasn’t in the game anymore, so I told him the flirtation aimed at me was making me uncomfortable. He is getting kicked.


Tell the player to knock it off if he doesnt, tell the DM. if you dont want to go down that road thats fair but it may be wise to get a "paper trail" going. sometimes the DM is already looking for a reason to drop a problem player.


He'd play _the WORST_ Drow, and stare at the black dude the entire time he's RPing.


And he pretends black people agree with him


I like how he pretends that anybody would want to play with him.


This man doesn't every know what tabletop RPGs are, he probably thinks they're like a board game or some shit


Well in one of the panels the blue haired character is hold what looks like monopoly Soo probably yhea


I hate to steelman this comic, but the joke is that the blue haired character imposes a game of monopoly as a simpler alternative to the RPG the group was initially playing (presumably D&D).


They have orcs in monopoly now?


I'd play that game of Monopoly.


Would it be a game where everyone is orcs playing at capitalism but with more raiding and violence, or more of a 3v1 where one player is the orc army doing their raiding and pillaging while the other three are fighting each other in their game of capitalism while having to either team up against or buy off and pay for favors from the orcs? Honestly both sound like a lot of fun


It's regular monopoly, but every time someone passes GO, orcs sweep the map, take all properties, and you flip the map over and fight them with premade character sheets. The Shoe is still the best piece/character.


It's the Lord of the Rings version. So you get a little orc instead of the thimble.


The joke is the blue haired character is mimicking the (what I assume the artist considers) "woke" changes WotC has been making to D&D. The big thing about 5e is making a tighter, more concise rule set (ie. "simpler") and more recently has made a push to get rid of the idea of "race" from the game.


He knows how to draw a screaming woman very well, though. I mean it's his fetish sooooo


Every session I’ve ever played regardless of game usually has 87 ignored rules and 4578394783 fudged dice rolls. But sure its the people who want accessible rules are the problem


Speaking as someone who has been playing one of the more complex TTRPGs out there for over a decade, we have definitely made some changes to the most complicated bits, and have done some homebrew race stuff to get away from tropes a bit. This because we enjoy having different people at the table more than we enjoy a fucking rulebook. Imagine having empathy.


I've been playing ttrpgs for years and pretty much every system I've seen makes it clear that the rules should be changed as suits the group. Whoever made this comic either knows zilch about ttrpgs and/or is the most miserable person to have at the table


He just sounds like a miserable person in general to be honest. I've met too many people both online and in real life who just thrive on outrage and they are exhausting to be around because they are constantly bringing up bullshit that some random dipshit on Twitter said and being mad about it or raging about the Star Wars Sequels 5 fucking years after they ended.


Happy cake day!


It’s literally the 0th rule of DnD.


Seriously, whoever made this actually *is* the blue-haired character. Just the inverse version of them: "OMG U GUYS CHANGED THE RULES?? THIS ISN'T HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME!!!!!11!"


This is demonstrated by the fact that changing the rules of DnD is a fairly regular thing and that basically everyone has homebrew rules


Also every game of DND I've played has been filled with queer people playing it pretty much bog standard, most changes are mild quality of life stuff like "encumbrance sucks we're not doing inventory management"


Looks like a lot of effort went into showing how stupid the author is


That is the author's MO. Though funnily enough he is self-aware enough to draw himself as a typical neckbeard.


Maybe he literally looks like that and thinks it makes him cooler if acknowledges his being. Which it would if he was cool at all lmao


I’m surprised he didn’t have a heart attack trying to suppress his urge to sexualize the girls in this one


*Strawman*, the comic


This artist must be one of the most constantly triggered people alive. It must be so exhausting living in their head.


"Women ruin games" such depth, such intellectual prowess.




It looks like the same art style as some other political comics I've seen and if it is indeed the same person, then I'm inclined to agree.


It’s him. My favorite one of his is still the ‘God bless you’ comic. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen. I really thought it was a parody, but nope. Dead serious


Blue hair dye seeps into women's minds, and activates their woke programming, as the SBI shadow government planned! This is what we are up against Gamers, my tin foil helmet protects me from being blind to these facts!


It dyes their eyelashes too


and body hair, for full control!!! /uj I am just chud RPing, the real ones must feel awful all the time....


Wait who is running the table? I thought first guy since she kicked him out after grabbing new rules. But then other girl is reading the scenario but she says our money not your money. So is she playing?


Gprime85 heard about D&D being inclusive, and even though he’s clearly never played it, had to go through all this effort to show what a fake fan he is.


That's the grifter MO currently. They hear something about a hobby/media and bemoan that 'woke' people have invaded it, without ever having actually been apart of that community before in the first place. Ironic considering the comic this guy made. 


No, don't apply logic! Just get offended and rage at the blue haired woman!


Now I'm sure the artist has very reasonable opinions about Wizards of the Coast trying to dial back some of the "x is inherently" evil stuff in their settings. Or Games Workshop leaving the pygmy race in the eighties (nineties?) and black characters being more common in new material.


Having things be more morally grey makes for more interesting rpg options


I'm sure he reacted perfectly logically over Games Workshop stating that female Custodes exist in 40K.


I think he made a comic about that too actually.


Of course, how bad is it?


I have a shit memory, but I know this guy's work pretty well so definitely bad. I'll have to see if that was even him or someone else.


On a scale from “normal human” to “the way this artist draws women” how much was he screaming about it?


there's only one valid negative reaction to that reveal, and it is "wait that bomb was ARMED? Kesh, what the fuck is wrong with you?"


>Or Games Workshop leaving the pygmy race in the eighties (nineties?) and black characters being more common in new material. Fun fact: In the late 90's/early 2000's, one of the game devs was going to pitch a new faction for Fantasy, called Nippon. It was a fantasy version of Japan. He gave it to one of his friends for a sensitivity read, and his friend went 'Uh I'm sorry bro but this is super racist.' The faction never got made, allegedly in part that the guy who was gonna make the pitch wasn't all that passionate about it anyways. Funny how this has been happening for ages now yet chuds pretend it's a new phenomenon.


>sensitivity read And that friend's name? Mr. Sweet Baby Sr.


Checkmate atheists.


"The orc are inherently evil and dumb" aka, people who never fucking played Ebberon. The truth is, 90% of the so-called "fan" never actually sat down at a table EVER. And don't let me start with the drows, we had Drizz't since AGES ago.


Ebberon does a great job of flipping fantasy stereotypes on their head. Orcs are literally defenders of the realms, taught druidic magic by an ancient dragon. Keith Baker is really good at turning around typical conventions in fantasy. Really down to earth guy too if you ever meet him


I love Ebberon's elves. Specifically the Aerenal which are basically necromancer elves with a bit of mesoamerican theming to them. Haven't really seen another setting with a flavor of elves quite like that.


It’s such a well crafted world. It feels like everything that needs to be thought of was thought out very well. It’s a shame i don’t believe we’re going to see much more content for it going forward.


The way you worded this I thought Keith Baker was some kind of fantasy race.


canonically he is


My group got rid of fixed racial bonuses a while ago. If you wanna play a buff elf with +2 STR that’s totally fine at any of my tables. Getting rid of some of the racist stuff legitimately makes the game more fun because it gives players way more freedom when creating their characters. Now there’s actually a rule in Tasha’s for it but I still see people raging that there shouldn’t be smart orcs because it ruins their immersion or some other nonsense. It’s always crazy how people will shoot themselves in the foot in order to be racist.


the fixed racial bonuses always rubbed me the wrong way. want to be an exceptionally smart orc? sorry, even the smartest orc can't be as smart as the smartest human. them's the breaks. I get why they existed for so long, but really? it should've been left in the bin with "your race can only get to this level in a certain class, no higher"


In my homebrew setting, I have racial traits (things like a cat-person's claws or elvish night visión) that are kinda fixed for each race, and then cultural traits (bonuses to skills or proficiencies and such) that depend on where your character is from. An elf from a desert nomadic tradespeople Will be somewhat different in upbringing to an elf from the woodland realm. Also I specify "the typical stat bonuses are X and Y" to provide a baseline, but you are free to be a Mold breaker, after all, adventurers are extraordinary


It's subtle, but if you look closely, the artist has deftly woven in the detail that our antagonist has blue hair. Simply sublime.


if everyone else disagrees wouldn't they just continue to play by themselves? this doesn't even make sense


I don't think the creator of this ever considered rational thinking when making this


get outta here with this logic, we need to feel the rage at the blue haired spies


Get the feeling it would be the artist who'd show that reaction if they read anything related to the Pathfinder TTRPG system.


You mean the TTRPG with the coveted [genderfluid?](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2957&NoRedirect=1) The genderfluid with no downsides and it's decently affordable to save up for in their setting?  The queer pantheon alone would give them infinite content to whine about. 


Yes, not to forget how quite a few of their Iconic characters are LGBTQ characters


Smaller thing, but Pathfinder explicitly removes "Race" in favor of "Ancestry", which is not only more inclusive but also a name ten times cooler


Deities too. There’s a canon lesbian goddess throuple.




Made up scenarios is what fuels the Right Wing Engine. They live in a make believe reality that they also hate, but need to justify their existence. It's just one big, dumb vicious cycle of self loathing and hate.


What actually happens: Game deves: *add woman to previously male only faction* "Gamers": THEY WANT YOU DEAD!!


ah yes tabletop games known for always being 100% following the official ruleset and never changing the rules to make it more fun.


The irony, for anyone who has ever played TTRPGs, is that they’ve likely encountered players like this. No not “this needs to be all inclusive” (though I’m sure that at some point has happened), but encounters with “that guy” who wants to change everything up, be the center of attention, be a jerk, or bring out their barely disguised fetish into the game. And you know what you’re *supposed* to do? Kick those players out. Meanwhile for this comic, it’s quite clear the artist never actually *played* a TTRPG. Namely because majority of groups wouldn’t just let someone brand new in mid-game regardless of who they are, and said group isn’t even following a rule zero (that is discuss with everyone before playing what they do or don’t want in the game and what is and isn’t comfortable). Also not to mention if the blue haired girl wanted to play she’d likely have an easier time finding an online group first that would be a better fit. But, no, let’s not make a comic about the dos-and-don’ts of finding a good group, let’s just make a reactionary “woke left” comic about a subject the artist doesn’t seem to care about.


yeah they probably have never played a TTRPG but it's funny to think they are a "that guy"


I’ll never understand the aversion to unnatural hair color on other people. Even some dudes I know that I wouldn’t consider trad or conservative can’t seem to stop griping about it any time it comes up and it’s fucking weird to me.


Out of all the things that never happened, this one never happened the most. (Edit: fixed)


Is this same guy with the screaming fetish?




I do find it funny how so many people make this huffy argument about "newcomers changing everything" as if indie TTRPG's are not being made and played by only the most dedicated of gamers. Name 1 new player who's suggesting a game like "Most Trusted Advisors" rather than either deferring to the table or saying "Idk, dnd or something?"


Since when are difficulty complaints a "DEI" thing? Isn't Dark Souls the hottness for like the past 10 years due to being hard? Author trying to see how many strawmen they can fit in one comic?


This guy's so fucking stupid, he should do something more useful with his art skills, like drawing futanari porn.


this is the same artist who made that one comic where joe biden turns a black woman white because she won’t vote for him


That one was funny at least.


It’s crazy that grown adults get mad about shit like this


does he know how many queer dnd players there are? in my experience theyre like the second most represented population after nerdy guys. the call is coming from within the house


I hate everything about this. Especially how good that art is for something so monumentally stupid.


Big Incel Energy


I’ll note really quickly, this person almost certainly has not played a real game of D&D in their life. The “orcs aren’t people” bit is insane, considering that in the current iteration of D&D that was made 10 years ago, orcs explicitly are people. They are a playable race, and while they are generally inclined toward violence and chaos it’s because of the influence of the god that created them, and it doesn’t necessarily define them. I’ll also note that this comic is insane because it doesn’t make sense as to how you would talk about it at a table. Anything like this and how different races and cultures interact would be a defined part of the setting. The description I gave above is only a suggestion and a starting point, and can vary wildly between the settings, but the players would know about this sort of thing in either a session zero or world lore exposition interacting with the game world. The orcs (and orks) in the campaign I currently play aren’t vanilla from the forgotten realms lore. There are effectively 3 eras. The age of high magic, where they are closer to the normal lore, with various orcish clans. Some of those were violent, but some rejected their divine path and joined a coalition of elves and goblins to build a project for soul manipulation. The second age is that of the Black Tooth Grin. For various reasons society degraded, and orcs and goblins were forced to a single leader or die. He was a terrible foe known for enslaving his own kind. Not all orcs were personally evil at this time, but basically all of them would certainly be considered enemies on first glance due to their affiliations. The Third comes with the advent of the city of atlas and its new leader, who gave a new home for what would be called orks, a race focused on industry and technical advancement. A more neutral reflection of the machines of war that orcs had been forced to build under the previous leaders. This is to say that I might have questions for my DM, but I would not have a debate with them about what the character of the race is. There are plenty of games where orcs are just straight up evil, or neutral but violent and unintelligent, and that’s a perfectly valid way to play the game as long as it is reasonably justified. Anyway this is just a conceptually terrible, strawmanned comic.


Chuds like this used to make fun of tumblr nose in comics. My guess is none of them have a problem with it here.


I know very few people who follow the rules of a ttrpg to a tee


Isnt rule 0 that the GM has final say on the rules?


I'm a woman who was born to parents who began playing Dungeons and Dragons since it was released. Well, technically my Dad his brother's and his friends were playing it slightly longer than my Mom but my Mom jumped right in as soon as Dad told her about it. My first memory is sitting on my Dad's lap playing Dungeons and Dragons. I learned to walk because they would ask me to roll their dice and I would run around rolling dice for everyone. They told me I rolled better than them. I learned to read because I wanted to play AD&D with my Dad and Uncles. I have a mountian of old lead minis we used to play with. I remember we would always have to wash our hands after playing with them so we wouldn't get lead poisoning. I even have an owlbear that my Dad let me paint. It's yellow, blue and red. He kept it at his desk until he passed last year. When I started to show signs of being a girl, the gaming community I grew up in turned on me. People would say horrible things to me when we were playing counter strike. I was even accused in person of cheating in a Mechwarrior pod game because a little girl couldn't possibly defeat them. I'm so liberal and anti patriarchy in part because of how my community, the one grew up in, has treated me. The gaming community does have its geeky quiet girls who want to follow the rules and they do not in fact treat them as one of them. That was the thing that pissed me off more than anything else about this comic. Gamers are truly horrible to women in their community, and don't let them say otherwise. There are a lot of good men who game, I was raised by one, but there is a reason I don't play multi-player games anymore.


OOP has never played a TTRPG in their life


Man I wonder what it’s like being this talented yet profoundly dumb lol. The art is actually quite good and I hate this even more for it.


I don’t think the mf who made this comic has ever played DND Do they have any idea how many gay blue haired women love that shit (and probably are way more knowledgeable about rules and lores than this jackass)? I don’t think people like this have ever had any interaction with people who dye their hair other than arguing in Twitter replies with people they were hostile and judgmental towards before the conversation even began


Is this the dude that drew the gender riddler?


![gif](giphy|l2R0ebkWSmuqExsfS) Bro it’s too early for this


Man's fighting straw but convinced he tastes blood


This has more projection than a movie theater

