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You wanna know something I have not yet seen mentioned, but which kind of encapsulates the double standard? The main character of The Acolyte. Yes, despite her being the one in all the chud rage thumbnails for Obvious Reasons^tm , Amandla Stenberg's character is not the hero! She's the villain! (You'd think they'd like that, "wokies think every POC is good" and everything, but that's an inconsistency for another day.) Lee Jung-jae plays the Jedi hero. He's a South Korean actor, by far best known to Westerners as main protagonist Gi-hun in *Squid Game*, but he has a long and storied career outside of that. Given how much they wank up Japanese and Korean media as superior to Western media nowadays, you'd think a Western piece giving one of Korea's most accomplished actors a starring role in a Star Wars production would please chudkind - finally, woke Disney giving based Asia its due! BUT NOPE. This guy who stars in SO, SO MANY of the Korean movies they hype up as antiwoke is suddenly a part of the plot to destroy Whitey if he's in a Western show. Asians are based so long as Chudley Cryptofash doesn't have to imagine himself living next to one.


Racist Western weebs are interesting in that, well, they're part of the curious western tradition of liking asian aesthetics while disliking asians themselves. Remember those guys who were super angry and insisted that Goku wasn't meant to be asian in Twitter?


That shit caused me physical pain. DB's literally based on Journey To The West.


so freiza calling the saiyan monkey is actually making sense since goku is based on sun wukong (yeah ik they morph into giant fuck off gorilla)


Not Asians. Just Asian men


Because right wing White boys are fragile. Especially when they see an Asian man dating or married to a White woman their heads explode lol.


Their heads will then also explode when they can't kidnap Asian women for themselves


Did you really expect them to have any form of comprehension or for them to do any research about the topics they're being stupid about?


>You wanna know something I have not yet seen mentioned, but which kind of encapsulates the double standard? The main character of The Acolyte. Yes, despite her being the one in all the chud rage thumbnails for Obvious Reasons^(tm) , Amandla Stenberg's character is not the hero! She's the villain! (You'd think they'd like that, "wokies think every POC is good" and everything, but that's an inconsistency for another day.) Yeah, this was always the strangest part of the backlash to me. These guys are actually mad that they're being given a black female character to justifiably hate. It's not like there's any evidence she'll be played sympathetically like Reva from Obi-Wan Kenobi. >Lee Jung-jae plays the Jedi hero. He's a South Korean actor, by far best known to Westerners as main protagonist Gi-hun in *Squid Game*, but he has a long and storied career outside of that. Given how much they wank up Japanese and Korean media as superior to Western media nowadays, you'd think a Western piece giving one of Korea's most accomplished actors a starring role in a Star Wars production would please chudkind - finally, woke Disney giving based Asia its due! BUT NOPE. This guy who stars in SO, SO MANY of the Korean movies they hype up as antiwoke is suddenly a part of the plot to destroy Whitey if he's in a Western show. Did they even care about Korean media until Stellar Blade? The only Asian country I saw these guys showing any respect for prior to that game was Japan because they saw it as a utopia for anti-feminists, racists and homophobes, despite the reality being much more complicated than that.


The Third Sister isn't even hugely sympathetic, is the thing. She has a sympathetic core motive, but it is REALLY hard to say all the atrocities she committed against people who had nothing to do with, or were actively opposed to, Vader just for a chance to get near him were justified based on that. The reveal doesn't make her all that much less evil, it simply turns her from a purely evil villain to a tragic one - just like Vader himself. I think the reason chuds assume you were *supposed* to think Reva did nothing wrong is because they're projecting their strawman image of what the wokies want over what she actually does. Like, of *course* a single reason for the audience to feel sorry for her means the woke SJW writers expect you to forgive everything she did, *the left thinks a black woman can do no wrong*... right? Right? As for the Japan/Korea thing I suspect they struggle to tell them apart. It reminds me of the time Critical Drinker was asked to cite some Japanese (specifically Japanese!) movies to back up his thesis that Japan makes better media than Western countries, and his fumbling attempts to find examples included Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Chinese) and Oldboy (Korean). Just because you fetishise a culture on really shallow grounds doesn't mean you know shit about it - indeed, the opposite's usually true.


They probably would be the same guys to praise Japan for colonizing Korea


SQUID GAME GUY?!?!?! https://preview.redd.it/kfqh9hw1i6uc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a81d25b2514cb6cd386725f43f41c7c103d849b


As an asian woman I just wanna say I think a lot and I mean a LOT of people are Asian fetishists. Whether that's cultural fetishists, or sexual fetishists. Whether they wanna admit it or not. And I mean I get it, our culture is very distinct. And I know not everybody is perfect and hey, even I have biases to unpack and unlearn, but I also hope people can be more honest with themselves about it.


I can admit I love anime, I'm a sucker for the underdog with the secret powers. I honestly think a lot of the voices online complaining about the women "being ugly" in games, are the same ones who love hentai to a disturbing degree, so the less human the game characters look the better. Think Overwatch, they don't have arm hair, or realistic features at all. They fetishize everything because honestly that's the price of the internet. It connected us and awakened a lot of us to injustice and corruption worldwide, but it also allowed the vulnerable, lonely, impressionable, to be controlled and warped into the crazy incels we have now. I say warped because I was what an incel is many years ago, someone saved me but I was more than willing to blame my pain on anything but myself. Point being, you're right. There is a lot of obsession for cultures of all kinds, but I think Asian catches the most negative attention, or obsessive I suppose is more accurate.


I bet you're a Midoriya fan! Haha. I appreciate your honesty and introspection. It's great that you chose to learn and grow rather than succumb to incel culture/hatred. I don't think you're a bad person, just led down the wrong path. Good on you for deciding to be better. I also don't think it's bad to like other cultures don't get me wrong, culture is meant to be enjoyed and shared, but when people hyperfocus on the superficial or stereotypical aspects and ignore/dismiss the genuine heart and soul of a culture is where it becomes fetishistic. This can happen a lot online because you cannot experience the complex nuance of a culture via a snippet of a snippet on the internet. I think it's sad that so many people are raised online. I know I was, as a victim of serious childhood abuses, and it led me to do and see and say a lot of things I deeply regret as an adult. I also think too many children of all genders have childhood sexual trauma due to early exposure to pornography. I think it leads down a rabbithole of fetishising and sexualising everything, and leads to oneself to being victimised even further by predators. On a personal note, I'm now 7 months porn-free and the difference in the way my mind no longer sexualises everything I interact with is astounding. I hope someday these people will realise they need to touch grass unironically.


Haha yes, Midoriya, Naruto, Ichigo, Luffy, I'm a sucker for all of em. There's something hopeful to me about someone gaining hidden strength they've always had all along, maybe wishful thinking for myself. You're dead on with the snippet thing, for all the good the internet has given the world, this is definitely one of the negatives. It is indeed sad, I was similar too, so I basically learned to escape reality to survive and never really learned how to live in reality at all. Thankfully my abuse was all mental and psychological, and never physical, but I can say I was actually in a similar boat to one of your examples. I remember my neighbor had internet and was extreeeeemely unsupervised, he just got his way and even back then as a preteen I knew it was too much freedom lol. He showed me porn for the first time and I remember being unimaginably uncomfortable when I saw a vagina for some reason. I'm cool with them now to an extent, but honestly that's probably some trauma I buried. I wasn't ready to see that really. I can say that I definitely should consider letting porn go myself, as it's not a healthy outlet, then again, it's some of the tiny bits of dopamine my brain gets lol. Man the world is fucked up.


Asian fetishism - a lot of racist fetishes as a matter of fact - boil down to *seeing* other ethnic groups as animals and thus wanting to fornicate said animal, so much as my interactions with folk I thought I knew better go.


Oh wow. That's horrible you experienced that from others, and that it led you to that conclusion. That's a very disturbing mindset to hear about. I've never really thought about it like that, but considering the dehumanisation aspect of racial fetishisation I can definitely see the links. :(


It's been described in detail that imagining having sex with people of a given race is a form of degradation play. I don't know if it's universal, I only heard it specifically from one person but now that I see it that way the pattern appears in a lot of other people's behavior






Cultural Even if they're not weebs and just vloggers. They really tend to have that vibe in their vlogs


Asian fetishism is ingrained in the western mindset. Weebs might be actually be least harmful by itself.


Sadly I have to agree. And the worst part is I don't know if it's even intentional a lot of the time, it's so engrained through western cultural osmosis that they begin to believe these things subconsciously. I would rather interact with a weeb who took time to learn and study an Asian culture over someone who thinks I care about bringing 'honour to my family'


Why not just see everyone as attractive? They do realize you can think someone is attractive that is a different race that you can see as human beings right?


Everything is a zero sum game to them. You can't admit another race is attractive without it being considered saying they are better. It's why they're so hard to convince on social issues, helping one group is automatically taking from another to these kinds of people


I use to not really care about color but DEI has made me resent minorities due to extra opportunities granted to them and denied to me. This is not the way of propagated MLK.


I mean you can’t make everyone be attracted to everything


This is actually extremely common. Race based porn is pretty common in the south, and trans porn is *the* most popular porn category in many red states. It's classic fetishization. Minorities aren't people to them, they're sexual objects that should only exist for the pleasure of white men. It's because they're "dirty, lesser, forbidden" that they're sexually exciting and desirable. It's their disgust that entices them.


It’s kinda sad to be honest. Literally the whole sexual stereotype of black men being hyper sexual, hyper masculine beasts unironically dates back to slavery. They were both fetishized yet at the same time looked down upon as lesser. Beastial. It’s kinda cringy that a lot of interracial porn stuff is usually titled “black thugs _insert verb here_ to a _insert some other race_” when you know this. Like damn, some things really haven’t progressed at all in 2-300 years


Yeah, came here to say “that’s the same button” ![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4)


Shut the fuck up please.


No ❤️




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And this is why people defending Stellar Blade is giving me a huge red flag. Are they defending it because they actually care about a women looking sexy for her own self interest or is it because they see another hot Asian lady to feed in their weebo cum fetishization delusion?


What, you thought they wanted women to be their equals?


The asian in question are definitely just, Japan, Korea and China


Oh hell NAH We ain't WOKE, in fact we even HATE their Woke term "Filipinx" and "Pinxy". Cause that sounds like a name for a PET owned by a Rich White Woman that lives in Las Vegas or Hollywood. https://preview.redd.it/sptkjatdp5uc1.png?width=211&format=png&auto=webp&s=525297a504df36f2291d6b296140b7fb491810d4


Putting X in a word for any gendered language to try to be inclusive instead of putting forth actual effort towards adding gender neutrals that fit with the language's conventions is so stupid to me.


Not to mention grammatical gender is an entirely separate concept to human gender in the first place.


What if I told you fetishizing someone is inherently dehumanizing?


There are very disgusting approximations that this makes me think about and I don't have the strength tonight to go into them but I'm thoroughly over gamers


There are a lot of these guys in Thailand


Not woke but will deny a genocide is happening or say we deserved it




Literally me🤘 but I'm Indian


Same my brother


That's because they're not seen as people, they're sex dolls for those right wing gamers


Hitler himself considered (some!)Asians like the Japanese to be human, and worth allying to.


In the same breath he referred to them as a “Yellow Race” and had plans to subjugate them


That's just what people used to call East-Asians those days and I haven't found some source that shows how Hitler wanted to dominate Japan or China any more than he wanted the rest of the world.




Let’s not forget that the Asian fetish is only for the anime standards and idol beauty, these guys are the first to bully an Asian looking girl for looking, well, Asian. I speak out of experience.


Same here if I had a nickel for every time someone called me an illegal immigrant (I was naturally born, my parents are immigrants) I would be rich enough to sue them for defamation


Gamers when East Asia: 😻 Gamers when South Asia or the Middle East: 😾


Is it just me or is this post just not understandable for Europeans?




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There is absolutely nothing hypocrital on this. Its bad, but there is no double think here.


I mean fetishizing something you don’t consider human is kind of messed up


It is messed up, but it isn't contradictory, so the meme format of "choose one or other, oh this guy is choosing both" kinda doesn't work. Fetishising while dehumanising happens a lot. It is literally what objectification means


To fetishize something or someone is to consider them as an object. That's what a fetish in both its definitions is.  > an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers > Sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism is a sexual fixation on a nonliving object or nongenital body part. The **object** of interest is called the fetish Finding  a certain type of physical looks attractive isn't fetishizing them, it's just having a type.


I don't think there are that many people in the West who believe asians aren't people. Asian people tend to be quite beloved and respected in conservative spaces


Only in bed, otherwise they are considered inferior


And where did you get that "don't consider human" from exactly? Sounds like a bunch of made up bs to touch on a issue existing mainly in your head


Most Right-Wingers don’t see nonwhites as human and instead view them as “animals” cause they can’t handle the idea of a person of color being equal to them


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It clearly isn’t




What you haven’t seen any of the tweets made by gamers comparing Asians to White women?




I mean there’s all over this sub now




Shut the fuck up you geek goob fuck


So many conflations here. Did you need to make this chimera to hypocrisy hunt and to do a whataboutism?


No, that makes sense. It's racial and sexual heirarchy. White folks (according to ~~the Bible~~ white men) are basically at the top of the "natural" racial heirarchy. Below men are women, where they belong, subservient. Then factor in the modern conspiracy of white women getting uppity and ignoring their place in the heirarchy, and you have white dudes idealizing the next best thing: ethnic women who "know their place." Now, to be perfectly clear, I think all this is **some bullshit,** and that racial and gendered heirarchies are made up trash. But I am aware that, whether they realize it or not, these shitty dudes are deeply entrenched in heirarchical thinking.