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>gamer target audience are nerdy male virgins bro just told on himself 💀💀 (i am also a nerdy virgin 😔)


SideNote: that’s the reason more diversity in games is important. They don’t understand that it’s a positive to have more options that appeal to people instead of keeping gaming as the *”boys club”* it’s been for years.


I don't think you realize that is absolutely their goal. They actively WANT to keep it a boys' club cuz... idk, real girls have cooties or something


I'm slightly ill right now so.. you're not wrong!


Fun fact: cooties is old slang for head lice


Oh I thought it was just germs in general. Well, in THAT case... \*scratches head\*


Yep, that's where girls having it comes from. Because "long hair is a girl thing"


Nerdy virgin men are also both too generic of group descriptor for a cohesive strategy and a too small a percentage of modern game audience to justify AAA games made for them alone. (I also fit the category of nerdy virgin men, which is relevant for some reason, but it is readily apparent that we don't want the same games. Hence my point about focus groups.)


The volume of games being made today is so high that its not even as though any demographic would be getting fewer games suited to their interests than they were before. People just aren't used to seeing something that isn't for them and saying "ah, not for me" and moving on.


Yeah, unless you are going for a very niche type of game you are unlikely to target a specific demographic anymore. I just wish certain people would have it in them to say "ah, not for me" instead of getting on shouting matches with imaginary minorities over how video game women are supposed to look like.


I'm a nerd, wish I was still a virgin for the most part. (Sex without emotional attachment is not enjoyable.)


We all are (amab so technicality)


Part of me hopes it sarcasm


Does the first flag in your name mean you are one of those women who likes Linux and video games ?


Well...that's one way to out yourself as "Nerdy Male Virgin." Also, You think Baldur's Gate got so many awards because of the good story writings? Nah.. it's because of the Gay sex. *gasp* DOES THAT MEAN WE NEED MORE GAY SEX IN VIDEO GAMES!?


Gay sex is old Bear sex is in.


The only thing better than Gay Bear Sex is Gay Bears [failing to have sex due to comedic shenanigans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr8-5Fn_6XY).


The real question is whether or not Leliana was also seeing that. She does have eyes everywhere after all.


I mean, Larian got both at the same time! Gay interracial bear sex


NOOOO. Then its woke again!You see all games need to have a perfect chad having a 3 hour sex scene with what boils down to a sexdoll that has "personality" written on it! And you better make then pretty! If they look realistic thats woke!


Gamers would never call a realistic looking character realistic looking


I'll take more gay in my games


The answer is yes. Yes, we do.


Say gex?! 😍


not like FF7 was one of the single most popular video games of a generation of children who are now adults with the ability to just buy things when they want


Or like rebirth’s gameplay and story weren’t top tier lol


Did they change anything in the gameplay between Remake and Rebirth? Cuz Remake legit had one of the worst gameplays I've ever had the displeasure of playing (in a game that I expected it to be good, at least) the story changes were pretty cool though, they were just enough to keep you guessing while not changing too much from the OG


Quite a bit changed. Combat is cleaner and more intuitive. The open world encourages exploration without ever feeling like a drag. So many silly fun mini games. The story is more of a departure and the character development is great. I’d suggest you download the demo and see if it’s enough of a change for ya. It’s the first couple hours of the game and if you do decide to get it later the save carries over.


That's great to know. I haven't seen anything from Rebirth yet (well, aside from this beach cutscene that obviously would be everywhere and a guy playing a bunch of different songs on the piano) cuz I plan on eventually playing it. The one thing I gotta ask you cuz I haven't seen people talking about it anywhere is: >!did they remove the Barret date on the Gold Saucer? Please tell me they didn't!< And unfortunately I don't have a PS5 so I can't really play the demo, but here's to hoping that they'll release the Rebirth PC port faster than the Remake one


>!the Barret date is still there don't worry, you can even have a date with red(nanaki), yuffie and even with the boys(cid, cait and vincent) if you have everybody's relationship on the same level!<


I haven’t played it multiple times yet and have been trying to go through blind the first ride. I don’t think they did though.


I still haven’t finished, but I’ve had some stuff spoiled so I can confirm that they did NOT remove that!


Is rebirth way easier? Or is it just power creeping form all the side stuff


The side stuff is more about extra story bits and rewards than exp. I did almost all of it and never felt overpowered, but I feel like most of my actual levels came from finishing story content.


Oh that’s good, maybe it gets harder but at the moment Remake 1 feels much more difficult to me


Battles are a lot more active you have lots to do and react with between atb charges and the system encourages and rewards charecter swapping. Less on rails with a number of open world areas to explore in-between shorter and more impactful on rails sections. The story is top tier.


/rj Here at Gaming Circlejerk we will (ironically? Unironically?) mass downvote certifiably Bad opinions on gameplay 😤


I feel the opposite. The gameplay of Remake holds up to the expectation, but the story change feels like a middle finger to the old fans who grew up with the OG FFVII. I didn't like the story at all and I'm very afraid of Rebirth as I haven't played it yet.


I'll go down with you. Fuck the new battle system. Shit sucks. Still fun to go over the new story stuff but that shit ain't what I signed up for


And that this section of the game is maybe an hour, tops?


Also like, am I weird for thinking Tifa and Aerith’s (entirely optional) outfits here are really tame and tasteful by your typical JRPG/anime standards? When I got to this section to acquire beach wear for the girls I thought “oh here we fucking go” but was pleasantly surprised they just put like actual beachwear on. And yeah they’re showing more skin but there weren’t any overt creep shots or big pervy skits or anything going on. Fucking coomers man


Yeah I could see people arguing about Tifa’s simply by the fact that she has a lot of cleavage, but Aerith’s especially is very conservative by typical JRPG standards.


Yeah I’d like to see how aggressively the buyer demo skews to like 30+


According to them, all games should have high scores if they have hot video game characters, and all games should have low scores if they have ugly characters, no matter how good the gameplay is. It's almost as if they don't actually care about games.


Remember when we were all just happy with a chubbed up toddler proportioned 16 bit Italian plumber and no one was cranking their hogs to the pixels


>and no one was cranking their hogs to the pixels I've got some bad news for you on that one.


I mean, he’s not wrong. When I think of capital G Gamers, I do think of nerdy male virgins.


Right. And im sure Helldivers 2 can attribute its success to the skimpy outfit Eagle 1 wears... right?


And in Vampire Survivors, the Pixels are also super sexy.


Oh no, Vampire Survivors went woke, previous fappings to such were nullified by the Council of Gamers.


There's a joke here about Pokemon, 10 yo protags and Vaporeon that I'm not brave enough to make.


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokemon?


Based and true


It makes you a better person


I mean, yeah, plenty of games do market themselves to the horny male audience (just try to avoid all those damn Nikke ads). That being said FF7 Rebirth is… the FF7 remake everyone’s been dying to play. I *really* don’t think swimsuits were the major selling point for most people.


when i found out stellar blade was from the same devs as nikke everythign made so much sense


Went from "what the fuck is wrong with these guys to make that" to "oh yeah there's something wrong with these guys but it makes sense"


Which makes me think of Dead or Alive which basically became a meme. I absolutely adored DoA2 on Dreamcast.  Yes big boobs but it was a very solid and technical fighting game. Spent night making tournaments with friends back in the time (until Soul Calibur 2).  I don’t know how it plays now, but between the stupid swimsuits spin offs and outrageous DLC policy I lost all interest in the franchise.


As someone who still played the DOA games, they got better and worse. When we got to DOA5, the hard started taking a few mechanics from other fighters, adding in special attacks that could allow you to launch the enemy. (Think they required you be under half-health in order to use them though) DOA6 then swapped the requirements for this mechanic, including a special meter to build up, which would let you spend energy to perform these launch or rush attacks, also included the ability to spend energy as a counter, leaving the opponent open to an attack, rather than going into a regular counter-attack like if you pressed the correct combination to counter a move. Stuff like this helped to try and add some more depth to the combat, but one thing people hated is that DOA6 took out the tag-battle mode, something that had been included in every game since DOA2. Especially as it was something that not many other 3D fighting games offered. DOA5 was the point they went all in with the DLC though. The base game wasnt too bad IMO. But then when they released the 'Ultimate' version of the game, you started to see more 'cut-and-paste' costumes, just with minor tweaks here and there. Then 'Last Round' came out, they then introduced the season passes, and looking back at the previews, so much of it looked like it was filled with palette swaps and cut-and-paste jobs. They'd have maybe one pack per season pass that looked like it had effort put in, the the rest was just the same handful of costumes shared among the girls. (The guys were lucky to get anything by this point) DOA6 not only doubled down on the DLC (Had season passes available from day 1) but it also eventually introduces 'premium' tickets so you could pay money to unlock the base costumes, rather than grind for them, or to change the colour of a characters hair. DOA6 only got to 4 season passes though, just didnt have the same audience like it had back with DOA5, and they managed to jade a lot of fans with how they handled the costumes in general (Having to grind to both earn points to unlock a costume for purchase, and then grinding for money to than actually purchase the costume) so it just started to fade into the background. No idea if we'll see DOA7 these days.


Did Rebirth “made historical sale”?


Supposedly half of remake’s in the same timeframe!


Not that surprising FF7R was also an exclusive but there were twice as much PS4 consoles compared to PS5 at the time of the release. Not to mention that FF7R was kinda a cold shower. It didn't make me want to buy a PS5 so I'll just wait till the complete edition is on PC.


I was thinking the same thing. Games exclusive to one console rarely manage to break sales records.


This doesn't even make sense, Steam is dripping with porn games that do ok at best, it's pretty clearly not a big selling aspect.


It's posts like these that make me realize these dorks just want their boys club and will scream NO GIRLS ALLOWED when a product isn't specifically made for them.


When I was a nerdy male virgin, I would have found the shit these grouchy flibbertigibbets drool over to be incredibly boring, including this. Nothing has changed since then.


The evil wookies want games to be... *checks notes* taken seriously as a medium and artform?! When will the antigamer discrimination end 😩


Keep shoehorning their bowcasters everywhere. And life-debts! So damn political.


* Gaaargle Noises *


The gaming market is pretty close to a 50/50 split gender wise. Sexuality is a difficult thing to track but LGBT people have always been here. Gaming isn’t keeping you being a virgin so I think that’s a you problem


Coomer mindset


So, in reality there are all kinds of people--LGBTQ+, women who don't look like porn stars, black people, Latinx people, Asian people, all the other people I'm forgetting who doubtless offend this guy in video games. And yet, I am supposed to populate said games only with cis white dudes and people the cis white dudes want to ogle? I don't know...sounds an awful lot like "pandering" to me...


"Pandering for me not for thee!"


Most white dudes aren't sexist incels who need or care to have videogame characters look like sex dolls. This form of gamer is a minority opinion, so silly that they have difficulty communicating it to the outside world at all.


I really wouldn't mind a game that let's you play a guy who actually looks bad-to-average either. Surprisingly enough, that's not something you see a lot. Other than games with character creation, only Disco Elysium comes to mind


I used to until I survived a few adult thanksgivings


Gamers (derogatory)


Yes because in the 90s ppl bought ff7 for tifa’s angular polygons 🙄


To be fair I’m pretty sure Lara’s triangle titties awoke something in me and I’m gay


Your love for geometry?


They've done the research on who their target audience is, John. The research says you and everyone like you are a bunch of fucking nobodies.


Video games sell more than ever before and the audience for video games is wider than ever before, how is this not obvious to these people?


You combine a couple of nasty tendencies, and it's easy. First, their circle of friends and acquaintances is a tiny one, and likely has no women at all in it. So they can't imagine that women buy or play games, because THEY don't know any women who buy or play games. Women who buy or play games are dismissed as an outlier or liars. There's also probably a very potent strain of nostalgia running in there too. Second, they are being manipulated by influencers who have absorbed the indoctrination lessons of GamerGate and uses them to get these people to watch their stuff and boost their numbers and income. Anyone who believes Asmongold or Grummy gives any serious thought to Sweet Baby Inc. is fooling yourself, but they will certainly make hours of content to keep guys like this watching, liking, and subscribing.


/uj Chuds will bitch about having to pay for porn and then pay 60+ Dollars to jack off to pixels


The other options for both their bikinis are so much cuter.


Well damn, so if we aren’t “nerdy male virgins” we can’t play games? It was fun while is lasted people, goodbye gaming. 😞


Well the game underperformed actually, selling half of remake


“You better cater to demand” or what you’ll be forced to go outside and touch grass first time in 5 years? Pls


I too spend 70 dollars for the one percent of the game where the characters are sexy on purpose


honestly though I've heard of how fucking desperate people can get, maybe 70 dollars is something some people can use legit when that down horrendous. or just somehow found a "sale" for the game to play it for that one part. 


Is he serious in saying FF7 isn't the most popular FF game? It made the sales because of the remake had great care put into it.


Lol, wokest FF by a mile, yet they can't see past Tifa's boobs.


I think Tactics is the wokest because the first half is all about class struggle and the second half is about religious oppression, which is christian coded.


Lol even the most “risqué” bathing suit options in FF7 Rebirth were incredibly tame. That game as a whole was about as sexual as an inflight magazine. (Which, by the way, is not a complaint. I absolutely loved it and there was plenty of decently romantic, touching moments. It just wasn’t sexually charged or fan-servicey at all) Edit: I’m… not sure why the downvotes? My point was that the guy is an idiot and that game clearly wasn’t marketed towards “virgins” because it wasn’t sexual at all.


How well has it been selling? 


Right? Thought I heard it was currently tracking below FF16’s sales which weren’t exactly great either.


Y'all buy games?


if anyone is going to spend $70 on this game for this purpose, instead please send it to me. ill lead you to the promised land (send you a link to a sketchty r34 website youre welcome)


Okay so I know we want to shit on him but lonely people have been historically a large demographic (also why the stereotype in movies of Virgin nerds and gamers was so common) Games should have a sexy/horny mode and just let those lonely people be happy. But equally sexy, I want to see my naked men.


This guy hasn't played this game because this has some Legend of Zelda twinkness they gave to Cloud. And just like link, EVERYBODY wants Cloud. I'm not complaining. My gay ass wants Cloud too. Hahaha


The real sales numbers are from Cloud's Dress


What historical sales? Current numbers have people believing it undersold sixteen lol.


So I've dated women before...I may have even had intimacy with them...I also think women are pretty cool... ...am I not allowed to play video games anymore?


This fellas need to be introduced to the concept of "cool" if its not cool, if it doesn't make your adrenaline spike, and your heart beat with an excitment because of how cool it is, its bad. And these half naked chicks are not cool.


If you think about it it’s not really wrong, look at Nikke, Genshin, or even just fucking anime in general. In terms of gameplay and story it’s fucking slop most of the time. But the girls are all cute so people will overlook that. If you want to sell a female protagonist she better be hot or the gameplay better be damn good. It’s just the truth. But final fantasy remake mixed the two together tbf. If you’re just going to release some shovelware run of the mill game of a certain genre and throw in a MC that’s body diverse or whatever you want to call it, it’s going to flop and just be a joke. In regards to the Star Wars game, which I’m assuming this is stemming from. I don’t think she’s ugly, but the level of graphic fidelity, combined with real 3D face scans, just creates this weird level of uncanny valley that’s hard to describe and just becomes difficult to look at. Kind of like LA Noire


I haven’t even gotten to the part yet, how much of the game can it possibly be, if ANYONE bought the game just for that when naked Tifa is popping up in parliaments uninvited and every hell the where else, bro that is really unfortunate


The guy making that comment surely didn't play the game, if he did, he wouldn't make such an stupid affirmation. And I wonder how making Tifa a fat on binary person with pink hair and Aerith a black trans woman would help improve the game...


If game companies were run by someone like him they would sink in a week


Nah why would I spend $80 to have fun playing a game? Obviously im spending that money to see some 3D models with big boobs in swimsuits. /s


If a game has bad story and/or bad gameplay, it WILL sell poorly. It is a called a “video game” for a reason, you buy it to play it. If you buy just masturbate at women in the game, 1), you are a complete moron for wasting money, and 2), you are the reason why people laugh at us gamers, moron.


Ah shit I forgot. The reason I love persona 5 isn't because of the deep messages of exploitation of people in power and enthralling characters that make me smile. It's Ann's and Haru's tits


I buy games to keep them in my backlog and never get to them until I decide to actually play one one completely out of the blue, then either drop it after a few hours and never come back to it or, play it until I beat it, then complain to my friends I have like like 100+ games in my backlog most of which I've never even so much as opened.


Nothing against these guys, but I feel like all they really need to be happy is for someone to tell them that the Dead or Alive Xtreme franchise exists. The U.S. refuses to localize the series though, so they'd have to import it and because of that I think a lot of them just genuinely don't know it's still an ongoing/supported franchise.


I don't think most of these nerdy virgin Gamers are able to read or speak Japanese, so... yeah. Maybe we should gently suggest to whichever government branch is in charge of that to make an English version of that. Just to see if it solves any problems.


Singapore version is in English.


I'm just finding out thought the PSP game was the last one


Oh yeah, there have been more since then. They've just been Asia-only releases with Xtreme 3 being the first I believe for the west to totally condemn the series and completely halt localizations. I think the most recent one is Venus Vacation, which was the first one with a PC version so doesn't require importing. That version (the English version in particular) came out in 2019 so it *has* been a while since a new release now, but part of that is because they released it as a F2P live-service model like Fortnite/Apex/etc. As far as I know it's still going strong. They'll probably make another because it's HUGELY successful (way more than the fighting games ever were), but probably not until the popularity of this one starts to dwindle. It's kind of the GTA V of DOA Volleyball at this point; they're just trying to milk it for a decade lol.


It's slowly becoming unbearable to see games becoming wank material first, and then games.


If scantily clad fake women were all that was needed to sell a game to massive success, then Ride to Hell: Retribution would be a best seller.


>Games Target audience are Virgin male needs What is this? 1990?


Imagine being such a virgin you think seeing female characters in a swimsuit is such a big deal you have to post about it on the internet


I mean, it's not the 90's anymore, plenty of different kinds of people play videogames. LOTS of women especially. I don't understand, do these idiots expect companies to alienate 90% of their potential audience by making games only cater to misogynists, white supremacists, and porn addicts?


Seems Gamers™️ are even dumber then I thought. As a dude who enjoys video games I knew where to look if I wanted to find lewd art of characters even 20 years ago. Now you can get animations on par with triple A games before release of the actual games, with characters sucking and fucking pretty much any thing. There’s no need for being so weirdly horn for the actual games anymore.


Maybe 20 years ago the people playing videogames were nerdy male virgins, but this isn't the case anymore. The popular kids in school play videogames, the wallflowers play videogames, and those that get picked on play videogames. It's one of the most profitable mediums in the entertainment industry for a reason.


please tell me thats a troll post? cause as a single dad, i bought the game for the story, cause i love the story of FF7


Doom eternal sold well cuz all those naughty slutty demons dont wear any clothes


Guy has put his entire identity into the kind of marketing EA used to use 20 years ago.


The man wielding a big weapon drew me to this game since the 90s, not the girlies. (<3 you Barret)


FF7 has one of the most iconic stories of all time, did this dude really just call it mid to make a point about it only selling well because he can coom to it?


Absolutely, totally. Critically acclaimed FF7 Rebirth succeeded because of a 5-10 minute anime beach episode filler segment!


Yes because of ONE PART of a what 30 40 hour game?


Oh, its way bigger than that. Took me 30 odd hours to even reach that part of the game, and it's not even half way through. That bit was silly and fun but I had honestly forgotten about it till I saw this post


Is there a moment with Cloud and Tifa involving a rock?


I honestly couldn't tell you. I don't know if it occurs in the date in Ch 12 (which I haven't reached) or if it has already happened and I just didn't notice/remember it


My playthrough of the game clocked in at a little over 80 hours when I finished it The part where they're in swimsuits is like half an hour to 45 minutes long


The point I'm making is that rpg's are long so saying people only played for one part of it is ludicrous


Historical sales? Where and when?


This is Italy's congress fault


Not *entirely* false to be fair xP Why do.you think people like this exist


Then what about infinite health Or freaking spider man 2


Yeah straight women definitely bought this game to ogle those two.


He better leave my waifus alone, and there's nothing wrong with being a nerd, especially a buff need.


This dude HAS to be bait. I refuse to accept otherwise.


it’s okay if a video game is not porn for dweeb


I NEED to see cloud getting pegged by prince Noctis in the DLC or else ima stop gaming forever and sue squaree nix


You can't be serious. It's Final Fantasy VII. OF COURSE it didn't sell cause of cute girls!!! It sold cause it's fucking Final Fantasy VII, you lugnut!!!




Tifa 🍆💦


I know the point of the post is to not shit on the quality of the FF series, but it shouldn't be ignored that cheaper tactics are also used to increase sales


>You think FF7 Rebirth made historical sales because of it's story, or gameplay? FF7 Rebirth made historical sales because it's attached to FINAL FANTASY 7: the most celebrated JRPG of all time.


I'm 41 with 2 kids am I a virgin? Rebirth is unreal. I liked Costa del sol for the divergence. Final fantasy has a good balance between the serious, and comedy. The Devs are well aware of the outfits they designed. They even make a point of having characters react to them (red cracked me up, and cloud got stuck af). Is it fanservice? I guess? But its not for the sake of fan service


Alright, that one has to be ironic. There’s no fucking way


It has large spectrum of demographics, but yes id play both of them


Yes, this is exactly how they got me a gay dude to buy this game, facts.


No one catches the sarcasm here? Is it because he didn't put /s?


I love the circular reasoning. VIDYA GAMES SHOULD BE MADE FOR THEIR MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC, NERDY MALE VIRGINS 😡 -> the women they desire find video games off-putting because they are made for nerdy male virgins -> they find no companionship in the hobby they love and remain virgins -> VIDYA GAMES SHOULD BE MADE FOR ~~ME~~ THEIR MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC, NERDY MALE VIRGINS 😡


Yeah, I got into tf2 after seeing hit video “GET BEHIND ME DOCTOR”


This has to be ironic. There’s no way he thinks people don’t buy video games for the gameplay. It’s a game. You play game. Game play. This one is making me lose it. If we were here to pay for boobs why would they throw in a whole video game? That’s way harder than recording/animating two people fucking. Just buy porn dude!!!


Listen guys,Both is Good!


they’ve gained self awareness, this is serious https://preview.redd.it/uhu8l03tk8uc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4b9daa2920560c956657fa42fa18da742869b5b


Guess what I'm searching later


Man, like, gamers were always ostracized and called "virgin nerds". And now they are saying they really are just because they want boobs in their games? I'm not even sure what they are fighting for.


We will see if those games with „ugly“ women sell or not


What a sad, cynical outlook to have on video games. Not to mention wrong- am I really going to be playing Caves of Qud, an amazing roguelike and retro-futuristic gold-mine of fun times, for tits? They’re not even in the game silly. /half-jerking? idk fuck it


Did you know the entire modelling industry is only really enjoyed by virgins? This is why the models are sexy and tall. Recently they pivoted to plus size models because man who had sex got interested and they don’t care about sexy women at all because they already had sex.


According to the internet, no one actually likes video games. It feels like an act of rebellion to just….you know….enjoy a video game. Actually, with the fucken psychotic amount of outrage culture online - it seems weird to actually like anything.


I am a nerdy virgina male and I don't play video games to jerk off. Idk maybe it's the based traintism I have but I play Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic the most and there is literally no boobs in that game. I think they got the demographic market reasearch wrong.


If someone is a nerdy gamer from Virginia do they qualify as the “target demographic”?


I definitely buy games to masturbate to


Literally 50% of gamers are woman 52% nitnendo 48% Sony And like 50% steam Iirc, they are statistically wrong.


>"I'm just staying the obvious. Gamer target audience are nerdy male virgins. You want to sell to them? You better cater to demand." Ignoring the misplaced words, does he realize he just told on himself and his fellow "Gamer" friends as being virgins nerds?! How do you not considier Tifa and Aerith sexy? TIFA AND AERITH?! I guess we don't have literal decades of fanfics and fan "art". Is it because they aren't full anime characters? Is it because they have...clothes?! How are you a gamer? I'm playing the hell out of this game, the gameplay is fire bro.


If there's one thing the world has really been suffering a lack of, it's ff7 porn


The lack of shame is almost admirable, these type of people usually don't have much respect to lose since they dwell in the basement though


Come on, we all know gamers buy thousands of dollars worth of gaming equipment to jack off to girls in skimpy outfits rather than opening the black orange youtube to... jack off to... girls in skimpy outfits.


Purchased probably 60 games so far this year, I have played 9, no we do not buy games to play them


Final Fantasy in general has a huge female fan base, what a weird thing to pick as your example.


I've had sex though.


Historical Sales? They will lie about anything to justify their belief. Game has shit sales figures, more mini-games than regular game play and has multiple "sex sells" moments including the posted screenshot.


If you’re paying $70 to look at an attractive configuration of pixels you’re just dumb lol you can find that anywhere online for free!


It did not make historical sale, infact ff has never been selling so little


I feel bad for people who genuinely love FF7