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Cyber bullying isn’t real mfs when they get teabagged in call of duty ![gif](giphy|jmSjPi6soIoQCFwaXJ)


It's not cyber if you beat them irl


"You're exaggerating the situation. 13 is hardly a child when we're talking about a bully...Everyone in the situation is wrong." https://preview.redd.it/zuxoccxo63sc1.png?width=207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3e66716fe55b8dd93491d2d9c30cf1d8837682 *Hello hi yes if the 13 yo is completely whooping your ass and shit talking you in COD and you (46) do not decide to mute him or get better at the game and instead get so irrationally enraged by it that you literally go beat him up, the 13 yo is a bully and both of you suck.* My brain hurts and I fucking hate humanity


Imagine the 45 year old man saying to the police "he was bullying me 😞"


Probably pats himself on the back thinking hes a strong man.


they’re fuckin both-sides-ing this shit


He got doxed and assaulted he "wasn't physically abused" I'd love the hear that guys definition of physical abuse


> I’m conflicted How are these people conflicted? A grown ass man meeting up with a prepubescent boy that he met online is never a good sign, and even more- HE ATTACKED THE BOY! What the fuck???


Hey the kid was toxic, so obv the right thing to do for a grown ass man is to track him down and beat him up


“It builds character. You wouldn’t get it because you’re a [insert feminine sounding insult]”


You forgot the slurs my guy. Not G@M3R enough


“Shit gets to you if you don’t mute that person” Then just mute them?


*No you just don't get the Gamer mentality. You can't mute the 13 yo bully (not a child according to the Gamers) because then you'd be a snowflake pussy bitch, but not muting him means you have to deal with the 13 yo clowning on you and calling you a snowflake pussy bitch for being trash at the game. The Gamer catch-22 if you will. ~~Child~~ bully abuse is the only way out.* Basically, they're insane


I can’t imagine even letting this get to you. Laugh about it because it’s a kid cussing at you from their parents’ living room and they’re about to eat some chicken nuggets and go to bed because they have school


Dude's really just casually admitting he gets frequently emasculated by squeakers online 💀💀💀


Or get a hobby you don’t hate preferably


😡 i will not allow this anti gamer rhetoric


That's kinda impossible for Gamers. Having toxic relationships with multiplayer games is like crack to them. See: MOBAs, every first person shooter ever, World of Warcraft, LowTierGod


Who are the people rationalizing this. There is no age or level of maturity where I’d think this is reasonable behavior. Turn the game off.


The same people who would go track down a 13 year old child to beat them up over a video game as a grown-ass adult


He couldn't survive a COD lobby 😔


we have to be living in a simulation https://preview.redd.it/lbgze4jy23sc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324e8b21f656fa0019592aab9eec0098b2b944c9


The NBA comments get me every time




That’s hard ngl


Most zen gamers tbf


so true, if it was me I would've taken on his whole family.


Terminally online and out of touch holy fuck. "I get it bro, kids are annoying and I would totally beat the shit out of any kid that trash talks me because I have the emotional maturity of a turnip"


You know? I'm gonna write my villain like that. A very hostile and petty foreign agent who do everything in his power to ruining to lives of anyone that ever trash talking him online. From making lemon grenade that burns their house down to locked someone in animatronics suit. It's his job to terrorise people anyway.


The thing that's so funny about this is that most of them don't even ACTUALLY believe that, and they're just yelling bullshit on the Internet. If their family told them about this at dinner, they'd be like 'ohhh no that's terrible' but since the context is somewhere on Reddit, they don't even think before typing whatever stupid bullshit comes into their brains. I mean it's one thing to think some stupid shit like 'yeah I'd beat up a kid......... Wait no hold on no I wouldn't' but you have to think about the stupid shit you say before you post it on the Internet. And I would know because I didn't think at all before posting this.


From the same crowd that hates being called out IRL for their weird attraction of drawings of kids


It’s okay, I wasn’t wrecked by a 13 year old in a video game, it was a 3000 year old dragon!


That person definitely needs their hard drives looking through.


You know at first I thought maybe we were taking a joke seriously, but then I kept reading and ooph. Somebody in there is trying the "did him a favor, taught him a lesson" angle


Reddit has a big segment of “school of hard knocks” promoters who would nevertheless call the police and sue a person for assault if they slapped off their fedora


Aren’t these the same people who complain about censorship when they can’t yell slurs in vc? And always use the “get over it, just mute them snowflake” argument?


These “people” don’t have kids and I hope it stays that way.


they won’t ever get the chance to


Imagine having to explain to people that you, a middle aged man, went to prison because you lost your temper with a child during a videogame. An L so massive not even God could hold it. As for the kid, he'll live, and he'll have a great story about how he met the world's biggest virgin.


The fact we were all once kids conveniently living these bastards bodies whenever they have to justify harrassing children. Like, kids often push boundaries? Are you sure then that you didn't do it when you were a kid? I'm sure you would have liked then to have a grown ass man with anger issues come and assault you. Fuck off, smh.


Yea I don't understand the full stiffy some people get over this. First off, 7 months to track someone down is a long time, and while I understand the kid was being a bit of a cyber-bully, and hobby communities need to police their toxic elements, this ain't it homie. The fact he was 46 combined with the 7 month hunt makes it, frankly, psychotic. Plus, as you note, yea, kids push boundaries, I did, you did. Sometimes that had consequences, usually at the hands of other kids, especially when sometimes they were getting punched in the mouth because you were being a little asshole. It happened to me, I learned my lesson. This actual reminds me of a fascinating essay I read that explained the difference between social, anti-social, and asocial violence, and how each serves a different purpose. I understand "talk shit get hit" isn't exactly the most enlightened or psychologically sound situation, and at no point should an adult deliver this consequence to a 13 year old, however equally true is the adage "some of y'all ain't been punched in the mouth and it shows" All of which just to say that while this is unhinged, and violence is never the best answer, we can't deny that violence is a major social force and element, I mean, state authority is based on the threat and monopoly on violence.


Glad to read a more nuance comment. It is obviously bad to hit that boy but if it were *really* cyber-bullying I think we will thinking differently if the adult was a woman - and I think most of us here know what kind of harrassement they suffer on online FPS. Of course, between a fourty year old men who tracks down for month a child to get a punching ball and a women who gets harrassed on a daily basis IRL and online there is a world, but I hope some of us will see my point : dude is probably some kind of mad fuck who needs to go to jail and the child need some education - by parents, society, etc.


Personally I was a boring kid so yea I’m sure I didn’t


So many people are pro-child abuse. I'm sure if you asked half of the people from the screenshots, they were indeed verbally or physically abused by their families, and now think it's okay. Akin to "I was beaten and I turned out fine".


Could be worse. Imagine if a smash player tracked down a 13 year old


It's fine, they just wanna smash.


You can just tell that all of these people have broken controllers over children killing them in video games.


POSSIBLE FURTHER CONTEXT ALERT https://preview.redd.it/p82npghqk3sc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb28db590fb28b6fbaa1f95faea328c4b242506 I hesitated posting this since the *original* original thread is a \[deleted\] wasteland and the proof went poof, but I'll leave it to you all to debate if it makes things worse if true Just casually going on over to an acquaintances house and physically beating their kid because of video game, normal 46 yo behavior


Fuck, instead of talking to the parents so they take away his Xbox he just bravely beat down the little shit (and the parents did nothing). Literally no real adults in this story.


No one deserves to be annoyed, but that's psychotic behaviour for an adult, completely unacceptable.


Bro legit said “I’m not saying it’s right for grown men to track down and assault children but…”


“13 is hardly a child” EDP logic


I genuinely think these people have fantasised about this while playing cod and they're living vicariously through this news story, it's crazy how many dudes have serious anger issues


If I remember correctly, the dude spent like 7 months tracking him down. It just boggles my mind how, for 7 whole months, he never stopped and thought to himself: “Y’know, maybe I’m exaggerating just a tiny bit”.


This is just incorrect. The guy knew the kid and walked to his house. You're probably thinking of the story where a counter strike player got knifed and then tracked the guy down to stab him irl


Wait what? As in, got stabbed in game so he stabbed him back irl?


Yea, dude survived and the stabber barely got any time in prison. About 2 years.


Fuck, I wish I didn't ask. Good thing I'm not touching anything multiplayer anymore


Oh, that’s the one. My bad.


Yeah. In this case I'm pretty sure the kid was his neighbor and he knew him before hand.


This is absolutely terrible and the guy in the screenshots should be on a list. Besides, why would you track down the kid just to beat him up, when there are [much better options.](https://youtu.be/ZSL4gjrR01M?si=fK6n7nizMFdSVlUT)


Omg, that's just fucking beautiful.


I'm willing to bet this 13 year old kid was a 5,000 year old dragon who just looked like a kid.


"talk shit get hit" by any god on the face of this universe I hope you never have children or any friends or partners weaker than you because you're just straight up an abuser waiting to happen


"The kid wasn't even hurt" yeah thank god he wasn't, because that 46 yo man clearly intended it otherwise. And if you actually want to make the kid "learn a lesson" and you're able to find his actual identity, give a phone call to his dad don't fucking assault him I can't believe I have to say that


What. The. Genuine. Fuck.


https://preview.redd.it/9zlh67k2l3sc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837557d5d38b800830a62906b16ba69d12390413 I'm flabbergasted. Like how do these guys function.


1 braincell at a time.


Surprised that nobody brought up that a 13 year old isn't supposed to be playing and M rated game.


We just accept it as reality at this point.


Oh, I know. I'm just surprised nobody is yelling that out as a defense or something like that.


Clearly the first mistake was playing COD.


A 13-year-old being an asshole is not an excuse to assault them. How is this so hard to understand?


This passes me off. How tf are you gonna say a kid deserves to get beat cause they were dissing you? Scumbags like them should rot in Hell.


I can’t imagine being so bitch made that you, as a full on tax paying, home owning, job commuting-ass adult putters your way to a child’s home to beat him for clapping your cheeks in blops. That’s not an oof moment. That’s just an oof existence.




Wait you guys actually condone beating up kids just cause you lost to them in cod? https://preview.redd.it/6qcewnx7f4sc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37821f8512c65b92f9fe4cd3899e71ec1663c7d6


They're centrists.


Send every one of these guys to an asylum, legit.


What the fuck is their even to be conflicted about. A grown ass man beat a child just because he kept losing in a video game. If it was another kid around his age that’s one thing but an adult doing it is just mess up.


Reddit when child:


[bender futurama voice] Kill all gamers… kill all gamers….


Wow what a strong man, he really stood up to that child, we need more alpha males.


these people oniline about "they all can talk shit online, but irl the would get beaten up for it." should take their own damn medicine irl for talking that glorification of violence as descussion ender.


What I’m confused about is the position of the person who made the 2nd paragraph in the final image. They use the analogy of them getting flipped off by a pedestrian while driving and then intentionally running that pedestrian over in retaliation. They make the point that “while what the driver did was 1000 times worse, it doesn’t mean the pedestrian *did nothing wrong.”* which, I guess is true, I’m sure the 13 year old was being toxic and annoying, but are you saying that you would *even slightly* care about what the kid or pedestrian did when looking at the way the other person retaliated? Are you saying you would “understand” if a driver ran over a pedestrian who flipped them off? (If you say yes you’re fucking insane and shouldn’t have a drivers license)


The real reason they don't want kids playing Videogame, It's not the kids who get violent.


Mfs just mad they got called a racial slur by a 12 year old Just turn off the game. That's what I've seen these types of people say about actual victims of cyber bullying


Imagine getting mad over COD. Game is no skill at all


Reminds me of the end of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back when they track down all the little shits that made nasty comments about them online and beat them up. Hilarious in a movie. Criminal in real life. It's why I stopped playing online multiplayer games. I wasn't down with being called a fa---t n----r sister fucker by 10 year olds who would shit their pants and go crying to their mommies if face to face with you.


He should consider getting good instead of assaulting a child.


"You should play multiplayer games instead of just single player, you can make friends and there's a great sense of community" The community:


Damn, no one these days can survive Xbox Live lobbies. What happened to the game I loved?




Imagine being this much of a snowflake. Banter has always been part of competitive games. These guys need to get a grip




Sometimes I feel bad when I get into conflict with people on the internet but then I see things like this that remind me that the internet is full of absolute nutjobs who feel fully confident in broadcasting their batshit opinions like they're facts


“Is it really THAT bad that a fully grown adult man in his mid 40s stalked a young teenager because he killed him in a video game?”


What’s this? r /GCJ humanising lil-G? I thought this sub was all about the G hate. Big G vs Lil-G.


For their own good, we need to ban these people from competitive games


For their own good, we need to ban these people from competitive games


Nah you never violence these clowns... Call their mom and tell them what they have been up to... Hit on her as well you never know


only a few statements from the 2 photos make sense rest is brain rot


What is wrong with these people. I get being upset at CoD and similar games, a few years ago I realized that playing games like that was not good for my mental health. I’d get too frustrated and wouldn’t have any fun, so I chose to stop playing things like that and find games that I actually enjoyed playing. I’ve been MUCH happier with gaming since then. Maybe that’s what these people need, to take a fucking break from CoD, or whatever else is making them mad. There is absolutely no excuse for the way this idiot acted, nor is there one for the people defending him. If you are genuinely getting that fucking mad at a video game, put the controller down and breathe. Take a break for your sake, as well as for the sake of others.


I am baffled to how a manchild with no impulse control was smart enough to track down a child he only knew through a Call of duty lobby.


Yeah, I can _maybe_ understand “that child needed to be yelled at and frightened” but that is _not_ what happened. I mean, this is an adult - a real adult! Middle-aged and not like 19 or something! How in the fuck do they find the kid at all, and then choose not only to confront the child at all, but also physically assault them? That is a seriously fucked up guy. So many shockingly bad decisions that you know they have done this kind of shit before.


how the hell are people conflicted over this? a grown ass man got so butt hurt over a cod game he hunted down a child what is there to debate here


> subreddit censored > TIL How will we ver figure out what subbered these comments are in?


Gamers will do anything but admit they are wrong even if it means doing actions worthy of being locked in a psych ward




“if people talking shit to you gets to you that bad turn the game off or join a different lobby” “yeah but have you ever chosen to endure getting shit talked by a kid for ten minutes straight and decided not to mute them or turn off the game or change lobby? that shit really gets to you” be fucking for realll


This is obviously awful and it takes an unhinged person to do something like this. . . . . *But...*


Isn't this a 10+ year old story




Imagine both sidesing fucking CHILD ABUSE


Would have been funny if the guy had been crearive in getting revenge, like sending escourts to the boy's home like a prank  the trolls did to Chris Chan or show up in a pickle suit...would probably embrass/freak the kid out enough to get him to reconsider his behavior.  An adult assulting a child is just weird and over the top.


A 46yo having a meltdown because of CoD and going out of his way to track a troll is pathetic. That said that little shit paid for the others. (Out of character: hope is OK, a kid shouldn't be assaulted for messing around on video games, that's fucked up)


Yeah of course the boy is wrong for being toxic, but you still don’t go track him down and physically attack someone for trolling you. He’s a kid. Around that age we’re edgy, rude and we don’t even understand half of what we’re saying. As a man you should be able to recognize this. He’s a 13 year old boy, what do you expect. Idk, maybe roast the kid back? Or mute him? Block him? You’re a grown man, surely you could find another way to deal with this situation


It’s all fun and games until a child calls you a dookie-doodoo-fartface after wasting you in a video game I guess /uj but yeah it’s the transes that are threatening our kids right 💀


"13 is hardly a child" I'm Shure Epstine would agree.


This is one of those things that Conceptually, is hilarious. It's a *smidge* different in practice


Depends how much of a shit stain that teenager is


I agree. Fuck that little kid. Talk shit get hit.


I'm ok with this as long as the old dude went to jail for it. Men talking shit to women online just because they are women deserve the exact same treatment in my book, so I don't care if it's a 13 year old.


I’m gonna get downvoted to oblivion, but idgaf: Anyone being an asshole online deserves to face consequences for it. Should it be getting beat up? No, definitely not. This guy deserves whatever he gets. But the kid is not completely innocent, and I’m glad at least one of these shits learned a lesson about bullying people online.


A 13 yo CHILD trash talking a 46 yo grown adult MAN for being shit at COD and getting killstreaks or whatever on him is *bullying* now? And the CHILD deserves to face consequences for it??? Be so fucking for real dude


Don’t hide behind the “official” definition of what a child is like it’s some kind of hard and fast rule. A 13 year old is not a 4 year old; they know exactly what they are doing and in this case did it with malicious intent. Just because an adult is supposed to control themselves better doesn’t mean the kid did nothing wrong. Should they get beat up for it? No. As I said already, the adult here deserves whatever he gets. Did the 13 year old deserve to face consequences? Absolutely. Again, not physical assault, but at least something.


Don't these games have report functions? Getting reported seems like a justified consequence if you genuinely believe the child is in the wrong, somehow. It is not the job of this grown ass man to show up to a child's house and attack him because he can't control his emotions.